2016-03-20 21:43:51
>> #94117
Alternate version here, will add to pool as soon as I figure out how, or if you know please feel free to do so and let me know!
2016-03-20 21:42:21
>> #94115
Alternate version here, will add to pool as soon as I figure out how, or if you know please feel free to do so and let me know!
2016-03-20 21:41:06
>> #94113
Alternate version here, will add to pool as soon as I figure out how, or if you know please feel free to do so and let me know!
2016-03-23 03:14:55
>> #94494
artychrd said:
well you know everyone. at least its not the same weeboo anime haigure manip shit,just possible that people draw stuff, well very few people do on this site it seems, tends to be the habit of "oooh look an anime girl with a vacant anime expression photo shop on some swirls and border it with unimaginative text!" instaboner.

Please die.
2016-03-22 00:00:40
>> #94321
artychrd said:
[quote]EoD said:
"Text Only"[quote]

should go here then

seriously its lazy as fuck to just post captions especialy when the original source has nothing to do with MC

And you "should" not be here if you're going to act so immature.

See? Not a fun argument is it? Calm yo tits and blacklist the "text only" tag.
2016-03-21 21:15:47
>> #94288
artychrd said:
sorry ill calm down, its just annoying to see other people put effort into stuff just to be screamed at by a bunch of idiots.
fuck em, if they are going to complain about new content then they can get their new content from other sources.

Literally no one screamed at the artist. Literally no one. People said they didn't like the scenario presented. That's it. And you know what, you're right! If you like what's presented and they don't, fuck 'em! There's plenty of other porn on this board. You do you. Don't go on a crusade just because some people don't like what you like.
2016-03-21 16:18:30
>> #94252
Bokasa said:
Noone listen to my reccomendation! NOONE XD u assholes!

sorry ill calm down, its just annoying to see other people put effort into stuff just to be screamed at by a bunch of idiots.
fuck em, if they are going to complain about new content then they can get their new content from other sources.
2016-03-21 16:04:01
>> #94251
Noone listen to my reccomendation! NOONE XD u assholes!
2016-03-21 23:31:06
>> #94314
rocketracer294 said:
That leg's going for the fucking Medal of Honor.

The leg has entered the Olympics and god damnit it will not rest until it gets the gold in every possible leg-related event.
2016-03-21 07:26:31
>> #94224
Shinitra said:
That leg is god-damn determined. I salute it.

That leg's going for the fucking Medal of Honor.
2016-03-20 21:41:47
>> #94114
ChefPyro said:
whoa yeah where is that going
that leg has a mission

That leg is god-damn determined. I salute it.
2016-03-20 21:38:19
>> #94112
Shinitra said:
Erika's left leg... I don't think legs work like that...

whoa yeah where is that going
that leg has a mission
2016-03-20 21:31:06
>> #94108
Erika's left leg... I don't think legs work like that...
2016-03-20 20:53:55
>> #94100
mmmmmmm *giggles*
2016-03-21 02:31:13
>> #94171
I hope to see the walk
2016-03-20 20:47:32
>> #94093
godofwar99 said:
The last part that we know of of Kobi's "Big Sister Problems" story. Hope its great for ya

I can't wait for the walk. Hope the sister takes Trishie to her friends house for a playdate
2016-03-20 20:35:05
>> #94084
The last part that we know of of Kobi's "Big Sister Problems" story. Hope its great for ya
2016-07-26 14:37:27
>> #116647
They call you cry baby, cry baby, but you don't fuckin' care...
2016-03-21 02:30:39
>> #94170
This pretty good. Hope to see more
2016-03-20 20:46:14
>> #94092
godofwar99 said:
This is why you never piss off your little sister. Remember it well.

P.S: Who thinks the mother is under the little sister's control?

I think she's being controlled. If she snaps out of it, she's next^^
2016-03-20 20:30:47
>> #94083
This is why you never piss off your little sister. Remember it well.

P.S: Who thinks the mother is under the little sister's control?
2016-03-20 20:41:07
>> #94088
godofwar99 said:
Part 3 of an intense sibling rivalry by Kobi94/Tfs

And we're getting to the good part. Kobi has good hypno art
2016-03-20 20:26:04
>> #94082
Part 3 of an intense sibling rivalry by Kobi94/Tfs
2016-03-20 20:39:06
>> #94086
I think the mom is on with the little sister controlling the older one
2016-03-20 20:22:39
>> #94081
dkx45 said:
Are you going to upload the other three or should I?

I am
2016-03-20 20:22:09
>> #94080
godofwar99 said:
Part two of Kobi's new story. She thought waking to wearing baby clothes was strange, finding out that her mother is in a way supporting it is more strange

Are you going to upload the other three or should I?
2016-03-20 20:19:02
>> #94079
godofwar99 said:
Part two of Kobi's new story. She thought waking to wearing baby clothes was strange, finding out that her mother is in a way supporting it is more strange

Can't wait for what's next
2016-03-20 20:16:42
>> #94077
Part two of Kobi's new story. She thought waking to wearing baby clothes was strange, finding out that her mother is in a way supporting it is more strange

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