2016-06-01 13:24:27
>> #107104
Thornboi said:
*facepalm* Sorry, I should have said "father of the year award winners" I meant the two jerkoffs holding screaming todlers, not Yoko, who's clearly also being victimized. It is weird that without the kids there, I'd have no problem with this image, but it's just really not cool. The kid has blue hair like the fake Kamina so I figured he might be world's best dad. I hope this hasnt been going on long enough for those to be Yoko's kids. Geezus. That'd be a whole 'nother layer of trauma for these kids.

Nah, those kids were two of her students when she was in hiding as a teacher in the second half of the series. The "fake Kamina" and his friend were a pair of outlaws that ransacked the island Yoko was on in the wake of the whole "we gon blow up da urf" thing the Anti Spirals were getting ready for.
2016-06-01 07:49:45
>> #107077
maybe this isn't the real kamina
2016-05-31 09:10:04
>> #106943
EoD said:
First off she's a teacher, not a parent.

Secondly, since that isn't actually Kamina I'm removing the tag.

*facepalm* Sorry, I should have said "father of the year award winners" I meant the two jerkoffs holding screaming todlers, not Yoko, who's clearly also being victimized. It is weird that without the kids there, I'd have no problem with this image, but it's just really not cool. The kid has blue hair like the fake Kamina so I figured he might be world's best dad. I hope this hasnt been going on long enough for those to be Yoko's kids. Geezus. That'd be a whole 'nother layer of trauma for these kids.
2016-05-31 05:57:09
>> #106924
The only thing I feel sad about is that there isn't a tag children where kids are put in a sexual situation and that this image doesn't have it, further it isn't automatically black listed like loli is. If for no other reason than some confused soul might attach it if they neglected to put the loli tag on the image because they think it did not apply. Someone should at least make a tag like that so that I might add it to my black list and never have to look at this and subject the innocent to my ranting again.
2016-05-31 02:49:53
>> #106897
So that's one sad child there that has to endure that. Anyone else feel bad about this one?
2016-05-31 09:38:56
>> #106946
alternac said:
Where's the MC here?

The red ring around the iris in her eye indicates the MC element in this show I believe.
2016-05-31 08:39:02
>> #106940
Where's the MC here?
2016-05-31 00:13:57
>> #106871
Oh, Kallen Stadtfeld. How I love you.
2017-06-17 21:47:29
>> #182387
*cues the "its a trap" meme gif*
2016-07-04 03:14:00
>> #112626
Original_Name said:
'Impossible is a trap'? Jimryu needs to brush up on his grammar.

& she fell for it. XD
2016-06-01 02:38:08
>> #107023
So Samus just goes around doing her job without her armor now.
2016-06-01 00:36:52
>> #107004
Pinkanator said:
But, as far as I can tell, MOM in the timeline is his first resurrection. Unless you count Mecha Ridley, but he looks derpy as shit.

Moral of the story: Rundas's ark is better than the whole story of MOM, come on Sakurai!

No, MOM is the next-to-last game in the series. If you keep in mind that the manga is considered canon, Ridley died in his assault on Samus' home colony, revived, was killed by Samus on Zebes, revived, was killed in Meta form on Tallon IV, revived, was killed again in Omega form on the Space Pirate Homeworld, revived, killed again on Zebes, and this time the whole planet exploded.

If anything, you could argue that Samus thought he was dead for good, since the planet was vaporized, but still, Ridley coming back from the dead should just be a Tuesday to her.
2016-05-31 23:46:16
>> #107000
Obscenario said:
The problem there is that Ridley has come back from the grave before, and Samus knows for a fact that Ridley has the ability to regenerate. Even discounting the Prime series, Ridley was killed in the original Metroid/Zero Mission and came back to life in Super. Same thing with Kraid and Mother Brain being revived. Samus knows that her enemies can come back to life, she can't be 100% sure they're gone for good. So being surprised at Ridley's return, to the point of a complete mental breakdown, makes very little sense in the context of the series.

But, as far as I can tell, MOM in the timeline is his first resurrection. Unless you count Mecha Ridley, but he looks derpy as shit.

Moral of the story: Rundas's ark is better than the whole story of MOM, come on Sakurai!
2017-09-22 22:37:02
>> #200099
Of couse samus is just exuting an elabrote plan to bring the colletor down, theirs no way she is actualy hyptonzied.
2016-06-06 21:41:35
>> #108094
Is there some kind of forced hypnosis tag?
2016-06-05 15:47:48
>> #107765
Original_Name said:
Is Maidends a proper word, or is this just Jimryu doing his thing again? I know I'm bashing on his writing here but....just proofread. It's not that hard -_-

Don't you get it? He's referring to the 'ends' of the maidens. You know, their butts. Because he wants to stick his dick in.
2016-06-05 09:02:04
>> #107726
Is Maidends a proper word, or is this just Jimryu doing his thing again? I know I'm bashing on his writing here but....just proofread. It's not that hard -_-
2016-06-04 06:03:18
>> #107546
Lol the art is good, but the dialogue always makes me laugh.
Slave Samus - "Trust in me, I am eager to feel your cock inside me again!"
Jimryu comics are fun though. Wouldn't mind seeing a continuation of the Sailor Moon one they posted some time ago.
2016-05-31 00:22:16
>> #106873
pokemongirl said:
Now I just want to lay some tentacle eggs.

Uhhh... okay! O.o
2016-05-30 21:41:35
>> #106848
Psi said:
My super late half of the art trade with Pasteldaemon, featuring Ara and Zyii turned into hawt Tentacoli slaves! <3
Hope you like it *_*

More Tentacoli slaves are always lovely *drools* and of course I like *giggles* Now I just want to lay some tentacle eggs.
2016-05-30 21:37:06
>> #106846
Ohoho good shit my friend
2016-05-30 20:41:12
>> #106838
Ohhhh yes, I most certainly do @u@
2016-05-30 20:15:33
>> #106837
My super late half of the art trade with Pasteldaemon, featuring Ara and Zyii turned into hawt Tentacoli slaves! <3
Hope you like it *_*
2016-05-30 20:09:23
>> #106834
Are we entirely sure this is femsub? It seems the text on the right is said by the girl in the picture, and the image looks more dommy too.
2016-06-01 01:14:05
>> #107008
I can see the thick outline semi-manga artists complain about how Jimryu is more popular than them coming any time now...
2016-05-31 21:51:58
>> #106991
Pinkanator said:
People are still taking ZeldaIsHot seriously.
My fucking sides.


Wait, actually someone gives a fuck about Zeldaishot posts?
2016-05-31 12:37:27
>> #106960
Pinkanator said:
People are still taking ZeldaIsHot seriously.
My fucking sides.

You mean to tell me there's been points where anyone has taken him seriously? I just thought he was another shitposter that you pass by on the way to other comments. :P

That aside, this is just standard Jimryu stuff. Grammatical errors due to English not being his first language, rampant use of the same or similar body models for every female character, and either a self-insert male character or some random shadowy creepo that happens to be male.

Not saying he hasn't improved in writing and art, but c'mon. We all know we're here for stuff from the likes of Zko, Sebastian, and Sleepymaid, as well as up-and-comers who want to contribute and bring their own thing to the table. Jimryu is essentially the Roger Corman of hypno-fetish art. He's got some gems, but most of his stuff is forgettable or just cringe-inducing. Most of the time, fans of his are just people who have his work as a guilty pleasure, myself included.
2016-05-31 10:30:58
>> #106955
I've never been this triggered with a title since THE WORLD GOD ONLY KNOWS
2016-05-31 03:47:15
>> #106905
2016-05-30 23:12:51
>> #106859
chloroform + hypnosis = Happy Jimmy.
God that sounds wrong.
2016-05-30 16:47:09
>> #106808
chloroform <3
2016-10-28 04:08:12
>> #134662
memer said:
Lurker. 1st time posting. If this counts as art theft or somethin etc, delete it at will.
Goin back to lurking.

2016-05-31 07:39:12
>> #106931
I get it
2016-05-31 05:23:17
>> #106920
EoD said:
Neither of those links work.

The first link is in the source. The second link points to post #37169.

Edit: Mei-ke A-mei-rica great again.
2016-05-30 23:07:06
>> #106856
memer said:
meme'd [[|this]] - into this ^ - cus I got a kick outta all [[|this]]

... how do i shorten these links...
edit:...welp, i tried

Lurker. 1st time posting. If this counts as art theft or somethin etc, delete it at will.
Goin back to lurking.

Neither of those links work.
2016-05-30 21:39:20
>> #106847
Wow weird fusion but love it!
2016-05-31 07:35:30
>> #106930
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Panels 2 and 3. Spot the differences on the face

Head was rotated 45 degrees... that's exactly 45 degrees.
2016-05-31 00:54:02
>> #106878
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Panels 2 and 3. Spot the differences on the face

2016-05-30 15:32:02
>> #106801

Haha, puns!
I know Jimryu's art is notorious for being copied and traced, but who is he copying? Himself? Does he create a template of faces and poses which he just copies and pastes in each panel in Photoshop?
2016-05-30 15:12:12
>> #106799
Panels 2 and 3. Spot the differences on the face
2016-05-30 15:06:21
>> #106797

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