2016-08-20 07:30:47
>> #120490
ssssshhhh no reason to fight my dear... just let the gas clear your mind... let it relax you. You are mine now my dear.
2016-05-12 11:19:37
>> #103509
Pinkanator said:
Except glorius woodwind dick. That'd get you BAND for public indecency.
Also Beowulf but he has no dick.

That's Bassist.
2016-05-11 16:22:11
>> #103371
ffvi1994 said:
It's like Marvel. but without all the dicks.

Except glorius woodwind dick. That'd get you BAND for public indecency.
Also Beowulf but he has no dick.
Mister Vi
2016-05-11 15:02:13
>> #103361
Pinkanator said:

*Dumb combo strings*

It's like Marvel. but without all the dicks.
2016-05-11 12:10:08
>> #103353
So much ( hypnotic) Pressure.
2018-02-01 18:31:20
>> #231678
I would love to fuck their brains out.
2016-09-08 08:19:32
>> #124416
2016-05-15 02:33:52
>> #103960
CosmicPanda said:
in cannon the XY characters are considered the oldest. Around 16 or 17 would be my guess

That doesn't matter at all.
2016-05-14 16:42:02
>> #103874
Mindwipe said:
Ehh... Shauna's pretty borderline, but I think she's just flat, not necessarily loli.

in cannon the XY characters are considered the oldest. Around 16 or 17 would be my guess
2016-05-14 16:41:59
>> #103873
Mindwipe said:
Ehh... Shauna's pretty borderline, but I think she's just flat, not necessarily loli.

in cannon the XY characters are considered the oldest. Around 16 or 17 would be my guess
2016-05-10 17:04:20
>> #103191
Sorry, I didn't know! I appreciate you taking care.
2016-05-10 14:52:10
>> #103179
That's one above. I am sorry, but I have to ask for the Death Penalty on this one. Death by tickling it shall be! :-)

In all seriousness though, I just wanted to inform that I hid the other pictures. I think people would be rather pissed if I start hiding pictures without informing them in their respective comments. Just Trying to be polite about it.
2016-05-10 13:23:53
>> #103173
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Please have a look at the rules regarding our bulk posting guidelines. With the child/parent system used (like you did) there is really no reason to have more than 1 or 2 pictures on the index. Hiding the other ones clears up the first page space and people still see the whole sequence by clicking through it. :)

You can find out more about these guidelines here:

He only posted one more than the guideline of 3. It's not that big of a deal.
2016-05-10 12:46:10
>> #103170
Please have a look at the rules regarding our bulk posting guidelines. With the child/parent system used (like you did) there is really no reason to have more than 1 or 2 pictures on the index. Hiding the other ones clears up the first page space and people still see the whole sequence by clicking through it. :)

You can find out more about these guidelines here:
2016-05-10 10:10:13
>> #103156
in some ways it reminds me of my ex-girlfriend ...
it breaks my heart
2016-05-10 06:07:59
>> #103126
Codknight said:
Lower res, yes, same image, no, if you look at the expressions, in this one they are happy, and in the other one they are scared/worried.

was just about to flag it until I noticed
2016-05-10 04:39:19
>> #103112
They all look like they have diarrhea
2016-05-10 03:45:05
>> #103104
Lower res, yes, same image, no, if you look at the expressions, in this one they are happy, and in the other one they are scared/worried.
2016-06-01 03:22:57
>> #107032
I don't think Blanc is a loli...
2016-05-10 06:31:35
>> #103127
Aww.. Blanc can dream.. *sees Nep in the corner with troll face* Nep.. YOU DID THIS! WHYYYYYYYYY
2016-05-10 04:40:58
>> #103113
...bigger boobies...yes I have bigger boobies...
2016-05-10 03:52:36
>> #103108
Mindwipe said:
Uhhh... I don't think this is a manip. In which case, solid eyes don't matter.

Hard to tell since recently people aren't tagging themselves as either artists or manippers, and people have always had an issue with tagging their source.

edit: unflagging since it's similar to other stuff you made.
2016-05-10 03:47:58
>> #103106
Uhhh... I don't think this is a manip. In which case, solid eyes don't matter.
2016-05-23 07:21:26
>> #105521
Cradily said:
What are you, me? =P

Perhaps... [shrug]
2016-05-23 07:15:45
>> #105520
Cradily said:
What are you, me? =P

Thanks for the explanation!

If you ignore the way the artist/manipper is using to indicate trance (eg. Whitewash Eyes) though, then of course there won't be another method. I feel like this is another version of the 'empty eyes don't look like mc to me' argument. An indication was given, but it was not enough for some (most?) people.

I'm not saying empty eyes don't look like MC -- I'm saying *these particular empty eyes, when combined with the rest of the image* don't look like MC to me. Let's face it, in this fetish, and often in art in general, indicating is a big part of ensuring your audience sees what you want. I feel like the key can be in making the indications fit the scene instead of contradicting it...

Although I think I can see another option here: Resisting. If Ryo is shocked or afraid and trying to resist, but perhaps still failing, this could be very good. This image still has difficulty conveying that (mind you: it took a week and a half for me to think this could be a whitewash+resisting pic) without text, but it at least makes some sense.
2016-05-12 23:35:29
>> #103567
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
TY TY TY so much for the explanation I was struggling to make myself.
Really bad at communicating my thoughts via text/typing, so I truly do appreciate it.

What are you, me? =P

kharonalpua said:
Although this is not a hideous example of a manip, it is still lazy and low quality, as it takes no steps to communicate trance outside of whitewashing the eyes, even if the eyes are very well whitewashed. The low quality of the manip comes not from how well done the whitewashing job is, but from the fact that it is is a single aspect in an image that has nothing else to imply or communicate trance at all. For this reason, I agree with RedCollarBlackCollar: A textless manip with only a superficial change can come off as very lazy, and I think that such manips are the equivalent of an actor "indicating," or performing actions that are incongruous with the character or scene, but which suggest to the audience what is happening. This sort of manip says "hey, mind control!" without actually presenting us any mind control.

Thanks for the explanation!

If you ignore the way the artist/manipper is using to indicate trance (eg. Whitewash Eyes) though, then of course there won't be another method. I feel like this is another version of the 'empty eyes don't look like mc to me' argument. An indication was given, but it was not enough for some (most?) people.
2016-05-12 23:24:49
>> #103566

Sorry that all of this wound up causing a lot of arguments and that I've been quiet for all of it. I haven't been on since I uploaded this and looking at the comments, I can see that might not have been the brightest idea. I'm glad everyone is being honest, and yes, I will take this into account for the future. I prefer doing the spiral eyes (my previous two uploads were of spirals, and looking back uploading five of the same picture is really dumb) but I figured I would try something new with this.

It was tricky getting rid of everything I got rid of (the blush and the sweat, the eyes weren't as bad since the source's eyes are small... although looking at this I see I could have done better), but I felt content with what I did, even though looking back there's obvious room for improvement. If nothing else, it was a learning experience and if I ever go back to doing whitewash eyes (which I probably will, I just don't have any pics I want to whitewash at the moment) I'll keep all of the critique in mind!
2016-05-12 10:21:49
>> #103507
kharonalpua said:
So, just for reference, here's a comparison of what this manip does (Before), and what could be done better (After):

I just focused on the very same things I suggested -- I decided to keep the whitewash, but to make the eyes look like they're closing, lowered the eyebrows, and redrew the mouth a bit to be a different sort of shock -- it isn't perfect, and I never meant it to be. It's just an example. And yes, both of these are fresh from the original source -- neither is OP, both are my take on what OP did and could do better in the future.

2016-05-10 03:00:51
>> #103094
Holy crap, I didn't know that this would make it up here so quickly! My friend commissioned this for me. :'3
2016-05-10 00:06:39
>> #103071
D-damn! This is pretty good!
2016-05-10 00:03:25
>> #103069
Tag your goddamn posts
2017-06-26 08:03:37
>> #184273
I wonder if someone could animate her eyes...
2016-05-09 18:01:49
>> #103036
...How she hasn't snatched it and run off is a wonder.

2016-05-10 01:47:43
>> #103084
Incubus said:
It's 3 times Seras Victoria (Hellsing Ultimate adult [maid] and young version + adult Hellsing TV-show version) Covered by dual persona tag.

Oh m'kay
2016-05-10 00:51:23
>> #103077
JimLogan54 said:
Uh I count five people, only three are tagged.

It's 3 times Seras Victoria (Hellsing Ultimate adult [maid] and young version + adult Hellsing TV-show version) Covered by dual persona tag.
2016-05-10 00:38:01
>> #103075
Uh I count five people, only three are tagged.
2016-05-09 16:07:51
>> #103030
panties and drool. the perfect c-c-c-c-combo
2016-05-09 15:40:24
>> #103026
Another commission from Viruslex. The "Evil love beam" strikes a second time. Here: didn't make parent/child post because loli
Also the first pic of Elizabeth since 8 months...
2016-06-21 23:54:21
>> #110728
ZombieSlayer said:
you, do know that the make up only covers her face. right? (at least from the series I'm thinking of) but other then that one thing (personal opinion over design choice) its a good pic.

New 52 version got her skin bleached the same colour by the Joker's when he threw her into a chemical bath, so.
2016-05-10 02:49:54
>> #103092
you, do know that the make up only covers her face. right? (at least from the series I'm thinking of) but other then that one thing (personal opinion over design choice) its a good pic.
2016-05-10 01:21:42
>> #103080
Lucky Harley @.@
2016-05-09 15:08:03
>> #103025
I hope its not just me that thinks poison ivy is really sexy. I left the method of MC ambiguous so you can make up your own.

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