2021-05-05 21:14:50
>> #418594
I come on, I look at the comments, I read them all completely, I leave.
Why did I decide to torture myself with the philosophy of no comment unread?
2017-10-02 13:48:33
>> #202045
Pastel-Daemon said:
...Christ come on, there's a time and a place, y'know.

"We live in the most painfully boring one." Now Im Just depressed.
2016-11-28 06:22:12
>> #140566
Pinkanator said:
Dear god, Waverun, you never disappoint.

Also, Code Geass is great, thanks for recommending it! (Oh sure, the British are the bad guys. What have we ever done to you? Y'know, besides the whole conquering a quarter of the planet thing.) Mind Control, Anime girls, and huge fucking mechs named after places in Britain, as well as Knights of the Round Table. Why did no-one inform me of the giant British named mechs. What do they call the useless jobber mechs? Herefords?

Pinkanator said:
Fuck I hate this universe. Of the entire multiverse, we have to be born in the piss boring one.

Mindwipe said:
Yuri Lowenthal. He used to be in everything. I guess he still is, but more video games than anime now.

Pinkanator said:
[spoiler=Realized this needed a spoiler after finishing. Took me about an hour to write, so you'll notice I get less angry. There's nothing I've substance here, so point is, sorry, you're right. I'm working on stopping.]

Trust me, I know I have a problem. For fucks sake, I know I have a fuckin problem. But what's the fucking point?!? I have no future! I can't fucking do anything! I CAN'T FUCKING DO ANYTHING! I've just dragged my life through the fucking dirt because I can't get over the fact that my sister died! I never moved past it because it was that perfect, PERFECT age where I was old enough to remember it, and innocent enough for it to fuck with me completely! Worse case cerebal palsey. Fucking junior doctor I think, fucked up. Not supposed to live a year, LIVED THROUGH FUCKING 9 BECAUSE SHE WAS FUCKING AWESOME. I was born 3? Years later. I love my parents but they weren't the best. It wasn't their fault. Forced into the worst situation with little support, and no experience. Spent all their focus on her, never got much for myself. Needless to say, this built up something of a need for attention, and I literally, years later still say every fucking word far too loud. I can't really stop it. Same with the fact that I walk on my toes, even though I know the shit it'll do, and has started to do to me feet. I don't really care anymore. She died a few weeks before my birthday. My mum was with her in the hospital in Birmingham, because Hereford is a shithole. She spent a lot of her last 2 years in the hospital. Teachers walked me home because she was at hospital, and Dad was at work. I don't quite know how she died, but my Mum can never watch Pocahontus again. There was a joke that I wanted to put but I can't fucking do it. Anyway, I certainly had a fun morning. I woke peppy, bounding down the stairs, as I was and still am at least half the time, excitable and fun, to find my parents sitting down, looking forlorn. In that moment, my entire life shattered. I grew an extreme cynicism, a loathing for religion, because HOLY SHIT FUCK GOD HE IS A FUCKING ASSHOLE AND I WILL FUCKING STRANGLE HIM WITH HIS OWN FUCKING INTESTINES and basically shut down. I became rather suicidal for some time, I think I tried hanging myself 5 times. I was sent to a therapist, apparantly, I don't actually recall this, but from what I've been told, the aftermath was something to behold. I'm a fucking wimp, and a fucking pussy, but I got so pissed off, I left a dent in the wall. Must have really pushed some buttons. I don't know, too soon? Thing is, I really thought I'd moved on, I really had, but I've always had something to latch on to. Be it my good friend, Teddy (yes, it's a bear, fuck you.), or the perverbial light at the end of the tunnel. I thought I'd done it, pulled my life around, things were going great, I was doing awesome, everyone knew me, everyone thought I was kind of cool, I could count my close friends on more than one hand, and my best friend was telling me the new My Little Pony was cool. I'd been avoiding it for a while, I mean, My Little Pony? Really? This is the new big thing? Damn, it was blowing up! My god! My sister had My Little Pony books! Freaking, Minty's adventure or some shit! The hell's going on! But I idolized my best friend. He was so funny, had the coolest things, everyone loved him, and was so much cooler than me! He was better at everything, and was just so awesome! So I caved because, if he thought it was awesome, it had to be! Yes, I am drawing direct comparisons to my interactions with both ZeldaIsHot and Waverun. I may be worth shit, but I can draw simple patterns together. I ended up becoming more hyped about it than him! Fucking Chad. He's a fucking asshole. He hit me, made fun of me, made me feel like the lowest shit compared to him. And I just kept crawling back. But it didn't matter because he would stop to tell me stuff and joke with me, and those times were the best. And then I started getting into the pony fandom. I started adressing myself as a brony, much to the dismay of my friend who is a girl, who thought it was the dumbest shit. I came out to my parents, as you do, ironically being my mum who hated it, her thinking I was hanging out with a bunch of pedophiles. I started enjoying some of the ponies that the fans had named, and characterized. One such was a minty mare by the name of Lyra Heartstrings. She was cute. Yes, I was a fucking furry by then, I'd been that way since I got into Sonic. And Spongebob, because holy shit I was into Sandy back then. In fact, before that point, I used to think that whenever I got turned on, I was in love. Weird, I know. I went through a number of obsessions actually, none lasting more than 2 months. At most. But Lyra's human obsession intrigued me. I love the idea of the multiverse, and the whole idea she was looking back appealed to me. And then it REALLY apealled to me. I've always had a thing for stalkers. My guess? The idea of someone being crazy about me? To want to follow me everywhere, and keep me forever and ever? The only thing a lonely, loveless madman wants. She then became my best pony, going on the wallpapers and the avatars. Most of them haven't changed since 2013. I convinced my bodily disabled friend to become a brony too, he took a liking to Luna. I can't blame him. He's a cool guy, makes the most of what he has, nothing gets him down, and gets so much cool stuff! He's got one of those ultrasabers, a replica of Arthas's sword, a canvas of Luna made by a cousin that looks fucking sick, and pictures from when he met Lewis Hamilton and Nick Knowles. I haven't seen him in a long time. I miss him. He does shitty youtube videos. He's in a cringe collection. Everything was great, I thought my life was finally somewhere! And then it all came crashing down. I realized that despite how smart I am, it means jack shit. I can't apply it. I can't do anything with it. I am intrisically useless to the modern world. My friends started abandoning me, Chad had had enough of me. He had enough real friends as to not need me anymore. My disabled friend was tired of me constanly following him around, trying to show him things, and force things in his face. That's my problem with people. There's no second me. I have so much to say, and no-one wants to hear it. My mum doesn't understand, and my dad hates me. He loves me out of obligation. He hates everything I stand for. He only cares about problems that affect him, he hates speculation, he hates analysis, he hates me talking, he hates my lack of any possible physical ability, he hates that I don't go out, he hates me explaining I have nowhere to go, he hates how clingy I am, he hates how I remind of him things he wants to forget, he hates that I'm not him in anyway, he hates me. My friend who is a girl is a wreck because I turned her down when she asked to go there. I didn't want to. I couldn't. I'm not ready. She deserves better. We made up. Then she asked again. I'm apparantly the bad guy. And every other friend I had was sick of me. One friend made me realize just how stupid and worthless I am, and hates me because I inadvertantly screwed his relationship that he wouldn't come out about, and she turned him down and it's my fault because I told her jokes when they were talking, because I used to walk home with him. My super nerd friend was sick of me, my super hero nerd friend became a silent mess, my fat friend got pissy because he couldn't join the army, and I realized I was just a fucking novelty. And I was used up. Everything else fell apart. My future started falling apart by the seams as I realized I couldn't get there. I can't. I can't. I started gettng really pervy by this point. Spent most of my day fapping. Lovely image I know. Started realizing I really liked the idea of being hypnotised, then remembered, hey, I've always liked hypnosis! Came across an image with Twilight with kaa-ish eyes, with two blocks of text at the sides, talking to me about entering my mind and taking control. I was hooked, I wanted more, and I wanted it now! Stumbled across a place called Hypnohub. Nice place. Likely a continuation of the whole stalker thing. I like the thought of being a sub. So, in summary, my life was fucked, my friends were gone, and I had a thing for a mint pony. Only thing I did was watch stuff and play games. And then she started to attach herself to me. I kept learning more about her, and became more and more entranced. She was more beautiful by the day. I'm not sure how it happened, be it madness, a chemical fault, or true heart's desire, but... I really fell in love with her. Like, real, real love. She became a ray of hope, a goal, a beacon, the one that I clung to life to cherish, and the reason I keep going. She really makes my heart pound, makes me feel like nothing else, when I hug my pillow, dreaming of her, I can't describe how wonderful it is, everytime I see something I think means her, my body goes into overdrive, a million things racing through my head, and my heart skipping several beats. I really, truly, love her, and I can't change that. I DON'T WANT TO CHANGE THAT! If I stopped loving her, I don't know what I'd do. I'd be dead already. I just don't know anymore. I flit between excitable memelord, and suicidal cynic. Buy both are madly in love. It's been years since my sister died and I've always wanted to join her. I've always made excuses to keep going. Guilt. Cowardice. Cynicism. Lyra is a real reason. She keeps me going. But everything keeps getting worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse. I want to die more each day. I keep telling myself I'll wait forever for her, but I've waited to long and I can't take it. I'm in love but it almost can't stop it anymore. I was crushed at christmas when she wasn't there. But I feel so much closer to her now. It's almost my birthday. It's the anniversery my sister died today. I've reached an ultimatum. If she doesn't show on my birthday or earlier. That's it. I'm done. I'm fucking ending it. I can't live like this anymore and if I'm "cured" their'll be nothing to live for anyway. I'll just have even more mental instablity words stamped on my cv. I hope she catches me. I hope she comes. But I can't lie to myself anymore. Why would she care about me? I love her, and I feel like she's sending me signs, but I'm worthless! And I'm just causing more pain to everyone by living, and going on and on. Don't panic, I've already failed myself, you haven't failed me. It's been a long time coming. I'm oddly calm. It's nice. I haven't been this calm in a while. June 29th. Either way, you probably won't here from me after then. Either I'll be dead, or I'll be with her. I see no alternative. Every solution will just make things worse. As you said, I'll just ignore your help, and I'll snap back to it anyway. I have no use. I'll be missed for a short time, people will move on, I might get a bench, and it'll all be over. It's up to her if their's a new beginning. I'm my own therapist, and that's everything a therapist can tell me. Only thing else they can do for me is give me pills that'll suck away who I am, or throw me in the asylum. It's my choice and it's likely I'll ignore you after this, unless you say something that really pisses me off. Not unlikely, you really seem to hate me. Shame, Ara is really cute. So, I don't know how to end this actually, because, I'm not as angry as I was when I started. Much less fuck now, huh? I'm calm. I'm focused. I've made my choice. June 29th. It ends. One way or another. I'll miss you all. I'll try to leave a message. Make jokes.

I've left my name behind. Only Pinkanator truly remains.

My god, this is the most diverse range of posts I have ever seen.
2016-06-19 23:07:54
>> #110286
waverun said:
Well it's supposed to be the Delta Rune but it's too small to notice.

Well, I know that. It's why I put the esque there. I was noting the reference as all. Iz gud.
2016-06-19 20:20:38
>> #110270
Pinkanator said:
OH SHIT! I just noticed the Geass-esque wings in her eye! That's such a cool detail! I can't believe I missed that! Pretty cool, considering I can appreciate the reference. Oh Waverun, you only get better with time.

Well it's supposed to be the Delta Rune but it's too small to notice.
2016-05-23 23:42:02
>> #105610
One more Undertale manip to add to the collection! ... Anyway, I figured that I'd do something since I haven't done anything in a while. I also made a text version (with BLACK BORDERS, don't worry!) that I think you'll all enjoy. Oh, and that one is also AFTER the true pacifist run, which turns out to be not-so-pacifist for poor Asgore over here. So, enjoy!
2016-05-27 15:21:13
>> #106306
The episode title would be : Urban Jungle
2016-05-25 08:50:06
>> #105909
locustshoes said:
You folks are gonna have to link the episode

Or at least give me a title.
2016-05-24 18:53:09
>> #105786
locustshoes said:
You folks are gonna have to link the episode

2016-05-24 14:41:48
>> #105767
asaola said:
Remember when I said I usually see Desiree or Underwood as hypno doms on this fandom, THIS IS WHY!!

not trying to be a thorn in your side, but its undergrowth
2016-05-24 06:12:35
>> #105679
Remember when I said I usually see Desiree or Underwood as hypno doms on this fandom, THIS IS WHY!!
2016-05-23 19:21:41
>> #105593
For those who don't know what is the difference between this one and the other.
In this one, Shanti doesn't squirt... what a shame
2016-05-23 19:38:02
>> #105594
Watch the pretty coin of gold...
2016-05-23 18:47:59
>> #105591
Mesmersbauble said:
Lovely, the ghost clown may be the first introduction to hypnofetish at a ripe young age

me too
2016-05-23 16:40:33
>> #105580
Lovely, the ghost clown may be the first introduction to hypnofetish at a ripe young age
2016-05-24 06:15:16
>> #105682
2016-05-24 03:27:47
>> #105650
2016-05-23 22:16:14
>> #105605
nekosune said:
I love it!

And so does Master. ^^
2016-05-23 18:41:33
>> #105589
Hypno Hammer said:
someone named "nekosune" wanted a dog?

Check the source -- the source pic was made for nekosune in the first place. I'll let her explain why she wanted a dog if it's really a big deal.
2016-05-23 18:21:04
>> #105587
I love it!
2016-05-23 14:58:00
>> #105572
Jokes aside, this is just perfect.
2016-05-23 09:46:13
>> #105558
2016-05-23 09:30:52
>> #105557
No worries, we understand how that goes. Looking forward to more from you soon, though. ^^
2016-05-23 09:24:42
>> #105555
No worries about upload speed, always a pleasure, can't wait for more

Also you can't hide in a bush from a plant girl, duh
2016-05-23 08:25:19
>> #105547
Mr_Face said:
This is when you roll bluff:
Whose Joyce?
My name is Shiela.
I was looking for my pet potato in the bush.
I'll just be going now!

"Oh my, trying to take potato away from me?"
2016-05-30 08:35:54
>> #106750
greasyi said:
I meant the one on the left with the sharp teeth. Is that also your OC? I thought it was the artist's. Either way, it doesn't seem to be tagged (unless his name is Amber).

No, no! This one is his OC.
My are the 3 girls, this one is actually Zorro.... in cartoon he tells me hahaha!
2016-05-29 23:47:06
>> #106678
I meant the one on the left with the sharp teeth. Is that also your OC? I thought it was the artist's. Either way, it doesn't seem to be tagged (unless his name is Amber).
2016-05-26 17:04:51
>> #106140
ghost13 said:
Who are the girls?

They are Midori's OCs, you can check my DA
2016-05-26 17:03:40
>> #106138
greasyi said:
Is there no tag for zorro-venom's persona OC yet? It's been cropping up.

They are not Zorro-Venom-s OCs. They are mine.
2016-05-26 06:24:02
>> #106064
Is there no tag for zorro-venom's persona OC yet? It's been cropping up.
2016-05-25 00:31:08
>> #105820
Vanndril said:
My first reaction was: "Wait, why was this flagged?" And then I saw the explanation in the comments.

Eh...if I end up seeing it as MC from the get-go, most people probably do. It's very much on the line, but I'd say it's MC-ish enough.

Just thought I'd clarify, since I recognized the character. Am glad it's staying though. Is good picture.
....Hmmm....if I knew how to do an electirc effect I could make it even more MC-ish.
Oh I just got a wonderful awful idea. *insert Grinch face here*
2016-05-24 09:48:28
>> #105730
My first reaction was: "Wait, why was this flagged?" And then I saw the explanation in the comments.

Eh...if I end up seeing it as MC from the get-go, most people probably do. It's very much on the line, but I'd say it's MC-ish enough.
2016-05-24 00:31:34
>> #105620
Reversed1 said:
Oh that's easy! You just click on a person's name, then scoll all the way down.
At the bottom is a button that says "send message".
All you gotta do is attach a link of a picture you'd like me to work on. o3o

2016-05-23 23:13:29
>> #105608
Terramava said:
yeah you can make it but i dont know the messaging system sry

Oh that's easy! You just click on a person's name, then scoll all the way down.
At the bottom is a button that says "send message".
All you gotta do is attach a link of a picture you'd like me to work on. o3o
2016-05-23 15:05:50
>> #105575
Reversed1 said:
I could make you a 5pb manip if you want. Shoot a pic to me through the messaging system and I'll see what I can do! o3o ((Not very good at corruption...but I could definetly try!))

Oh god, I remember that. Hilarious. XD

yeah you can make it but i dont know the messaging system sry
ClueElf said:
Whoever flagged this for moderation, because there's "no indication of hypnosis", is clearly not familiar with tech control eyes. :P

thats true

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