2019-06-21 16:35:31
>> #323586
There’s a pretty thorough episode of Game Theory about Ash’s real age based on how much time canonically passes in the show. I definitely recommend it if you’re a Pokémon fan.

Also this is hawt.
2016-02-22 23:16:08
>> #90227
psychowarrior said:
You know this would explain a few things about Ash.

I would be okay with this XD

Even though I think Ash is 15 1/2 since each league should be a year : P though since they reset him for Black and White I guess he is 11 1/2 again in my book XD
2016-02-22 19:03:15
>> #90206
dark_phoenix said:
Not the "10 years old but show is 20" part, though... ;^;

Or maybe Ash is using Dream Eater to steal youth from the girls he abandons at the end of each season.
2016-02-22 18:03:30
>> #90203
dark_phoenix said:
Not the "10 years old but show is 20" part, though... ;^;

Pokemon age differently, if his dad was a hypno, maybe he ages like one
2016-02-22 10:16:30
>> #90178
psychowarrior said:
You know this would explain a few things about Ash.

Not the "10 years old but show is 20" part, though... ;^;
2016-02-22 04:43:19
>> #90139
Aaaaaaaaaand Sleep.

Good Girl.
Date Feb 22, 2016User HyperpulseRating ExplicitScore 32(vote up)
2016-03-19 04:33:58
>> #93869
ecchime said:
I just LOVE when they become sluts <3

Who doesn't?
2016-02-23 07:30:47
>> #90312
godofwar99 said:
No doubt he tricked her with some kind of spell in some alcohol

Nah, Cana's too smart for that =P
2016-02-22 04:23:13
>> #90135
No doubt he tricked her with some kind of spell in some alcohol
2016-02-22 03:50:30
>> #90132
I just LOVE when they become sluts <3
2016-02-22 09:35:29
>> #90173
Oh, I'm afraid I'm no good for that, ma'am. I'm afraid I'll just make you wetter. ;)
2016-02-22 08:21:03
>> #90163
Dammit can't you see I'm playing video games here?! Priorities dammit! I'll dry you once I finish the level! In all seriousness great picture and very hot. We need more Toon Liz!
2016-02-22 06:35:42
>> #90150
Pretty sure that when you've got a hypnotized slave, the last thing you want is for them to be dry. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2016-02-22 03:39:05
>> #90129
mmmmm I needed dried off ; )
2016-02-22 01:19:02
>> #90119
I'm dripping wet right now. Ha.
2016-02-22 03:38:35
>> #90128
Cute and cleavage *giggles*
2016-02-22 00:37:13
>> #90116
Yaaaaaaay, more Flannery (≧∇≦)/!
2016-02-22 19:43:10
>> #90211
i think she wants to be played with XD
2016-02-22 03:40:42
>> #90130
What a fun toy : )
2016-02-22 01:46:00
>> #90122
And just after I drew some Pokegirl sex dolls and even a story not long ago...
2016-02-21 23:33:57
>> #90107
And then Georgia was a sex doll.
2016-11-18 03:40:39
>> #138588
BritBoyToy said:
I wanna be a good obedient Foxy for my superior Rodent Overlords :(

Imasuky said:
I actually had a talk with a friend about a very similar topic recently. Predator's being put in their place is a good idea.

You'd enjoy the rest of the Suitverse then hehe

2016-06-22 04:03:36
>> #110744
I actually had a talk with a friend about a very similar topic recently. Predator's being put in their place is a good idea.
2016-06-22 03:47:55
>> #110741
LilithAuroros said:
This. So. Much~!
Rodent Superiority <3

I wanna be a good obedient Foxy for my superior Rodent Overlords :(
2016-02-23 19:36:20
>> #90378
Mnesarete said:
I'm a huge fan of predator/prey reversal with conditioning, hypnosis, or other mind control. Foxes should be good sluts for superior rodents, just like wolves should be taught to raise their tail for ever deer and bunny buck that passes by!

This. So. Much~!
Rodent Superiority <3
2016-02-22 00:25:08
>> #90115
Mnesarete said:
I'm a huge fan of predator/prey reversal with conditioning, hypnosis, or other mind control. Foxes should be good sluts for superior rodents, just like wolves should be taught to raise their tail for ever deer and bunny buck that passes by!

Yes! hehe, They should all be good little sluts for their obvious betters.
2016-02-21 20:49:11
>> #90097

[spoiler=^w^ now this is what I call quick respond to fans! ^w^ And looks nice too.]*stares*[/spoiler]
2018-10-20 19:29:49
>> #285688
Mmm i wanna be a pet just like her mmm my pussy Mouth and ass being used by my master any way he pleases mmm ill be a good girl
2016-05-11 08:34:46
>> #103320
LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-02-29 03:02:30
>> #91249
i oddly love it and I don't even like harry potter lol
2016-02-29 03:02:25
>> #91248
i oddly love it and I don't even like harry potter lol
2016-02-21 19:08:13
>> #90085
To be a pet like that<3
2016-02-22 15:29:59
>> #90193
ZeldaIsHot said:
Below the image there's a button that says "Edit" there's a box of tags in there, just write in the tag you want, spaces are underscores, series names start with "Copy:" character names start with "Char:" artist tags start with "Artist:"

Thanks for the info!
2016-02-21 20:09:57
>> #90093
plsignore said:
FYI, if there's a tag missing, there's no reason you can't add it in yourself

I don't know how to add tags, which is kind of a problem.

And I just wanted to get that off my chest: the reason we have tags is twofolds: to allow people to find their on kinks; and to allow people to blacklist their off kinks. I was complaining about what was nearly a buzzkill for me (would have been were it any soldier that's not Tharja) that I blundered in due to a missing tag that I specifically blacklisted.

Take care!
2016-02-21 19:17:14
>> #90087
plsignore said:
FYI, if there's a tag missing, there's no reason you can't add it in yourself

Have my Like : )
2016-02-21 19:14:55
>> #90086
ElisaSky said:
Who forgot to tag for the series?

FYI, if there's a tag missing, there's no reason you can't add it in yourself

2016-02-21 19:04:03
>> #90084
Who forgot to tag for the series?

I mean, it's lucky it's Tharja here, because I have a big dislike for her, but please remember to tag the series a character is from, for those weirdoes like me who like their little rag tag army way, way too much and as a result get an instant boner kill when they stumble onto a pic depicting one of their precious soldiers getting hurt...

Thanks in advance all!

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