2016-08-20 21:16:29
>> #120576
wouldnt need a snake to hypnotize me with that cock @_@
2016-08-20 22:05:55
>> #120586
crazyman said:
wii fit trainer?

2016-08-20 20:49:25
>> #120573
wii fit trainer?
2016-08-20 19:43:14
>> #120566
Pinkanator said:
Yeah, Rarity isn't my fav, but DAAAAAMN you did her well.



Hell, I'm usually not all that up for full bimbo, but you make it work super well.

It's my favorite thing, but the trick is to go far, but not too far with it. otherwise then it just turns into kind of a mess. Me, I just like tans and blonde hair, and hourglass figures with ridiculous breasts and ass.

The body writing and nipple rings are more recent additions, but man they add a whle new flavor of empty-headedness and sluttiness to the pic. XD
2016-08-20 18:55:55
>> #120557
Yeah, Rarity isn't my fav, but DAAAAAMN you did her well.



Hell, I'm usually not all that up for full bimbo, but you make it work super well.
2016-08-20 18:37:07
>> #120555
I know next to nothing about MLP but aapparently this Rarity chick is something of a fashionista? Either way, can't say I mind her new choice of consultant...Then again, she probably doesn't mind either on account of not having a mind currently.

Besides, he's certainly got eyes on the important prizes here, amirite?


...I'll show myself out.

This is actually the pic that started off the whole set, since frankly, her hairstyle is fantastic, and I wanted an excuse to take a crack at it in my artstyle for ages.

...The fact that I also got to draw a rocking body and an amazing pair of tits had aaaaaaaaaabsolutely nothing to do with my decision, what are you talking about.
Date Aug 20, 2016User PolishGuyRating QuestionableScore 69(vote up)
2016-08-21 08:27:19
>> #120684
I'm already infatuated with you C.C. You don't need to hypnotize me to make me your servant, I love all of you, not just one inparticular part. I will forever be yours. (Sorry I got alittle carried away, I just love C.C so much)
2016-08-21 07:10:38
>> #120675
Interesting how it has the 3 options. Pretty cool!
2016-08-21 06:26:29
>> #120669
More CC always good : )
2016-08-20 19:25:36
>> #120565
Boobs. Always.
2016-08-20 19:23:58
>> #120564
Code geass @.@
2016-08-21 06:17:21
>> #120663
Zarvex3 said:
Continuing my short series of MLP girls getting hypnotized and bimbofied, this one is honestly one of my favorites because holy hell did I nail that body of hers. Easily some of the best tits I've drawn too, I should come back to this pose sometime...

Seashell Bikini is always nice *giggles* : )
2016-08-20 18:29:26
>> #120553
Continuing my short series of MLP girls getting hypnotized and bimbofied, this one is honestly one of my favorites because holy hell did I nail that body of hers. Easily some of the best tits I've drawn too, I should come back to this pose sometime...
2016-08-20 22:48:52
>> #120599
SupremacySun said:
You're awesome.

Thank you! ^^

I'm actually surprised at how well received most of my stuff is so far, so that means a lot. I'll try not to disappoint!
2016-08-20 22:44:39
>> #120598
JksAccount said:
Don't mean to be a killjoy here, but she is super dead right now.

How do you know? You tried it?
2016-08-20 22:07:53
>> #120587
Don't mean to be a killjoy here, but she is super dead right now.
2016-08-20 22:00:00
>> #120585
Zarvex3 said:

Don't worry, I have lots more where this came from...LOTS more. BI bimbo brainwashing is just the best, and the bigger the better, amirite?

You're awesome.
2016-08-20 18:58:38
>> #120560
Zarvex3 said:

Don't worry, I have lots more where this came from...LOTS more. BI bimbo brainwashing is just the best, and the bigger the better, amirite?

I think you just might be.
2019-03-12 10:34:26
>> #308632
How are they being hypnotized? Finger?
2016-10-17 13:11:43
>> #132509
I love the way you do hypnosis.
2016-08-21 11:36:17
>> #120714
*looks at what lilithmon did*

Ya had to cast a spell, did ya me harty? Ha! Silly little landlubber, watch how a true master does it:

*clears throat*

Gappo Gappo Viva Olegna!

*Lilamon, Ranamon, and Lilithmon turn into hypno-pirates with huge T&A*

Now me hartys, whada ya say?

"We're yer happy, brainless pirate bimbos! We live only ta serve ya, Master Olegmon!"
2016-08-21 10:43:40
>> #120704
Love it, love it, love it!
2016-08-21 10:00:51
>> #120700
If only we could get something like this in Tri!
2016-08-21 08:53:55
>> #120688
MisterMan4 said:
Today I am feeling a little better. So was strong enough to make this. Enjoy

Glad to hear it, and definitely glad to see the manip! :D
2016-08-20 21:30:26
>> #120577
MisterMan4 said:
Don't know. Sometimes I don't think ahead that much. Just let the inspiration guide me.

I know what you mean. a lot of times I prefer to stay in the moment. sometimes you must focus more on the journey and less on the destination.

P.S. I got that from Zeo. the first episode of the saga when Tommy found his long-lost brother
2016-08-20 20:54:25
>> #120574
HypnoHammer said:
nice. will you try something with the other girls?

Don't know. Sometimes I don't think ahead that much. Just let the inspiration guide me.
2016-08-20 16:52:15
>> #120537
MisterMan4 said:
Today I am feeling a little better. So was strong enough to make this. Enjoy

nice. will you try something with the other girls?
2016-08-20 16:50:34
>> #120536
Today I am feeling a little better. So was strong enough to make this. Enjoy
2016-08-20 18:18:38
>> #120551
Zarvex3 said:
Oh well when you put it THAT way...FLATTERY WILL GET YOU EVERYWHERE

I'll probably put up the rest of the mermaid set then, and I should be good. Glad you're enjoying it!

Thanks XP
2016-08-20 18:16:03
>> #120550
Pinkanator said:
I think you'll be fine. You're not taking up too much space, and the content up before your first posts have had a day. Don't go overboard, but you can post a bit more.


Oh well when you put it THAT way...FLATTERY WILL GET YOU EVERYWHERE

I'll probably put up the rest of the mermaid set then, and I should be good. Glad you're enjoying it!
2016-08-20 17:00:40
>> #120540
Zarvex3 said:

Right through being turned into a full bimbo. I have two more sets like this for two other girls, but I didn't want to put this into a pool until they were all up...and also because I uploaded six things already for today and don't want to spam. ^^;

Glad you enjoyed!

I think you'll be fine. You're not taking up too much space, and the content up before your first posts have had a day. Don't go overboard, but you can post a bit more.

2016-08-20 16:52:15
>> #120538
Pinkanator said:
Oh, that's nice. Mermaid Bacon hair being completely tentacled? Yes please.


Right through being turned into a full bimbo. I have two more sets like this for two other girls, but I didn't want to put this into a pool until they were all up...and also because I uploaded six things already for today and don't want to spam. ^^;

Glad you enjoyed!
2016-08-20 16:30:14
>> #120534
Oh, that's nice. Mermaid Bacon hair being completely tentacled? Yes please.
2016-08-20 21:03:52
>> #120575
What nice hypno-horses. This was a fun to wake up to.
2016-08-20 16:15:01
>> #120532
A newer set I did as part of a request for a friend. Mermaids are honestly kind of hit or miss for me, since legs add a lot more sexy posing to a pic, and I'm kinda indifferent to MLP in general.

...but damned if the humanized spinoff characters didn't have fantastic designs and hair, so I'd been looking for an excuse to try my hand at it. I like to think it worked out quite well! Really proud of the body and face in this set, that's for sure.

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