2016-02-24 09:10:03
>> #90491
These two are apparently demon hunters who sell love potions as a side business, they spilled and now the two are hopelessly aroused with only each other and a gaggle of summoned demon cocks to keep company until the effects wear off.
2016-02-24 08:14:42
>> #90483
I need an explanation.
2016-02-25 08:33:18
>> #90611
rocketracer294 said:
Good story but too much nazi for me.

Fair enough, the main focus of my art (both my stories and commissioned works) is speciesism, which is bound to make some people uncomfortable.

I appreciate the compliment though. If you'd like there are other stories less speciesist, but they are older and therefore written in an older style.
2016-02-25 08:07:55
>> #90604
Lapsa said:

There ya go, sorry.

Good story but too much nazi for me.
2016-02-24 08:16:56
>> #90485
rocketracer294 said:

There ya go, sorry.
2016-02-24 08:15:16
>> #90484
Lapsa said:
Has a story to go with it, but too long to post it here. xb

2016-02-24 08:13:35
>> #90482
Has a story to go with it, but too long to post it here. xb
2016-02-25 17:01:21
>> #90645
More Sylvania is always great.
2016-02-25 12:09:41
>> #90627
Rose-Knight said:
Sylvanas casted Charm, Its super effective!

It's a one-hit mind wipe!
2016-02-25 08:40:04
>> #90614
Evilunicorn said:
Drooling slave? yES. YES PLEASE


Umbra said:
"Victory for Silvanas!" :P

Glory in battle and on bed :p

saibot said:
Death to the Bansh- *dies and gets raised*

Glory to the Dark Lady!

that, is maybe what's happening

CorruptionPrincess said:
Yay love my lich Queen <3


Rose-Knight said:
Sylvanas casted Charm, Its super effective!

always very effective!!
2016-02-25 01:01:10
>> #90548
Drooling slave? yES. YES PLEASE
2016-02-24 21:28:06
>> #90528
"Victory for Silvanas!" :P
2016-02-24 07:52:49
>> #90476
2020-02-18 11:24:58
>> #356527
Dazeys said:
Ahuhuhuhu. Spider Bake sale this weekend!

Is that an Undertale reference?
2016-02-24 07:48:14
>> #90475
Ahuhuhuhu. Spider Bake sale this weekend!
2016-02-24 11:07:52
>> #90504
This good....
2016-02-24 06:54:49
>> #90465
Aww, looks like someone beat me to it. <3
2016-02-24 06:45:34
>> #90462
I regret to inform you
I am dead.
2016-02-24 06:32:21
>> #90458
2016-05-25 05:18:11
>> #105881
Would love if somebody coloured this
2016-02-24 15:14:11
>> #90516
plsignore said:
Pym Particles. They're how Ant-Man shrinks/grows objects.

and Wasp too. and to a lesser extent, Yellowjacket
2016-02-24 07:01:14
>> #90468
ClueElf said:
For those of us unfamiliar with all of this, what are particles in this context?

Pym Particles. They're how Ant-Man shrinks/grows objects.
2016-02-24 06:56:03
>> #90466
Hypno Hammer said:
yep. I wouldn't mind her stinging me. me and a friend started a new thread where she and Hank find new particles. in terms of color, these particles are pink and deal with the size of certain parts. dick for guys and T&A for girls

For those of us unfamiliar with all of this, what are particles in this context?
2016-02-24 05:44:43
>> #90448
pokemongirl said:
Always good to have more Wasp : )

yep. I wouldn't mind her stinging me. me and a friend started a new thread where she and Hank find new particles. in terms of color, these particles are pink and deal with the size of certain parts. dick for guys and T&A for girls
2016-02-24 02:33:59
>> #90430
I want to be in a snuggle pile made entirely of clones of this one particular catgirl
2021-08-17 20:52:42
>> #433385
You didn’t think I wouldn’t have found out about what you did to my Natsu did you, Juvia?

Please, Lisanna, I only meant to-

Shh! Not talking, just looking and listening. Now tell me, how do my eyes look?

They look fine

No, tell me how they look to you. Look closer, Juvia.

They look, perfect and... mesmerizing.

Exactly. And you want to keep looking don’t you?


Then be a good little water mage and submit to me entirely.

I submit, my beloved mistress.

Good, very good. Now tell me, did my dear Natsu impale you this hard?


Or THIS hard?


I can keep going, Juvia.
2016-05-06 02:24:28
>> #102469
And this arc has not gotten any new content in 3 months
2016-02-24 17:30:25
>> #90524
That's right. As I have stated multiple times already, my first work got deleted 3 times before it was allowed to stay on the hub. After I learned the basics, I never had another deletion ever again.It is just the beginning that is a little tricky, then it's smooth sailing and trying to do many different things to broaden your spectrum.
2016-02-24 07:01:11
>> #90467
godofwar99 said:
I was afraid if I tried it'd be deleted due to "poor quality"

There's no harm in trying. If it does get taken down for poor quality, there's nothing stopping you from fixing the problem and reuploading the picture. That's part of why the quality control system exists in the first place. :)
2016-02-24 04:45:14
>> #90442
HypnoMangaEditor said:
I am sure you will. Just take your time and don't rush it.

I was afraid if I tried it'd be deleted due to "poor quality"
2021-08-17 20:45:32
>> #433382
Natsu, you really are an idiot. I can’t believe you gave this dick to Lisanna before me! I saw angry for you doing my little sister, but now I can see why she loves it. Then, I see you with CANA, I couldn’t take it anymore. I’m so glad she and Erza came to understand the little threat. With you under my control, I can tell you how I’ve REALLY felt about you

Now, I can enjoy what I wanted for years. Those years of teasing at you when we were kids, I was trying to impress you. Those didn’t work so I tried the good girl act after Lisanna “died”. You seemed to care about me more after that, so I kept the act going until the time was right. I lied about saying you and Lucy were a cute couple. And the magic games, I was trying to impress you more at the beauty contest and showing you Sitri. I saw how amazed you were at me and my heart swelled; if only I picked you for the bride round instead of the master, but Lisanna got to you first then LUCY. The past is the past now. Let’s enjoy our time together that’s way overdue. And let’s see the child of a dragon and a demon. That’s a good couple.
2016-02-24 03:22:33
>> #90433
godofwar99 said:
I'm helping and I can't find it

put them all up in the pool for you. you need to learn how to do it. also, get an expert in case I didn't get the order right
2016-02-24 01:27:07
>> #90424
Hypno Hammer said:
go to the pictures. in the area where you can add stuff to your favorites, there's something that says "add to pool". then you select the pool you wanna add it to

I'm helping and I can't find it
2016-02-24 00:50:37
>> #90420
FairyTailHypno said:
Now how do I add the pictures?

go to the pictures. in the area where you can add stuff to your favorites, there's something that says "add to pool". then you select the pool you wanna add it to
2016-02-24 00:23:39
>> #90416
Hypno Hammer said:
another funny thing. click on the arrow next to "pools" at the top of the page, and select "create new pool". or have someone else do it for you

Now how do I add the pictures?

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