2016-05-19 21:47:03
>> #104855
PenKen said:
Ayyyyyyyyy points to selc


Sorry, I kinda had a case of the drunk last night
2016-05-19 09:34:29
>> #104807
Pieman754 said:
First person (non oc) I did too, years back.
I should get some cash and commission someone for some of her.

Ayyyyyyyyy points to selc
2016-05-19 07:16:34
>> #104791
PenKen said:
I kind of did too. Believe it or not, I'm pretty sure Ami was the first girl I drew hypno stuff of when I was like, 11

First person (non oc) I did too, years back.
I should get some cash and commission someone for some of her.
2016-05-19 02:43:15
>> #104757
Letterabcd said:
I bet the commissioner is a loser.

He's a fuck boy

Pieman754 said:
so much love, you have no idea. had a huge crush on Ami, since the show came out.

I kind of did too. Believe it or not, I'm pretty sure Ami was the first girl I drew hypno stuff of when I was like, 11

mariosonicfan said:
Always good to see the less than common girls get a little hypno love!

Now I gotta try and redesign Yumi and do some of her
2016-05-19 01:56:55
>> #104749
Letterabcd said:
I bet the commissioner is a loser.

Let's kinkshame him.
2016-05-19 00:19:30
>> #104728
yes that's Ria.
Yes that's a male.
Ria is a shapeshifter. Therefore gender is nothing to them.
2021-02-16 19:13:09
>> #406711
Always love to see Seras.
2017-02-02 20:28:53
>> #154046
fucking love this one
2016-05-20 04:01:55
>> #104914
sonicfire65 said:
"you are reading your masters mind PUT MY HEAD BETWEEN YOUR BOOOOBBBS"

If anyone gets that reference I love ya

2016-05-19 08:11:30
>> #104797
"you are reading your masters mind PUT MY HEAD BETWEEN YOUR BOOOOBBBS"

If anyone gets that reference I love ya
2016-05-19 01:05:49
>> #104739
Wouldn't it be "as you gaze longingly into your *mistress's* eyes"?
2016-05-19 10:48:19
>> #104809
wishable said:
why did you not have hypno ducks? That would have solved both problems.

Because rubber ducks aren't good fap material.
2016-05-19 10:18:03
>> #104808
why did you not have hypno ducks? That would have solved both problems.
2016-05-19 00:48:33
>> #104736
But... Those ducks are awesome.
2016-05-18 21:38:52
>> #104712
MindMasher said:
I thought that profile pics were free-bies...

Nope, you have to take them from uploaded images.
2016-05-18 21:21:24
>> #104707
I thought that profile pics were free-bies...
2016-05-18 19:38:42
>> #104698
Nice work Once again Eagle.

Looks like Poor Zoey is about to be coiled herself!
2016-05-18 15:48:01
>> #104680
The face on that "Bitch please."
2016-10-02 04:14:28
>> #129134
reader8363 said:
well, that's one way of stopping Rachnera

<<|one could say she stopped the Rach>>
2016-10-02 03:12:26
>> #129128
well, that's one way of stopping Rachnera
2016-05-23 07:51:49
>> #105530
ffvi1994 said:
let's get together and form a big goo girl pile of cuddling.

I like hugs. We should do this. Warm, friendly, loving hugs. We can just hug and not let go. That sounds nice.
2016-05-23 07:47:21
>> #105528
Pleeeeeaaaaase let there be more of these. There's not enough Monster Musume stuff.
2016-05-19 12:00:30
>> #104824
So from the main cast, Hypnohub is only missing Mero and Papi.
2016-05-19 02:10:42
>> #104752
*nod nod nod nod*
2016-05-18 22:21:27
>> #104715
Cowsinner said:
Sue-chan! Man this brings back memories.....She was one of the artists that got me started in this fetish.....

Found MCstories first then soon after vic and karma which lead me to Suechan and all of her wonderful links *giggles*
2016-05-18 15:48:51
>> #104681
Sue-chan! Man this brings back memories.....She was one of the artists that got me started in this fetish.....
2016-05-18 13:45:11
>> #104671
this one is a classic, seen around the net a few times already
2016-05-18 13:20:19
>> #104664
Well... sure she will have a good time first to be eat.
2016-05-21 19:20:24
>> #105224
Stroke said:
I like the tag in cases where it's undeniable an image could trigger a seizure. But I think it's fine to be lenient in cases like this when you consider that no other site on the internet tries to warn it's users of things that could trigger their epilepsy.

HypnoMangaEditor said:
[...] there's hardly a safe spot for these kind of animations. Depending on the person this could range from having no effect to suddenly falling off the chair.

In addition, both of us (at least me, but chances are you too) are no specialists on this. We have hardly gone overboard with that tag, having only 13 pictures that have it, so anything with fast sudden movements is at least a candidate and if anyone complains about it, the tag should be used as other peoples may suffer the same or worse effects.
2016-05-21 15:03:44
>> #105205
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Well, having your own opinion on this is all well and fine, but there's hardly a safe spot for these kind of animations. Depending on the person this could range from having no effect to suddenly falling off the chair. As for me, I got nauseous within 3-4 seconds of looking at your picture and had to turn it off. Not saying I am a Benchmark here, but even though I do understand that you don't want to limit the visibility of your picture, I think we should go for safety first ...
I like the tag in cases where it's undeniable an image could trigger a seizure. But I think it's fine to be lenient in cases like this when you consider that no other site on the internet tries to warn it's users of things that could trigger their epilepsy.

2016-05-19 22:55:52
>> #104862
Stroke said:
The contrast change is too insignificant and infrequent. You would be as likely to get a seizure from this as you would an animated spiral, which are commonplace on this site. I understand that you're trying to protect people, but you're really pushing the usage of that tag a bit too far.

Well, having your own opinion on this is all well and fine, but there's hardly a safe spot for these kind of animations. Depending on the person this could range from having no effect to suddenly falling off the chair. As for me, I got nauseous within 3-4 seconds of looking at your picture and had to turn it off. Not saying I am a Benchmark here, but even though I do understand that you don't want to limit the visibility of your picture, I think we should go for safety first ...
2016-05-19 19:30:36
>> #104835
Stroke said:
The contrast change is too insignificant and infrequent. You would be as likely to get a seizure from this as you would an animated spiral, which are commonplace on this site. I understand that you're trying to protect people, but you're really pushing the usage of that tag a bit too far.

I'm not positive about intended use here, but seizure warnings aren't meant to be literal all that often online. More often it is put on things that would give people headaches, or even just annoy people.
2016-05-19 11:06:03
>> #104817
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Stroke, is there a reason why you repeatedly flag and unflag seizure_warning and put in sezure_warning in its stead? Because according to post history you have done this 9 times in the last 24 hours. Please be careful that it remains in place.

The contrast change is too insignificant and infrequent. You would be as likely to get a seizure from this as you would an animated spiral, which are commonplace on this site. I understand that you're trying to protect people, but you're really pushing the usage of that tag a bit too far.
2016-05-18 21:28:58
>> #104709
Decapre was retconed into being Cammy's clone in Street Fighter 4.
2016-05-18 13:29:51
>> #104667
Bloodly said:
Eh. Cammy did, and does, get all the attention. Mostly because of how her story just keeps stacking up.(First she was a former assassin servant/lover of Bison(Original games, animated movie, X-Men vs Street Fighter), then she's a clone/potential new host of Bison(Alpha 3), now the clone has a clone-Decapre-who is 'Better' than the original in that she can actually use Psycho Power, but is also breaking down and near-insane.(Ultra Street Fighter 4))

Also we know so little of the others beyond the fact they were mentally and physically modified(Only Namco x Capcom goes a little more into it; they're all effectively cyborgs with the degree of enhancements they get).

Except Decapre isn't her clone.
2016-05-18 09:54:56
>> #104647
Eh. Cammy did, and does, get all the attention. Mostly because of how her story just keeps stacking up.(First she was a former assassin servant/lover of Bison(Original games, animated movie, X-Men vs Street Fighter), then she's a clone/potential new host of Bison(Alpha 3), now the clone has a clone-Decapre-who is 'Better' than the original in that she can actually use Psycho Power, but is also breaking down and near-insane.(Ultra Street Fighter 4))

Also we know so little of the others beyond the fact they were mentally and physically modified(Only Namco x Capcom goes a little more into it; they're all effectively cyborgs with the degree of enhancements they get).
2016-05-18 09:42:53
>> #104645
There is surprising little of the Dolls on the site. Which is weird considering all thirteen of them are all brainwashed teen girls.

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