2016-08-09 07:49:40
>> #118870
2016-08-09 16:30:13
>> #118904
Anyone know what she is saying?
2016-08-09 12:16:44
>> #118892
OOooOOOoo love it!!! She looks so cute!! X3
2016-08-09 09:39:19
>> #118885
She's just not the same without the cape though.
2016-08-09 09:11:35
>> #118881
Dreamshade said:
at least she's the 404 page. c:

you got me to check, that picture is so cute!
2016-08-09 06:47:44
>> #118864
Yakai said:
There not enough okuu on the hub owo

at least she's the 404 page. c:
2016-08-12 09:26:09
>> #119319
Hypnolion said:
This is some kind of russian roulette thing because I see that Rogue has been in there.

Well Colossus doesn't care Rogue's power doesn't work on him in metal mode ... (or it used to not)

otherwise uh... suppression collars... yeah that's the ticket:P
2016-08-10 14:12:52
>> #119091
This is some kind of russian roulette thing because I see that Rogue has been in there.
2016-08-09 09:12:06
>> #118882
Skellos said:
I think they could work otu their differences at least temporarily for a blowjob from a random girl in a booth...

but the fact taht the holes are even probably means it wouldn't be Wolverine... cause he's short and all :P

Presuming they don't know who's in there at least, since Emma and Scott were a thing last I knew.
2016-08-09 06:39:42
>> #118861
Skellos said:
I think they could work otu their differences at least temporarily for a blowjob from a random girl in a booth...

but the fact taht the holes are even probably means it wouldn't be Wolverine... cause he's short and all :P

He crouches. Plus another reason I doubt them is because of Jean
2016-08-09 06:29:45
>> #118859
lol, gene pool.
2018-11-19 20:59:32
>> #290638
pokemongirl said:
Really love this and that expression *drools*

I too agree! All Haigure humans experience this state of self-pleasure ;3
2016-08-10 02:21:18
>> #119020
Really love this and that expression *drools*
2016-08-09 21:13:42
>> #118947
julienx said:
These are just 2 pics of a sequence that is hypnosis related, why didn't you post the other ones?

There were only 2 pics when i found them. I don't think there are others in a sequence at least to my knowledge.
2016-08-09 20:17:02
>> #118934
These are just 2 pics of a sequence that is hypnosis related, why didn't you post the other ones?
2016-08-09 05:16:14
>> #118848
112947 said:
I don't get it. How are these poses hypnosis related?

Just blacklist this shit if ya don't like it. I sorta liked it before, especially like this one:
But with every other post now being Haigure of some random anime character idk about, I'm becoming more and more tempted myself to blacklist it l, despite reserving that for tags I seriously can't stand to look at (amputee/quad-amputee mainly, certain vore/death pics, Dalo Knight's work with DP, etc.)...
2016-08-09 03:31:13
>> #118839
DarkVenom said:
Idk, I didn't the eyes came out as well as my other manips

Leaving the eye glint in the spiral eyes sometimes ends up looking weird, but its a good thought.
2016-08-09 02:51:13
>> #118832
Baka21 said:
What about it?

Idk, I didn't the eyes came out as well as my other manips
2016-08-09 02:00:19
>> #118821
DarkVenom said:
Really not sure about this one...

What about it?
2016-08-09 01:56:29
>> #118819
Really not sure about this one...
2016-08-09 06:49:45
>> #118865
Kaa'lin has certainly started to take a liking to hypnotizing these furry girls of yours! She finally managed to get them naked this time, wanted to see the lovely bodies he he!

I think everyone might appreciate that as well!
2016-08-09 01:19:13
>> #118813
2016-08-08 23:29:44
>> #118802
A commission for mariosonicfan with his character Kaa'lin.
2016-08-09 21:28:10
>> #118955
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
He thought for a sec the text was referring to "trans" in terms or "transgender" being called weird, rather than Yami's "transformation" ability being bizarre (as after all, there's hypothetically no limit to what she can transform into)...

It's simple misunderstanding is all, and no, it "going someplace weird" would barely be the case at all. Sure be weird as for how it comes up outta nowhere, but if anything, it would be mad controversial I'd say. But yeah, last thing I'd wanna see is us arguing over this kinda stuff that ain't fit for the Hub...

lulz, on tlrd manga, yami usually refer transformation technique to simply trans (turansu) :3

but i feel you, that can cause a misunderstanding
2016-08-09 09:41:20
>> #118886
vahn_yourdoom said:
weird how?

He thought for a sec the text was referring to "trans" in terms or "transgender" being called weird, rather than Yami's "transformation" ability being bizarre (as after all, there's hypothetically no limit to what she can transform into)...

It's simple misunderstanding is all, and no, it "going someplace weird" would barely be the case at all. Sure be weird as for how it comes up outta nowhere, but if anything, it would be mad controversial I'd say. But yeah, last thing I'd wanna see is us arguing over this kinda stuff that ain't fit for the Hub...
2016-08-09 08:26:40
>> #118878
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Sadly none, just cause I'm strictly Yuri trashlord at this point.
But that's not to say it's a great pic, you've been bringing about some great updates ofc ^____^

lul, well i'll try to keep it up !

cdyoung said:
I'd pick Kyoko first just to make the others jelly, then go GD and save flonne for last because tight loli pussy needs proper lubrication.

flonne seems wet enough here, though

DarkVenom said:

yami-chuan <3

skibidibap said:
"Trans is a bit weird, don't you think?"
Hey woah. What?

"I can trans myself a loli"

Ohhhhh.I thought this was going someplace weird.

weird how?

Baka21 said:
flonne best

yep definitely tep
2016-08-09 04:03:12
>> #118842
flonne best
2016-08-09 03:04:37
>> #118837
"Trans is a bit weird, don't you think?"
Hey woah. What?

"I can trans myself a loli"

Ohhhhh.I thought this was going someplace weird.
2016-08-10 09:41:17
>> #119073
Variable_X said:
... his welcome what?

wait, whose welcome?
2016-08-09 21:27:11
>> #118953
rocketracer294 said:
There would be something wrong if you did feel sorry. Your works are always welcome with open (obedient) arms.

wow, thank you very much! this is very motivational

2016-08-09 09:30:24
>> #118883
vahn_yourdoom said:
not sorry for spamming the hub with my drawings these past few days :P

There would be something wrong if you did feel sorry. Your works are always welcome with open (obedient) arms.
2016-08-09 08:24:54
>> #118877
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Nah man, updates to ongoing series are highly appreciated, you don't know much we love it! TY!!! :D

lol, i thought no one read this XD
glad to know you enjoy it

crazyman said:
middle or right one. idk why im just picking at random

huh, nice choice

Dantus said:
You can't 'spam' with great art. You merely got an amazing output of awesome stuff.

Thanks! this is highly motivational

DarkVenom said:
I don't think anyone's complaining, quite the opposite

eh, who knows, there might be someone in the corner :p

Variable_X said:
... his welcome what?

huh, so you're welcome is correct? i've always used your for this, lol
2016-08-09 06:13:33
>> #118854
... his welcome what?
2016-08-09 03:32:26
>> #118840
eshie said:
It is~

This is based on something EdgeoftheMoon was working on.
We have Normal, Love Potion, Sub Spiral, and Dom Spiral! Four Trancetasic™ flavours~ Try then all today, you have no choice but to Obey!

I'll try the Dom Spiral please... @w@
2016-08-08 23:50:03
>> #118806
eshie said:
It is~

This is based on something EdgeoftheMoon was working on.
We have Normal, Love Potion, Sub Spiral, and Dom Spiral! Four Trancetasic™ flavours~ Try then all today, you have no choice but to Obey!

After trying, I'd love to buy @.@
2016-08-08 23:37:30
>> #118804
eshie said:
It is~

This is based on something EdgeoftheMoon was working on.
We have Normal, Love Potion, Sub Spiral, and Dom Spiral! Four Trancetasic™ flavours~ Try then all today, you have no choice but to Obey!

No one has other choice, i pretty much love this effects.
2016-08-08 23:27:46
>> #118801
Pinkanator said:
I'm liking the right dom.

At least. I think it's dom.

It is~

This is based on something EdgeoftheMoon was working on.
We have Normal, Love Potion, Sub Spiral, and Dom Spiral! Four Trancetasic™ flavours~ Try then all today, you have no choice but to Obey!
2016-08-08 22:54:31
>> #118798
I love it
2016-08-11 02:58:15
>> #119141
Its Deadpool. Whats not to love about it?
2016-08-09 16:52:00
>> #118915
Contorted said:
When she's working with Paul Feig, things work out fine. When she's working with her husband Ben Falcone, things turn out shitty. And that one with Bill Murray you're thinking was called St. Vincent.

Seems that way, although Feig's new film I coulda did without. The whole shitstorm aside from SONY + all those articles from tabloid sites aside, hearing about how they wanted nothing to do with the original director and composer plus thy made this into a reboot that forced original actors into disingenuous cameos was just... sad. I don't even hate the movie itself; just hearing about the stuff going on behind the scenes with production was super disheartening to say the least...
2016-08-09 16:40:38
>> #118907
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I genuinely despise McCarthy as an actress with some of these films she starred in. Like The Heat and Spy I've heard relatively positive things about which is swell, and Bridesmaids I enjoyed her the most as such a zany supporting side character that really made the film fantastic. There was also that one with Bill Murray where he watched over her kid, idk if it was entirely a comedy tho, but she seemed fine in that from what little I heard. After Bridesmaids tho, I saw Identity Theft with my brother in theaters and holy shit I barely laughed at all as she constantly punched people in the throat the entire film. Tammy and The Boss I didn't bother to touch at all with a mile-long pole with how horrendous they looked, and as far as new Ghostbusters go, I had no reason to go check it out with all the controversy surrounding this bland looking comedy reboot...

Basically I'm sick of these films she stars in where she acts like a piece of shit to people, and the writing for the "jokes" in these comedy films are nowhere to be found... =____=

When she's working with Paul Feig, things work out fine. When she's working with her husband Ben Falcone, things turn out shitty. And that one with Bill Murray you're thinking was called St. Vincent.
2016-08-09 16:26:40
>> #118901
Contorted said:
She's an actress and comedian, starring in stuff like Bridesmaids, The Heat, Spy, the Ghostbusters remake and more. I was mainly referring to a film she was in around the time HARDCORE HENRY came out called The Boss, where she plays some kind executive who goes to prison and tries to build herself back up. It landed right at number one opening weekend and beat the crap out of HENRY when it comes to box office, even though Boss had much worse reviews than the other film (on RT, 49% for HENRY and 18% for Boss).

I genuinely despise McCarthy as an actress with some of these films she starred in. Like The Heat and Spy I've heard relatively positive things about which is swell, and Bridesmaids I enjoyed her the most as such a zany supporting side character that really made the film fantastic. There was also that one with Bill Murray where he watched over her kid, idk if it was entirely a comedy tho, but she seemed fine in that from what little I heard. After Bridesmaids tho, I saw Identity Theft with my brother in theaters and holy shit I barely laughed at all as she constantly punched people in the throat the entire film. Tammy and The Boss I didn't bother to touch at all with a mile-long pole with how horrendous they looked, and as far as new Ghostbusters go, I had no reason to go check it out with all the controversy surrounding this bland looking comedy reboot...

Basically I'm sick of these films she stars in where she acts like a piece of shit to people, and the writing for the "jokes" in these comedy films are nowhere to be found... =____=
2016-08-09 16:09:07
>> #118898
someguy231 said:
Who the fuck is Melissa McCarthy? I was rewatching the 1986 Transformers movie motherfucker.

She's an actress and comedian, starring in stuff like Bridesmaids, The Heat, Spy, the Ghostbusters remake and more. I was mainly referring to a film she was in around the time HARDCORE HENRY came out called The Boss, where she plays some kind executive who goes to prison and tries to build herself back up. It landed right at number one opening weekend and beat the crap out of HENRY when it comes to box office, even though Boss had much worse reviews than the other film (on RT, 49% for HENRY and 18% for Boss).

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