2016-05-14 07:52:36
>> #103797
I remember the book as for the movie, not so good as the book
2016-05-15 01:46:14
>> #103946
Lucky girl! *giggles*

I wana be a bunny slave too *drools* or be on a commission slut *rubs her pussy*
2016-05-14 17:15:37
>> #103885
welp, dont have any money for commission right now, but its a good thing i got a plan B

<<|its time for my dog to finally make himself usefull>>
2016-05-14 10:01:00
>> #103810
ngmez said:
What ever happened to the erza comic?

The client stopped it.
2016-05-14 09:58:43
>> #103809
What ever happened to the erza comic?
2016-05-14 07:27:18
>> #103796
Hey DHB, Get online some time so we can talk one on one again.

Good to see you are doing artwork again tho!
2016-05-14 00:41:01
>> #103775
Discord Fuel: fuel for your mule, gass for your ass.
2016-05-13 23:16:06
>> #103766
Thought I might as well share the high res Inks, cos dang if Zindy don't still look good in black & white.
2016-05-16 22:30:27
>> #104360
Override865 said:
As someone who really loves this story, I gotta say, it kinda bugs me that we get all of these great pictures but I haven't seen any new chapters to the written story. I don't know if it's done by the same people but still, this is something I would like to read. Still a great picture.

As Solddate's previous cowriter I heartily apologize. I've been kind of busy the past year and somewhat lost my taste for this particular super-slut universe. But if there's enough interest in rekindling it we (or at least I) might...
2016-05-14 09:21:43
>> #103805
As someone who really loves this story, I gotta say, it kinda bugs me that we get all of these great pictures but I haven't seen any new chapters to the written story. I don't know if it's done by the same people but still, this is something I would like to read. Still a great picture.
2016-05-14 01:19:06
>> #103779
Pretty damn nice. Would like her "put under" as well as transformation but very well drawn.
2016-05-13 23:12:52
>> #103765
Zee-Zee & Sugah Canary recruit Dinah Lance's old friend and fellow Bird of Prey member, Lady Blackhawk. Turning the ace pilot into the bubbly Sugah's airheaded twin bimbo & Harley's lesbian slave, Babe Candyhawk! But you can call her Zindy!

Sirloin said:
Whoa. This's got a pretty good Adam Hughs/Terry Dodson vibe going. Compliments to the chef.

Glad you like, be sure to check out <<|Banedrag's dA>>, he's done some great stuff.
2016-05-13 23:08:05
>> #103760
Whoa. This's got a pretty good Adam Hughs/Terry Dodson vibe going. Compliments to the chef.
2016-05-15 19:07:29
>> #104074
HypnoMangaEditor said:
You know what would have made this image even better? A black and white base version with the red colored eyes and lips.

I made one
2016-05-13 23:43:36
>> #103770
HypnoMangaEditor said:
You know what would have made this image even better? A black and white base version with the red colored eyes and lips.

HME confirmed actually Frank Miller.
2016-05-13 23:11:52
>> #103764
You know what would have made this image even better? A black and white base version with the red colored eyes and lips.
2016-05-13 22:40:25
>> #103756
for whatever reason this image brings this song to mind
2016-05-14 07:10:24
>> #103795
Oh wow!!! >//////< What a super cutie!!
2016-05-13 22:12:08
>> #103750
10/10, would smooch both boobs and tummy.
2016-06-05 22:45:29
>> #107839
I would have preferred if the dom was a character from SOMETHING instead of some generic OC schmuck.
2016-06-02 19:38:59
>> #107308
would have been kinda funny/hot, if she completely forgot about the command, and fell asleep, then waking up to see the exhausted and tired girl still licking her pussy all night, while it streamed, going "please kill me" all teary eyed :P
2016-05-14 00:05:45
>> #103772
2016-05-13 23:10:29
>> #103763
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Partly, yes. MC for most ppl is erotic because ppl do things they would normally not do. Highering the stakes increases that aspect. One of the reasons why I prefer evil MCs and revenge over the ones that just want to get a quick fuck.

ma' man
2016-05-13 23:08:36
>> #103761
EoD said:
That's usually because the hypnosis fetish goes hand in hand with degradation. At least in Japan it does.

Partly, yes. MC for most ppl is erotic because ppl do things they would normally not do. Highering the stakes increases that aspect. One of the reasons why I prefer evil MCs and revenge over the ones that just want to get a quick fuck.
2016-06-04 08:43:04
>> #107561
Mezzberry said:

Not only are Meta and Ray two of my favorite shinies, but both were also distributed as event shinies during this gen, so it kinda fits.

I will never battle you on wifi
2016-06-04 08:30:47
>> #107558
JoanieSappho said:
You had my interest, but now you have my attention :P

hehehe, it's a way's off, but it'll happen someday.
asaola said:

I'm just to mesmerized with Dahlia's and May's body to even begin saying how much I love this image

That's awesome, I'm really glad you like them so much ^^ (Delia's my fav out of the image as well)
2016-05-31 02:49:13
>> #106896
I'm just to mesmerized with Dahlia's and May's body to even begin saying how much I love this image
2016-05-30 17:20:06
>> #106815
Mezzberry said:

If I can ever find the time / confidence I've got a huge drawing in mind revolving around Valerie having her own hypno-sapphic harem.

You had my interest, but now you have my attention :P
2016-05-15 04:52:46
>> #103982
No1 said:
Nice work, and weavile is ok while your opponent doesn't have anything called scizor.

Oh sure, Weavee's definitely a niche 'mon in competitive. I just like it's design ^^
Dragon-Cana-Love said:

Who's the red head?

An OC named Ana, based off the requester for the original concept (which was simply to see her pokegirl self entranced by the hypnodomme Robbie, also a DA user-based OC).

foffyoul5 said:
movie Bianca

Hmm, I feel like someone has brought up those particular girls before...;-)

At the very least I will work Domino into a future piece. But I have a very special girl in mind for the Latias costume ^^
2016-05-14 06:20:57
>> #103789
Good ol' maisy-headed-dazy

Good ol' daisy-headed-other-girl
2016-05-14 01:51:49
>> #103781
Halarith said:
The "victim" didn't have a giant flower on her head before, did she?

...I like all of these events right now.

Plantgirl-ification? Do want. :D
2016-05-13 23:43:43
>> #103771
Inma is the best <3
2016-05-13 23:09:22
>> #103762
The "victim" didn't have a giant flower on her head before, did she?

...I like all of these events right now.
2016-05-13 19:50:55
>> #103734
I love Joyce's reaction, tho.

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