2016-02-26 18:23:28
>> #90786
Nice picture keep it up
2016-02-25 22:57:24
>> #90662
I'm so happy to see another one caught, a gym leader no less! It's always nice to see our hypnotized anthro pokemon appreciate their capture!

I think it'd look cool to add her ponytail, makes it easier to identify her!
2016-02-25 22:43:09
>> #90661
In case it wasn't obvious, this is my first time drawing an anthro Keldeo. Though I used quite a few references, I still think it didn't turn out as well as I hoped. So I won't exactly have a problem if this gets taken to QCC since, again, I don't think I'm all that good at drawing an anthro Keldeo. But if you guys like it, then I very much appreciate it. I decided on Korrina this time because there's not enough hypno of her and also partly an excuse to encourage Keldeo hypno because I actually really love this pokémon. And if I draw her in Resolute form, should I add the ponytail back in or no?

Edit: Journal Entry is here!

[spoilers]So I finally decided to go after the Kalos Fighting Type Gym Leader. She was actually quite a challenge, even for Gardevoir and Serena. Though when it came down to it, Delphox pulled through and finished her Pokémon off. Though after a quick little hypnosis, she gladly gave her mind and body to me. After she was turned into a Keldeo I decided she could keep her personality. As well as give her some control over my other pokémon as their superior. Though she'll remain obedient only to me. Though now I'm thinking of going to Unova. There's a certain Dragon Master I'd like in my collection. And if Korrina does a good job helping me, I'll find her a tutor to teach her Secret Sword. Until then, I'll just have fun with my latest capture~ ;)
[email protected]
2016-06-19 02:08:29
>> #110181
Hey this is really good! I like Kims hair like that
2016-02-26 18:53:41
>> #90789
Cowsinner said:
Heh. hehehe.

Christ, that scared the shit out of me.
2016-02-26 16:41:50
>> #90775
CorruptionPrincess said:
I wonder what actually hypnotized her? I would like to imagine it was right when shego pulled her swimsuit off and it was like BLAM hypnocock

If you have any other suggestions. Just say it to me, and I'll do my best!
2016-02-26 05:43:40
>> #90723
I wonder what actually hypnotized her? I would like to imagine it was right when shego pulled her swimsuit off and it was like BLAM hypnocock

2016-02-26 05:00:27
>> #90720
2016-02-29 14:03:17
>> #91316
Jabberwocky said:
Yeah, I'd have preferred a static version.

should i upload the 3rd image as png? :3

ItSwingsBothWays said:
paging grandmastervandril

the grand master :o

EoD said:
I would assume "Unaware" covers that. The sub isn't aware they've been put under and changed. But I'd ask someone who knows a bit more.

yeah, too bad there isn't anything more specific than that.

greasyi said:
This is great! But it would have been better if it weren't animated (or at least didn't loop). I was left wating on frames 1 and 2 and couldn't even read the last frame before it started over.

hmm i've made the 3rd pic to last 3 x longer than the first two, well, it's my first gif, so yeah, next time i'll make it 5-6 times longer :3

maybe i'll upload the seperate pics too.
2016-02-28 12:04:22
>> #91083
greasyi said:
This is great! But it would have been better if it weren't animated (or at least didn't loop). I was left wating on frames 1 and 2 and couldn't even read the last frame before it started over.

Yeah, I'd have preferred a static version.
2016-02-28 00:04:26
>> #90983
EoD said:
someone who knows a bit more.

paging grandmastervandril
2016-02-27 06:29:17
>> #90850
vahn_yourdoom said:

random question :
is there a tag that targets a 'logic change'?

the hypnotized victim think it's 'logical' or 'normal' to do something reeeally weird, is there? no, it's not like unaware, imagine 'attacking enemies = pleasuring him', so the warrior is really trying hard to make her opponent hard XD


I would assume "Unaware" covers that. The sub isn't aware they've been put under and changed. But I'd ask someone who knows a bit more.
2016-02-27 06:22:01
>> #90849
This is great! But it would have been better if it weren't animated (or at least didn't loop). I was left wating on frames 1 and 2 and couldn't even read the last frame before it started over.
2016-02-25 18:47:32
>> #90647
2016-02-29 14:58:30
>> #91319
sonicfire65 said:
Then why is it a guy?

Because it's malesub.
2016-02-27 12:33:58
>> #90886
sonicfire65 said:
Then why is it a guy?

Yeah, why is sub with empty eyes and sound going right through his head a guy?

I guess it's author appeal.
2016-02-27 02:47:01
>> #90833
Nazwa said:
I'm glad some people help with re-tagging it, but it's in no way maledom.

Then why is it a guy?
2016-02-26 00:02:20
>> #90682
I'm glad some people help with re-tagging it, but it's in no way maledom.
2016-02-25 23:19:14
>> #90678
Nazwa said:
Yep, she'll probably do lot of taming :P

Unless there's a deaf person on the hub?
2016-02-25 19:26:35
>> #90653
Absolutely lovely stuff <3
2016-02-25 16:19:51
>> #90641
I saw this on dA ages ago. Why is it now making its way here?
2016-02-25 10:17:52
>> #90619
Those eyes in the last panel... well done!
2016-02-27 01:07:01
>> #90829
I like it.
2016-02-26 00:22:35
>> #90685
godofwar99 said:
Where can i see it?
there you go. just don't post the picture itself. don't wanna get in trouble
2016-02-25 23:02:42
>> #90666
Hypno Hammer said:
Nice. I uploaded one of Miko before dressed as Arcee, but it got deleted because the artist was on the list

Where can i see it?
2016-02-25 16:18:19
>> #90640
Nice. I uploaded one of Miko before dressed as Arcee, but it got deleted because the artist was on the list
2016-02-25 15:01:22
>> #90637
Soundwave- proving once again that the best decepticon is the quiet one.
2016-02-25 08:15:13
>> #90608
Changer said:
Hoping I tagged it right; wasn't fully sure about the furry and hair tags given that they ahve no fur or hair technically since it's metal

Yup, you're good. Anthro robots are still counted as furry.
2016-02-25 08:08:18
>> #90605
So, I just finished this request. Hoping I tagged it right; wasn't fully sure about the furry and hair tags given that they ahve no fur or hair technically since it's metal and the rule is tag what you see. But on the other hand the anthropomorphic appearance and appearance of hair are things you can see. So I figured tagging them would lead to less problems than leaving them untagged if they should be tagged. xD
2016-10-21 05:36:27
>> #133242
is that the dominion rod?
2016-02-25 23:04:05
>> #90667
Spiralia said:
Didn't realize Miiverse had any hypno artists on it. Thought it was just Bikini Days on the 23ds and Maid Mondays.

Well now you know xD
This was actually a request, but I added missing parts, and colored, I plan on coloring a few more B&W pics, and then making my own posts, Look forward to it :D
2016-02-25 07:20:12
>> #90595
Didn't realize Miiverse had any hypno artists on it. Thought it was just Bikini Days on the 23ds and Maid Mondays.

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