2018-02-02 10:26:30
>> #231827
OneTwoJango said:

Rey also got skills that's pretty unbelieveable, like she suddenly got good at flying space ships even when most of her life she's living on the ground. She suddenly learned force mind control, and she also able to use light saber easily without training. Don't forget that everyone LOVED her, both friends and enemies. Rey IS a Mary Sue.

The excuse for Rey's skills with the force and lightsabers was she stole Kylo Ren's skills when she managed to reverse his mind probe (which alone is an impossible feat *WITHOUT TRAINING IN FORCE TECHNIQUES*) which Rey was able to do after a few seconds. Then again stealing his skills shouldn't have made her an instant expert, she still lacked the actual force knowledge to use her force abilities properly and without proper muscle memory or physical training, she should have lost her duel with Kylo because while they have the same *skills* Kylo had more *experience.*
2018-02-01 22:53:23
>> #231728
I think this was good at the start and the transformation
2017-12-23 02:36:53
>> #221988
OneTwoJango said:
This is why the new trilogy people care more about Poe Dameron and General Leia. They actually interesting characters, not just a hollow shell people can project their life into.

Pretty much every silent protagonist ever is just a placeholder for you to impress your own personality onto (Link, Mario, etc), with a few exceptions here and there *Cough cough*Corvo Attano*Cough cough*. Anyways, there's nothing wrong with making a character whom you can put yourself in their shoes. Sometimes it's better to have no character at all as opposed to one that nobody will like.
2017-12-03 07:53:20
>> #216037
sweetumskitty said:
How is Rey a Mary Sue? Anakin was literally space Jesus!

Well yeah, to be fair a lot of things happened to both of them that made them unbelieveable. Child Anakin was hated by a lot of old fans because he's pretty much a Marty Stu. First he's an accomplished technician even rebuilding C3-PO, then he suddenly very skilled in racing and then he can fight a space battle even when it's his first time. Obi Wan ended up taking him under his mantle even when Qui Gonn said he's an unstable kid because "he's adorable" It's just too much.

Rey also got skills that's pretty unbelieveable, like she suddenly got good at flying space ships even when most of her life she's living on the ground. She suddenly learned force mind control, and she also able to use light saber easily without training. Don't forget that everyone LOVED her, both friends and enemies. Rey IS a Mary Sue.

This is why Luke is the only good protagonist in the series. He struggled and struggled. He even fought Vader when he's not ready and it shows.He's only getting good in Return of the Jedi because he actually took years to hone his Jedi skill.

This is why the new trilogy people care more about Poe Dameron and General Leia. They actually interesting characters, not just a hollow shell people can project their life into.
2017-06-30 11:33:28
>> #185091
Personmang said:
Whatever gets people off that ain't hurting anyone else. :P

2016-05-23 08:14:00
>> #105538
I always think of Desiree when involve with hypnosis in the Danny Phantom universe, or Spectra or Underwood, but I'm impress with Kitty's work on Paulina :)
2016-05-22 22:44:27
>> #105434
Always nice to see a 14-bis hypno work *giggles*
2016-05-23 08:21:05
>> #105542
Awww, so cute how she holds onto those yummy popstick...... oh.....@u@
2016-05-23 03:55:35
>> #105489
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
No, simply black, which is much more powerful ^^.
Interracial is so great.

you mean like an interracial facial?
2016-05-23 02:12:43
>> #105474
Lol I'll add "penii" to the list words I will never think, say, or speak for fear of sounding really lame.
2016-05-23 00:23:24
>> #105455
Context: In order to sell more of their new product, the "Hyper Yummy Popsicle: Calcium Omega flavour, they used the easily suggestible Erika to market it. While she seductively suckles the popsickles, she's dreaming of creamy, creamy peni. Oh, that Erika.
2016-05-23 00:03:59
>> #105451
2016-05-29 21:07:15
>> #106654
asaola said:
Really wanna ask how did Akiza got on this universe, but whtever, at any rate she's too gorgeous to cast logic on.

Well time period anyway. Bonds Beyond Time seemed to imply that the original series, GX, and 5Ds just take place at different points of the same timeline.
2016-05-24 06:17:04
>> #105683
Really wanna ask how did Akiza got on this universe, but whtever, at any rate she's too gorgeous to cast logic on.
2016-05-24 05:27:15
>> #105669
Now all we need is a Trapped Minds 3 where it's Alexis, Jazz, Mindy, Nurse Fontaine, Mai, Anna and Akiza all together. Although I must ask, why did Jimryu forget Blair?
2016-05-23 07:51:27
>> #105529
So glad to see new Jimryu comics in their entirety. It's cheesy as hell, but who cares?!
2016-05-22 21:27:04
>> #105421
2016-05-22 21:24:17
>> #105420
Added nightmare fuel tag
2016-05-22 21:02:39
>> #105414
This episode was really creepy...and yet I always loved the concept of it.
2017-03-10 04:39:46
>> #160572
Dat face though
2016-05-23 21:04:40
>> #105597
DanGambino said:
I'd be more inclined to believe that if it weren't how *everyone* in Jimryu's comics talks.

I want to cut him some slack since he's not a native English speaker. But he's been doing this for years and hasn't gotten better.
2016-05-23 14:31:34
>> #105570
coredumperror said:
That's the *point*, dude. She's talking in hypno-speak.

I'd be more inclined to believe that if it weren't how *everyone* in Jimryu's comics talks.
2016-05-23 07:44:24
>> #105527
DanGambino said:
I am a hoo-man. This is how the hoo-mans talk.

That's the *point*, dude. She's talking in hypno-speak.
2016-05-22 20:54:12
>> #105413
I am a hoo-man. This is how the hoo-mans talk.
2016-05-24 05:19:17
>> #105668
Pinkanator said:
Trapped Minds 3: The Motorcycling

Trapped Minds 2: Electric Boogaloo?
2016-05-23 09:10:39
>> #105551
Wish he'd do some of the manga girls Seika and Midori would be awsome
2016-05-23 00:22:32
>> #105454
Pinkanator said:
Trapped Minds 3: The Motorcycling

Sex slaves on motorcycles!
2016-05-22 20:34:15
>> #105410
Kansattica said:
Trapped Minds 2: Even Trappedier

Trapped Minds 3: The Motorcycling
2016-05-22 20:31:10
>> #105408
Trapped Minds 2: Even Trappedier
2021-06-01 09:25:27
>> #422471
What I find funny, and I'm sure I'm the only one that cares, is that the font used for the title is from Fairy Tail.
2018-01-01 10:50:45
>> #224500
Mezmero said:
It´s good to see this Mary Sue charakter puts in her Place. ^^

gotta be honest if there's a character that's too good [i.e. mary sue] its its nice to see them taken down a peg or two.
2018-01-01 10:39:53
>> #224498
It´s good to see this Mary Sue charakter puts in her Place. ^^
2017-12-03 07:39:11
>> #216024
What if this is the real purpose of the force? The basic instinct to procreate/survive so the higher the Midichlorian amount in someone's blood (yeah I know I hate that concept too) it will turn people more hornier and sluttier. For male it will push them to procreate more (thus why Anakin still ended up banging Padme, of course her being Natalie Portman helped too) and for female it will turn them into slut with body ready for feeding the babies.
2016-09-13 06:57:03
>> #125201
Contorted said:
Bitter SW fanboys. What can you do?

Ignore em or make some Kylo sub art..

2016-05-23 08:22:57
>> #105544
They're onto you, idiot XD
2016-05-23 02:01:14
>> #105472
Tyrranus said:
makes yu gi oh more interesting ;)

yeah. I love Jaden-dom. most of the stuff with Jaden here involves him being corrupted.
2016-05-23 01:54:12
>> #105471
makes yu gi oh more interesting ;)
2016-05-22 21:28:58
>> #105423
godofwar99 said:
Final part to "Trapped Minds" by Jimyru

Thjank you for bringing it here!
2016-05-22 18:48:25
>> #105394
Final part to "Trapped Minds" by Jimyru
2016-05-22 22:37:02
>> #105429
Good old Brian *giggles*
2016-05-22 21:27:30
>> #105422
So brainless and bimbolicious that I ain't even mad about dat typo.
2016-05-22 20:33:11
>> #105409
2016-05-22 18:14:08
>> #105388
crono3567 said:
Who's Brian?

Apparently the brain in the jar was a guy named Brian.
2016-05-22 17:52:57
>> #105384
Who's Brian?

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