2016-09-09 05:24:01
>> #124547
Hm I see! You could add a wake up animation and boom, loop :P
2016-09-09 02:40:37
>> #124523
KrackoDude said:
Oh yea!! Another MMDer! I love the effects. Nice work!!

Nice to meet you too comrade ~

Siegfried013 said:
So do you know where to get the uncensored model?

A good magicien doesn't reveal his trick :p

Evilunicorn said:
Freaking amazing. The eyes, the mouth, the blushing, the entire face is perfect... I'd make her breasts smaller and I'd like to see her go to sleep, otherwise, PERFECT

For the breasts, it's just an illusion (by bending her body backward). They ARE smaller.
I wanted to make her sleep after that but... it wouldn't be a loop :/
2016-09-08 20:52:23
>> #124473
Freaking amazing. The eyes, the mouth, the blushing, the entire face is perfect... I'd make her breasts smaller and I'd like to see her go to sleep, otherwise, PERFECT
2016-09-08 19:58:31
>> #124468
HypnoMMD said:
Well, the bowlroll one was censored anyway ;)

So do you know where to get the uncensored model?
2016-09-08 14:38:49
>> #124449
KrackoDude said:
It seems this model has been taken down on bowlroll :/

Well, the bowlroll one was censored anyway ;)

2017-04-11 06:26:37
>> #167602
SkrontheSecond said:
Basically, it's kinda like an office sitcom cartoon-thing. Episodes are around eight minutes in length, so there isn't much of a plot. Rosa's just one of the main characters. She kinda reminds me of Roz Doyle in a way.

I checked it out. It's kind of weird... oh well, this pic makes it all better knowing the character. Mega thumbs-up to you!
2016-09-06 04:17:55
>> #123993
SkrontheSecond said:
I'd call it pretty average. I get a kick out of it, but I have admittedly low standards. I assume it was made for the internet, because it looks like something that was, but I don't really know.

Coolios much thanks for your info : )
2016-09-06 00:30:43
>> #123964
pokemongirl said:
Huh interesting. Any good? Made specifically for the internet or is it from some other country?

I'd call it pretty average. I get a kick out of it, but I have admittedly low standards. I assume it was made for the internet, because it looks like something that was, but I don't really know.
2016-09-05 21:46:00
>> #123952
SkrontheSecond said:
Basically, it's kinda like an office sitcom cartoon-thing. Episodes are around eight minutes in length, so there isn't much of a plot. Rosa's just one of the main characters. She kinda reminds me of Roz Doyle in a way.

Huh interesting. Any good? Made specifically for the internet or is it from some other country?
2016-09-05 09:10:41
>> #123869
pokemongirl said:
Nope new to me too! What's it about who is this Green Fox?

Also yay GX! XD

Basically, it's kinda like an office sitcom cartoon-thing. Episodes are around eight minutes in length, so there isn't much of a plot. Rosa's just one of the main characters. She kinda reminds me of Roz Doyle in a way.
2018-11-28 18:10:52
>> #291969
What a beautiful room, oh how I would love to be in it @.@
2016-09-06 01:34:14
>> #123973
Mr_Scade said:
Quite liking the idea of the room's wallpaper being like that, or rather a metaphysical conceptuial power of "haigure" being the room itself.

Well, that, or just powerful subliminal messages.
2016-09-05 12:22:15
>> #123901
Quite liking the idea of the room's wallpaper being like that, or rather a metaphysical conceptuial power of "haigure" being the room itself.
2016-09-05 06:59:27
>> #123831
voyer said:
These two are my attempt at creating 3D versions of characters created by Hub-goers LVTFS and Hentila. Used with permission.

Yay more haigure and really like those swimsuits/leotards Voyer! Something that is sexy and hypnoy and no one else has to know *giggles*
2016-09-05 05:13:34
>> #123808
These two are my attempt at creating 3D versions of characters created by Hub-goers LVTFS and Hentila. Used with permission.
2016-09-06 01:16:46
>> #123971
spector215 said:

Not really. I didn't know about this previous version before uploading, and I didn't use it at all.
The manip isn't even similar.

crazyman said:
i am a man

EDIT: also, this is my tenth manip here. Yay ^u^!
2016-09-05 21:09:26
>> #123944
Spellbound said:
This made me laugh way harder than it should. Have an imaginary internet point, good sir/madam/formless horror from beyond space and perhaps time.

i am a man
2016-09-05 20:31:23
>> #123938
crazyman said:

This made me laugh way harder than it should. Have an imaginary internet point, good sir/madam/formless horror from beyond space and perhaps time.
2016-09-05 10:53:38
>> #123891
2016-09-05 04:09:09
>> #123794
candycolouredclown said:
Anna undress one of her boob

2016-09-05 07:37:59
>> #123854
A moment of silence for Yugo (and Rin's) D-Wheel. Truly, it was too pure for this world.
2016-09-05 02:01:04
>> #123780
I summon my infinite attack monster with super effect :^√
Ok ok...Yugo...he fucked up. :^¶
2016-09-05 00:54:07
>> #123776
holy actual hell this is beautiful
2016-09-05 01:48:45
>> #123779
2016-09-04 22:16:36
>> #123751
A Tails colored Blaze...and that one chick from Boom XD

(on side note I really like that Tails "gets" this girl and the other girl in the series *giggles*)
2016-09-05 09:23:13
>> #123873
Wasn't there a nami bimbofication out the somewhere
2016-09-05 08:57:48
>> #123867
DisasterDan said:
O damn. Anyone had it? Is it good?

I've had it. It just tastes like salty+lactose. So think very salty vanilla. Not bad but nothing amazing.
2016-09-05 06:29:59
>> #123820
can we get Lightning Farron?
2016-09-05 05:22:29
>> #123810
Xehanorto said:
Yes, Sea Salt Ice Cream is a real thing, Nomura specifically added it into Kingdom hearts due to trying it at Disney World.

O damn. Anyone had it? Is it good?
2016-09-05 05:11:56
>> #123807
DisasterDan said:
Is the KH seasalt icecream even real? Also, we need Fuu, but nobidy does anything with her since she's background character as FUCK

Yes, Sea Salt Ice Cream is a real thing, Nomura specifically added it into Kingdom hearts due to trying it at Disney World.
Date Aug 9, 2015User XavierBro-13Rating QuestionableScore 17(vote up)
2016-09-04 20:31:31
>> #123724
GamplyM said:
How cute, hypnotized by his own shiny nose..

I'm surprisingly ok with this,
2016-09-04 20:29:31
>> #123723
How cute, hypnotized by his own shiny nose..

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