2016-05-20 05:48:00
>> #104934
glad you guys like them !! :D

hyreader said:
I thought it was Tsukamoto Yakumo from School Rumble on the left.

lol, yes they're quite alike XD
Akuma said:
Put in my main Waifu, and you've got a perfect harem :D

short hair girls harem XD
2016-05-20 01:33:47
>> #104889
Put in my main Waifu, and you've got a perfect harem :D
2016-05-19 21:08:59
>> #104846
I thought it was Tsukamoto Yakumo from School Rumble on the left.
2016-05-18 03:39:48
>> #104571
Pastel-Daemon said:
Oh no, Shinobu's been kind of a crush since I was younger @w@;; Cute

You too? o///o
2016-05-18 02:06:18
>> #104553
Hot Diggidy-Dildo's, this is adorable
2016-05-18 11:48:09
>> #104662
Werewolf said:
You might consider calling her GYAF, for short.

I DID consider it, but tags have to be full names. And unless anyone has seen the first image, they won't know what GYAF stands for.
2016-05-18 11:38:36
>> #104661
You might consider calling her GYAF, for short.
2016-05-18 09:22:45
>> #104639
pokemongirl said:
Glad that's going to be the name of your character *giggles* : )

My OC pls don't steal ok
2016-05-18 06:31:30
>> #104615
*aaaahem!* Lol. *nod*
2016-05-18 04:55:16
>> #104590
Glad that's going to be the name of your character *giggles* : )
2016-05-18 17:59:02
>> #104692
well i for one love this and hope luna keeps getting more gym slaves
the idea of hypnotizing someone in order to stay at the gym and keep herself hot for you is a real turn on
2016-05-18 17:59:01
>> #104691
well i for one love this and hope luna keeps getting more gym slaves
the idea of hypnotizing someone in order to stay at the gym and keep herself hot for you is a real turn on
2016-05-18 13:36:50
>> #104669
locustshoes said:
I refuse to associate with anything that thinks Frozen, One Direction and the Phandom are OK things to like.

Mindwipe said:
It is totally okay to like whatever you like. Fight me.

On the other side, it is also completely okay to not like something. What is not okay is saying it is not okay to like or not like something. Having an open mind is what tolerance is all about.
2016-05-18 13:23:26
>> #104665
pokemongirl said:
Luna and Anna and mmmmmmmm I need those gym pants *drools*

Fuck this is why I need to be hypnotized while working out *masturbates*

It's a good exercise... every squat, you will came... every stretches you came... you will become strong and horny....
2016-05-18 07:17:17
>> #104621
Mindwipe said:
It is totally okay to like whatever you like. Fight me.

That would be associating with you. Don't lure him into that sweet, sweaty den of hypocrisy!
2016-05-17 19:24:47
>> #104500
ffvi1994 said:
she looks real sweet, if there were more negative space near her head i'd make it something simple like two lines
*slurp* let me suck all those nasty thoughts out of you.
*slurp* just lay back and fall in love with this feeling.

Mister Vi
2016-05-17 19:03:03
>> #104496
Pinkanator said:
Man, this needs some text.

she looks real sweet, if there were more negative space near her head i'd make it something simple like two lines
*slurp* let me suck all those nasty thoughts out of you.
*slurp* just lay back and fall in love with this feeling.
2016-05-17 17:36:04
>> #104483
Man, this needs some text.
2016-05-18 12:52:35
>> #104663
The hand is meant to be that size, because it IS perspective. The head, yes, I screwed up there. But, hey, it's my first ever sketch, I have plenty of time to practice.
2016-05-18 04:31:49
>> #104584
voyer said:
Yes. And her hand.. er.. paw.. should probably be larger as well.

I actually thought that was a trick of perspective at first, but you might be right.
2016-05-18 04:12:28
>> #104578
Vanndril said: her head a bit small? I can't tell if that's just me. o.O

Yes. And her hand.. er.. paw.. should probably be larger as well.
2016-05-18 03:24:51
>> #104566
The lines could use some work (especially around the limbs and hair and...anywhere that curves XD), but it's otherwise pretty good for a first post here. her head a bit small? I can't tell if that's just me. o.O
2016-05-18 02:36:14
>> #104556
AnomalousDucks said:
It was a joke my friend. Hence the ":^)" at the end. I'm already making an animated version which I'll upload as soon as I finish. I was making fun of that asshole who posted that one page of a comic and refused to post the next unless he got 100 upvotes

Ah. I didn't mean it in a rude tone either. I think I remember that post, but do you have a think? The joke was lost on me sadly.
2016-05-18 11:30:24
>> #104660
Her belly button stretches to her boobs. It's half the length of her torso.
2016-05-17 12:59:25
>> #104473
suddenly fanart?????
2016-05-18 09:33:06
>> #104642
I prefer Mirrodin over this new crap any day.
2016-05-17 13:12:09
>> #104474
I may be a colossal nerd, but I'm not a Magic nerd. Still a good story, even if some of the significance of the names was lost on me.
2016-05-17 09:10:18
>> #104462
Oh, one of my fave control cards in the game. Great for stealing away mana dorks. :3
2016-05-17 09:04:31
>> #104460
The night after a major tournament was often one that was considerably busy. With new cards suddenly jumping in value and orders being placed hand over fist Sherri had no choice but to hire on a temp worker or two to help with the increased workload. Otis was busy that night so enter Zera, a usual member of her Sunday EDH Tournaments. “Hey, Zera! How many Nahiri’s we have? She just went up. Hard.” Sherri chewed on her lower lip, thumbing through her orders that lay out on the table. Almost an entire week’s worth of sales came piling in that night.

“Uhh, let me check.” He fumbled around for a moment, his thick tail bumping against the glass case for a moment as he looked for the specific cards. Nahiri. “Uhh.. Twelve.” He called back, pulling out the little card case that held her. “Oh and two foils!”

“Perfect..” Sherri muttered to herself, that card had dropped like a rock in the past few weeks and she’d opened more than enough cases to net her a healthy stock. “Can you-“ THUMP Sherri’s eyes half lidded as she caught Zera having tripped over himself, the cards spilling out onto the floor. “Ohmygod be careful!”

Zera slowly picked himself up, careful not to squish any of the cards underneath as he deftly replaced the cards in the little plastic case. “Sorry sorry I just.. I guess I lost my footing.”

“Listen, I need you to be on you’re A-Game here, I’m paying you a box for the night but if you’re gonna just fuck around you can go home.” Sherri huffed, she was sweet enough when she was managing the card shop but when it came to handling her employees she could be a little strict.

“I’m sorry, I’ve just never really been back here before.” Zera grumbled a little gently setting the plastic case of cards on the table where Sherri immediately began pulling out playsets to fulfill her orders.

Zera stood there a little downhearted, however when Sherri looked up at him he could feel her eyes soften their gaze. “It’s fine, just” Exhale, remember what your therapist said. Relax. “Just be more careful. …We’ll get baked and have a pizza after this is done, kay?”

Zera smiled a nervous smile in return. “Okay.. What’s next?”

Time passed all to quickly to Zera, who just so happened to get his footing a little better. However he couldn’t help but be a little chipper when it was done. It was late into the night when they had finally finished packing up. “Guh.. how do you do this every weekend?” Zera exhaled as he found himself a seat at one of the gaming tables.

“Because I hire one of you guys to help me.” Sherri teased, typing in the data from this week’s sales. “What do you want on your Pizza? ..Meat I assume, right?”

“Mhm!” Zera growled playfully, slowly shifting his hips a little bit on the seat. “So! For my box, can I get a Rise of Eldrazi one?” He looked over, gesturing to one of the boxes that lay in the more antiquated part of her collection. Old boxes that remained from their heyday in standard were now relics to be admired.

“..Rise of-“ Sherri blinked a little, lofting a brow. “Yeah no, when I said box I meant anything current. Shadows, Magic Origins, one of the Zendikars..”

Zera frowned. “Well why can’t I get a Rise of Eldrazi one, it’s a box isn’t it?”

Sherri folded her arms with a slight exhale. “Because a single box of Rise of Eldrazi sells for about seven hundred bucks on Amazon. It’s kind of expensive.” Sherri saw his face and gave a sigh. “I have an opened box, if you want I can give you five packs and call it square.”

“Fine.. all right but I better get good stuff.” Zera shifted in his seat, five hours of work for five measly packs. The sum of his labors thumping in front of him as Sherri plopped opposite him at the table.

Sherri rested her chin on her palm as she watched him carefully fidget with the packs, going almost agonizingly slow with how he’d open it, one flap.. slight peel. “So what are you looking to get from them anyways?” She hummed, trying to seem patient, but her tail was flapping back and forth so excited to see what he’d open.

“Well, I’d like a Kozilek, or an Emrakul, for my General in a Commander deck I’m building.” He muttered slowly popping the pack open.

Sherri’s eyes widened. “..You could have just bought one, I have like.. two of them from the last Modern Masters! You could have gotten all three and still got packs!” She flailed before covering her face.

Zera blinked a moment watching her shift and wiggle in her seat. “Yeah, but I like the original ones most.” He then began sifting through his cards, humming to himself a moment as Sherri began tapping her lil’ footpaw in a fidget fit. “Wow..”

Sherri blinked a moment. “Wow what.. Did you get the Eldrazi you wanted? ..What is it? Koz? Emrakul? ..Ulamog?” She climbed up, holding her hands on the table and leaning forwards, but Zera just let the card plop on the table.

Foil. Fucking. Emrakul.

“You have to be joking!” Sherri barked out as she gently took the card in her hands. “There’s no way..”

“I thought you hated foils!” Zera chuckled before picking up the next pack, slowly popping it open and looking through the cards.

“I do, but this one sells for BANK! And it’s just a nice card to have in the store’s display case! Like a Beta Dual Land or something!” Her tail immediately stopped flapping, he’d opened it, not her.. “Well good pull.” She murmured before carefully setting the card back to him.

Zera couldn’t believe his luck, but even still there were more packs to open! “Well, I mean what about this?” The lizard male held out another foil, a useless enchantment towards Sherri. “Could you sell this?”

The second Sherri saw that blue card she felt her knees go numb, something about it made her entire body just sort of.. melt. “I could sell this..” She responded in a sort of haze.

Almost immediately Zera’s eyes lit up, he knew Sherri’s card shop had a knack for finding ‘exploratory’ cards made by Wizards. He was even there when she and Mewgle had that switcheroo incident*. The look in Sherri’s eyes, the way she was so suddenly calm, he read the card.. Domestication. This was perfect. “Sherri.. come over here.”

It was almost like an out of body experience for her, slowly standing up with absolute obedience as she stepped along the floor. Her high heels clicking against the hardwood with each sultry step that carried her to him. “..Strip.” Came the slow methodical tone from Zera’s lips as he held the card trained on her, licking his chops as she slowly began to shimmy her hips with those tight jeans slipping downwards. His eyes lit up as he gazed on that precious little pussy cleft of hers, immediately feeling his mouth water.

For almost a split second Sherri felt that dreamlike fog start to fade, at least until Zera realized that he’d let the card point away from her body. It wasn’t hard to rectify. “Hm, interesting.” He muttered to himself before realizing that Sherri had fully stripped herself of her clothing. Her lewd body standing there before him, it was hard to contain just how excited he was.

It was difficult but the lizard managed to unbutton his jeans with one hand but desperate times called for desperate measures. After a few moments the flaps to his jeans were wide open and his cock was standing ready. The crimson shaft slowly bubbling at the tip with gooey pre-cum that started to spill down his shaft. “I’m sure you’re used to this..” Zera chuckled as he spread his legs a bit, those jeans falling down to his ankles. “So worship it. Worship my cock.”

Sherri knew what she was doing as she slowly got onto her knees before him, yet her will power had been overwhelmed by some strange force commanding her to obey. Those padded fingertips firmly grasping onto his cock without even a drop of hesitation, squeezing on his shaft as the subconscious of her mind was forced to watch her slather her tongue against his dick. “Mlhmm~” She groaned as her lips suckled on the tip, holding tight and drinking down that sticky lizard seed.

His clawtips sunk eagerly into the side of the table, clutching firmly at the texture while holding the card on her. “Yesss, fuckkk!” He hissed, slowly lifting his hips, bucking against her mouth as the dick slipped free with a small phPP! and smeared against the side of her face. “Go on, I’m sure you can do better than that..” He breathed out slightly teasing the little pei with his dick. Grinding it against her snout with subtle pushes of his hips, loving the texture of her furred skin against his throbbing hot shaft.

Sherri exhaled against his dick, her mind washing back and forth as the card held continued to help her submit to his every whim. Her mouth opening as she pressed her nose against the warm vein underneath his dick. Holding onto his shaft with both palms as she slurped her tongue from his balls all the way up to his cocktip. “Master, I live for your cock, it means everything to me.” She cooed from her lips in a truly admiring tone, the same voice when she’d seen that Emrakul earlier. “I pledge myself to your cock.. I need your dick.” She panted, gently suckling on the shaft and caressing his girth with an enticing wet SsthlPPP!

Zera couldn’t believe his ears, or his luck, just a couple hours ago Sherri had been busting his chops to not be so clumsy. Now she was on her knees begging for him to breed her with his lizard dick! “Hhhfff, fuck.. OhhFUCK!” He jolted when she suddenly went silent, her lips sucking on his cocktip and bobbing her head up and down, rapidly pumping her head on the shaft while her loving fingertips stroked and caressed his sac.

Her thumbs gently applying pressure to his balls and even giving a slight squeeze as he felt himself pulse, trying to hold back his orgasm as his palms just clutched onto whatever he could find! His maw gaped open and he felt his teeth clench along with the rest of his body. “Hfhfhhhsshhh!” He hissed, suddenly releasing himself against that loving pei’s maw. Thick globs of cum suddenly sputtered from the tip of his cock, staining the upper maw of the pei as her lips sealed around his shaft.

He was cumming, and she was still holding that suction! His eyes rolled in the back of his head as she clutched even tighter, letting his body fall back against the chair and let the essence of his cum just pour from his tender cocktip. Her tongue was miraculous, rolling around his tip as she drank down his cum with a hearty Ghllp! GLP! GLP!! He didn’t realize just how pent up he’d been for the past few days, and his loads were exceptionally full!

He felt pure relaxation warm over his body as he exhaled, his still semi-hard dick escaping Sherri’s lips. Splrrrphpp! His dick was still leaking cum from his cocktip, spilling into a puddle on the floor. He was just so relaxed. He looked so precious, so at ease, so it came to as a huge shock to his system when he felt a fingertip flick against his snout.

“HEY!” Zera yelped wincing at the sensation as he held his snout.. only to realize he’d completely ruined that card, his clawtips having poked holes in the cardboard.
Standing before him was Sherri, her arms folded over her chest and having the most adorable, yet furious look on her face. “Yeah! Hey! So guess what I just learned?!”

Zera gulped down his throat. “W.. what did you learn?”

“Domestication..” She yanked the now ruined card from his palm. “Has another effect, ‘Zera and his clever little ass is going to work in the Warehouse for the next month. FOR FREE!’ How about that?!” Sherri huffed slightly tapping her footpaw against the ground.

The lizard gulped, he’d never seen Sherri this angry before. “Y..yeah uh, that uh sounds about right.” He muttered as he looked up to Sherri with those big lizard eyes. “Sorry.”

“Damn right you’re sorry..” Sherri huffed before looking over, hearing the pizza delivery guy knocking on the glass wall. Her ears folding as she quickly went to the door in the nude and exchanged money from her purse to return with that large pizza she’d ordered a little while ago.

Zera looked up when he heard a thump from that steaming hot pizza land right in front of his face, only to be lifted and revealing a meat lover’s paradise on a pizza. “Now eat up.” She spoke with a stern tone as she pulled a slice away from the pie. “You’re gonna need your strength, you’re not out of trouble until I’ve at least had MY fun.” She looked down to him with a bright grin as her teeth bit off a slice of pizza.

The half male lizard couldn’t help but feel his mouth water as he held the pizza to his snout, however from the corner of his eye he could see that luscious pei pussy. That delightful cleft glistening with nectar trailing down her thigh. “…So worth it.” At this rate, he didn’t even need Eldrazi packs to justify working at the shop.

2016-05-17 17:09:31
>> #104480
great art 11/10
2016-05-17 12:36:51
>> #104471
I like it *-*
2016-05-17 07:38:08
>> #104451
My first commission on the hub from foffyoul5, i hope you like it D:
2016-05-17 06:06:03
>> #104440
This is good
2016-05-17 05:52:33
>> #104436
I thought that was Lemon Zest, and I was prepared to say "Lemon Zest did nothing wrong."

Sour Sweet sounds like someone messed up some Chinese food.

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