2016-02-26 03:20:50
>> #90708
yes, i did this.
2016-02-25 07:58:06
>> #90600
Siegfried013 said:
The shape of Kaa's head resembles megagundamman's art style.

Megagundamman did this sketch so that would be why :P
2016-02-25 06:16:44
>> #90579
Yay more Skyla *giggles*
2016-02-25 04:48:26
>> #90568
The shape of Kaa's head resembles megagundamman's art style.
2016-02-25 03:08:13
>> #90562
eaglet said:
There is way too much actual shit that gets uploaded to this site to flag this one for deletion lmao

Get rid of one of the 3000 low effort texts or the pics with hypno eyes clumsily pasted in instead

I disagree with the flagging in this case, but why don't you flag those pics you're complaining about, since they totally exist. Shouldn't be hard to find them, since there's 3000.
2016-02-26 10:33:12
>> #90752
HypnOlster said:
So glad that there is finally a crash bandicoot picture please make more.

I love the series and Coco, so I'd probably get around to it anyway, but I'll keep it in mind for the next batch of manips I'll work up. :3
2016-02-26 09:26:28
>> #90747
rocketracer294 said:
Because of Vanndril's Law of Inverse Content.

Precisely due to this!

The more involved canonical mind control is in a series, the less hypnofetish art that will be made of it.

I worded that far better in the past, but I STILL can't find that comment post...
2016-02-25 08:34:00
>> #90612
So glad that there is finally a crash bandicoot picture please make more.
2016-02-25 08:31:04
>> #90610
StepfordCrimson said:
It took THIS long to get a Coco Bandicoot pic?

Especially since Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced is a thing?

Because of Vanndril's Law of Inverse Content.
2016-02-25 07:10:13
>> #90592
StepfordCrimson said:
It took THIS long to get a Coco Bandicoot pic?

Especially since Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced is a thing?

Agreed. Super glad to see this is up though!
2016-02-25 19:21:31
>> #90650
malleofan3 said:
Those cloths don't look that bad. They sell them or do I need to be hypnotized?

well its usually the hats that hypnotize them. but only if they try to escape. as for in this pic its cause the one on the right is using vampiric gaze to control the fox and the owner of the eggwarden to have a bit of fun with them.
2016-02-24 22:30:37
>> #90535
Those cloths don't look that bad. They sell them or do I need to be hypnotized?
2016-02-24 19:15:42
>> #90527
looks more like mulan than chel
2016-02-25 16:09:15
>> #90639
godofwar99 said:
The Skylanders do suck. I prefer the legend of spyro series, the games have a nice story to them

legend of spyro was a lot worse than skylanders in my opinion. at least the one in skylanders still felt like playing spyro.

also fuck yeah elora.
2016-02-25 05:25:44
>> #90571
Nuuuu! My childhoodz!
2016-02-24 23:15:41
>> #90537
LilithAuroros said:
YES!!! old gen Spyro!
Not the crappy skylanders~

The Skylanders do suck. I prefer the legend of spyro series, the games have a nice story to them
2016-02-24 16:35:09
>> #90521
YES!!! old gen Spyro!
Not the crappy skylanders~
2016-02-24 16:31:09
>> #90520
Hmmm, there isn't much dom stuff of the poor dragon.

Also, I'm surprised anyone still remember Spyro at all x3
2016-02-25 13:39:49
>> #90633
Erika said:
im sure that somewhere in some form of media there are vampire corpses that have funny joint bending~
2016-02-25 13:16:44
>> #90631
I do think this is the best rendition of Erika Zorro ever did. Very cute expression and the poses/angles are ambitious which is why it probably looks a bit wonky in places. But overall, it looks great!
2016-02-25 12:44:00
>> #90628
rocketracer294 said:
Vampires are not undead like zombies are undead. Vampire are more symbolically undead in that they died but still have life (with different rules). Vampires were never corpses, otherwise they would be zombies. Therefore, the leg should not bend that way. For more on this, watch the monogatori series.

As for the rest of the picture, I really like Erika's expression, but I feel that Rachel's is too blank, and not condescending enough.

hmmm well fortunately (unfortunately?) vampires dont actually exist so there isnt a SET list of rules for them. im sure that somewhere in some form of media there are vampire corpses that have funny joint bending~

that being said im not trying to defend the questionable anatomy in this picture. sure it has some flaws but i still think its a great picture.

2016-02-25 08:02:19
>> #90601
Nazwa said:
*snicker* now then, when we remember they are corpses (looking at Erika's mouth, she too, now), displaced leg is not something that would stop them from having S&M play.

Vampires are not undead like zombies are undead. Vampire are more symbolically undead in that they died but still have life (with different rules). Vampires were never corpses, otherwise they would be zombies. Therefore, the leg should not bend that way. For more on this, watch the monogatori series.

As for the rest of the picture, I really like Erika's expression, but I feel that Rachel's is too blank, and not condescending enough.
2016-02-25 00:34:11
>> #90547
*snicker* now then, when we remember they are corpses (looking at Erika's mouth, she too, now), displaced leg is not something that would stop them from having S&M play.
2021-01-02 22:13:37
>> #400750
This is sad to me, I like bimbofication but not when it’s ruining lives
2020-06-29 06:54:19
>> #376078
pugemuzem said:
ofrohgewtotsellp=Forget How to Spell
bbcycyounoun=Bouncy Bouncy
draeouumby=You Are Dumb
Ummdrongwy=Wrong Dummy
ggdirloo=Good Girl

I know that most people will figure these things out themselves, but it's not fun to do while reading the story so I'm leaving this here for anyone who reads comments first

the only one I didn't know was Ummdrongwy
2016-07-23 16:37:49
>> #115958
ofrohgewtotsellp=Forget How to Spell
bbcycyounoun=Bouncy Bouncy
draeouumby=You Are Dumb
Ummdrongwy=Wrong Dummy
ggdirloo=Good Girl

I know that most people will figure these things out themselves, but it's not fun to do while reading the story so I'm leaving this here for anyone who reads comments first
2016-03-20 21:26:16
>> #94105
what's also awesome in this is, they keep being able to talk in a way that makes sense, their speech center don’t take damage, nor do they age regress, they just become dumb, horny, sluts that don’t care for rules and etiquette or taboo. And don't just go "me" or "kitty wants", their speech just turns into a representation of their intelligence center: focusing on nothing but meeting boys, and being a cute dumb horny slut that don't care about "proper" way of speech.
Also, the fact that it comes in natural, and they don’t notice it, but just become more and more unrestricted, almost happy about being brain drained. Asking about what things mean like a dumb clueless, forgetful, silly lil slut, and trying to come up with the answer and failing fantastically. Believing anything anyone tells them, because they look up to them, or think they're "super smart! :O". And being cute and gullible/naive. And no second thoughts, just acting on it, and believing it.
Not caring about education, position, goals or image. Just being a fun lil toy, and enjoying it. No restrictions or boundaries even knowing what it is. Just doing things that feels good. Cuteness, niceness, humor, sex, candy, being pretty. Completely mindless pleasure and indulgence and submission.
(tho they constantly think they're "super smart" or "super stronk" or "super seriouz" or "super proper/elegant")
2016-02-24 14:45:05
>> #90515
Triple: I saw this ages ago it is still good
2016-02-25 23:04:30
>> #90669
ecchime said:
pops the balloon up with a needle

awh : P
2016-02-25 07:17:40
>> #90593
pokemongirl said:
*opens mouth for balloon cock*

pops the balloon up with a needle
2016-02-25 06:10:35
>> #90578
*opens mouth for balloon cock*
2016-02-25 00:26:34
>> #90546
Should've done a sequel to go with the correction ;-)
2016-02-24 10:37:25
>> #90500
Looks a bit better with the thicker lines, good adjustment ^^
2016-02-24 16:07:35
>> #90518
Kansattica said:
The slight difference between "Hypnotia" and "Hypnotica" almost tripped me up here.

Oops. Finger slipped.

Also does the site not have a hyphenated Spider-Man tag or...?
2016-02-24 08:43:24
>> #90489
The slight difference between "Hypnotia" and "Hypnotica" almost tripped me up here.

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