2016-05-16 02:40:52
>> #104119
TGoperator said:
thanks ^^ evebodi wants a hypnoharem rihgt?

Some of us want to be part of a hypno harem. XD
2016-05-16 00:33:38
>> #104098
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Beautiful~ :3

thanks ^^ evebodi wants a hypnoharem rihgt?
2016-05-14 14:10:38
>> #103849
Beautiful~ :3
2016-05-14 16:04:45
>> #103867
Yugan said:
The artica sparkle tag has nothing to do here, removed.
But the pic is quite nice.

Bruh, the blue and white shark is Artica Sparkle. check your sources before you make a decision. Additionally most of the other pics with shakrs like this have characters of different species transformed into them
2016-05-14 15:11:29
>> #103859
The artica sparkle tag has nothing to do here, removed.
But the pic is quite nice.
2016-05-14 13:39:06
>> #103846
You know I wasn't really into sharks, but the reccent uploads...yeah no I'm a fan now.
2016-05-16 18:03:28
>> #104299
ffvi1994 said:
and then rarity can be a princess again.

She will also become unfabulous!
Mister Vi
2016-05-15 05:09:47
>> #103995
Pinkanator said:
Add some age regression, and we've got a gen 3 prequel.

and then rarity can be a princess again.
2016-05-15 03:30:50
>> #103970
ffvi1994 said:
rainbow dash always dress in style

Add some age regression, and we've got a gen 3 prequel.
Mister Vi
2016-05-15 01:14:43
>> #103942
rainbow dash always dress in style
2016-05-14 23:44:41
>> #103927
anonymind said:
Or it's a case of a hypnotized hypnotist as Luna is in a playboy bunny outfit

If that were the case then EG Princess Luna would have some kind of effect in her OWN eyes just like Rainbow Dash does right now.
2016-05-14 21:22:00
>> #103909
I have always loved your captions. <3
2016-05-14 11:48:45
>> #103833
Ah, that's a good idea.
2016-05-14 11:31:50
>> #103829
Should have blured the area where the picture moves into the black background. The darker part seems to happen way to quickly.
2020-08-02 23:47:37
>> #380322
Can we take this off the site please?
2017-08-18 13:20:03
>> #194072

Kill it with fire

Contorted said:
There are things in this world well worth preserving. This is not one of them.

2017-07-13 10:54:26
>> #187586
2016-06-14 08:47:51
>> #109533
MaDrow said:
^ pretty much this.

Let's increase the scope and take the Japanese remake Powerpuff Girls Z into account.

I've checked the comments of every pic tagged with it and didn't find any complain about ruined childhood memories. Why?

Or a better question: Why whining about this remake and not "the other one" guys? |=(:3

Because PPG Z is actually good.

On unrelated related stuff, I was gonna upload an scene from the new Fairly Odd Parents episode "The Fair Bears", but after looking at this comments I don't wanna see this site reaction to Chloe, so I better won't.
2016-05-17 19:30:06
>> #104502
2016-05-15 08:08:56
>> #104035
When I flagged them they had already been up for hours and they still weren't (and aren't) a part of any pool/parentage or even tagged with an artist. I followed the source link and the images were put on deviantart April 23rd and April 30th.

I don't look at 3d model pics much so without an artist tag I had no idea if there were any more pictures like this on the booru until my image got flagged and I found them in your upload history by looking up your profile. Before then these were just 2 images where one of them maybe-probably has empty eyes if you squint at it.

I hope you can understand why that doesn't look to a passerby like "out-of-context pictures in a series."
2016-05-15 05:22:23
>> #104000
greasyi said:
I flagged JCavalier's 2 most recent images for deletion because based on previous decisions I think the mods might find them not sufficiently MC, and JC's being a baby about it. Just ignore it, mods will sort it out.

Am I coming across as being a baby? I must apologize for that.

I thought that you would appreciate the sentiment of flagging out-of-context pictures in a series, for the betterment of the community. I'll retract my flag then, didn't mean any ill-intent by it. Your art is quite good, friend :).
2016-05-15 01:51:57
>> #103949
I flagged JCavalier's 2 most recent images for deletion because based on previous decisions I think the mods might find them not sufficiently MC, and JC's being a baby about it. Just ignore it, mods will sort it out.
2016-05-15 00:54:45
>> #103936
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
JCavalier, this image is part of a series with fairly clear MC, and it's showing a clear sign that more MC is coming (or indeed has already happened).

In other words, unwarranted flag is unwarranted.

...What sort of loli has tits like that, into the bargain?
2016-05-15 00:49:47
>> #103935
I think I've seen WAY more pics marked for deletion for no MC when MC is super obvious than I have pics with no MC or subtle MC by now...
2016-05-15 01:51:26
>> #103948
Rotem_Dishon said:
Aww... no wireless?

Well being "plugged in" has its advantages *giggles*
2016-05-14 12:24:30
>> #103839
Aww... no wireless?
2016-05-14 10:54:56
>> #103820
Am I tagging this artist correctly? I thought I'd seen some of their stuff here before, but maybe I've imagined it.

...I say, having forgotten to actually tag the artist on this one. Fixed.
2021-10-06 20:43:44
>> #440501
You'll get your reward when you fix this damn door!
2016-05-15 08:14:37
>> #104036
Nazwa said:

I imagine your basically blacky *giggle*
2016-05-14 14:50:33
>> #103853
Well, meow
2016-05-14 13:41:33
>> #103847
2016-05-14 13:16:44
>> #103845
It's not so much that I believe that more bed is there, but I found that matching the color of the end of the picture on all areas of the background added a nice touch. I normally use a gradiant between the top and bottom color and otherwise black. This seems like a really good technique that keeps the color theme of the picture coherent and may be worthwhile to use in the future.
2016-05-14 23:04:15
>> #103919
The Dazy at the last panel is a fake. Her hand isn't near her face.
2016-05-14 16:59:05
>> #103880
Dantus said:
Hot succubus getting caught by hot plant girl? YES PLEASE ;3!

2016-05-14 16:46:46
>> #103876
2016-05-14 16:03:05
>> #103866
Iiiiiiinnnnnmmaaaaaaaa Jjjjjjeeeeeeennnnnkkkjiiiinnnnssss!!!!
I hope the other girl is ok though cause i like all the girls!
I assume she is cause inma got bullied and she is still ok.
Myuk is sooo good!
I love your work!
2016-05-14 14:50:44
>> #103854
I don't know what it is about plant hypnosis but mm yes, good.

Also shoutout to Inma Jenkins
2016-05-14 07:52:36
>> #103797
I remember the book as for the movie, not so good as the book

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