2016-03-23 08:17:16
>> #94579
Halarith said:
...why DID she kidnap them anyway?

2016-03-23 03:49:47
>> #94515
Myuk said:

Dang, Sasha has changed as time went on lol

Wow, that's actually pretty cringey...
2016-03-23 03:36:00
>> #94513
...why DID she kidnap them anyway?
2016-03-23 03:27:18
>> #94507
2016-03-23 03:26:39
>> #94506
also, reuploaded for....continuity errors..
2016-03-25 17:58:49
>> #95254
Faraday said:
I wonder what they are saying.

Well it's translated now.
2016-03-24 01:03:38
>> #94662
I haven't seen the anime but this is awesome. That is a favourite from me.
2016-03-23 08:11:14
>> #94577
I wonder what they are saying.
2016-03-23 03:34:39
>> #94512
Hanamaru Kindergarten....Never thought that would be here. At all, ever.
2016-03-23 03:23:24
>> #94503
To see hanamaru kindergarten on this site...
Not complaining.
2016-03-23 03:10:23
>> #94492
hey this was one of my first doujin
Mister Vi
2016-03-23 03:32:48
>> #94511
Kansattica said:
This Nuri fellow has a different hair color in each picture. Must be furry magic.

maybe it's like a mood ring and changes with the temperature.
2016-03-23 02:12:00
>> #94484
This Nuri fellow has a different hair color in each picture. Must be furry magic.
2017-09-07 08:35:19
>> #197442
pokemongirl said:
Both girls *giggles* All feminists must become bimbos *giggles*

Agreed. I personally would be perfectly fine with the feminazis being eradicated through use of 'carnal release therapy'... if you know what I mean... >:) *insert evil laugh here*
2016-03-29 21:02:20
>> #96009
They both look best in middle. No mega-lips, but cute.
2016-03-29 18:55:12
>> #96004
Knowing Wren, even odds on it being a guy at the start.

Nothing wrong with feminists, tho.
2016-03-24 00:36:55
>> #94653
pokemongirl said:
Both girls *giggles* All feminists must become bimbos *giggles*

i am guy grew up with a feminist mom. i agree
2016-03-23 18:44:02
>> #94611
ArtisticLicense said:
Reading this in reverse makes me very happy.

Oh, yeas! :D
Date Mar 23, 2016User GaapRating QuestionableScore 25(vote up)
2016-03-24 12:05:47
>> #94748
Cradily said:
Naaaiiiiceeeee =O
Ideas on rules? I'll try to think of some in the next few days (if you don't mind) since I have a bit of time =P

Well, If you have a good idea, i could try to make something ;)
2016-03-24 06:37:52
>> #94720
Naaaiiiiceeeee =O

Gaap said:
Yes, that's it. By the way, if you have ideas... :)

Ideas on rules? I'll try to think of some in the next few days (if you don't mind) since I have a bit of time =P
2016-03-24 02:12:55
>> #94675
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I don't think there's much in the way of missing context - Gaap has a series of these images with "rules" on how to avoid being MC'd with images of what happens if you don't follow them.

Yes, that's it. By the way, if you have ideas... :)

NamesAreForTheWeak said:
Which reminds me, should these things get their own pool?

Too lazy ~ (and only 3 images)
2016-03-23 20:02:27
>> #94615
Sothe102 said:
What context am I missing here? Is it a game? An anime?

I don't think there's much in the way of missing context - Gaap has a series of these images with "rules" on how to avoid being MC'd with images of what happens if you don't follow them.

Which reminds me, should these things get their own pool?
2016-03-23 08:22:02
>> #94580
What context am I missing here? Is it a game? An anime?
2016-03-24 20:45:12
>> #94803
thatpokemonman said:
*sigh* I'll go get the Espeo- oh wait, nevermind. She, uh... Heh... Alright, I'll go get another Espeon. ^^;

2016-03-24 16:55:58
>> #94772
pokemongirl said:
Wish my mammories where that big *giggles*

*sigh* I'll go get the Espeo- oh wait, nevermind. She, uh... Heh... Alright, I'll go get another Espeon. ^^;
Mister Vi
2016-03-23 22:44:46
>> #94630
true beauty these tits are.
2016-03-23 07:20:53
>> #94569
ZyxS said:
I thought it was two planets colliding

We all die, then. xD
2016-03-23 07:20:03
>> #94568
ecchime said:
Enjoying that kind of comments makes me lewd? <3

Don't think so. It gives you a, slightly twisted, sense of humor, ma'am.
2016-03-22 21:25:37
>> #94460
It's cool to see more of the other girls from winx club
2016-03-22 21:16:49
>> #94459
vahn_yourdoom said:
does anyone got any idea what they're talking or ... whatt?
i don't get why this is saimin (hypnosis) :/

If you look at the top left, it says "saimin Raburaika", and that's the title of the pixiv page, too.
2016-03-22 20:45:39
>> #94449
does anyone got any idea what they're talking or ... whatt?
i don't get why this is saimin (hypnosis) :/
2016-03-23 08:28:24
>> #94581
jimskog said:
I'm loving your work so far! The very first page (2 before this one) is my favorite so far.

lol, that one is the basic idea before i made it to a 2 page manga (and thus making it easier and more comfortable to read)

Cradily said:
Apparently I can't use paypal for patreon for NSFW creators. I guess I'll just commission you instead like before then (pay you more than what I would in a year of patreon-ing anyway =P)

hmmm, makes me wonder aside from paypal, what else you can use for international money transfer?

rocketracer294 said:
I love the comments; "MY DICK IS NOT PREPARED".

lolol, that's just random stuffs

glad people aren't confused as why the comments are displayed in the screen though.
it's because the web in the pic is nicodouga
2016-03-23 07:35:21
>> #94573
I love the comments; "MY DICK IS NOT PREPARED".
2016-03-23 06:43:08
>> #94559
vahn_yourdoom said:

and well, since i'm opening patreon, seems so, it's quite easy to make an account though. :p

Apparently I can't use paypal for patreon for NSFW creators. I guess I'll just commission you instead like before then (pay you more than what I would in a year of patreon-ing anyway =P)
2016-03-23 05:19:06
>> #94538
I can only delete comments by editing them for some reason...
2016-03-23 05:19:05
>> #94537
I'm loving your work so far! The very first page (2 before this one) is my favorite so far.

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