2016-05-14 06:20:57
>> #103789
Good ol' maisy-headed-dazy

Good ol' daisy-headed-other-girl
2016-05-14 01:51:49
>> #103781
Halarith said:
The "victim" didn't have a giant flower on her head before, did she?

...I like all of these events right now.

Plantgirl-ification? Do want. :D
2016-05-13 23:43:43
>> #103771
Inma is the best <3
2016-05-13 23:09:22
>> #103762
The "victim" didn't have a giant flower on her head before, did she?

...I like all of these events right now.
2016-05-13 19:50:55
>> #103734
I love Joyce's reaction, tho.
2016-10-03 23:34:25
>> #129515
psychowarrior said:
Ah, we need more equalized ponies if you ask me =3

2016-05-16 10:14:33
>> #104243
Ah, we need more equalized ponies if you ask me =3
Mister Vi
2016-05-13 15:55:51
>> #103708
gotta replace that tramp-wear you have on, and get you a nice wholesome equal sign thong.
2016-06-20 05:07:40
>> #110316
heheh, i quite like this one. somewhat off-topic, but this makes me wonder what would it be like for Sierra to be walking around the house going about her business while that tentacle makes her feel nice down below. symbiosis is a really fun idea for lewds, imo. couldn't ask for a better character to imagine experiencing it.

dunno what else to say other than the usual fact that your anatomy's top-notch and that i adore the use of the binary pen in your style, and that i wanna give Sierra all the snugs.
... well, that, and i suppose that as it's one of my specific kinks, i must add that that's a lovely wet coochie taking a wiggly tentacle you drew, too. they both look soft and squish, and the dripping's just- *gags self before going too deep into own thoughts.*

a-anyway, awesome work as always!
2016-05-14 01:33:56
>> #103780
cdyoung said:
Thing must feel real good if it could put her into a pleasure trance by just inserting.

That or they force impulses in through nerve endings and there is a gigantic cluster of them in the vagoo, sending signals straight to the brain to accept the penetration~

Cowsinner said:
Aaah! I love sexed into trance pics!! so rare.......

Hehe I am glad I filled a missing quota!
2016-05-13 20:15:11
>> #103738
Aaah! I love sexed into trance pics!! so rare.......
2016-05-13 18:48:50
>> #103726
SeaithDaizon said:
Sierra has the worst luck with Tentacles… doesn’t she?

Thing must feel real good if it could put her into a pleasure trance by just inserting.
2016-05-13 14:33:00
>> #103707
SeaithDaizon said:
You get her luck in spades. Haha

Never too many tentacles.
2016-05-15 02:18:05
>> #103957
BritBoyToy said:
*Giggles* God, you're such a slut..... also, why am I not invited? I'd love to help....

Your invited and of course you can help *giggles*

ecchime said:

As a result of our last little inducing session, remember? ; )

Of course *giggles*

DHB said:
That's heart warming, and boner inducing.

hehe *winks*
2016-05-14 21:20:16
>> #103908
pokemongirl said:
We (I) missed you so much DHB. Glad to have you back *giggles* Need me to suck your cock or something? *giggles again and masturbates*

Slutty girls are the best girls <3

BritBoyToy said:
*Giggles* God, you're such a slut

As a result of our last little inducing session, remember? ; )
2016-05-14 19:49:32
>> #103898
Should there be a "milf" tag? Because she looks pretty milfy to me. Wait is there a milf tag?
2016-05-14 06:54:47
>> #103793
disgustinggirl said:
Nice one, reminds me of the omorashi-ladies stuff!

His stuff is great. I often go to his work for inspiration, I like to go to his work for poses most of the time aswell.

pokemongirl said:
We (I) missed you so much DHB. Glad to have you back *giggles* Need me to suck your cock or something? *giggles again and masturbates*

That's heart warming, and boner inducing.
2016-05-14 05:37:58
>> #103786
Nice one, reminds me of the omorashi-ladies stuff!
2016-05-13 23:43:30
>> #103769
cdyoung said:
The catgirl? Or the shark therapist?

The catgirl, obviously. The shark is Sharky B's character and part of his signature. He puts him on all his pics.
2016-05-13 18:46:38
>> #103725
Mindwipe said:
Character trivia time! This character was created by Keeper_of_pots, but is now owned by KyleLabra.

The catgirl? Or the shark therapist?
2016-05-13 18:18:08
>> #103723
Look at me, I'm Sharky B.
2016-05-13 17:40:36
>> #103720
Pinkanator said:
*Rage building*
*Blood boiling*

-gives you the money to buy Lyra's copyright- As an apology for earlier
2016-05-13 17:30:54
>> #103719
Imasuky said:
I'm looking into buy copyright on Lyra from Hasbro.

*Rage building*
*Blood boiling*
2016-05-13 17:29:47
>> #103718
111 said:
Triple: *activates his fembot maids*

Amybot online
2016-05-13 10:37:22
>> #103694
Triple: *activates his fembot maids*
2016-05-13 11:38:48
>> #103700
More to the point, how the hell did her drink get spiked?
2016-05-13 10:12:45
>> #103689
So putting Sea Monkeys into Drinking Water causes said person to hallucinate cunnilingus from a Robo Mermaid, and turns one into a Robot Master? Good to know for future experiments =P
2016-07-06 16:02:57
>> #113013
brain-drain-boy said:
Do you have a website where you post art? I'd love to see more of your work!

Oh! Hello!

I'm replying to you twelve days late because I don't receive notifications for comments on my submissions and I don't check non-recent work regularly.

I post my art on three accounts:

Safe for work art goes on
Hypnosis art goes on

This, unfortunately means I can't post non-safe for work/non-hypnosis art on either my DeviantArt or HypnoHub account. As a result, I've created a Tumblr where I'll be posting everything I draw.

Enjoy! :D
2016-06-24 20:53:58
>> #111133
Do you have a website where you post art? I'd love to see more of your work!
2016-05-14 00:51:57
>> #103777
httpwwwcom said:
I'd love to see some fully inked or colored drawings from you someday. :P Keep up the good work!

I don't have the equipment, though some people have digitalized a few of my pieces for me. But it is the plan for sometime in the future.

pokemongirl said:

Also of course being naked and fucking makes essays go faster *giggles*

Thank you both for the kind remarks!
2016-05-13 21:07:03
>> #103742
httpwwwcom said:
I'd love to see some fully inked or colored drawings from you someday. :P Keep up the good work!


Also of course being naked and fucking makes essays go faster *giggles*
2016-05-13 09:50:17
>> #103687
I'd love to see some fully inked or colored drawings from you someday. :P Keep up the good work!
2016-05-17 05:43:48
>> #104425
So shouldn't the original be deleted now? Or are we just keeping both?
2016-05-13 21:08:36
>> #103743
crazycowproductions said:
Still trying to work out a color scheme for her in my pondering of pondering. Just yo confirm early post yes I did say it was okay :-)

Can't wait have loved this one and your recent therapist pics *giggles and bounces up and down*
2016-05-13 20:49:13
>> #103739
Still trying to work out a color scheme for her in my pondering of pondering. Just yo confirm early post yes I did say it was okay :-)
2016-05-13 09:23:10
>> #103682
Proxy51 said:
This is a horizontally flipped version of the original, so the text can be read left-to-right. Maybe I'm being pedantic but I sometimes find that kind of thing distracting. I asked crazycowproductions and they were okay with it, and it was easy enough to change.

I wondered about it at first, but you're right. This does make reading it a bit more logical
2016-05-13 09:20:25
>> #103679
This is a horizontally flipped version of the original, so the text can be read left-to-right. Maybe I'm being pedantic but I sometimes find that kind of thing distracting. I asked crazycowproductions and they were okay with it, and it was easy enough to change.
Mister Vi
2016-05-13 15:57:58
>> #103709
I love how... delicate it all looks, her expression, her tongue, the way he has his hand lightly on her head. Like these two look like they're in love.
2016-05-13 09:19:42
>> #103678
Kala said:
Holy crap, is that a picture of Ildac being dominant for once? Wonders never cease.

Nope. You're hallucinating. >.>
2016-05-13 08:27:04
>> #103672

Kala said:
Holy crap, is that a picture of Ildac being dominant for once? Wonders never cease.

I am a very lucky bunny~ And he is a very sexy dom. <3
2016-05-13 07:56:39
>> #103665
Holy crap, is that a picture of Ildac being dominant for once? Wonders never cease.

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