2019-06-08 04:12:43
>> #321748
Oh silly holly, you’ll never get back to normal, and I’m sure sooner or later someone will hypnotize you into forgetting you were anything other than what you are now
2016-03-18 08:45:50
>> #93759
Indeed it is :3 tried to figure out if I wanted a button or a zipper style skirt figured buttons would be easier and less likely to snag a sensitive hair :3
2016-03-18 08:24:52
>> #93753
Trippy: it took a bit for trippy to realise that its a button below trippys tail
2016-03-19 00:06:02
>> #93835
Nazwa said:
That's what we call better of bad ends.

Nah, it's the best of the best ends.
2016-03-18 22:57:26
>> #93829
Shinitra said:
Nah, I think the revised good end is now: Nebura controls Sasha and completes Sasha's work, imprisoning our protagonists.

That's what we call better of bad ends.
2016-03-18 21:45:58
>> #93826
Nazwa said:
Alias, the good end ^^ So, we got perfect situation here.

Nah, I think the revised good end is now: Nebura controls Sasha and completes Sasha's work, imprisoning our protagonists.
2016-03-18 21:24:41
>> #93820
Shinitra said:
You know, that sounds interesting... unfortunately, it would involve the likely escape of our protagonists.

Alias, the good end ^^ So, we got perfect situation here.
2016-03-18 21:23:41
>> #93819
Nazwa said:
Then let Nebura blissfully obey someone who order her to control Sasha.

You know, that sounds interesting... unfortunately, it would involve the likely escape of our protagonists.
2017-12-19 09:38:06
>> #220995
MLGHypno said:
It's definitely not Darwin, considering he's not recognized by Gumball or actual Darwin

they were talking about the other animation where she is sucking of definitely Darwin that is on his blog.
2017-11-20 04:30:30
>> #212610
Regarding Darwin he's an adopted sentient goldfish so it's not incest since they aren't related by blood.
2017-05-25 19:07:39
>> #177645
Mindwipe said:
I was going to flag this before I read the post at the source, so here it is.

It's definitely not Darwin, considering he's not recognized by Gumball or actual Darwin
2016-04-16 08:50:10
>> #99303
Oh wow, how did I miss this. This is gold xD
2016-04-16 05:32:44
>> #99278
so I guess in THIS continuity the whole of that other video can be considered a hypnosis episode.
2016-03-19 20:49:40
>> #93959
cdyoung said:
Don't kid yourself eod. That joke never works.

Except at least one person gets a laugh out of it. So it does in fact work. And even if they didn't, I get a laugh out of it. So it does in fact work.
2016-03-19 19:36:44
>> #93954
EoD said:
Not by me. As I said, and was previously established in the previous page this is prior to the end of Volume 3. Yang is still in uniform, she's still attending Beacon, and Port is still a teacher. So this is before the Finale of Volume 3. Thus Yang would rightly still have both arms.

THUS, the joke wouldn't work.

Don't kid yourself eod. That joke never works.
2016-03-18 05:15:00
>> #93740
rubylemonlimeade said:
I know it's gonna be said later, so I'll just say it now

6/10 to many arms

Not by me. As I said, and was previously established in the previous page this is prior to the end of Volume 3. Yang is still in uniform, she's still attending Beacon, and Port is still a teacher. So this is before the Finale of Volume 3. Thus Yang would rightly still have both arms.

THUS, the joke wouldn't work.
2016-03-18 04:52:31
>> #93738
I know it's gonna be said later, so I'll just say it now

6/10 to many arms
2016-03-18 03:57:11
>> #93731
needs more 'staches
2016-03-18 03:49:13
>> #93728
Mmmmm *does the same pose* Open, spread, happy, and hypnotized : )
2016-03-18 08:46:30
>> #93760
111 said:
Trippy: *giggles* some times hypnosis has unexpected effects

Especially from a horn-dog squirrel
2016-03-18 08:29:27
>> #93755
Trippy: *giggles* some times hypnosis has unexpected effects
2016-03-18 04:23:55
>> #93735
crazycowproductions said:
Need to think of a woman on woman that might match the lust of her from this one older comic that was hinted that she drained a full football team before getting happy for a bit.

Mmmm that's a lot of lust *giggles*
2016-03-18 03:57:21
>> #93732
pokemongirl said:
Yay *giggles* your awesome stuff and lesbian sex *drools*

Need to think of a woman on woman that might match the lust of her from this one older comic that was hinted that she drained a full football team before getting happy for a bit.
2016-03-18 03:52:32
>> #93729
crazycowproductions said:
got two more pages I will try and wrap up by tonight. Seems a lot of pretty amazingly bad and good things happened. Leading to more confusion and now for the fun part of the drawings that I hope to load here tonight. Lesbian sex scenes (I'm sure that will get someones attention since I rarely draw such things ;-) )

Yay *giggles* your awesome stuff and lesbian sex *drools*
2016-03-18 03:00:45
>> #93720
TakyonH said:
real life field recording

"oh no i am hypnotized i cant believe i have to suck all these cocks"

"it's behind you idiot turn around and look at it"

"ooooh noooooo"

This got a <<|sensible chuckle>> out of me.
2016-03-18 02:55:44
>> #93719
TakyonH said:
real life field recording

"oh no i am hypnotized i cant believe i have to suck all these cocks"

"it's behind you idiot turn around and look at it"

"ooooh noooooo"

I can't unsee this as a cheaply made and bad Pokemon porno now! XD
2016-03-18 01:50:01
>> #93713
real life field recording

"oh no i am hypnotized i cant believe i have to suck all these cocks"

"it's behind you idiot turn around and look at it"

"ooooh noooooo"
2016-03-18 04:42:46
>> #93737
The artist left pixiv so there's no real source anymore
2016-03-18 03:48:13
>> #93726
ffvi1994 said:
i want that bra in my life now

Mister Vi
2016-03-18 01:59:54
>> #93715
i want that bra in my life now
2016-03-17 23:34:14
>> #93685
She's melting down! Look how much steam is coming off her. Patchyton's heatsinks are failing!
2018-02-12 08:59:08
>> #233851
I wish I where that hypno
2016-03-18 14:44:11
>> #93776
pokemongirl said:
Link Please!
there you go.
2016-03-18 04:23:18
>> #93734
Hypno Hammer said:
funny you should mention that episode. a guy on FFN, liquidphazon, recently wrote a hypno story based off that. long story short, after Misty Seel runs, Hypno makes Ash think he's a Dewgong, and the two become mates

Link Please!
2016-03-18 04:04:28
>> #93733
pokemongirl said:
Agreed and funny enough the Hypno episode didn't even get me into hypnosis but fun to watch Misty later of course *giggles*

funny you should mention that episode. a guy on FFN, liquidphazon, recently wrote a hypno story based off that. long story short, after Misty Seel runs, Hypno makes Ash think he's a Dewgong, and the two become mates
2016-03-18 03:47:07
>> #93725
Agreed and funny enough the Hypno episode didn't even get me into hypnosis but fun to watch Misty later of course *giggles*
2016-03-20 03:50:31
>> #94015
2016-03-18 10:03:23
>> #93765
Goddamn, all of you have never heard of long johns?

2016-03-18 06:12:42
>> #93743
Slixer said:
Onesies are not just for babies. While I personally wouldn't wear one they've been making a comeback as niche sleepwear for all ages alongside snuggies and all those other irrating sleepwear clothing.

Without the built-in feet, they're also old timey underwear.'s-Union-Suit.jpg
Fit for all from the dapper gentleman to the rugged plainsman.
On a side note, I am never googling "Cowboy underwear" again.
2016-03-18 03:41:02
>> #93723
Slixer said:
Onesies are not just for babies. While I personally wouldn't wear one they've been making a comeback as niche sleepwear for all ages alongside snuggies and all those other irrating sleepwear clothing.

and also worn by superheroes
2016-03-18 02:19:40
>> #93718
Ogodei-Khan said:
Looks like the age regression fetish but without the actual regression shown.

I think they misspelled "Onesie" for the other. A one-piece outfit for babies.

Onesies are not just for babies. While I personally wouldn't wear one they've been making a comeback as niche sleepwear for all ages alongside snuggies and all those other irrating sleepwear clothing.

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