2016-07-16 10:15:34
>> #114662
SkrontheSecond said:
As long as <3 equals 138, that's just fine.

That's fair *giggles*
2016-07-15 21:24:48
>> #114578
These three remind me of some of the old hags from touhou.
2016-07-15 21:10:55
>> #114575
pokemongirl said:
I agree 69x2 should equal <3 *giggles*

As long as <3 equals 138, that's just fine.
2016-07-15 20:35:24
>> #114574
I agree 69x2 should equal <3 *giggles*
2016-07-15 18:08:36
>> #114559
I love that last rule, All girls must wear glasses!
2016-07-15 10:18:24
>> #114537
Lactation means milk, not semen.
2020-01-29 23:58:00
>> #353789
Davi said:

Yeah, most of the ones around here aren't exactly what people call innocent. However i don't mind.

This website is an collection of failed bards, who wants to seduce someone before they die.
2019-03-06 06:52:12
>> #307461

WhateverEyeWant said:
Kirby, the most innocent hypnotist

Yeah, most of the ones around here aren't exactly what people call innocent. However i don't mind.
2019-01-23 23:10:05
>> #300648
That's one sexy Dodonpachi girl you got there little guy. Nice manip too from the artist
2017-12-12 06:56:39
>> #219166
Kirby, the most innocent hypnotist
2016-12-01 05:39:15
>> #141155
GenericUsername said:
Anyone else want more Susie-sub art?

I wanna beep dat boop. o_o
2016-07-16 06:23:46
>> #114640
How about showing me more than just your face and hair?
2016-07-16 02:40:54
>> #114614
I don't know why but the way it's written makes it seem like there's a lot of pressure on that "your", i think it's cause it seems bigger than the rest of the text. could just be me though
2016-07-15 23:14:38
>> #114591
Love stuff with Rise in it.
2016-07-15 10:16:27
>> #114536
the visor is a bit off though, no upper edge, fused with hair
2016-07-15 09:37:46
>> #114533
The actual page links a non-hypno gag followup. Should we toss that on as a child post?
2016-07-15 18:34:32
>> #114563
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
As much as I love his style, kinda wish we could have the characters interacting more, like this:
(Fucking love that img) >////<

1 problem with that they have been dollified

2016-07-15 07:47:24
>> #114524
pokemongirl said:
Got to love these two more Georgia and Anna is always good *giggles*

oh snap,profile pic change
2016-07-15 05:30:34
>> #114504
As much as I love his style, kinda wish we could have the characters interacting more, like this:
(Fucking love that img) >////<
2016-07-15 05:27:48
>> #114502
Got to love these two more Georgia and Anna is always good *giggles*
Date Jul 15, 2016User ChangerRating QuestionableScore 45(vote up)
2016-07-15 02:53:16
>> #114469
Changer said:
Also, should I make a tag for Adventure High? I think I have several posts now on the hub related to it. Or would it be better as a pool?

I think you should give Adventure High its own tag, like other games have.
2016-07-15 01:02:46
>> #114452
So, I have the next version of Adventure High finished and released to Patrons. I started working with another artist to start on the full screen splash images while RokuMoku works on the avatars. This artist wants to be referred to as Caveman Doodles, so that tag is for the artist. It's not just random nonsense. I managed to get this at the last moment, so I was able to include it in this update.

This specific image is in the middle of Ms. Rack's enslavement; where she still wants to put up a fight when she is brought out of her trance, but can't fully resist your suggestions, or truly harm you.

The forum thread for the game can be found here:

The new version will be out on the 20th. If you don't want to wait, it's only one dollar on Patreon to get early access. (Also, I'm able to pay for this upgraded art due to Patreon, so that's nice)

Also, should I make a tag for Adventure High? I think I have several posts now on the hub related to it. Or would it be better as a pool?
2016-07-15 00:59:02
>> #114451
urahara64360 said:
Oh very interesting

2016-07-15 00:57:32
>> #114450
Oh very interesting
2016-07-16 10:18:14
>> #114663
Cradily said:

So if you reduced the number of available options from 500+ to 2, it'll be your favourite of the two? xD

But yes, it is based on the Pokemon. I don't even particularly like it, it just came up in my mind when I was making a username (because I encountered one in the Battle Maison recently and had no idea what it does).

Ah I see and yes I like way too many so have to divide them up into weird categories XD but I'd say one of my top fossil pokemon at least XD
2016-07-16 01:25:31
>> #114598
Glad some people like it! =P There might be a continuation, there are enough images at least.

Whisper said:
Why #bordeaux?

It was in the original image. I didn't remove it.

muffinmuffler said:
Her sister (?) is very accepting of the fact that she's now someone's mindless fuck toy.

Hey, that's only your imagination. Master doesn't automatically equal fucktoy =P

pokemongirl said:
Also random question I assume your name is based on the Pokémon but wanted to ask since its not one talked about often. Granted of the Hoenn fossils he's my fav : )

So if you reduced the number of available options from 500+ to 2, it'll be your favourite of the two? xD

But yes, it is based on the Pokemon. I don't even particularly like it, it just came up in my mind when I was making a username (because I encountered one in the Battle Maison recently and had no idea what it does).
2016-07-15 12:55:52
>> #114542
crazyman said:
<<|me when cradily posts>>

2016-07-15 12:20:40
>> #114541
Aww, so cute to have a friend looking out for her~
2016-07-15 09:09:22
>> #114529
MilesHypnoPrower said:
Is it wrong of me to want this to become a series? :P

I would love for this to be a series
2016-07-22 23:42:41
>> #115801
pokemongirl said:
Depending on what person's diet is but usually yes *giggles*

Not to be rude, but according to some "extensive research" (sex joke) that is false.
2016-07-15 07:12:57
>> #114520
We should have more Vanilla o.o
2016-07-15 05:14:10
>> #114495
someguy231 said:
Cum is tasty, yes...

Depending on what person's diet is but usually yes *giggles*
2016-07-14 22:59:38
>> #114425
Ah, Dr Chaos never disappoints.

2016-07-14 22:43:43
>> #114422
Cum is tasty, yes...
2017-01-03 00:16:46
>> #147887
Drone77 said:
The more RWBY the better

I agree, it would be awesome if you did all the female characters (at least) from RWBY like this. ^_^
2016-07-15 08:34:08
>> #114528
hypnotized Ruby before the mannequin result is just plain adorable.
2016-07-15 07:46:00
>> #114523
You thought that it was the manager who was controlling her,but it was me! DIO!
2016-07-15 07:11:49
>> #114519
The more RWBY the better
2016-07-15 07:07:17
>> #114518
i really like it.
2016-07-15 20:06:40
>> #114568
tailtaylor said:
Nice work! I love the idea and Link as an anthro Celebi is both fitting and adorable! Great to see the hypnosis is working just as great as before!

Thanks, I'm glad you like it!
2016-07-15 09:19:32
>> #114531
Nice work! I love the idea and Link as an anthro Celebi is both fitting and adorable! Great to see the hypnosis is working just as great as before!
2016-07-15 03:51:03
>> #114482
MrMalamar said:
A Celebi? How fitting for the 'Hero of Time'.

EoD said:
But that's not the Hero of Time. That's Link from Link Between Worlds. The Hero of Time is the Link from Ocarina and Majora

I just thought it'd be a nice little connection.
[s]Plus it's the closest connection I could make between Link and Pokemon without having something like an Aegislash.[/s]

Anon_3.141 said:
Sooo... Quick question for you Xavier: When are the pics for Pokemon 20th May-July going to be posted?

I'm still trying to think of good poses that I can easily do. Just look at my Epona picture or the 3rd panel here and you can see how badly I suck at drawing hands (it's how I usually prefer to draw anthros). Though I promise, it will come eventually.
2016-07-15 03:14:41
>> #114477
MrMalamar said:
A Celebi? How fitting for the 'Hero of Time'.

But that's not the Hero of Time. That's Link from Link Between Worlds. The Hero of Time is the Link from Ocarina and Majora
2016-07-15 02:15:08
>> #114460
A Celebi? How fitting for the 'Hero of Time'.

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