2016-05-13 11:38:48
>> #103700
More to the point, how the hell did her drink get spiked?
2016-05-13 10:12:45
>> #103689
So putting Sea Monkeys into Drinking Water causes said person to hallucinate cunnilingus from a Robo Mermaid, and turns one into a Robot Master? Good to know for future experiments =P
2016-07-06 16:02:57
>> #113013
brain-drain-boy said:
Do you have a website where you post art? I'd love to see more of your work!

Oh! Hello!

I'm replying to you twelve days late because I don't receive notifications for comments on my submissions and I don't check non-recent work regularly.

I post my art on three accounts:

Safe for work art goes on
Hypnosis art goes on

This, unfortunately means I can't post non-safe for work/non-hypnosis art on either my DeviantArt or HypnoHub account. As a result, I've created a Tumblr where I'll be posting everything I draw.

Enjoy! :D
2016-06-24 20:53:58
>> #111133
Do you have a website where you post art? I'd love to see more of your work!
2016-05-14 00:51:57
>> #103777
httpwwwcom said:
I'd love to see some fully inked or colored drawings from you someday. :P Keep up the good work!

I don't have the equipment, though some people have digitalized a few of my pieces for me. But it is the plan for sometime in the future.

pokemongirl said:

Also of course being naked and fucking makes essays go faster *giggles*

Thank you both for the kind remarks!
2016-05-13 21:07:03
>> #103742
httpwwwcom said:
I'd love to see some fully inked or colored drawings from you someday. :P Keep up the good work!


Also of course being naked and fucking makes essays go faster *giggles*
2016-05-13 09:50:17
>> #103687
I'd love to see some fully inked or colored drawings from you someday. :P Keep up the good work!
2016-05-17 05:43:48
>> #104425
So shouldn't the original be deleted now? Or are we just keeping both?
2016-05-13 21:08:36
>> #103743
crazycowproductions said:
Still trying to work out a color scheme for her in my pondering of pondering. Just yo confirm early post yes I did say it was okay :-)

Can't wait have loved this one and your recent therapist pics *giggles and bounces up and down*
2016-05-13 20:49:13
>> #103739
Still trying to work out a color scheme for her in my pondering of pondering. Just yo confirm early post yes I did say it was okay :-)
2016-05-13 09:23:10
>> #103682
Proxy51 said:
This is a horizontally flipped version of the original, so the text can be read left-to-right. Maybe I'm being pedantic but I sometimes find that kind of thing distracting. I asked crazycowproductions and they were okay with it, and it was easy enough to change.

I wondered about it at first, but you're right. This does make reading it a bit more logical
2016-05-13 09:20:25
>> #103679
This is a horizontally flipped version of the original, so the text can be read left-to-right. Maybe I'm being pedantic but I sometimes find that kind of thing distracting. I asked crazycowproductions and they were okay with it, and it was easy enough to change.
Mister Vi
2016-05-13 15:57:58
>> #103709
I love how... delicate it all looks, her expression, her tongue, the way he has his hand lightly on her head. Like these two look like they're in love.
2016-05-13 09:19:42
>> #103678
Kala said:
Holy crap, is that a picture of Ildac being dominant for once? Wonders never cease.

Nope. You're hallucinating. >.>
2016-05-13 08:27:04
>> #103672

Kala said:
Holy crap, is that a picture of Ildac being dominant for once? Wonders never cease.

I am a very lucky bunny~ And he is a very sexy dom. <3
2016-05-13 07:56:39
>> #103665
Holy crap, is that a picture of Ildac being dominant for once? Wonders never cease.
2016-05-13 06:58:26
>> #103650
Spirals said:
I think it'd be better either sped up slightly or if you had more than one colour shrink at once (though that's a bit more work).

I see what you're saying. It does look a tad strange with only one color at a time. Next time I'll be sure to get it right!
2016-05-13 06:51:31
>> #103649
I think it'd be better either sped up slightly or if you had more than one colour shrink at once (though that's a bit more work).
2016-05-13 06:22:29
>> #103642
Oh nice, little bit of resistance!
2020-03-25 22:26:24
>> #361314
Nope! *looks away and runs*
2017-05-27 23:54:39
>> #178110
C can't pretty feel hot
2016-07-23 04:28:43
>> #115839
Shhhh~ Keep watching my eyes~ Don't they make you feel relaxed~? And Horny~?
2016-05-13 05:47:50
>> #103632
jesus christ HUFF
2016-05-13 05:30:12
>> #103630
This is so smooth ... so relaxing ... soo *drools*
2016-05-14 08:36:57
>> #103801
hypnofish said:
last picture of this series

correction: last pictures. they'll both be up tomorrow.
2016-05-13 08:26:32
>> #103671
HypnoMangaEditor said:
I think it is more a question of if you want your font to be more like the font on normal websites you visit or like in Manga you read. Given that we have mostly Anime/Manga Images here, most will probably prefer the later.

that's a pretty fair point. i'll probably stick with this font for the last picture of this series for consistency's sake and because of my previous concerns with yellow text on colored background but i'll toy around with the idea in photoshop and see if it's more to my liking than what i've been doing.
2016-05-13 08:08:53
>> #103668
I think it is more a question of if you want your font to be more like the font on normal websites you visit or like in Manga you read. Given that we have mostly Anime/Manga Images here, most will probably prefer the later.
2016-05-13 07:19:04
>> #103656
HypnoMangaEditor said:
This one's a lot better, though the text is still too much. It's too close to the picture, you need to leave at least some space so it doesn't look cramped. You should also think about using another Font (Anime Ace and Wild Words are commonly used). Another thing I would like you to try is to make the text color white for all conversation and instead color the outlines according to the person that is talking. Doesn't work with all backgrounds, but with most and will further contribute to making the text less oppressive as it is in most cases with black outlines.

yeah the closeness of the text to the picture was something i noticed only after i already saved the file, otherwise i would have done something about that. but i'm not sure if i agree about switching around the color scheme or the font, but maybe that's just to my personal preference. like for characters with lighter colored text, like you said, it wouldn't work on every background, in fact i think that would only work on a black background for a character like mami. also, i generally like to keep the text's background the same color as the picture's background since i feel it makes it look more organic, i guess is the word, but again, that's just my preference. also, i really just don't care for anime ace all that much, i don't know what it is, i think it's because i've seen it in so much stuff online that i'm kind of sick of it. i don't know. i'm not trying to shut you down, especially since i agreed with pretty much everything you said about the last picture, and if more people agree with you, i'll definitely see about switching things around in the future.
2016-05-13 07:08:00
>> #103654
This one's a lot better, though the text is still too much. It's too close to the picture, you need to leave at least some space so it doesn't look cramped. You should also think about using another Font (Anime Ace and Wild Words are commonly used). Another thing I would like you to try is to make the text color white for all conversation and instead color the outlines according to the person that is talking. Doesn't work with all backgrounds, but with most and will further contribute to making the text less oppressive as it is in most cases with black outlines.
2016-05-13 06:47:31
>> #103648
HypnotizedHooligan said:
Should I upload it with the pendulum? Or is it okay as it is? Or maybe there's something better than pendulum?

The post as it is works; feel free to do a post with the pendulum or something else.
2016-05-13 03:59:57
>> #103620
Okay, so quick question: I was going to post this image with a pendulum on top, but I couldn't find any good pngs of one (maybe I missed it but I tried hard to find it). I made one in GIMP, but I didn't think it looked all that great, so I left it out when uploading.

Should I upload it with the pendulum? Or is it okay as it is? Or maybe there's something better than pendulum?
2016-05-13 03:34:13
>> #103617
Cute slime corruption is the bestest
2016-05-13 17:47:37
>> #103721
112947 said:
I like it. But what's going on? Clap makes him .... ?

Cum, obviously. A repeating theme in sleepymaid's art is reward conditioning through controlling orgasm. If one can make another cum on command, then that person will do whatever they are told to make it happen again.

2016-05-13 16:47:26
>> #103713
I like it. But what's going on? Clap makes him .... ?
2016-05-13 05:50:59
>> #103633
I swear, she just has a hat with a bunch of random prompts she wrote down, and just picks from that. This sh*t just keeps getting stranger.

Great pic though :D
2016-05-13 04:20:49
>> #103623
Woot *giggles*
2016-05-13 03:31:12
>> #103615
new sleepymaid pic? new sleepymaid pic

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