2016-09-04 13:45:38
>> #123667
AC said:
Maybe it's just perspective but for some reason to me her right boob looks way smaller than her left boob.

Nope, not just you. Perspective rules would have it about 5% larger than it actually is. Also, it's actually her right boob (the one closer to us) that's larger, and her left boob (the one she's beginning to remove the bra from) that's smaller.
2016-09-04 10:50:10
>> #123652
Maybe it's just perspective but for some reason to me her right boob looks way smaller than her left boob.
2016-09-04 04:05:07
>> #123598
crazyman said:
we need to test this theory, dm me things about you and then we can see how much of me is in you

Tomorrow, gotta sleep DX
2016-09-04 03:53:47
>> #123596
Pinkanator said:
I'm going to use this as an excuse to why my skin itches so much.

we need to test this theory, dm me things about you and then we can see how much of me is in you
2016-09-04 03:46:06
>> #123594
I'm going to use this as an excuse to why my skin itches so much.
2016-09-03 09:45:19
>> #123456 that's me as a hedgehog so can i please join the harem tails?
2017-01-18 10:31:53
>> #151155
Does anyone else know? I could only make out the first balloon?
2016-09-03 16:09:57
>> #123475
SomaX said:
This is about as meta as it gets.

What are they saying then o.o
2016-09-03 10:54:06
>> #123461
This is about as meta as it gets.
2016-09-03 09:07:59
>> #123452 your series if anyone was curious
2016-09-30 14:54:01
>> #128714
Could I please have some help on the translation?
2016-09-03 07:28:05
>> #123436
The rest of this should be hypnosis too, if you want to post it.
2021-11-10 13:07:36
>> #445019
I remember this series of anime :3 practically every episode has some mind control from what I was seeing. The villain always trying to watch her strip (or more) but ends up ruining his own plans fairly often
2021-11-10 12:58:41
>> #445017
So hot, I’d fuck her on the spot and just start making out with her
2017-04-13 01:51:28
>> #167921
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
2017-04-13 01:50:32
>> #167920
KarmaX said:
oh.. oh my...

this. this image just.. ohhh...

oh wow.

I'm just gonna.. go to bed for a bit. AND DO NOTHING ELSE. *lies*

Yeah, uh... me too.
2017-04-13 01:50:02
>> #167919
I think I might die. This is just too perfect.
2016-09-04 08:32:33
>> #123637
JCavalier said:
I do plan to make this into a series. It'll take some time though, since I have other things to work on and also need more creative inspiration for this one lol.

Inspiration? Like what?
2016-09-04 01:55:07
>> #123557
JCavalier said:
Toon Zelda is really my personal preference. Looks too young for me.

That would also start overcrowding things for me.


Foiled again.
2016-09-04 01:52:21
>> #123556
Pinkanator said:
You better use Toon Zelda...

Toon Zelda is really my personal preference. Looks too young for me.

That would also start overcrowding things for me.
2016-09-04 01:19:25
>> #123549
JCavalier said:
I do plan to make this into a series. It'll take some time though, since I have other things to work on and also need more creative inspiration for this one lol.

You better use Toon Zelda...
2016-09-04 01:16:55
>> #123548
ghost13 said:
There had better be more where this came from.

I do plan to make this into a series. It'll take some time though, since I have other things to work on and also need more creative inspiration for this one lol.
Date Sep 3, 2016User RileyRating QuestionableScore 121(vote up)
2018-12-26 16:53:40
>> #296134
Do you see how this boy in glass looking? I think, he like this.
2017-05-08 17:10:58
>> #173605
filflat said:
i want someone to do that to me, this pic has so many fantasies of mine it's crazy

But wouldn't your outfit have more electrodes and wiring?
2016-09-04 18:12:57
>> #123704
Cute ^__^ Nice expressions too.
2016-09-03 07:48:50
>> #123441
Aww. Cute.

I wish this would happen more.

I almost feel like I wish I could ask this guy's mistress if I can have a hug from him. :3 Or better yet, just let us both head back to the locker room, get hypnotized together and get lost in a trance, some hugging, petting and.. whatever else happens to occur. ehe
2016-09-03 07:08:15
>> #123427
I love the guy on the far left

You can't tell if he's having a giggle or if he's looking to hit on pink guy over here
2019-02-06 05:22:06
>> #303021
Pinkanator said:
Prefer kitty, myself but if anyone's offering XP

here kitty kitty
2016-09-10 04:31:18
>> #124726
KarmaX said:
Only if I get to be mindless, too. ^ ^
We could both just be reduced to a dazed stupor, made to instinctively grab, hug and hump each other without any awareness or understanding of what we're doing. Sounds like fun. ^_^

Sign ... sign me up for that, too ...
2016-09-04 12:31:44
>> #123661
KarmaX said:
Only if I get to be mindless, too. ^ ^
We could both just be reduced to a dazed stupor, made to instinctively grab, hug and hump each other without any awareness or understanding of what we're doing. Sounds like fun. ^_^

pokemongirl said:
That would be very lovely *drools*

now THIS needs to be a hypnohub comic :D
2016-09-04 07:10:41
>> #123625
I want some puppies
2016-09-03 22:09:11
>> #123523
KarmaX said:
Only if I get to be mindless, too. ^ ^
We could both just be reduced to a dazed stupor, made to instinctively grab, hug and hump each other without any awareness or understanding of what we're doing. Sounds like fun. ^_^

That would be very lovely *drools*
2020-03-02 06:14:04
>> #358202
Sleepyhead97 said:

yeah, frankly, not into sissies much, but luckypenny certainly would bemy exception
2016-09-03 07:37:25
>> #123437
mariosonicfan said:
So does Luckypenny have liek a site or something where all thier art is or a profile on a site? Or are they like sleepymaid and P.chronos where you have to go on an epic quest through the internet world of porn and just hope to find whatever you can?

They have an FA, which has the guds. Check tho source on bunny selfie.
2016-09-03 07:27:34
>> #123434
So does Luckypenny have liek a site or something where all thier art is or a profile on a site? Or are they like sleepymaid and P.chronos where you have to go on an epic quest through the internet world of porn and just hope to find whatever you can?
2016-09-03 05:41:04
>> #123402
Pinkanator said:

Never have I wanted to live in someone's art than theirs.


2016-09-03 05:38:48
>> #123399
God fuckin damn I love Luckypenny.

Never have I wanted to live in someone's art than theirs.

Anyone gonna add the source story in the comments?
2016-09-03 21:57:29
>> #123519
TheSpoon said:
I keep seeing this show up in the feed of the youtube account I use for hypno stuff

Much thanks.

KarmaX said:
Same here! This scene was one of the BEST. I want more anime to do more like this. Way more.

2016-09-03 07:16:09
>> #123431
NinjaW said:
I shall never tired of this scene. Ever.

Same here! This scene was one of the BEST. I want more anime to do more like this. Way more.
2016-09-03 06:55:53
>> #123425
I keep seeing this show up in the feed of the youtube account I use for hypno stuff

pokemongirl said:
Where? How? Why? When?!!!!

Guess I'm asking is where can I find this scene XD
2016-09-03 05:32:17
>> #123398
NinjaW said:
I shall never tired of this scene. Ever.

Where? How? Why? When?!!!!

Guess I'm asking is where can I find this scene XD

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