2016-08-15 04:00:13
>> #119631
Good bunny
2017-08-27 09:49:09
>> #195630
After watching RWBY Chibis Season 2, this just makes me laugh!
2016-08-22 14:17:18
>> #120897
Is there going to be more? I mean, what happens to Weiss and Yang?
2016-08-15 12:48:48
>> #119673
I'm very tired.
2016-08-15 11:19:44
>> #119669
The ship is REAL!!!
2016-08-15 10:34:07
>> #119666
111 said:
Triple: normal going into the hat, brainwashed coming out, i need to work out what brainwashing devices are in that hat..... plus my girls would like that outfit

Of course we would master
2016-08-16 18:32:40
>> #119867
Looks SFW to me, so I'm altering the rating.
2016-08-15 17:32:49
>> #119692
This technique has been passed down through the Armstrong family for generations
2016-08-15 10:11:43
>> #119664
Something about the style reminds me of cool-kyou shinja's art.
2016-08-15 02:19:59
>> #119621
Dat mustache.
2016-08-15 02:20:15
>> #119622
Ogodei-Khan said:
Camilla with her eye wide open like that is hard to recognize. Not a knock on you, i just hadn't realized how important her facial expression was to recognizing her.

No boob sash either! *Slams hands on table* This is outrageous!

But seriously, Nohr has Camilla, which is all you need. I feel so bad for her in Birthright, especially how Yandere she starts going in heartbreak.
2016-08-15 01:57:17
>> #119618
Camilla with her eye wide open like that is hard to recognize. Not a knock on you, i just hadn't realized how important her facial expression was to recognizing her.
2016-08-15 01:29:47
>> #119617
great story and art,congratulations ;)
2016-08-15 00:36:09
>> #119610
Would prob be best to use spoiler tag to condense the whole thing if ya can bud :P
2016-08-15 00:30:46
>> #119608
Camilla had heard the stories as a child, of the strange creatures that lived in the crevices dividing the undersea kingdoms of Nohr and Hoshido, and she had heard about how the creatures there would swallow young mermaids whole, but she had never heard of another rumour concerning these creatures... That lights in the deep are never to be trusted....

"Whatever could that be...?" The eldest princess of Nohr thought to herself as she looked down and saw a beautiful pink light twinkling below her. She had come to meet with her younger sisters Corrin and Elise, but had arrived much earlier than the time she had informed them of. "It's so pretty.... Ah! I'm sure my darling Corrin would love it!" She said with a smile as she began swimming down towards the light. She thought to herself of how strange this light was, how it hadn't appeared here even just a day ago, but her curiosity propelled her further downward. The light had a brilliant pink lustre, glistening in the dark blue waves that surrounded her. But as she approached the light, it suddenly faded out of view. "Oh..? That's strange... I don't think I imagined it.." Camilla said to herself as she squinted her eyes, attempting to discern any shapes in the depths. Camilla hadn't noticed the sands shifting behind her as she slowly swam, behind her a familiar glow suddenly lit up the abyss. "A-ah!?" She gasped as she turned around to see a huge creature resembling a plant had risen from the ground. Between two thick fleshy petals resembling lips was a large sphere, glowing bright pink. Camilla's eyes widened as the colours mesmerized her, but she shook her head, closing her eyes tightly and attempting to swim upward. "W-what is this thing!?" She exclaimed. The purple haired mermaid didn't get to escape far, from the sand one of the monstrous plant's vines shot upward as if it had been building pressure beneath the sands. With a sudden smack it encoiled itself around Camilla's tail 3 times. "G-gah!!" Cried out Camilla as she was pulled to the ocean floor once more, as she looked up towards the plant the bright ball of light had now been partially closed, leaving it's rays concentrated onto Camilla. "S-so.... Pretty..... I.... N-no!!" She cried out, attempting to cover her eyes only to feel the vines encoil tightly around her wrists and pinning them tightly behind her back. Slowly the tentacle like vine bound itself around Camilla's mature body, effectively restraining the mermaid entirely as it ended around her neck. A low pitched hum reverberated through the abyss surrounding the plane monster, it's "eye" vibrating as waves of light began to flow out over Camilla's restrained body. "N-no.... S-st-top..... I.... So... B-beautiful.... I can't... Look away...." Camilla moaned in her delirium as the plant's hypnosis took hold of the Nohrian Princess. Camilla's eyes took on a dull and blank appearance as her mind submitted to the plant, who brought her body in even closer as it's hypnotic colours invaded her mind. She knew she had to escape, she could feel this monster's intentions from it's hypnotic waves washing over her curvaceous body, that it intended to feed on her, and that it's hypnosis would soon become inescapable, but she simply couldn't avert her eyes from the beauty and splendour of the plants lure.
The last of the mermaid's struggles eventually faded, and for a short while the plant seemed to be enjoying its latest catch, slowly it's hypnotic lights faded once more, leaving Camilla in the pitch black waters as the plant prepared to consume its latest meal...

My entry into Eaglet1's contest on deviantart, featuring Camilla and a hypnotic plant creature!
I'm not sure how to put my name as a tag into an artist tag.
2016-08-15 21:46:42
>> #119722
MrM7 said:
In Try Fighters, the tournament rounds are 3v3 iirc. Fumina is part of the main 3 people in the titular team Try Fighters.

I'm still biased towards Rinko for favorite lady in that universe. Mao's gf is still my main pick when asked, however.

ghost13 said:
She also wears jogging shorts and a tank top during her battles, so there's that for fanservice.

Also, there's gonna be a Gundam build fighter dub? I know the subs are available on Youtube straight from the Gundam company itself.

Thanks much *giggles* Don't have time to get into Gundam but rule 34 I go hehe
2016-08-15 13:13:21
>> #119679
2016-08-15 06:46:04
>> #119645
ghost13 said:
She also wears jogging shorts and a tank top during her battles, so there's that for fanservice.

... Also, there's gonna be a Gundam build fighter dub? I know the subs are available on Youtube straight from the Gundam company itself.

Already done for both series, TRY is even having a deal right now.
If it's too much for some of you, subs are free on's youtube channel

Also, GBF TRY is getting a second season in the form of GBF TRY ISLAND WARS

Sorry if this is coming off as a paid for plug, I just really love this series.

Fumina has a lovely bodysuit that is only shown in the ED too. But yeah, she feels more like the main character at points to boot, which I love.

Also I'm a sucker for the manipulative idol Kirara myself. Her civilian form Mihoshi is pretty hot too in a predatory stalker type way.
2016-08-15 06:26:57
>> #119643
pokemongirl said:
I just realized the dub for this has been coming out so I have to ask...

Is she prominent in the show? What's her story? Someone's mom? Any fan-servicey moments?

I have a feeling that this is a kids/marketing toy anime plus I'm not into Gundam that much but still curious : )

She also wears jogging shorts and a tank top during her battles, so there's that for fanservice.

Also, there's gonna be a Gundam build fighter dub? I know the subs are available on Youtube straight from the Gundam company itself.
2016-08-15 05:43:19
>> #119641
pokemongirl said:
I just realized the dub for this has been coming out so I have to ask...

Is she prominent in the show? What's her story? Someone's mom? Any fan-servicey moments?

I have a feeling that this is a kids/marketing toy anime plus I'm not into Gundam that much but still curious : )

In Try Fighters, the tournament rounds are 3v3 iirc. Fumina is part of the main 3 people in the titular team Try Fighters.

I'm still biased towards Rinko for favorite lady in that universe. Mao's gf is still my main pick when asked, however.
2016-08-15 04:59:36
>> #119632
Roxa said:
That's a very nice alt costume actually.

Much agreed!

2016-08-14 22:10:02
>> #119604
That's a very nice alt costume actually.
2016-08-14 21:45:49
>> #119602
Pinkanator said:
Still doesn't sound like Cat Noir

We also need more Cat Noir xD
2016-08-14 21:45:25
>> #119601
Systemfailure99 said:
We need more Ladybug... ;-;

Still doesn't sound like Cat Noir
2016-08-14 21:42:26
>> #119600
We need more Ladybug... ;-;
2018-12-15 08:53:13
>> #294640
i want custard 2~!!!!!!!!!
2016-08-14 20:53:30
>> #119597
Usually not into the age regression stuff but fuck this art is soo good *drools*
2016-08-14 17:43:42
>> #119585
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I feel like it would be best to just write this all down in a single comment with spoilers to condense it, rather than have notes over it which we usually use for translations.

Will do next time then thanks i am new to this site, i picked notes because if you click they turn off and i can fit each bit to the panel it goes with.
2016-08-14 17:25:37
>> #119583
I feel like it would be best to just write this all down in a single comment with spoilers to condense it, rather than have notes over it which we usually use for translations.
2016-08-14 17:03:12
>> #119581
Changer said:
I feel like it's a bit of wasted text to spend a paragraph describing that he was pushing her into the closet on a panel showing him pushing her into the closet.

Better wasted text than..confused people?
The text comes from the small story i write when i commission artists so they have plenty of details and context for panels ^^
2016-08-14 16:54:47
>> #119580
I feel like it's a bit of wasted text to spend a paragraph describing that he was pushing her into the closet on a panel showing him pushing her into the closet.
2016-08-14 14:21:38
>> #119573
Can not find a picture description anywhere so i will use notes for the story bits.
2016-08-15 01:00:48
>> #119612
Hail Bison
2016-08-14 18:26:57
>> #119590
2016-08-14 13:43:03
>> #119571
So, the characters are (from right to left) Lalacle, Wakaba and Nikea.
2016-08-16 15:43:59
>> #119855
pokemongirl said:
OF COURSE! (insert Bison here)

<<|Ahahaha! Ohohoho!>>
2016-08-16 04:24:14
>> #119753
liquidhobo said:
Besides, wearing slutty clothes/stripping out of slutty clothes is fun!

OF COURSE! (insert Bison here)
2016-08-15 21:48:02
>> #119723
pokemongirl said:
Can't be getting arrested now can I? ; )

Besides, wearing slutty clothes/stripping out of slutty clothes is fun!
2016-08-15 21:45:04
>> #119721
SupremacySun said:
pokemongirl still wears clothes?

Can't be getting arrested now can I? ; )

2016-08-15 18:02:26
>> #119696
pokemongirl still wears clothes?

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