2016-08-29 22:13:40
>> #122455
TwistedMind said:
Wow, this picture is so hot. It's so-

*notices midrift looks like her body has twisted around a few times

-death. It's so death.

I think it's just an odd fold in her clothing.
2016-08-29 22:09:56
>> #122454
TwistedMind said:
*notices midrift looks like her body has twisted around a few times

-death. It's so death.

Anatomical errors made by the original artist isn't death ;)
2016-08-29 07:56:14
>> #122381
Wow, this picture is so hot. It's so-

*notices midrift looks like her body has twisted around a few times

-death. It's so death.
2016-08-29 07:03:40
>> #122374
Ah, how I adore comments.
2016-08-29 06:07:43
>> #122360
pokemongirl said:
So wet....mmmmmmm

Pinkanator said:
Pretty sure we help her get wetter~

Oh man, you're right! So Pokemongirl, want some help getting wetter?
2016-08-28 22:33:11
>> #122285
Thought this was Sleepymaid for a moment! So well done!

Stripping, Stretching, Sucking, and Anal mmmmmm soooo hot *rubs and humps*
2016-08-29 19:16:27
>> #122430
twilightL said:
Is the girl on the right stuttering because she's fighting it?

A little bit. Not entirely, sort of a tiny bit, in a way. That was a little of the intent, to make it different than the others and because I thought it was a little bit cute in this case.

Not that she's unwilling to comply or anything (she is kinda the character that MIGHT find it fun), but yet at the same time, it's a little more like she's still somewhat half-awake, not fully under, and the other half of it is that she's also finding it increasingly difficult to think straight. It's sort of a combination of the two.
2016-08-29 17:57:48
>> #122428
Is the girl on the right stuttering because she's fighting it?
2016-08-29 14:23:11
>> #122411
KarmaX said:
When I drew it, my first idea was that they all decided to do this for their friend Daisy Watford, (blond girl) because she likes this kind of thing, so they could pleasure her in the shower...

... wow... Daisy has much awesomer friends than I do. 0_o
2016-08-29 06:31:51
>> #122367
ghost13 said:
When I first saw it, I thought some voyeur had tricked them into a hypno-shower

I guess it could be read that way. It should probably just be whatever anyone wants it to be.

When I drew it, my first idea was that they all decided to do this for their friend Daisy Watford, (blond girl) because she likes this kind of thing, so they could pleasure her in the shower, but then probably later lose all inhibitions and just start having a mindless orgy together with each other. But then I made changes to the text, gave them all something to say, and it all became pretty (intetionally) vague from there.

So it could be read any number of ways, but I like to imagine the aftermath all coming down to one big mindless yuri orgy of groping, masturbation, humping and brainless lust as soon as it starts. ehe. Even between the sisters, there. (also featured in an earlier picture I drew and submitted of the dark blue haired girls)
2016-08-29 06:09:18
>> #122361
KarmaX said:
Well, I implied that they also did it to themselves and each other as well, so I wasn't sure if that meant it still applied. I went with it just to be sure.

But if it looks like the implication is not as solid as actual confirmation, go ahead and remove it.

Even I was iffy on it when I put it there.

When I first saw it, I thought some voyeur had tricked them into a hypno-shower
2016-08-29 11:34:16
>> #122405
Pinkanator said:

That's super cute.

Thanks :3
2016-08-28 20:19:18
>> #122255

That's super cute.
2016-08-28 18:40:45
>> #122241

Here Amber as a little squirrel, is she a good pet?
Actually the original draw is without hypnosis, is on my FA, I will submit more furries there.

But I decides do a varied version for here and Pixiv too.
Actually I said time ago, I don't want to draw my OCs hypnotized for now, but she looks so cute as squirrel so was hard to resist to don't saw her hypnotized.

2018-01-22 00:38:49
>> #229010
2016-08-29 13:47:42
>> #122409
rocketracer294 said:
NamesAreForTheWeak's avatar always matches what they say ( at least in my mind).

Hence why I picked it.
2016-08-29 09:06:36
>> #122392
I feel like Nepgear would eat her vegetables.
2016-08-29 08:19:26
>> #122387
Sleepyhead97 said:
Your facepalm avatar fits well as a reaction image to Pinkanator's pun. lol

NamesAreForTheWeak's avatar always matches what they say ( at least in my mind).
2016-08-29 03:32:01
>> #122327
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
Ba dum tss.

(Read that in the driest, most unamused voice you possibly can.)

Your facepalm avatar fits well as a reaction image to Pinkanator's pun. lol
2016-08-28 20:32:04
>> #122259
Without text, this makes no sense. I mean it's clearly MC, but it makes no sense. Thus, I love it.
2016-08-28 17:55:06
>> #122235
Fairly sure this is Nepgear
2016-08-28 16:21:26
>> #122220
AuburnHamster said:
there's a version with text?

Yeah i had to reupload it due to a spelling mistake. Should be up now.
2016-08-28 16:20:29
>> #122219
Sleepyhead97 said:
A version without text for those who want it.

there's a version with text?
2016-08-28 16:10:14
>> #122215
A version without text for those who want it.
2016-08-28 16:09:02
>> #122213
Anna and Cordelia were out on a mission together when Cordelia saw something shiny partially buried in the ground... Cordelia went ahead to go check it out and found some buried treasure! Anna immediately wanted to take it, but Cordelia was weary about it because the coins had a strange green glow to them... Before Cordelia could stop Anna, Anna had already grabbed some of the coins and then she suddenly dropped them. Cordelia went to check up on Anna until Anna grabbed the coins and forced Cordelia to touch them! Next thing you know, both ladies are hypnotized and worshiping each other's feet.
2016-08-29 01:04:41
>> #122306
was anyone else expecting a child post with cum?
2016-08-28 18:59:04
>> #122242
Is the whole "bee" thing just a continuous slip-up or does it qualify as running gag by now?

Little bit of both?
2016-08-28 16:06:53
>> #122211
Seraf said:
I think it's fine if you add it to the pool but hide it from the front page?

How can I hide it from the first page? If someone could tell me here or PM it to me it would be fabulous
2016-08-28 16:01:21
>> #122210
MisterMan4 said:
Oh my. Poor Twilight. Seems she is enjoying it though. With this I announce that there are 2 parts left of the hypno games. Although part 6 is not a hypno pic so I don't know if I should added here. I might add it on a different site and put the link to it in part 7. Will think about it. The finally is near

As long as it's part of a set with hypno stuff, it's fine from what I know
2016-08-28 15:57:53
>> #122209
MisterMan4 said:
Oh my. Poor Twilight. Seems she is enjoying it though. With this I announce that there are 2 parts left of the hypno games. Although part 6 is not a hypno pic so I don't know if I should added here. I might add it on a different site and put the link to it in part 7. Will think about it. The finally is near

I think it's fine if you add it to the pool but hide it from the front page?
2016-08-30 02:42:28
>> #122501
We need more Sao femdom
2016-08-28 22:33:08
>> #122284
Asuna was having a hard time completing a quest on ALO and needed help. Kirito was too busy PQ-ing with Agil and Klein. Sinon logged into ALO, to which Asuna took notice of, and asked Sinon to assist her with the quest. Sinon, having nothing better to do, accepts the quest and they fly towards the beach. Asuna begins the quest with Sinon and they fly around the beach when Asuna finds the quest item: the "onpyh shell". Asuna hands over the quest item to Sinon to take a look at it. As Sinon is checking it out, she unknowingly activating the secret effect of the shell, causing others that look at the shell to fall under hypnosis... Story to be updated later once the final commission is complete.
2016-08-28 17:56:25
>> #122237
Pinkanator said:
Actually, I was referring to being a slave XP

Still, I'm sure Sinon's feet might seem nice
2016-08-28 17:40:12
>> #122232
godofwar99 said:
It would be nice to have the "famous" Asuna worshiping your feet^^

Actually, I was referring to being a slave XP
2016-08-28 16:53:43
>> #122224
Pinkanator said:
Sign me up.

It would be nice to have the "famous" Asuna worshiping your feet^^
2016-08-28 12:06:38
>> #122198
For a point of reference, see episode 21. Not the original image from the anime.

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