2016-02-24 06:40:50
>> #90461
This is pretty good! :D I like it. And I usually don't like pony stuff, either, so... Well done!
2016-02-23 01:35:43
>> #90242
Sequel to post #33905, but this time featuring a different version of Fluttershy, that I used from a brush I made out of an image belonging to Ziemniax of E621. You can find the post I used this Fluttershy from, here:

Have fun looking at/fapping to/commenting on this image, I hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed making this.
2016-02-23 03:43:47
>> #90259
2016-02-23 03:29:16
>> #90258
Lovely ass
2016-02-23 00:54:37
>> #90238
Ahahaha. I read it in her voice too.
2016-02-22 23:10:32
>> #90223
Oh WOW this set it soooo old! Like, years! We should get the story posted with it, it really is quite good.
2016-02-23 01:32:39
>> #90241
magictoaster said:
Couldn't he just, I don't know, order her to tell him?

Nah. Cause that's not how Hitagi roles. She's always messing with Araragi

Morgoth said:
I like the tits of the girls in the upper right ans left corner, they looks somewhat natural.

The left is Nadeko, and the right is Mayoi. You should watch the series. Start with Bakemonogatari then watch the rest in release order. It's really good.
2016-02-23 00:36:17
>> #90236
I like the tits of the girls in the upper right ans left corner, they looks somewhat natural.

magictoaster said:
Couldn't he just, I don't know, order her to tell him?

He probably could, but why should he spoil the fun? ^^

2016-02-22 22:47:36
>> #90220
This looks like a fun game.
2016-02-22 22:38:25
>> #90218
Couldn't he just, I don't know, order her to tell him?
2016-03-05 02:15:47
>> #92059
yesss I need more subby Bowser
2016-02-24 06:37:50
>> #90459
Spirals said:
Sufferin' succotash, that was some snazzy and sleak alliteration!

"Psyche" was the one bolded P word that wasn't actually alliterative unfortunately.

HOLY CRAP THIS IS A GOOD PICTURE, by the way. :D I would kill for an animated version of this.
2016-02-23 01:03:51
>> #90239
pokemongirl said:
I need those bikini bottoms ; )

Please! <3
2016-02-23 00:53:24
>> #90237
2016-02-23 00:24:03
>> #90234
I need those bikini bottoms ; )
2016-02-22 19:14:53
>> #90209
With her mind converted to data and her personality suspended, Honour was little more than a life sized doll.
2016-02-23 05:30:06
>> #90295
plsignore said:
That whole site is kind of a mess. A lot of people don't tag their stuff all that well, and the search function only lets you go back 2000 items at a time before failing for some reason, which isn't that helpful when "hypnosis" has 20k results. I've had an easier time trawling through users' galleries and favorites for pics instead.

But enough ranting. It's a nice pic, I'm glad you had it made, I'm glad I found it, and I hope you don't mind having it uploaded here.

Oh nonono no hard feelings after all once i uploaded it to FA its public anyway. if at all you took advantage of me being too lazy XD i enjoy having all hypno related art on here as well. again i'm just kinda lazy >_>
2016-02-23 04:37:26
>> #90272
ZarosTenjin said:
oh hey art i bought years ago~ looks like someone went through the hypno tag on FA XD

That whole site is kind of a mess. A lot of people don't tag their stuff all that well, and the search function only lets you go back 2000 items at a time before failing for some reason, which isn't that helpful when "hypnosis" has 20k results. I've had an easier time trawling through users' galleries and favorites for pics instead.

But enough ranting. It's a nice pic, I'm glad you had it made, I'm glad I found it, and I hope you don't mind having it uploaded here.
2016-02-23 03:48:05
>> #90260
oh hey art i bought years ago~ looks like someone went through the hypno tag on FA XD
2016-02-22 19:23:32
>> #90210
grimest said:
no one told me it was furry mondays xD

Yeah, I think I missed a memo somewhere. x3
2016-02-22 19:07:57
>> #90207
no one told me it was furry mondays xD
2016-02-23 00:20:03
>> #90233
Ya I'd watch it XD
2016-02-22 17:27:54
>> #90198
Mmmm, more military uniforms, though not rat supremacist ones xb
2016-02-23 14:21:59
>> #90353
Where do I go to join?
2016-02-22 23:13:43
>> #90225 it!
2016-02-22 17:01:06
>> #90197
Propaganda tag... I like it.
2016-02-26 07:12:38
>> #90737
Huh... there's not much of a trick to it. Use gradients, or copy puddles from other pictures, try to get the color right, try making the shape look natural (where would pee dribble down, how would it spread throughout fabric and so on). I've yet to master this myself.
2016-02-24 06:21:05
>> #90456
HypnOlster said:
I have just started with photoshop so go easy on me. P.S if anyone knows how to do the urine better thaat would be most helpful thanks :)

I'll call disgustinggirl. :P
2016-02-23 08:57:43
>> #90318
iAlpha said:
Almost positive this is Super Sonico, so I added a tag. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Maybe I don't know. I will keep the tag and let someone more qualified correct me.
2016-02-23 01:49:18
>> #90245
Almost positive this is Super Sonico, so I added a tag. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
2016-02-22 15:53:13
>> #90195
Imasuky said:
Now this is pretty good.

Thanks I think I have been getting better too but it is nice to see some outside validation that I am not just going crazy XD

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