2016-07-26 12:45:26
>> #116630
Mister Vi said:
yeah 5 is pretty good.

Yeah, doesn't get nearly as much attention as it should. The SNES era was definitely the series high point for me- though I did enjoy 9 and12 as well.
Mister Vi
2016-07-26 10:57:32
>> #116626
reese339 said:
Sheit my favorite FF game

yeah 5 is pretty good.
2016-07-26 08:59:18
>> #116605
Sheit my favorite FF game
2016-07-26 06:16:15
>> #116570
Separate thing might be taking Kaa Eyes from JB 2 and Kaa himself from the first movie, although i get that there's only so much material to work with (and hell, Kaa's design itself wasn't consistent between scenes in the first movie).
2022-02-17 22:50:37
>> #458951
2016-07-26 09:09:11
>> #116610
Awh so cute : )
2016-07-26 05:44:27
>> #116562
I got it from e621, but funny enough the uploader there didn't check source with SauceNAO (while at the page of e621 links to it).
Since it seems I lack (and likely all of you do) the privilege to look at it at its original source (Pixiv), I decided to use the link of SauceNAO as source.
It's up to you whether the source will be e621 or pixiv. I kept myself pondering for too long about it.
Date Jul 26, 2016User Sleepyhead97Rating QuestionableScore 19(vote up)
2016-07-26 07:30:09
>> #116595
Pazuzu said:
Yeeeeah, might as well blacklist haigure.

So blacklist it. Way to discourage content providers from actually populating the site with stuff people actually want to see, he's not even flooding the front page anymore. Is it just fun to bitch about something?
2016-07-26 06:38:19
>> #116584
I'm fairly indifferent to haigure but still... I wanna see some of the 'Tales of' heroines in leotards...
2016-07-26 05:45:13
>> #116563
Pazuzu said:
Yeeeeah, might as well blacklist haigure.

Thanks for the input :)
2016-07-26 05:35:28
>> #116561
Well yeah, if you don't like something that is what the blacklist is for.
2016-07-26 05:11:27
>> #116555
Yeeeeah, might as well blacklist haigure.
2016-08-19 08:58:29
>> #120337
Psylocke has a really long torso. I think it's accidental, but I'm not sure.
2016-07-29 04:28:02
>> #117076
Would anyone like a sequel to the story? Or follow-up, whatever you wanna call it?
2016-07-26 13:46:53
>> #116645
"It had been a rough few weeks for Laura, she'd gone through the second Civil War, fighting along side her father from an alternate future, only a few days after he tried to kill her clone-sister, Gabby, her boyfriend Angel (Warren), who was from an alternate past had just broken up with her, because he didn't like her methods during missions, her costume had gotten eaten by Fing Fang Foom, she was sure Jean Grey, who was from the same timeline as Warren, was going to go Phoenix Force any day now, and Gabby, and Johnathan, her pet wolverine were taken in by SHIELD following the second Civil War for their protection.

A few days later, Psylocke, Betsy Braddock, one of Laura's earliest friends in the X-Men, came to her apartment, asking if she wanted to go for tea, Laura politely declined the offer, but Betsy being Betsy, invited herself in anyway. They talked for a bit about recent events, and at the end, Betsy asked what she needed now. Laura, taken aback by the question, could only reply "I need a break." She could feel Betsy prying around her head, before she said, "I can help you with that." Before Laura could reply, she saw the butterfly effect appear, hovering above Betsy's face, the same beautiful effect that entranced her four years prior when she first joined the X-Men.

"Shh, that's right, just let me in, I promise you'll feel a lot better. That's a good girl"

Laura felt her eyes get heavier, and heavier, it became harder to think. "That's my good Wolverine, Betsy's just going to help you relax for a while, alright?"

Everything went black. When she awoke, she could feel her head braced up against something warm, she opened her eyes, and only saw pink, she realized it was a nipple, the nipple of Betsy. She looked down, and saw the two were both naked, she tried to get up, but stopped as soon as Betsy started brushing her hair with her hand.

"Awake are we? Did you have a nice nap?", Betsy asked in a motherly tone

"Bets...what's...going on?" she replied, groggy

"I told you, dear, I'm just helping you relax, now shh, be a good Wolverine, and eat your lunch."

Before Laura could protest, Betsy placed her right hand behind Laura's head, and gently guided her head into Betsy's breast, and on instinct, or maybe due to the hypnosis, Laura started sucking, eagerly, though she resisted lightly.

"Oh Laura, is the baby still fighting? Let's fix that." Betsy said, the butterfly effect appearing, Laura's eyes glazed, as Betsy grabbed Laura's left hand, and placed it on her crotch, Betsy helped Laura start fingering herself, with a rub or two from Betsy herself, Laura, with her right hand, started rubbing her own breast. As she got hotter and hotter, her resistance faded ever faster. Laura's eyes drooped, she was becoming so tired, she was so sleepy, and the breast milk was so warm, and delicious, she just couldn't fight."

"Shh, that's a good Wolverine." Betsy said, so kind, so tender, with those words, whatever resistance she had left, shattered. She was now Betsy's little slave.
2016-07-26 12:51:20
>> #116633
Mindwipe said:
From a visual perspective, it looks like magic, hence the tag. Same reason why most "psychic" mind control gets tagged as magic.

Alright, just wanted to make sure.

Bloodly said:
Oh great, I recognize that head crest. She's gone Lady Mandarin again.

2016-07-26 07:59:33
>> #116599
Oh great, I recognise that head crest. She's gone Lady Mandarin again.
2018-03-25 07:01:14
>> #242077
This guy looks like he's channeling his energy and is about to turn super saiyan.
2018-03-25 06:47:10
>> #242072
I'll be honest with you, but this streamer guy looks fucking cute.
2016-07-26 16:33:11
>> #116649
I see Sleepymaid has returned...

2016-07-26 11:01:18
>> #116628
oh hi sleepy :D
2016-07-26 07:53:30
>> #116597
Holy shite, the maid of sleepy makes a surprise appearance!!!!!1! :0
Never thought I'd see the day, quite surprised if anything...
2016-07-26 09:35:21
>> #116613
i always absolutely LOVED this sexy sequence ever since i found it years ago. there is absolutely nothing sexier then lesbian naga corruption-transformation!!!
2016-07-26 08:51:56
>> #116604
Aww yeah, more sexy naga ladies, the hub can always use more of those. Too bad it seems like they are gonna eat people now... ah well such is life.
2016-07-26 04:06:55
>> #116534
This is the last of the images that I made three years ago. This sequence was primarily inspired by Kuroitsuki, who did a fair number of corruption/transformation images which you can still find on Gelbooru. The first image in the sequence wasn't his, but fit quite well for what I intended with the sequence.

So what next? I'm probably going to go back and do the other Rilara image. Or maybe I'll just lurk and comment from time to time.
2016-07-26 03:52:23
>> #116528
Source site has since gone offline- I could link the Gelbooru page, if that's preferred?
2016-07-26 05:11:49
>> #116556
This is a bit more to this story coming later. The previous picture was her being woken by strange music. After stripping and putting on her heels we join her here heading some where... So in the next part we find out where she's going and why.
2016-07-26 05:03:06
>> #116549
This is great! <3
2016-07-26 03:57:45
>> #116529
Yes. Very yes.
2016-07-26 03:33:43
>> #116523
Added source
2016-07-26 03:29:37
>> #116522
Any source on this? This is great
2016-09-03 19:19:19
>> #123496
Pleeease make a consequetive full thing.. like multiple phases of the text coming in- just please won't someone hypnotise the reader?!?
2016-07-26 03:14:19
>> #116519
2016-07-26 02:57:59
>> #116518

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