2016-02-24 23:22:58
>> #90539
skullman2033 said:
I disagree, I think it would be better to have a balance of both, cant run a town without a ((surprisingly amazingly intelligent))assistant

Agreed sexy smart slaves are best slaves!
2016-02-24 18:17:57
>> #90525
First Isabelle pic I like enough to save, digging the "minimalist furry" style here
2016-02-23 22:48:42
>> #90400
EoD said:
The only thing better than slowly turning your secretary into a slut is the fact you get to fuck her in the end.

I disagree, I think it would be better to have a balance of both, cant run a town without a ((surprisingly amazingly intelligent))assistant
2016-02-23 22:10:13
>> #90392
*giggles* cute and sexy ; )
2016-02-23 10:36:56
>> #90329
The only thing better than slowly turning your secretary into a slut is the fact you get to fuck her in the end.
2016-02-23 09:55:19
>> #90322
Some people have "yaoi" tag blacklisted!
2016-02-23 09:52:56
>> #90321
SyrupBoop said:
Man I'm always a sucker for blank expressions and Egyptian symbolism, I love this!

oh thanks
o wo
2016-02-23 08:44:07
>> #90316
Man I'm always a sucker for blank expressions and Egyptian symbolism, I love this!
2021-08-17 20:19:15
>> #433378
Believe me, Natsu, I never wanted to do this. However, Gray keeps rejecting me and doing this act of love with you was suppose to make him jealous. I knew at first that you wouldn't agree, so I had to take another route.

I had to put some of my body in water form and put it in your meal to get where you are. Now, I control your limps and my water fused with the water in your veins and now running into your brain. My voice is the only one that you hear now because of me. Since Gray can’t be mine, I thought of trying my opposite.

I heard that opposites attract. And now I realize that it’s true. Natsu, be my Gray; fill me with your fire as I with my water.

Whatever makes you happy, my beloved Juvia.

2016-08-10 08:48:45
>> #119065
o_o said:
I think there's potential for Gray and Juvia but only if Juvia tones down the crazy fan girling.

Juvia does not need to if she can do this.
2016-02-24 01:28:54
>> #90425
godofwar99 said:
Well, she kinda gave up on Gary in this. But I can see you're a Gruvia fan

I think there's potential for Gray and Juvia but only if Juvia tones down the crazy fan girling.
2016-02-23 17:53:29
>> #90370
Nightfire said:
Honestly? I see her doing it to Grey instead of Nastu.

Well, she kinda gave up on Gary in this. But I can see you're a Gruvia fan
2016-02-23 16:14:35
>> #90364
EoD said:
There are a few typos. She can control his...limps?

Other than that...yeah. I can see her doing something like this if she was pushed to far.

Honestly? I see her doing it to Grey instead of Nastu.
2016-03-20 03:00:31
>> #94006
cummed for you :3
2016-02-24 06:15:12
>> #90454
Nice touch
2016-02-24 03:23:07
>> #90434
Nazwa said:
I just wonder, why tag it as "Human"(??) while original pic (also on hypnohub) is correctly tagged as MLP?

Asking because I noticed this not being hidden due to blacklist ^^
*edits tags*

I'm not sure if I tagged it as human myself, maybe the automatic tags did that.
2016-02-23 10:33:15
>> #90327
I just wonder, why tag it as "Human"(??) while original pic (also on hypnohub) is correctly tagged as MLP?

Asking because I noticed this not being hidden due to blacklist ^^
*edits tags*
2016-02-23 07:04:54
>> #90303
Aside from the giant spiral on the right side, I like this one.
2021-08-17 20:12:24
>> #433377
Hello, Natsu. Oh, I was just, spending this time thinking. Thinking of you. I saw what you did when those awful dragons attack the capital. Being tough, brave, and incredible, really got my EYE. Speaking of my eyes, how do they look? Are they better than that Celestial mage, Lucy’s, or that take-over girl, Lisanna’s? If so, keep looking. A fine mage like you deserves a girl of more class and beauty like me. I may entice other men, and sometimes women, with my eyes and... smooth, soft, perfect, jiggling girls here, but I saved a perfect spot for you, Dragneel. I know how much you love your guild, so if you were to be my dragon you could “slay” me all day and keep your eyes on mine forever while staying in your guild. Just visit me when I send you lacroma message. And you WILL do it.

I knew you’d agree. Now, keep your eyes on my eyes and show me your “blazing sword”
2016-02-23 07:25:52
>> #90309
jurodan said:
My only complaint is that the image looks slightly squeezed. It's subtle, but it's noticeable. Most noticeable around the neck/head area...

.... Sorry about that ^^;
2016-02-23 07:22:07
>> #90307
My only complaint is that the image looks slightly squeezed. It's subtle, but it's noticeable. Most noticeable around the neck/head area...
2016-02-23 07:07:57
>> #90306
sonicfire65 said:
I would love some Liz dom

That would be great
2016-02-23 07:06:02
>> #90304
I would love some Levy dom
2021-04-11 09:00:13
>> #414748
I'd like to see more of this on this days, It's just perfect
2016-02-24 10:35:23
>> #90499
really wish there was some tag for degradation/dirty talk :P
2016-02-24 06:50:25
>> #90464
Cowsinner said:
Because it's awesome.

2016-02-24 01:56:03
>> #90427
Because it's awesome.
2016-02-23 10:45:18
>> #90332
I have no clue why I like this so much.
2016-02-25 07:22:07
>> #90597
TheSpoon said:
It's the all-new "hypnotic testicles" tag

Trendsetting! It's the next hip thing.
2016-02-24 06:17:35
>> #90455
It's the all-new "hypnotic testicles" tag
2016-02-23 13:44:28
>> #90348
Just so we know, this picture is a response to a tumblr post asking "Can I get Pinkie to play with my balls?"
That's why her response is "Uh huh..."
2016-02-23 05:04:12
>> #90283
This nuts...GARY!!!
2016-02-23 04:45:51
>> #90278
Letterabcd said:
Nary <3

I plan On making more of our beautiful goddeses soon, I'm surprised no one draws them ;.;

OMG thank you xD
2016-02-23 04:42:20
>> #90276
2016-02-23 03:51:32
>> #90263
2016-02-23 04:17:51
>> #90265
Evilunicorn said:
So. Much. DROOL <3

Mmmmh . . . this is the best fountain ever. ^-^
2016-02-23 03:21:24
>> #90256
So. Much. DROOL <3

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