2016-02-28 23:18:09
>> #91197
XavierBro-13 said:
I'd be an eevee. I just really like the little guy. Also, thanks again Linda. You're really good at digital art and this was a pleasant surprise to wake up to.

No problem, maybe i should try making my own one sometime but i got no ideas.
2016-02-28 20:49:47
>> #91159
I'd be an eevee. I just really like the little guy. Also, thanks again Linda. You're really good at digital art and this was a pleasant surprise to wake up to.
2016-02-28 14:21:54
>> #91097
Lapsa said:
You do really nice pokemon arts. ^^

Xavier does all the work.
2016-02-28 14:11:40
>> #91096
You do really nice pokemon arts. ^^
2016-02-28 12:55:16
>> #91088
I also added hair i thought it would make her look more like Iris.
2016-02-28 11:41:31
>> #91082
Honestly I thought this pic was an art. It manip. Daym you, awesome xD
2016-02-28 18:46:26
>> #91146
I say go for it. You've obviously worked hard, no point in not showing off your work then.
2016-02-28 18:40:03
>> #91144
Well, the game would actually be centered around corruption. I really love those corruption pictures where the characters turn into white skinned "demons." But, ya know, usually it's always KanColle or magical girl anime that get those pictures. Well, screw that! I want to take all the hot girls and hypnotize, then corrupt all of them. So, that's pretty much my inspiration for the game.

Unfortunately, due to my limited time, I will be templating all the character CGs (as you can probably tell, I drew one body then changed hair and eyes and breast size around). If enough support is shown, I'll probably draw some actual sex scenes. I've been drawing a crap ton this weekend, because my roommate went home for the weekend, so I'm hoping to release a demo with 4-5 girls and 1 scene before the end of today. The game will probably be made in Twine, since it's free, so it'll play more like a interactive story than a game, I guess.

The jist of the story is just that a demon possesses Raku and goes on to corrupt all the girls in the Nisekoi world. If the game gets popular enough, I'll probably throw in some plot device to let him travel to other anime worlds, too... But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, haha!
2016-02-28 16:21:48
>> #91111
Mephaustis said:
Yeah, so, long time lurker here, I've been playing around with the idea of making an anime themed parody game, probably a free release game with Patreon as a tip jar + small perks thing. Let me know what you think, and I'll probably go through with it if there's at least some interest.

Could you give us some more details? I think I'm interested.
2016-02-28 10:56:54
>> #91079
Yeah, so, long time lurker here, I've been playing around with the idea of making an anime themed parody game, probably a free release game with Patreon as a tip jar + small perks thing. Let me know what you think, and I'll probably go through with it if there's at least some interest.
Date Feb 28, 2016User JuuzouRating QuestionableScore 20(vote up)
2016-02-29 07:14:12
>> #91279
adorable :)
2016-02-29 07:10:37
>> #91278
2016-02-28 06:36:22
>> #91060
Entrance of the new Char Yui-chan :D
2016-05-19 11:18:19
>> #104818
Source image:

Camilla's with Sakura (Street Fighter) and Samus (Metroid).
2016-02-29 01:37:25
>> #91230
if this is just Fire Emblem Fates, then headband girl is probably Hinoka (though she never uses a headband, so idk).
2016-02-28 23:22:47
>> #91198
StepfordCrimson said:
Oh if only the female Corrin could be able to marry girls [spoilers] besides Rhajat (BTW Thank you developers for making Rhajat the lesbo for female Corrin! :D) [/spoilers]

they read my emails <3
2016-02-28 20:25:18
>> #91157
Oh if only the female Corrin could be able to marry girls [spoilers] besides Rhajat (BTW Thank you developers for making Rhajat the lesbo for female Corrin! :D) [/spoilers]
2016-02-28 19:55:45
>> #91150
Hypno Hammer said:
from the thumbnail, I thought that was Cynthia from Pokemon

Agreed now we need some Cynthia and Camillia action!
2016-02-28 11:03:53
>> #91080
grashok said:
well Im still working on the not a native speaker thing...

Its okay. ^^ As I said, its nice, and a lot of people seem to like the addition.
2016-02-28 10:47:18
>> #91078
well Im still working on the not a native speaker thing...
2016-02-28 04:15:01
>> #91044
A couple issues with the dialogue's wording, but I like it. ^^ This turned out to be a really popular piece, and I'm glad considering how much determination it took to get!
2016-02-28 04:01:34
>> #91041
So, yea, I was bored. Hmpf.
2016-03-05 17:41:50
>> #92148
You've won the day.
2016-02-29 16:39:01
>> #91326
I wonder why Rita's going into the body-double business. Does she have plans for such?
2016-02-28 12:22:37
>> #91085
your most welcome I commission quite a lot of rita stuff these days and there is a story on da that has them turned in to rita's playthings
2016-02-28 05:00:01
>> #91050
This is so wonderful and necessary!
2016-02-28 03:47:35
>> #91036
Mind control... with Power Rangers.... and Daria.

I applaud you. *soft clapping*
2016-03-13 17:46:38
>> #93112
MasakakiKairi said:
We need more dominant Febe

Yep. Way more dominant Febe. And some submissive Febe too. And don't forget more Febe ^^
2016-03-13 17:00:50
>> #93108
We need more dominant Febe
2016-02-29 08:38:03
>> #91287
Myuk said:
I could, but I don't have the money to afford it. The money I have college is monitored by my parents. I have to do with what I have, not that it matters. I'm still doing fine with index cards lol

What I imagine:

You:"Hey mom could I get a tablet?"
Your Mom: "why?"
You: "To draw fetish porn."
2016-02-28 16:28:55
>> #91112
Myuk said:
I would've thought the left foot was odd XD
I'm not used to drawing anime feet or bodies in general...

...and yet it's this good. Just think about it.

Now I wonder if succubus is going to try turning table on catgirl...
2016-02-28 16:14:45
>> #91109
Nazwa said:
Right feet is slightly odd.
You know that I was joking about leaving one single imperfection for critics, right? ^^

I would've thought the left foot was odd XD
I'm not used to drawing anime feet or bodies in general...
2019-12-02 13:20:26
>> #346327
ill remove your cut on this
2016-02-28 06:13:47
>> #91057
Sub is someone's 'fursona'; it's male.
2016-02-28 03:08:57
>> #91019
What's up with that guy's ears?

EDIT: When editing the tags for this one, I went with the original yaoi tag to assume that the sub was male
2016-02-28 02:48:37
>> #91015
Triple: hypnomusk Co the leaders in hypnotic musk and hypnotic musk dispersal units now currently searching for test subjects
2016-02-28 03:22:22
>> #91025
next one is coming up, then i might take a break
2016-02-28 03:19:56
>> #91024
2016-02-28 03:17:08
>> #91021
Spirals said:
I know, I did. I was just explaining why I put it there.

ohhh ok. no problem then
2016-02-28 03:09:09
>> #91020
Myuk said:
i didnt put that tag in

I know, I did. I was just explaining why I put it there.
2016-02-28 03:00:51
>> #91017
Spirals said:
Tag-wise, "looking at viewer" isn't the same as "pov" (point of view); just having them looking forward (towards the screen) without us seeing through someone's eyes.

i didnt put that tag in

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