2017-07-30 06:43:51
>> #190341
Link said:
I feel like I'm going crazy...

'Cause you're getting fucked while eating your own pussy?
2016-05-07 00:41:48
>> #102615
I feel like I'm going crazy...
2016-02-28 05:56:31
>> #91056
well it was soukou kijo iris bonus episode
2016-02-28 05:54:45
>> #91055
PomPom said:
I'm gonna guess <<|this one?>>

Damnit.. I was about to reference that just now. Before I read comments.
2016-02-28 03:36:50
>> #91028
muffinmuffler said:
Wait; you're making your pics THAT tiny?

hehe, it's not too small
2016-03-02 02:09:48
>> #91554
Masquerain, is that you?
2016-02-27 16:50:31
>> #90907
I actually quite like this design. Snazzy.
2016-07-15 22:54:06
>> #114588
Wait how did this not get deleted holy shit?
2016-03-05 01:34:36
>> #92051
Well...the wait has been long enough. I'll be bringing this up to the QCC.
2016-02-27 22:11:43
>> #90952
ZyxS pretty much nailed it.

HypnOlster -

You did good pretty well on the eyes. Though zooming in reveals some jagged borders, the errors aren't all too noticeable at default zoom, so it isn't that big a deal (though is still probably something you should try to learn to avoid - having manips look consistent even while zoomed in makes for good manips).

What's holding this image back is the work on the screen. As ZyxS said, The added text isn't aligned properly and is on a white background, which very obviously contrasts from the background of the webpage itself. In addition, the spiral added over the image does not fully cover the image and is pasted rather willy-nilly three times. It's these problems that really drag this manip's quality down.

Now, before I go handing this to the QCC, I feel like it would be a better idea to suggest that you try to remake this manip, fixing the quality issues outlined above. If you decide to try and manage to do so, you can post it here and it can replace this one. If not, I'll put it up for judgment and you can go on trying other, new things. Whichever you want to do.

Now, IF you decide to try fixing it, here's what I recommend you do:

Note: Tool names may not be exactly the same as what I describe here, as I use GIMP and have little experience with Photoshop. Still, they both have a similar selection of tools, so this is doable on either.

* Use the Color Picker tool to select the pink-ish color of the background on the screen. The lighter pink of the various pinks on the background, such as to the very right of where you pasted "Hypnosis". With that color chosen, use the Paintbrush tool to completely "erase" the pasted "Hypnosis" text and its white background, as well as the entire image that you pasted spirals over. This will give you a clean, consistent-looking framework to work from.

* Use the Text tool to type "Hypnosis" where you had it before, except on the pink background instead of the contrasting white background you use in this version. Use a combination of the Rotate and Perspective tools to make the text align properly on the screen. Just play around with different rotations and perspectives until it looks right to you. Don't be afraid to use the Undo feature to try again if it doesn't look good.

* Paste a single instance of the spiral image in the center of the screen, where the original image was located. The goal is to have it look like that spiral WAS the image on that page. Like with the "Hypnosis" text, use a combination of the Rotate and Perspective tools to make the image align properly on the screen. Play around with the tools until it looks right, and don't hesitate to Undo and try again if needed.

If you can't seem to get the new "Hypnosis" text and pasted spiral image to look right using the Perspective tool, in this case it should also work if you JUST use the Rotate tool to align the text and image properly on the screen, since the perspective of the screen in this image isn't really that different from a straight, head-on perspective. However, I still recommend you at least try to use the Perspective tool first, because it's an important manipping tool when it comes to using props.
2016-02-27 21:16:58
>> #90939
Suggestions. Right uh... First off, the eyes look alright, so I'll give you that. It's the screen that irks me. The spirals are just poorly shoved over something else, and you used three in an attempt to cover up the actual image on the screen, which doesn't work. I can still see part of the original image. You also just shoved the word "Hypnosis" over something, and yet didn't cover up the bit at the bottom talking about art, not hypnosis. For the "hypnosis" text, Hell, you didn't even try to align the pasted over text with the angle of the screen. All in all I think you just need some more practice, because this just looks kinda lazily done.
2016-02-27 19:08:08
>> #90921
Yukikyun said:
More railgun :P and maybe some rwby

+1 to both these requests.
2016-02-27 14:35:03
>> #90894
Nazwa said:
Should this be tagged as amputee?

Hmm... Good question... I'm voting for 'yes', mostly because apparently using the void claws doesn't actually require that the arms be chopped off, so it isn't a case of artificial limbs cancelling out the aputee tag...
2016-02-27 14:22:26
>> #90893
Should this be tagged as amputee?
2016-04-27 23:19:30
>> #101171
hwd171 said:
My Oc, Somnica.

I c wat u did there
2016-02-28 23:55:22
>> #91201
Somnus said:
Cool name, especially the root

2016-02-28 23:05:40
>> #91194
Cool name, especially the root
2016-02-28 03:56:41
>> #91039
hwd171 said:
My Oc, Somnica.

Very lovely outfit : )
2016-02-27 13:53:38
>> #90890
Looks very nice^^

Question is, now that you have her, what're you gonna do with her?
2016-10-10 18:17:53
>> #131029
Wow! This is great... but and the unfair too! I wanna be on his place! I wanna be an obedient robo-pony-girl!!!! Please, do it with me too! Please!
2016-02-27 23:06:21
>> #90967
2016-02-27 22:49:40
>> #90963
ecchime said:
I see a lot of characters wearing this lingerie, where is it from? very curious about it...
2016-02-27 22:45:58
>> #90962
plsignore said:
Is it even from anything? I thought it was just one of those trends, like cleavage sweaters a while back.

Yeah, it's kinda like that. I think some company made it, and it became popular like the cleavage sweaters.
2016-02-27 22:36:43
>> #90959
ecchime said:
I see a lot of characters wearing this lingerie, where is it from? very curious about it...

Is it even from anything? I thought it was just one of those trends, like cleavage sweaters a while back.
Date Feb 27, 2016User disgustinggirlRating ExplicitScore 65(vote up)
2016-02-29 22:38:34
>> #91346
ecchime said:
/me Hypnotizes you to do the same

If I go to hell, all the evil, disgusting hypnotic disasters I ever came up with will be cast upon myself.

No, wait, that's heaven I'm talking about. Always getting those two confused.
2016-02-29 22:35:57
>> #91345
JennyRowell said: panties are kinda tight too....

That could have several reasons depending on your suggestibility and gender.
2016-02-29 21:59:06
>> #91344 panties are kinda tight too....
2016-02-27 22:44:26
>> #90961
disgustinggirl said:
*points and giggles*

/me Hypnotizes you to do the same
2016-02-27 16:33:42
>> #90905
BritBoyToy said:
@.@ *Prrrrrt* *Splarch*

*points and giggles*
2016-02-28 02:00:10
>> #91011
ecchime said:
Still fucking awesome... love it very much! GREAT JOB! <3

2016-02-27 22:32:51
>> #90958
Myuk said:
no scanner sorry

Still fucking awesome... love it very much! GREAT JOB! <3
2016-02-27 09:28:29
>> #90872
no scanner sorry
2018-07-13 05:08:45
>> #269837
rocketracer294 said:
This site is all about people opening up their minds.
2017-04-01 01:02:50
>> #165019
rocketracer294 said:
This site is all about people opening up their minds.

I see what you did there.
2017-03-19 22:25:45
>> #162661
I so want to score with this girl....
2016-02-28 10:21:08
>> #91077
disgustinggirl said:
+1 on open-mindedness


This site is all about people opening up their minds.
2016-02-27 23:57:47
>> #90980
disgustinggirl said:
+1 on open-mindedness


2022-03-20 04:47:37
>> #462469
Myuk said:
also, can someone color this one for me? I would really appreciate it!

I'm such an asshole for straight up asking people to color my work on the hub. If anyone reads this, I'm very sorry for that.
2016-03-18 16:21:40
>> #93790
ZeldaIsHot said:
Tbh that's understandable.

That was probably sarcasm, Zelda. :P
2016-02-27 22:38:39
>> #90960
Very good job!!! I see a very good artist here
2016-02-27 11:20:55
>> #90883

You don't want to bring these works of art into your school's library and scan them in front of your piers?
2016-02-27 08:40:05
>> #90867
Thank you very much!

However, I don't have a scanner nor can I afford to buy one right now. I am in college and can't get access to a scanner for....obviously reasons. I plan to upload as much as I can, in any form that I can. For now, I only upload with a phone.

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