2016-07-29 09:04:11
>> #117112
What episode?
2016-07-28 04:34:59
>> #116922
It's at 21:50ish in the linked video. There, I just saved you 21 long, non-hypnotic minutes, and the 21st minute is dubiously hypnotic at best!
2016-07-27 13:22:29
>> #116778
gotta say, I don't get the anime :V, quite kinda off theme and background songs, even in dramatic scene it still play a very smooth melody :v

In this scene as I understand she's more like being contaminated by those btflies and make more rational decision rather than being indecisive like she always does..... I think :v

but.... why these siblings so different :v more like..... friends than sisters, so hard to comprehend
2016-07-27 05:59:28
>> #116722
Not very popular anime, is it? Last picture was 3 years ago
2016-07-26 21:56:05
>> #116682
Yep! Linked the episode in the source!
2016-07-27 07:53:55
>> #116739
Lovely, i love seeing both sides and the confusion in subs.
2016-07-27 01:18:37
>> #116696
Nice job here with the prop, smoke effects and subtle eye spirals. The rainbow colored text is a little hard to read, but I like what you're trying to do with it and it's pretty easy to make out when it's used sparingly in between "normal" text. At least on my laptop.

I really want to compliment your writing though. The hypnotist's part is fun but I loved reading the confused elf slave's point of view. It took a second to figure out what was going on but once I was totally on board.

Keep it up!
2016-07-27 00:34:42
>> #116692
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
If you copy the text to another layer make it black and blur it you get a quick border for text

I just go blending options -> stroke for an outline. The lazy way xD

ClueElf said:
Only tags that don't go on any other images can even start to qualify as unnecessary. (And even that's not a foolproof test of uselessness.) Unless you're talking about tags that used to be there and aren't now, I dunno what you're talking about...

Click 'post history' at the left side of the image under options to see tag changes.

Heavenly said:
Ah btw. for whenever I get to updating this one, how is the etiquette regarding uploading a new/better version of a picture? Do I just do it, or call a mod first so the older version is deleted?

I've always just did it myself. Then parent/child the post and delete to transfer votes. If the delete option is gone (aka been over 1 or 2 days) then you pester a mod to do it. Also, love the manip =P

Nikolai.exe said:
im not sure how to read this

Left side is the dom pov, right side is the sub pov. They're both happening in the same time-frame/instance, progressing from top to bottom.
2016-07-27 00:14:56
>> #116689
ClueElf said:
Only tags that don't go on any other images can even start to qualify as unnecessary. (And even that's not a foolproof test of uselessness.) Unless you're talking about tags that used to be there and aren't now, I dunno what you're talking about...

there was about 10 more tags when it was posted
2016-07-26 23:12:45
>> #116686
im not sure how to read this
Date Jul 26, 2016User Mr.HRating SafeScore 35(vote up)
2016-11-01 12:27:53
>> #135591
StrokeSlave said:
Is that Ashen's couch?

I think it is
2016-11-01 12:27:34
>> #135590
StrokeSlave said:
Is that Ashen's couch?

I think it is
2016-07-28 00:12:57
>> #116877
Oh hey, someone else here watches Ashens.

Apparently a lot of people.
2016-07-28 00:10:07
>> #116875
Ashurath said:

2016-07-27 10:02:27
>> #116757
Maybe a robot figure.
2016-08-08 11:55:34
>> #118756
JimLogan54 said:
"It had been a rough few weeks for Laura, she'd gone through the second Civil War, fighting along side her father from an alternate future, only a few days after he tried to kill her clone-sister, Gabby, her boyfriend Angel (Warren), who was from an alternate past had just broken up with her, because he didn't like her methods during missions, her costume had gotten eaten by Fing Fang Foom, she was sure Jean Grey, who was from the same timeline as Warren, was going to go Phoenix Force any day now, and Gabby, and Johnathan, her pet wolverine were taken in by SHIELD following the second Civil War for their protection.

A few days later, Psylocke, Betsy Braddock, one of Laura's earliest friends in the X-Men, came to her apartment, asking if she wanted to go for tea, Laura politely declined the offer, but Betsy being Betsy, invited herself in anyway. They talked for a bit about recent events, and at the end, Betsy asked what she needed now. Laura, taken aback by the question, could only reply "I need a break." She could feel Betsy prying around her head, before she said, "I can help you with that." Before Laura could reply, she saw the butterfly effect appear, hovering above Betsy's face, the same beautiful effect that entranced her four years prior when she first joined the X-Men.

"Shh, that's right, just let me in, I promise you'll feel a lot better. That's a good girl"

Laura felt her eyes get heavier, and heavier, it became harder to think. "That's my good Wolverine, Betsy's just going to help you relax for a while, alright?"

Everything went black. When she awoke, she could feel her head braced up against something warm, she opened her eyes, and only saw pink, she realized it was a nipple, the nipple of Betsy. She looked down, and saw the two were both naked, she tried to get up, but stopped as soon as Betsy started brushing her hair with her hand.

"Awake are we? Did you have a nice nap?", Betsy asked in a motherly tone

"Bets...what's...going on?" she replied, groggy

"I told you, dear, I'm just helping you relax, now shh, be a good Wolverine, and eat your lunch."

Before Laura could protest, Betsy placed her right hand behind Laura's head, and gently guided her head into Betsy's breast, and on instinct, or maybe due to the hypnosis, Laura started sucking, eagerly, though she resisted lightly.

"Oh Laura, is the baby still fighting? Let's fix that." Betsy said, the butterfly effect appearing, Laura's eyes glazed, as Betsy grabbed Laura's left hand, and placed it on her crotch, Betsy helped Laura start fingering herself, with a rub or two from Betsy herself, Laura, with her right hand, started rubbing her own breast. As she got hotter and hotter, her resistance faded ever faster. Laura's eyes drooped, she was becoming so tired, she was so sleepy, and the breast milk was so warm, and delicious, she just couldn't fight."

"Shh, that's a good Wolverine." Betsy said, so kind, so tender, with those words, whatever resistance she had left, shattered. She was now Betsy's little slave.

I put this on the image as a manip <<|here>> ^.^ hope that's alright
2016-07-27 13:04:47
>> #116777
Hypno Hammer said:
how the heck did Professor X survive Jean's power in "X-Men The Last Stand"?

He transfered his mind into the body of his twin, who he tried to kill in the womb, and left lobotomized.
2016-07-27 06:38:21
>> #116730
Hypno Hammer said:
how the heck did Professor X survive Jean's power in "X-Men The Last Stand"?

Because movie logic.
2016-07-27 06:31:55
>> #116729
locustshoes said:
Except when she was Lady Mandarin

But nah I'm just thinking of which version I'd want to commish. Pre-Psylocke Betsy when she was blonde and white, or Lady Mandarin in the immediate aftermath of the body switch and she had a different costume/personality/etc.

how the heck did Professor X survive Jean's power in "X-Men The Last Stand"?
2016-07-27 06:16:59
>> #116726
JimLogan54 said:
Psylocke is Psylocke.

Except when she was Lady Mandarin

But nah I'm just thinking of which version I'd want to commish. Pre-Psylocke Betsy when she was blonde and white, or Lady Mandarin in the immediate aftermath of the body switch and she had a different costume/personality/etc.
2016-07-27 23:51:02
>> #116871
Dorei22 said:
The pony part or the #2 part? Perhaps both?

Both for me! I don't share disgustinggirl's desire for an audience, necessarily, but as far as I'm concerned, there can never be enough pics like this one.
2016-07-27 11:26:01
>> #116767
NyxtheOminous said:
I'd be questioning if you managed to hypnotize me into looking at every single picture you post~

As if I'd need to hypnotize you into doing that... on the other hand, if I could I'd probably hypnotize a lot of people into a lot of things so yes, why not.
2016-07-27 11:24:45
>> #116766
Dorei22 said:
The pony part or the #2 part? Perhaps both?

More or less, this very situation. Before I even knew about anything, I was fantasizing about being made to, uh, perform in the way the poor little cutie on the floor is. By means of magic, I believe and always in front of an audience.
2016-07-27 10:24:12
>> #116760
disgustinggirl said:
This this more or less happens to be one of my first "sexual" fantasies... yeah, this thing again.

The pony part or the #2 part? Perhaps both?
Mister Vi
2016-07-27 08:56:55
>> #116749
in wanna be a cute little pony -.-
2016-08-05 05:43:39
>> #118272
I will do it too you everytime disgustinggirl ;)
2016-07-28 07:46:20
>> #116947
The twist here is this is actually someone helping her to actually get off at the right stop, she's very forgetful so this helpful gentleman with the same commute does this to make sure she gets where she's going each day. You just need to get her by the boobs to make sure she gets off, she can be quite stubborn.
2016-07-26 17:31:36
>> #116652
Absolutely love the ones where the trigger swirls above their head. Big fan of yours!!
2016-07-26 14:07:48
>> #116646
disgustinggirl said:
Every. Damn. Time.

I'm sure there is some one who will help you every time.

2016-07-26 12:48:10
>> #116632
Also, riding on the metro somehow taught me some mad pole dancing skills.
2016-07-28 12:25:08
>> #116975
gmun said:
gotta give the widowmaker treatment

As much as I love mind manipulation and brainwashing. What happened to widow-maker is just sad.

This, this is hot though.
2016-07-28 12:04:31
>> #116971
I would love a fanfiction based on this.
2016-07-26 21:17:46
>> #116675
Mmmmmm need my mind drained like that *giggles*
2016-07-26 10:50:07
>> #116625
gotta give the widowmaker treatment
2016-07-26 10:13:30
>> #116621
Wait, this is actually Hub's first pic of Yagyuu? o.o

Holy shit.
2016-07-26 10:02:09
>> #116620
skibidibap said:
I see no best girl in this site

Let's fix that.

An excellent idea.

Be sure to let us know when you start doing it. :P
2016-07-26 09:56:56
>> #116619
I see no best girl in this site

Let's fix that.
2016-07-26 20:11:48
>> #116670
Jeff_Jefferson said:
Actually, that's a fifth eye. The two behind the glasses are narrowed.

On that note... why does this person have binocular glasses when they have five eyes? Are only two of their eyes bad?

I give this art a 2/5 :^)

Someone doesn't have the blessings of The Amazing Salvio.
2016-07-26 13:21:32
>> #116637
Actually, that's a fifth eye. The two behind the glasses are narrowed.

On that note... why does this person have binocular glasses when they have five eyes? Are only two of their eyes bad?

I give this art a 2/5 :^)
2016-07-26 10:23:19
>> #116622
Mmm, I'd bounce on her third eye.
2016-07-26 09:50:30
>> #116618
Many eyes shall fall to the one! Bwahaha!

Also, I love her hair.
2016-07-26 09:47:47
>> #116616
holy FUCK that's adorable
2017-08-20 20:42:35
>> #194426
Banjooie said:
I asked for a bowl of cooked rice. I was given a handful of uncooked rice. While the uncooked rice is not rotten, it is still not acceptable.

Jeez, I plan to maybe upload more of Kaztle's/mythkaz's work, but these look like shit show, even if these comments are a year old.

And I was planning on seeing If I could get a commission slot.
2016-07-27 12:46:42
>> #116775
Banjooie said:
I asked for a bowl of cooked rice. I was given a handful of uncooked rice. While the uncooked rice is not rotten, it is still not acceptable.

You asked for jack shit, as A. You don't make the call as for what is and isn't allowed here, and B. You still never never laid out any actual issues, other than just give a crappy analogy just now. So fine, if it's not "rotten" in terms of poor anatomy or whatever else, then what about it is essentially "incomplete" and/or makes it unacceptable? Give us an actual damn answer already FFS... =______=
2016-07-27 12:13:01
>> #116774
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Yeah ik, but when i hear some these guys complaining about quality of a piece, I wanna know what about it is the issue as I seriously see nothing wrong with it...
I asked for a bowl of cooked rice. I was given a handful of uncooked rice. While the uncooked rice is not rotten, it is still not acceptable.

2016-07-27 09:49:58
>> #116754
Monochrome said:
katzle's art is really cute

Not as cute as you o 3o
2016-07-27 08:19:30
>> #116745
rubylemonlimeade said:
I just meant that mythkaz had no intention on being on the hub, and people uploaded his works anyway

Yeah ik, but when i hear some these guys complaining about quality of a piece, I wanna know what about it is the issue as I seriously see nothing wrong with it...

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