2016-02-25 05:38:24
>> #90572
You're a shape shifting alien hybrid/corrupt hero who can grow tentacles from your crotch at will, yet you still need a gun to get laid. This seems logically inconsistent. Good picture though.
2016-02-27 05:21:46
>> #90846
God, this is nice
2016-02-26 09:29:16
>> #90748
ghost13 said:
Well thank you for making it. Do you have more planned?

Yep! I've got more of this story in mind for this comic and plan to make more hypnosis art, should be ready to post pretty soon!

Relanor said:
The blur I think may be completely original. Keep this up, and reply to comments, maybe check out the IRC. You'll fit in real well with the other artists! I bet artists would love to request you try certain things!

Thanks, will do!
2016-02-26 06:54:43
>> #90733
The blur I think may be completely original. Keep this up, and reply to comments, maybe check out the IRC. You'll fit in real well with the other artists! I bet artists would love to request you try certain things!
2016-02-26 06:54:42
>> #90732
The blur I think may be completely original. Keep this up, and reply to comments, maybe check out the IRC. You'll fit in real well with the other artists! I bet artists would love to request you try certain things!
2016-02-26 03:42:56
>> #90711
hypno-hatter said:
Woah, didn't know about this imageboard! I'm the artist, glad to see people enjoying the work :)

Well thank you for making it. Do you have more planned?
2016-02-25 20:39:43
>> #90655
That character on the right was one of the only good things to come out of the Black and White arc of the anime.
2016-02-25 06:18:33
>> #90580
Love this, like straight out of the anime : )
2016-02-25 03:25:52
>> #90564
Dududududududu! *Butterfly powers activated!* >:D
2016-02-25 03:08:02
>> #90561
If I'm missing anything,please help
2016-02-25 08:06:18
>> #90603
Lovely picture, but this one is all McCrazy's work! Thank you for posting though :D
2016-02-25 02:48:12
>> #90559
[spoiler]A few days had gone by without issue. The now nameless jackal was eager to perform her services for just about anyone. The mask had rooted deep into her mind and body. Nuri even toyed with trying to pull the mask off. But its magic seemed to fuse to bone and flesh alike. The membrane allowed the jackal to breathe unhindered, and it appeared she had no need for food or drink. What Nuri found increasingly concerning was the lapse in time she started to experience. At first it was a few hours, during a particularly fun romp with the obedient jackal. but each time she felt she needed to focus on work or simply indulge in other activities, another lapse would come paired with the jackal's insistent need for commands. The more the jackal craved Nuri's dominance, the less she discovered she had available. All the while her blue adornments were slowly turning gold. and her boy was better adapting for the Jackal's use rather than the other way around. In time, every inch of Nuri's dominance had been used up, and the Jackal was eager to progress. Slowly, she removed her mask, only to reveal the face underneath was in fact, another mask just like the first. Her identity truly erased. Nuri was terrified, yet couldn't seem to muster the will to pull away from the suddenly overwhelming presence of her jackal slave. Had to stay still. Had to stare at the light. Had to become the light.

The second jackal slave understood. The mask would drain anyone that was unworthy, that was incapable of an unceasing capacity of dominance. They needed more than a Master. They needed a Pharaoh.{/spoiler]
2016-02-25 02:45:23
>> #90557
Research often requires traveling abroad, and with fellows you don't often share lab space with. At Menat Labs, Rehme prides herself in being an active scientist. Just because the other pairing in the group isn't associated with her lab doesn't mean she can't be productive with them. Nuri was more than eager to join along for a bit of archaeological study of ancient egyptian artifacts. who knows? perhaps it'll lead to uncovering ancient rituals or devices that could be used at the lab.

Which brings us to to the Galtia mask (pronnounced Gahl-Shee-uh). An ancient magical buried in the egyptian temples of the late queen Galtia. Galtia was a ruthless and demanding ruler. It was often said her Royal Guard were unstoppable in power, and incorruptible in loyalty. The truth lay behind the Galtia Masks. Inside the mask, beyond the rippling, melty cascade of brilliant colors, lies the end desire of your very soul. The longer you stare into it, the deeper the galtia mask's will roots into your body.

But it does not want to be worn right away. A servant must look her best. Earn the right to be worthy of its bond. Instead. Repeat exposure to the mask's light slowly makes the subject susceptible, suggestible. she'll follow practically any order. and as time goes on, even lose her conscious identity to obeying the light. Here our lovely colleague, Nuri, has been using the mask to have fun with Rehme for quite a while. Whether or not the mask has been subtly influencing her motives is anyone's guess. Now Rehme can barely remember her name, let alone what she was doing here. all that matters is the mask.

She's been whispering for it. cooing and calling out for it to finally merge with her face and make her complete. Nuri wasn't so sure at first. but after a few days of exciting, kinky fun, maybe it was time to cut out the middle mask. She'd have a new servant for the rest of her days. This mask was probably the best treasure she could find!

Ah, but little do they know, dear readers. The Mask knows where its loyalties lie. Once the mask bonds, rehme will be gone, and a new royal guard will be born. Tasked with the messianic duty of restoring the ancient order, starting with the interloper standing before her. Hail Galtia, the true Mother of the universe!
2016-02-25 10:16:40
>> #90618
Thankfully they are both flat chested or he wouldn't be able to talk.
2016-02-25 03:49:51
>> #90565
Etna being indignant is my jam.
2016-02-25 03:18:52
>> #90563
Disgaea will always have a special place in my heart...and my boner.
2016-02-25 02:15:48
>> #90555
More Flonne plz
2016-02-25 02:12:18
>> #90554
Triple: always good to see Disgaea
2016-02-26 03:20:50
>> #90708
yes, i did this.
2016-02-25 07:58:06
>> #90600
Siegfried013 said:
The shape of Kaa's head resembles megagundamman's art style.

Megagundamman did this sketch so that would be why :P
2016-02-25 06:16:44
>> #90579
Yay more Skyla *giggles*
2016-02-25 04:48:26
>> #90568
The shape of Kaa's head resembles megagundamman's art style.
2016-02-25 03:08:13
>> #90562
eaglet said:
There is way too much actual shit that gets uploaded to this site to flag this one for deletion lmao

Get rid of one of the 3000 low effort texts or the pics with hypno eyes clumsily pasted in instead

I disagree with the flagging in this case, but why don't you flag those pics you're complaining about, since they totally exist. Shouldn't be hard to find them, since there's 3000.
2016-02-26 10:33:12
>> #90752
HypnOlster said:
So glad that there is finally a crash bandicoot picture please make more.

I love the series and Coco, so I'd probably get around to it anyway, but I'll keep it in mind for the next batch of manips I'll work up. :3
2016-02-26 09:26:28
>> #90747
rocketracer294 said:
Because of Vanndril's Law of Inverse Content.

Precisely due to this!

The more involved canonical mind control is in a series, the less hypnofetish art that will be made of it.

I worded that far better in the past, but I STILL can't find that comment post...
2016-02-25 08:34:00
>> #90612
So glad that there is finally a crash bandicoot picture please make more.
2016-02-25 08:31:04
>> #90610
StepfordCrimson said:
It took THIS long to get a Coco Bandicoot pic?

Especially since Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced is a thing?

Because of Vanndril's Law of Inverse Content.
2016-02-25 07:10:13
>> #90592
StepfordCrimson said:
It took THIS long to get a Coco Bandicoot pic?

Especially since Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced is a thing?

Agreed. Super glad to see this is up though!
2016-02-25 19:21:31
>> #90650
malleofan3 said:
Those cloths don't look that bad. They sell them or do I need to be hypnotized?

well its usually the hats that hypnotize them. but only if they try to escape. as for in this pic its cause the one on the right is using vampiric gaze to control the fox and the owner of the eggwarden to have a bit of fun with them.
2016-02-24 22:30:37
>> #90535
Those cloths don't look that bad. They sell them or do I need to be hypnotized?
2016-02-24 19:15:42
>> #90527
looks more like mulan than chel

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