2016-09-21 02:59:01
>> #126663
Definitely looks cuter before...
2016-09-21 02:42:26
>> #126662
skullman2033 said:
for the first time ever, the sub actually looks better BEFORE being enslaved or transformed

Glad I'm not the only one who thought that.
2016-09-20 14:38:18
>> #126540
for the first time ever, the sub actually looks better BEFORE being enslaved or transformed
2016-09-20 08:30:43
>> #126493
Oh Hi, Sabrith. Yeeeah! Always sexy.
2018-03-17 07:15:01
>> #240463
I dunno about sources and stuff, this is just a good manip I keep finding myself coming back to. It's a shame the comments turned intoan argument...
2016-10-08 21:04:23
>> #130667
You don't have to, but it is good etiquette. Both to original artists for their work, and to veiwers to find things. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't think people are asking on a "shame on you, you tripped up" kind of way. But rather they are just interested in the source, and if you had it but forgot to include it makes things easier.

But don't let that stop you from uploading stuff. Especially when you have the artist tag we can search ourselves and ask here in the comments if we get stuck.
2016-10-08 19:54:53
>> #130655
greasyi said:
This entire conversation could have been avoided by just explaining that you don't have the sources, don't have the original images, sorry, and you'll try to keep better track from now on. (and if you do still have the source images, shame on you - you could be reverse image searching right now to find those pictures instantly, when I got stumped after 20 minutes.) Instead you implied that you could easily provide source links but just didn't want to, and spent way more time arguing the point than would be required to provide 3 sources.

I've been manipping for more than a decade and most of that time was on stuff I never uploaded because I didn't think it was worth sharing. Once something is worth sharing, it's worth sharing properly, because it's the nice thing to do. And no, since you probably care to know, being a nice person is not required by the site rules.

You can be passive-aggressive all you want about taking your ball and going home, because the bottom line is that it's down to you to give a shit about your own improvised internet porn, and if you don't, then I don't know why you'd waste your time uploading it. Nobody's perfect - <<|I've been fucked over by not keeping sources around too.>> The point is to try, and not to get all huffy when someone dares suggest you ever hold a door open for someone else.

The point is that I don't believe that I should have to provide the source images. This isn't a scholarly article review, it's internet porn. I post some of my things on here because I enjoy that people seem to like them, something that has pretty rapidly become less and less the case since people have begun to 'tsk tsk, be sure to provide image sources!' the images that I post. Is it a nice thing to do for people? Sure. It is going the extra mile. But being verbally looked down upon by people for not going that EXTRA mile is annoying, especially when it becomes a trend.

Make no mistake, that was not passive aggression, it was active aggression. If my conduct violates the site's rules, OR if my chosen stance is providing extreme offense to a plurality of users, I will remove the offensive materials. It is meant to show my active contempt for people who believe that I owe them things.
2016-10-02 05:48:35
>> #129165
This entire conversation could have been avoided by just explaining that you don't have the sources, don't have the original images, sorry, and you'll try to keep better track from now on. (and if you do still have the source images, shame on you - you could be reverse image searching right now to find those pictures instantly, when I got stumped after 20 minutes.) Instead you implied that you could easily provide source links but just didn't want to, and spent way more time arguing the point than would be required to provide 3 sources.

I've been manipping for more than a decade and most of that time was on stuff I never uploaded because I didn't think it was worth sharing. Once something is worth sharing, it's worth sharing properly, because it's the nice thing to do. And no, since you probably care to know, being a nice person is not required by the site rules.

You can be passive-aggressive all you want about taking your ball and going home, because the bottom line is that it's down to you to give a shit about your own improvised internet porn, and if you don't, then I don't know why you'd waste your time uploading it. Nobody's perfect - <<|I've been fucked over by not keeping sources around too.>> The point is to try, and not to get all huffy when someone dares suggest you ever hold a door open for someone else.
2016-09-25 06:46:05
>> #127485
I've been manipping for the better part of a decade. It has only been in the past few months that I've had people bug me about sourcing my images.

It's improvised internet porn made for no recognition (I hide behind a S/N for a reason), no profit, and shared on a site populated by niche fetishists. I've tagged the artist. I picked the images up weeks ago, and only recently decided to manip them. I didn't keep track of where I found them. I am not willing to hunt down the exact source of every image I manip when I post it.

If I am violating this site's rules, or providing extreme offense, please let me know and I will remove my work from the site and stop posting things here.
2018-04-26 08:16:35
>> #248390
If I were to write something like this, I'd have it with something like "now, both of you use your sexy technique, because from now on it will be your only form".
2017-11-18 04:12:44
>> #212131
what happened to the second part by the way
2016-09-20 09:09:22
>> #126501
Still don't know the ending exactly (only watch the anime here though hopefully will be ending soon) I already know this would have been a better ending.

Also *insert Squidward Meme* Oh No She's Hot *giggles and drools*
2016-09-20 06:03:53
>> #126445
hypnoshadow said:
thats not whitewash eyes that the byakugan it would not be whitewash any way its closer to blank eyes

True. The Byakugan is naturally white. I'm correcting the tags again, if you excuse me
2016-09-20 04:42:04
>> #126435
thats not whitewash eyes that the byakugan it would not be whitewash any way its closer to blank eyes
2019-02-01 13:30:56
>> #302165
This shit is fucking amazing
God the way her fingers move...
I'm in love~
2017-01-13 12:29:19
>> #150136
Pinkanator said:

2016-09-22 18:18:42
>> #126945
Ashurath said:

2016-09-22 14:23:11
>> #126928
skullman2033 said:
nastasia should be a fucking femdom gold mine and you guys know it

But, skullman... that requires for people to have played Super Paper Mario. :P
2016-09-21 09:25:56
>> #126709
Was not expecting a gif, was a pleasant surprise.
2016-09-23 20:01:18
>> #127125
Ami-Mercury said:
Shouldn't Jaune be the one hypnotized? Pretty sure he would still be oblivious to Pyrrha wanting to be with him even if she was naked, was laying on the bed with her legs spread, with landing lights leading to her pussy, and Nora directing him to her cunt...even THEN Jaune would not realize it. Shouldn't Pyrrha be the one hypnotizing Jaune.

Well we don't see his eyes, do we? Imagination's a fun thing. You could argue that someone snared them both to "ease the tension". Nora's an instant candidate for perpetrator I think.
2016-09-22 02:30:28
>> #126831
crazyman said:
doesnt say anything about being salty ;)

I mean, I am salty. So its good to see thats not a rule :3
2016-09-21 07:29:01
>> #126701
SilverAlt said:
I know someone who made a MMD model of that, but I dunno how the model creator'll react if she hears that it was shown on sites like this.

eh there are also handdrawn versions.
2016-09-21 04:09:58
>> #126669
WOPR said:
<<| General Site Rules: Behavior: Be courteous and respectful to other members on the site. Opinions are welcome, but flaming, trolling, intolerant comments, or personal attacks on members will result in a warning or ban. You must be at least 18 to view this site, but we will assume you are underage and act accordingly if you act like a child. Please remember that this is a community, not a personal playground.>>

doesnt say anything about being salty ;)
2016-09-21 04:03:38
>> #126668
SirMarioGold said:
This hypno enough for you? Or will it be taken down again, because some people are not imaginative enough?

<<| General Site Rules: Behavior: Be courteous and respectful to other members on the site. Opinions are welcome, but flaming, trolling, intolerant comments, or personal attacks on members will result in a warning or ban. You must be at least 18 to view this site, but we will assume you are underage and act accordingly if you act like a child. Please remember that this is a community, not a personal playground.>>
2016-12-17 19:40:51
>> #144794
The_scrublord said:
Can I get that like, twenty-four times over?

"that like" "that like" "that like" "that like"
"that like" "that like" "that like" "that like"
"that like" "that like" "that like" "that like"
"that like" "that like" "that like" "that like"
"that like" "that like" "that like" "that like"
"that like" "that like" "that like" "that like"

Anything else?
2016-09-20 06:11:26
>> #126448
Can I get that like, twenty-four times over?
2016-09-19 23:02:40
>> #126349
Pastel-Daemon said:
You bring that back 8<

*Run away!*
2016-09-19 22:59:19
>> #126347
StepfordCrimson said:
"For science"

You monster.

... I'll see myself out. *takes the suit with me*

You bring that back 8<
2016-09-19 22:56:13
>> #126346
Pastel-Daemon said:
Happy to nominate myself as a test subject. For science, of course.

"For science"

You monster.

... I'll see myself out. *takes the suit with me*
2016-09-19 22:52:16
>> #126344
Massive pussy lips in latex i want to rub my face on~
Me likey~
2016-09-20 07:11:21
>> #126473
That would be super fun but then could never have cock inside me again...
2016-09-20 04:11:45
>> #126431
I apologize for my previous ramble, just held it in to long that's all.
2016-09-20 03:38:10
>> #126425
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
thanks as always for sharing em with us bud)!

Np. ;3
2016-09-20 03:26:40
>> #126423
MindMasher said:
Sorry I'm not into mouse oral sex.

And that's all ya had to say, jeez. Learn to just enjoy what u like and let others enjoy what they like here. I'm not a fan of this post, but I don't mind it at all. If anything, I always love having Roxa share whatever pics he gets commisioned (and yeah, thanks as always for sharing em with us bud)!
2016-09-20 02:29:23
>> #126415
MindMasher said:
lots of things that have nothing to do with what I said

lol ?
2016-09-20 02:00:53
>> #126403
Pinkanator said:
Foff finally gets his Domino. GG

And so an era comes to an end
2016-09-19 19:04:54
>> #126305
Great job I like it :) Thank you :)
2016-09-19 19:02:51
>> #126304
Well, nice to be introduced to this artist, this is a really nice style.
2016-09-19 18:57:03
>> #126303
Foff finally gets his Domino. GG
2016-09-19 18:55:55
>> #126302
Request for this comes from foffyoul5.
I hope I've done it well.
2016-09-19 18:42:25
>> #126299
I've actively been in this position. Hurts like fuck, but the release is sooooo gooooddd

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