2016-06-01 18:14:22
>> #107118
Textless version of the main manip.
2017-01-24 00:43:22
>> #152329
Hawkeye said:
One thing... the word you're looking for is "Stallion", not "Colt". Applejack basically expressed an interest in pedophilia before whatever's controlling her made her gay.

lol, I didn't even see that before. Now any time I read this I won't be able to get past the image of Apple Bloom getting mad at AJ for trying to hit on her classmates.
2017-01-24 00:35:22
>> #152328
One thing... the word you're looking for is "Stallion", not "Colt". Applejack basically expressed an interest in pedophilia before whatever's controlling her made her gay.
Mister Vi
2016-06-02 08:01:37
>> #107249
oh yeah, wintermist is a hero. best fanfics 10/10 read all the time.. I checked like every day for friendship is mind control updates.
2016-06-02 03:53:27
>> #107220
Oh my god, you've found your way here. This is the best news I've had all day. :D

(I'm Smusher6 on fimfiction in case you might remember me. *twiddles thumbs nervously*)

KaitoKid said:
Bookmarking your fimfiction page. I dont normally check sites like that, but Im gonna need more of that story. Love it.

Wintermist is a god of pony mind control fiction. Friendship is Mind Control is a long haul, but is 110% worth it. The smut is great, and the story line is even good enough to hold up on its own merits.
2016-06-01 23:05:54
>> #107155
@KaitoKid If you're in for a longer haul, take a look at Friendship is Mind Control, which has just as much smut, but more plot mixed in.
2016-06-01 08:00:14
>> #107079
Personal favorite here
2016-06-07 11:11:46
>> #108197
sumdudehere said:
LMK which one was your favorite!

this one. this one right here.
2016-06-01 06:47:19
>> #107064
Hey we have Ravebo! After a few years Raven gets brainwashed by Mumbo Jumbo to be his assistant! But does he really think he can control our blue skinned magician for long? Story coming soon :D Gonna also upload other versions in a pool! LMK which one was your favorite!
2016-06-03 19:37:52
>> #107439
notanotheralias said:
I can only for pity for you for having such astoundingly terrible taste.

But why is she in Marvel 3 and not Venom though or Blackheart or Cable or if you wanted a new female how about Spider-Woman. Y'know, good characters.

2016-06-03 17:02:28
>> #107428
Pinkanator said:

I can only for pity for you for having such astoundingly terrible taste.
2016-06-01 15:17:17
>> #107109
MindMasher said:
Which is in fact, a pants less running suit with sports gloves and tennis shoes.

2016-06-01 13:14:45
>> #107103
magictoaster said:
If you got that impression from what she was wearing, that's her normal superhero outfit.

Which is in fact, a pants less running suit with sports gloves and tennis shoes.

2016-06-01 07:17:38
>> #107072
Mmmm -licks my lips- We need more She-Hulk
2018-07-17 05:30:23
>> #270512
Her diapers full of season 10 meta
2017-02-27 01:22:52
>> #158660
Calmswamp said:
Tracer with no harness?


2016-06-01 22:45:47
>> #107149
Psi said:
*opens blacklisted post from comment section*
*nopes out*

Your avatar fits your comment too well.
2016-06-01 19:26:23
>> #107128
*opens blacklisted post from comment section*
*nopes out*
2016-06-01 16:21:23
>> #107115
puppethypnotist said:
Well the fact is, Tracer's lore makes her basically none existent like that. Tracer is as she is because of an accident she was in where she was testing out a new stealth jet (I think it was a stealth jet?) anyway the crash caused her to be inflicted with this condition where she couldn't form the particles in her body so she was jumping in and out of reality, basically rendering her as a nothingness blip of present time, It was winston who created her Chest piece allowing her to control her particles, and hence she can jump through time, and reverse it.

woooo knowledge! heh

While that's true, nitpicking what is essentially an adorable sketch really is just too much effort to find fault. Especially since we can't know all of the circumstances of this picture. All we have to say is it's a crib that can do the same thing, a playpen, a bubble, an alternate universe version, or a tracer shaped cookie brought to life by evil cookiemancers.

If you can find fault with the image, that just tells me you don't have enough imagination to make it interesting =)
2016-06-01 03:17:44
>> #107030
wow she has huge tits! (cuz she actually has tits now)
2016-06-03 08:50:32
>> #107389
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
That flag reason.

... Honestly, I think this is fine to stay. Maybe enlarge the nipple and only show half of it (the rest being in the dress), but this isn't "problematic" enough for removal. Breasts are weird sometimes with regards to nipple placement and size.

I can agree with this.

Honestly, a lot of hentai has weirdly placed nipples. XD Compared to much, this is out of place in a minor way.
2016-06-01 20:15:58
>> #107131
That flag reason.

... Honestly, I think this is fine to stay. Maybe enlarge the nipple and only show half of it (the rest being in the dress), but this isn't "problematic" enough for removal. Breasts are weird sometimes with regards to nipple placement and size.
2016-06-01 08:31:29
>> #107081
2016-06-01 08:25:41
>> #107080
Ahri take my soul <3
2016-06-01 05:12:26
>> #107041
Werewolf said:
Was that nipple in the original? It's kind of a weirdly placed nipple, anatomically speaking.

It also seems to be staring at me.

I put it there. It's a weirdly shaped boob, too.
2016-06-01 04:59:19
>> #107039
oh hey danni
2016-06-01 02:30:27
>> #107022
JimLogan54 said:
Is this a dating sim?

No. But I intended it to have that dating sim style. The character PNG was created by Pluneptune (Original image in Source link).
2016-06-01 02:24:52
>> #107021
Is this a dating sim?
2016-06-01 04:47:35
>> #107038
godofwar99 said:
This was aimed to little girls, so having large boobs would send the wrong message to kids

Instead let's put lazer fighting and communist cults in our horse programming.
2016-06-01 04:16:40
>> #107037
StepfordCrimson said:
I don't think the Winx animators are the kind of people who believe in animating believable boobage :P

This was aimed to little girls, so having large boobs would send the wrong message to kids
2016-06-01 03:33:06
>> #107033
ZeldaIsHot said:
what the fuck are those breasts doing

I don't think the Winx animators are the kind of people who believe in animating believable boobage :P
2016-06-01 03:22:09
>> #107031
ZeldaIsHot said:
what the fuck are those breasts doing

She is turned sideways. So it might look weird
2016-06-01 01:37:35
>> #107014
ZeldaIsHot said:
what the fuck are those breasts doing

Don't know, just how it was placed

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