2016-03-02 23:40:49
>> #91678
sti-Z said:

2016-03-02 23:39:34
>> #91677
Myuk said:
btw, did you use a tablet for this?

2016-03-02 08:22:49
>> #91581
btw, did you use a tablet for this?
2016-02-29 13:11:31
>> #91314
well, it looks amazing in any case~
good job yall~
2016-02-29 05:31:14
>> #91269
just want to point that anyone coloring doesn't need to follow what a previous person has done. Any one can color it anyway they want.
2016-02-29 13:07:07
>> #91313
Myuk, once again thank you for being on the hub, just do things your way and we will keep on being satisfied...
I guess we should pool money for a scaner or something, that would be worth it...
2016-02-29 12:13:00
>> #91309
O.O Woaaah, these pictures are really awesome! I love the style, these girls look so cute and their expressions are perfect *__*
2016-02-29 02:16:44
>> #91241
Joyce has the best faces.
2016-02-29 02:11:56
>> #91240
...whoa. I just noticed that Inma responded... in rude way... too. That open so many possible plots...
2016-02-29 02:09:03
>> #91238
Zko said:
Oh man I'm super jealous of how fast you can draw and how good it looks too. It takes me forever to get something half decent and college keeps me from practicing ever ;-;

Can't wait to see more from you, do you do a any colouring?

Thanks zko! I've seen your work; it's amazing. I may be pushing these things out, but I freestyle on the way. You must have more knowledge than me when it comes to drawing.

I do wish to color in the future, despite not having a lot of experience on it. I do have photoshop, but I'm not used to it. All I can say don't expect colored pictures on release. Actually, now that I think about it, I might have to make a cover page or something, but oh boy, I hope I can do it.
2016-02-29 01:24:30
>> #91224
._. ...ok :v
2016-02-29 00:46:06
>> #91220
So out of all the remakes i did witch one is the best? And why? And wich one is the worst and why?
2016-03-25 09:07:05
>> #95182
Now I want to see her cuddle Neilina and her Chie slave.
2016-03-01 10:47:57
>> #91457
Dreamshade said:
Do you get interest on idea deposits?

Hope so. Pretty quick way to get more ideas. Although then I should'nt use those ideas to get more interest. Hmm
2016-03-01 02:02:11
>> #91373
Love the fingersnap. Maybe she's be getting lessons from Mrs Erickson?
2016-02-29 23:14:28
>> #91351
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Aye aye! Still got a few ideas in the bank

Do you get interest on idea deposits?
2016-02-29 20:35:43
>> #91334
Nazwa said:
...did she just rewarded for being too noisy?

Is it a reward if you don't remember it?

anon9 said:
Love these comics.


Anno1404 said:
Keep drawing Edge! Let there be no end to the theatre :D

Aye aye! Still got a few ideas in the bank
2016-02-29 01:22:36
>> #91223
Nazwa said:
They just got abducted?

But that's no excuse to give them clothes!

In fact, it's the opposite!
2016-02-29 00:40:50
>> #91219
Nazwa said:
They just got abducted?

Also, Kara's just very nice.
2016-02-28 23:38:43
>> #91200
Myuk said:
Hypnohub is lucky enough that I make these panels.

[spoiler=Fixed.]More, More~[/spoiler]
2016-02-28 22:57:58
>> #91191
SoloWingPixy said:
Jeez...y'know, when I think "art drawn on index card" images pop up in my mind of some random, blurry doodles 13-year-olds post on DeviantArt.

What I do NOT think of is this amazing stuff. Like, goddamn dude...this is some real talent you got here. (It certainly helps that what you draw basically embodies all the stuff I'm into :P)

The only thing I'd say bothers me is that the nipples have a habit of looking wonky in some of your pictures...might be a consequence of drawing with pencils, I dunno. In any case, keep up the great work! (And the amazing upload speed, holy bejeezus.)

yeah, the nipple thing (that sounds funny in my head).... I kind of rush over those which probably gotta stop doing, but I'm gonna make a shameless excuse by saying drawing on small space kind of limits what kind of content I can make. I'm lucky enough to make these panels.
2016-02-28 22:53:12
>> #91188
Jeez...y'know, when I think "art drawn on index card" images pop up in my mind of some random, blurry doodles 13-year-olds post on DeviantArt.

What I do NOT think of is this amazing stuff. Like, goddamn dude...this is some real talent you got here. (It certainly helps that what you draw basically embodies all the stuff I'm into :P)

The only thing I'd say bothers me is that the nipples have a habit of looking wonky in some of your pictures...might be a consequence of drawing with pencils, I dunno. In any case, keep up the great work! (And the amazing upload speed, holy bejeezus.)
2016-02-28 20:14:34
>> #91155
2016-02-28 20:12:23
>> #91154
More foxy pokemons, yay!
2016-02-29 00:35:11
>> #91217
Myuk said:
I have one coming, which is probably the last one for today.
I have to study and stuff.


Sorry, it's just bit too good.
2016-02-29 00:32:22
>> #91215
I have one coming, which is probably the last one for today.
I have to study and stuff.
2016-02-29 00:31:21
>> #91214

*continues hug*

Any more pics incoming? I will take no, but...

*sigh* too greedy :/
2016-02-29 00:29:13
>> #91213
Nazwa said:
Myuk I want to hug you somehow...

*virtual hug*?


*hugs virtually*
2016-02-29 00:27:10
>> #91212
Myuk I want to hug you somehow...

*virtual hug*?
2016-02-28 22:59:16
>> #91192

Mindwipe said:
FYI: for original characters with only one name, their tag cannot just be their name. You must add the creator's name to the end of their tag in parentheses. So, for example, "febe_(myuk)".

thanks for telling me that!
2016-02-28 22:32:07
>> #91181
Myuk said:
catgirl: Febe
cloak girl: Joyce
succubus: inma

FYI: for original characters with only one name, their tag cannot just be their name. You must add the creator's name to the end of their tag in parentheses. So, for example, "febe_(myuk)".
2016-02-28 18:14:19
>> #91139
Myuk, how do I say this...You are very welcome on this website and your art is definetly an amazing addition to our picture base...
I would suggest you invest in a graphic tablet for you to make your art more amazingand easy to upload.
If you manage to find how to color this work, you will be on the way to more fame and Uber greatness~
I will be following your uploads carefully so Keep up the good work and no pressure!
2016-02-28 18:12:16
>> #91138
Nazwa said:
What about "Me-ow-stress" or "Myi-i-stress"?

Of course!
2016-02-28 18:06:51
>> #91137
Myuk said:
Go for it!

What about "Me-ow-stress" or "Myi-i-stress"?
2016-03-01 23:15:09
>> #91527
Still love the fact that her name is literally "real xiii's dark skinned girl".
2016-02-29 11:07:32
>> #91303
rocketracer294 said:
I feel like this should have the "seizure warning" tag.

That'd be a bit overzealous.
2016-02-29 08:20:50
>> #91284
I feel like this should have the "seizure warning" tag.
2016-02-29 06:54:39
>> #91275
anonymind said:
Codename: Command Holstein
Man, these Foxhound operatives just get weirder and weirder.

Broskander approved!
2016-02-29 00:34:03
>> #91216
I'd have her as my CO anyday. :P
Mister Vi
2016-03-01 04:22:04
>> #91400
wishable said:
What happened to Kari's hands?

guess number one is that they are tied to her but, guess number two is that the artist maybe gave up on figuring out where to put them and made their position kinda ambiguous in hopes that not a lot of people would notice.

Whisper said:
Exactly, yet they would still feel compelled to obey...

I am not a evil master i swear, it is just an idea...

an important part of any pet training is to re-enforce the feeling of helplessness, both when they are resistant and when they are obedient, bondage is a great way to achieve this, for early on it can make them feel helpless to escape your grasp, or later it may feed them the sensation of desperately needing to obey you... sound about right? i don't know, the thought came to mind as I read your comment.
2016-03-01 03:55:58
>> #91395
What happened to Kari's hands?
2016-02-28 21:50:59
>> #91166
Siithichan said:
There is not much they could do, while being tied up like on that picture :P

Exactly, yet they would still feel compelled to obey...

I am not a evil master i swear, it is just an idea...
2016-02-28 21:35:32
>> #91162
There is not much they could do, while being tied up like on that picture :P
2016-02-28 18:15:40
>> #91140
what about all the fun of ordering them to do things while tied up?
plus it makes certains area more sensitive and... erotic...

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