2016-07-11 09:33:45
>> #113918
2016-07-12 13:20:41
>> #114091
As someone who works with 3D animating models, I've got a few pointers:

○ Models and textures:
• Make sure that your texture cleanly and naturally fits the model. When working on the model yourself isn't viable, experiment with heavy normals and various graphic-design and camera angle tricks. In the end, the image you want the viewer to focus on should be mostly un-warped and "clean" looking, where this looks like it's in DESPARATE need of some ironing and untangling.
○ Environment:
• Might want to draw the viewer's eye to the couch more, and less to the macabre classical painting.
○ Faceposing
• ...Can make or break a piece. Default faces are not good. I'd recommend a flattish lip-line, and about 40% closed upper eyelids, with slightly closed lower eyelids.
○ Lighting
• Lighting's been a scourge of 3D images here on the hub for a while. I'd recommend having a wide-frustrum global light where a ceiling lamp would be, casting a shadow and giving some better spacial reference. Additionally, while it should be significantly bright, it shouldn't be totally luminant, or it looks like you just ticked fullbright in SFM, which is kind of ugly. Instead, give each character another, harder to notice light with just a touch of brightness to help them stand out and highlight their features. These should be kept extremely subtle.
○ Model Posing
• The big one. Remember that unless they're supposed to be human dolls or something, no one stands perfectly straight. Put some give in those arms and legs, more so if they're extremely relaxed. Furthermore, while most posers and animators use body language to convey motion, many find it much harder to portray an empty lack of emotion. Hypnosis body language should be relaxed. Try just taking the pose that your characters will be taking, and then letting it settle into it's most comfortable, least-effort-required pose, then look at that. Obviously, worrying about inhibitions like pride and such can make a fully-conscious person a poor model, but try your best yeah? Good, natural body language is key, even if there are some bumps in the translation.
2016-07-11 21:46:24
>> #113973
voyer said:
Created this one because someone was nice enough to give away a sweater-prop for use with DAZ Genesis characters.

Mmmm ya I really want those sweaters!
2016-07-11 11:53:07
>> #113926
Nice use of the Magritte and the Munch! Love seeing real art in the back.
2016-07-11 09:23:12
>> #113913
why hello there.
2016-07-11 08:52:41
>> #113906
Created this one because someone was nice enough to give away a sweater-prop for use with DAZ Genesis characters.
2016-07-16 07:41:33
>> #114648
Alright, it's gone now. So what do you guys like about the picture?
2016-07-11 12:58:02
>> #113930
waverun said:
Ahh damnit. Of all the tags to hit that number why this one?
Please try to ignore that. satanic numbers upon posting this were not in my contract nor at my knowledge. Enjoy please.

Hey, it's alright. You'd know if something was up. It's fine. If you need to talk, I'm here.
2016-07-11 09:19:07
>> #113912
waverun said:
Ahh damnit. Of all the tags to hit that number why this one?
Please try to ignore that. satanic numbers upon posting this were not in my contract nor at my knowledge. Enjoy please.

2016-07-11 09:01:15
>> #113909
waverun said:
Ahh damnit. Of all the tags to hit that number why this one?
Please try to ignore that. satanic numbers upon posting this were not in my contract nor at my knowledge. Enjoy please.

Hey if you suddenly have demons invading your home, all you have to do is keep calm, and put on green armor and grab a BFG or Super Shotgun. If that doesn't work, punch them until they're ripe for a Glory Kill :P
2016-07-11 08:18:54
>> #113900
Ahh damnit. Of all the tags to hit that number why this one?
Please try to ignore that. satanic numbers upon posting this were not in my contract nor at my knowledge. Enjoy please.
2016-07-11 08:16:09
>> #113899
the hype is real.
2016-07-11 08:14:59
>> #113898
I will be posting two versions of this, one without text and one with text. So stick around for a bit.
2016-07-13 11:43:39
>> #114249
hypno94 said:
The saying goes don't fuck crazy chicks. Azula would be my only exception

Well, rememebr th table Crazy/Hotness... more a girl is hot, more she could be crazy.
2016-07-13 04:53:12
>> #114196
The saying goes don't fuck crazy chicks. Azula would be my only exception
2016-07-12 19:30:08
>> #114126
liquidhobo said:
They look so silky and comfortable and they totes match their nails <3

Well, the harem girls are the best <3
2016-07-12 18:10:44
>> #114118
pokemongirl said:
Mmmm love those outfits <3

They look so silky and comfortable and they totes match their nails <3
2016-07-11 21:44:19
>> #113971
Mmmm love those outfits <3
2016-08-16 18:00:10
>> #119865
Pharah is the best!
2016-07-16 22:29:54
>> #114714

When I looked at the original on Sunny's tumblr this is not what I saw but great job wow
2016-07-15 06:41:28
>> #114513
This has the most awesome drool ever.
2016-07-12 03:42:29
>> #114009
Wouldn't mind getting a look from behind
2016-07-11 09:23:42
>> #113914
egyptian waifu! :3
2016-07-11 05:13:32
>> #113873
Haha, it's the pose from the Nest poster! xD
That is a really cheesy film
2016-09-25 02:49:50
>> #127448
Very nice ^_^
2016-07-11 21:52:17
>> #113976
God, I fucking relish the thought of being dowsed in hypno goo. Feeling it slide down, and coat you, leaving you so warm and safe, while your mind ebbs away, leaving you in a mindless bliss.
2016-07-11 09:27:26
>> #113916
I like gengar but i will just get aegislash, it is so damn good.
2016-07-11 09:27:09
>> #113915
I always liked haunter a little bit more, but mega gengar is undeniably awesome. Also Roxie is way up there as far as human characters go <3
2016-07-11 09:15:49
>> #113911
Cradily said:
No, for me my first exposure to Pokemon was the first 150 printed onto 2-3 handkerchiefs I bought in Japan. I didn't know they were Pokemon. It would be 2-3 years before Pokemon came to North America. I distinctively remeber liking Haunter and Beedrill the best, and it stayed that way.

Now that i think about i never actually got gengar in the main pokemon games the only time i ever used gengar was on pokemon stadium on the N64 cause i never had anyone to trade with so i never got any of the trade evolution's like alakazam and machamp and it would be YEARS later when pokken came out that i would use gengar again.

feels like seeing an old friend now that i think about it.
2018-02-12 08:27:42
>> #233844
With those big boobs anyone would get an amazing tititfuck
2016-07-14 02:04:00
>> #114317
We need more Serena here. Perhaps someone hypnotizes her in her new appearance and has their Haunter or something reach into her and pull out a version of her in her old appearance, and have the two versions of her make out with each other?
2016-07-12 02:24:33
>> #114004
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
If you go to image mode then indexed you'll get some dithering options. Positioned works well

Ok, I just made a fixed version. Do we still have that thing where you can upload a new version and transfer votes and comments to the new one? I don't think I've ever had to use it so I don't know how. xD
2016-07-12 00:15:38
>> #113996
Changer said:
I used GIMP 2.6, and it didn't give me any color options when converting it into a gif. It only gave me animation options and an option for interlacing that doesn't seem to do anything to the final result. Is there a different program that would be better to use?

If you go to image mode then indexed you'll get some dithering options. Positioned works well
2016-07-11 23:59:10
>> #113992
Evilunicorn said:
Wait who's hypnotized here?

Most likely the one with no pupils, and being fondled. :P

Zelinko said:
Check the program you're working also consider playing with the colorizing options as GIF is weird with certain color sets. Might require rejiggery in the original.

I used GIMP 2.6, and it didn't give me any color options when converting it into a gif. It only gave me animation options and an option for interlacing that doesn't seem to do anything to the final result. Is there a different program that would be better to use?
2016-07-12 12:49:29
>> #114086
Vanndril said:
Oh, I do agree. But what I mean is that I've seen the actual game icon used for things like this before. When it's done, the actual icon from the game is literally plopped in, as you described. Is it a good artistic decision? Eh, who knows. But I've seen it done by multiple artists, so it's not a rare one.

Well all I can say is, I blame pics like these:
Absolutely love the way they draw the charm ability... :0
2016-07-12 12:45:20
>> #114084
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Eh, I'm only critical as I feel like it was just plopped in, sticking out like a sore thumb. I feel like it coulda been drawn or simply added in a much more if fitting way, but that's just me. Not bad quality, just feel coulda been done better :P

Oh, I do agree. But what I mean is that I've seen the actual game icon used for things like this before. When it's done, the actual icon from the game is literally plopped in, as you described. Is it a good artistic decision? Eh, who knows. But I've seen it done by multiple artists, so it's not a rare one.
2016-07-12 12:38:56
>> #114082
Vanndril said:
I've seen art like this before. An artist takes the idea behind some ability or item in a game and draws a scenario involving it. To make it obvious what the scenario is depicting, the artist will sometimes throw in the original game icon to make it "as though it were the scene in the game" when the icon's skill/item were used.

I've seen this a few times, now, actually. And I don't think it's a big enough problem to bother worrying about quality over.

Eh, I'm only critical as I feel like it was just plopped in, sticking out like a sore thumb. I feel like it coulda been drawn or simply added in a much more if fitting way, but that's just me. Not bad quality, just feel coulda been done better :P
2016-07-12 12:31:46
>> #114081
I've seen art like this before. An artist takes the idea behind some ability or item in a game and draws a scenario involving it. To make it obvious what the scenario is depicting, the artist will sometimes throw in the original game icon to make it "as though it were the scene in the game" when the icon's skill/item were used.

I've seen this a few times, now, actually. And I don't think it's a big enough problem to bother worrying about quality over.
2016-07-11 05:16:48
>> #113876
Dantus said:
Well, that's how the icon in the game looks like. If this is reason enough for the pic to get deleted, then I'll loose all hope for the hub.

It was the artist's choice to do that, this ain't a manip. The icon isn't even that big of a detractor anyway, it's not like the entire pic gets ruined because of it (heck, you could photoshop it out if it annoys you so much, the pic would still be MC ... but then we'd have people tagging it for "lacking visual straight in your face indications of MC", heh).
Also, this getting deleted would be one hell of a precedent to start flagging manips inserting a huge and quite often "not that pleasant looking" text box into the image. Not to mention images with a huge and inconvenient watermark blocking half the pic. I'm not sure we really want to go there.

Problem is the source site was blocked for me (as porno sites in Korea seem to be totally off limits :0 ), so I had no way of knowing if that was part of the original image. As far as keeping it, I don't mind, but I do figure that it wasn't a great decision to really throw in like that for the artist. That's just imo tho...

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