2016-03-23 02:15:24
>> #94485
HME, dude, you're on a porn booru, you don't need to take it so seriously.
2016-03-22 14:49:21
>> #94419
Vanndril said:
It's a bit of a given that canon MC of most series will require a bit of explanation that makes it seemed far fetched, because the sign of the MC requires knowledge of the context which then must be explained.

The thing is, if you need to come up with an explanation, then the image isn't done very well. Being a series exclusive way of MC doesn't necessarily mean it is hard to see. I think it is also the responsibility of the artist to make this work in a coherent way that is at least somewhat obvious to the viewer and not just recognizeable by people that have in deepth knowledge of the represented series.
2016-03-22 04:21:47
>> #94370
*Removes the flagging again*

Yes. Thing on her chest. Really.

HypnoMangaEditor said:
Thanks for clearing that up, Vanndril. We had too many cases of non-obvious MC in the past few weeks on this board with people bringing up far-fetched explanations of why it is MC. I hope this isn't a trend to continue

Most of the images like this over the past few weeks that I've seen were less far-fetched and more just requiring knowledge of the source series.

It's a bit of a given that canon MC of most series will require a bit of explanation that makes it seemed far fetched, because the sign of the MC requires knowledge of the context which then must be explained.
2016-03-22 00:21:28
>> #94324
Her eyes are very expressive. ^_^
2016-03-20 22:36:43
>> #94126
I personally will take any picture of MC'ed Jill doing what she's told...
2016-03-20 05:55:51
>> #94024
Because anime physics and that it's a very literal and physical possession. Nebura might as well be a chemical herself. Anime logic says that her one true weakness is also chemicals, a fan, or the power of friendship, but since the third hasn't worked so far, and there isn't a handy plot fan...
2016-03-20 02:36:01
>> #94005
Bonus statement 53: Surely it isn't actually Nebura's body... why would the shot affect her?
2016-03-20 01:01:54
>> #93992
Well i called this xD
That was the only possible way to seal her
2016-03-19 23:22:12
>> #93983
Nazwa said:
Agreed. Banish her to fuck-hell rather than normal one ^^

I'd rather she win, but I suppose this isn't awful if she has to lose for the sake of the story.
2016-03-19 23:21:28
>> #93982
Shinitra said:
Don't be too harsh on Nebura, at least...

Agreed. Banish her to fuck-hell rather than normal one ^^
2016-04-02 15:29:17
>> #97107
Test your might?
2016-03-21 00:42:01
>> #94151
someguy231 said:
The cracks on their skin is cause they're revenants.

I didnt asked that thing xD
2016-03-20 22:34:02
>> #94124
Whoa. Flashback.
2016-03-20 20:14:55
>> #94076
arcolel123 said:
How much time do I have on this site since I remember a similar pic but without cracks in their skins.

The cracks on their skin is cause they're revenants.
2016-03-20 11:02:01
>> #94035
Now I want to make a quan chi thing
2016-03-22 00:45:29
>> #94327
any ideas for scenarios and characters for the next commissioned work?

2016-03-20 12:00:45
>> #94040

Link to source. Sequels available - including NSFW edition where She-Ra's hypnosis fetish takes her deep into a lesbian oral sex fantasy complete with hypnotic illusion.
2016-03-20 11:56:42
>> #94039
Hey AWMBH thanks for comments - you are one of my favourite artists. Can you please do more of the Dr. Istvan hypnotherapist to the stars?

2016-03-20 10:32:48
>> #94033
112947 said:
112947 on deviant art for art trades, donations and commissions if interested. Sequels and comics available.
Fulfilled to order by hand picked talented hypnosis commission specialists.

Might want to add the source since it seems you have it. Links would be easier for everyone especially since this is a nice offer.
2016-03-20 07:15:53
>> #94027
"Castaspella, the Enchantress Who Hypnotizes!" TM
2016-03-22 16:43:01
>> #94433
Xehanorto said:
This little set made me realize how little PMMM we have on the hub and how much more I want this series to be featured. I really hope you do other 'magical' girls in this style, I really enjoyed these two featuring Kyoko.

i'll put the other magical girls in the vote, the rest is up to my patrons :3

glad you enjoyed it!

HypnoMangaEditor said:
I am gonna be frank here. For most other people I would say this is great, but I know you can actually do MUCH better (though of course it would take more time). If you just wanted to do some easy. fast content, then this is fine as well, but I honestly think your best work is way above what you show here. :)

hmm, my commission is still my main income so it's rather impossible for me to go all out :\
i'll improve this page though, planning to put it in exHentai after few months...


I've updated this page :

should i replace the drawings?
2016-03-21 05:52:46
>> #94210
I am gonna be frank here. For most other people I would say this is great, but I know you can actually do MUCH better (though of course it would take more time). If you just wanted to do some easy. fast content, then this is fine as well, but I honestly think your best work is way above what you show here. :)
2016-03-21 01:07:19
>> #94158
This little set made me realize how little PMMM we have on the hub and how much more I want this series to be featured. I really hope you do other 'magical' girls in this style, I really enjoyed these two featuring Kyoko.
2016-03-20 21:09:40
>> #94103
Zko said:
Hypno content of best girl from best anime, I don't know how I feel about this but it is MOST CERTAINLY something I will follow.

glad you like it~!
I'll be changing the focus characters every week though, but characters i've drawn will likely appear on future weekly sketch :)
2016-03-20 00:31:17
>> #93989
Hypno content of best girl from best anime, I don't know how I feel about this but it is MOST CERTAINLY something I will follow.
2016-03-20 00:13:10
>> #93986
zach007 said:
....May I ask, why the correlation with mustaches and April Fools?

last April Fools the hub got swamped with pictures where characters had mustaches slapped on their faces
2016-03-19 23:55:31
>> #93985
....May I ask, why the correlation with mustaches and April Fools?
2016-03-19 19:47:51
>> #93956
Pool is closed, can't add without hinata-hime opening it
2016-03-19 19:20:50
>> #93953
Spirals said:
MoustacheHub 2.0...I am scared.

Hide your Vegetas.
2016-03-19 19:17:52
>> #93952
Masta said:
Wow, Yang's breasts are pretty small here. Doesn't she have the largest pair amongst the main cast?

Second largest of the students. Phyrra just barely edges her out. But she is the biggest of the RWBY team.
2016-03-19 12:42:14
>> #93927
How come sleepymaid never uploads from a sleepymaid account. It is always someone elses account that he uploads from.
2016-03-23 11:48:21
>> #94596
ZyxS said:
I don't know if this is what actually happened but it looks like you just took an image of Kaa off the internet and photoshopped it (poorly) into the image. It's better to just leave Kaa out of images if he's not in them in the first place.

Personally I am not really into kaa but alot of people are. Appealing to the masses my friend. :)
2016-03-19 23:20:14
>> #93981
I don't know if this is what actually happened but it looks like you just took an image of Kaa off the internet and photoshopped it (poorly) into the image. It's better to just leave Kaa out of images if he's not in them in the first place.
2016-03-19 23:19:01
>> #93980
I must say this actually does look good.

Apart from the fading part in the middle :P
2016-03-19 22:41:44
>> #93970
i will love to see this but like a comic: hipnosis, willing prey, vore, digestion (not bloody just pleasurable digestion until the end)
2016-03-19 17:06:46
>> #93946
I don't really see it as loli, but I'll leave that up to the moderators.

And personally, I think it's better than some of your other stuff, maybe that's just me though.
2016-03-22 04:50:10
>> #94378
Kairi Kamiya in her college years.
2016-03-20 01:48:07
>> #94001
2016-03-19 12:12:36
>> #93917
This is fucking hot
2018-04-13 16:37:21
>> #246336
Brokander_again said:
Futa Granberia I approve of... but futa Chrome goes straight to my NOPE list.

Futa versions of nightmarefuel is on the approve list with the exception of Promestein's final form

And Black Alice...?
2016-03-21 09:47:35
>> #94235
Futa Granberia I approve of... but futa Chrome goes straight to my NOPE list.

Futa versions of nightmarefuel is on the approve list with the exception of Promestein's final form
2016-03-19 23:25:51
>> #93984
Thf772 said:
Some people have "yaoi" tag blacklisted...

... and the one in the back REALLY looks like a genuine male to me.

Granberia is just tomboyish girl.
2016-03-19 23:00:00
>> #93974
Some people have "yaoi" tag blacklisted...

... and the one in the back REALLY looks like a genuine male to me.
2016-03-19 11:52:52
>> #93915
now this is a monster girl quest i'd play!

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