2016-05-13 09:22:31
>> #103681
@HypnoMangaEditor - Perhaps. Though, images have been brought to the QCC over concerns regarding style inconsistency between "props" (the character, here, for example) and backgrounds previously. Though I personally found that it was accomplished tastefully in this image, I wanted to ensure that it wasn't just my own positive bias.

Mindwipe said:
The "no real life manips" rule was never meant to apply to backgrounds. The two main reasons for it were the difficulty of judging quality and what rain said. Neither of which pose a major problem if it's just a background.

I like to reevaluate rules and policies when something is thrown our way that rides the lines, as this one definitely does, but this is the same conclusion I came to yet again. No reason to nitpick over the minute details, I suppose.

This post's fine, in regards to the rules about real manips.
2016-05-12 01:14:46
>> #103428
Well, if that is the case then the image should remain. No need to vote, because there is literally nothing wrong with quality in this one.

The only reason this was brought up was the background - that's not what the QCC should decide on. I can understand why the first idea was to bring it to a vote - it was good intention, but I think this is a case where we push the question of if it is fine to use real backgrounds in a manip (which has been done in anime for ages) to a quality based decision - which it is not. The QCC is neither here to uphold the rules of pictures, nor to limit artists creativity - we are here to provide a very basic quality control.

Don't get me wrong - I am not against voting for it, but there is no point to do it.
2016-05-11 23:01:30
>> #103398
The "no real life manips" rule was never meant to apply to backgrounds. The two main reasons for it were the difficulty of judging quality and what rain said. Neither of which pose a major problem if it's just a background.
2016-05-11 18:46:28
>> #103379
RE: the real life issue, I'd thought the reason for the rule was the issue of manipping people who probably hadn't consented to it; scenery wouldn't raise any issues of that sort, would it?
2016-05-11 18:24:27
>> #103377
Professor-Celestino said:
>the cartoonish artstyle in contrast with the real photo
Ehh, guess it's not your style.

>and even worse what the FUCK are those eyes?
fuck off

*Opens fold-out chair*
*Grabs popcorn*
2016-05-09 03:37:52
>> #102932
When you get hypnotized so hard your clothes are just ripped away
2016-05-09 03:36:24
>> #102931
Ooooh. Now that is soooo much better than the earlier one!! Nice!!
2016-05-10 09:15:00
>> #103147
Now, it makes me wonder. What's a Drow going to a therapist for? Perhaps she one of those silly surface dwellers.
2016-05-10 01:29:18
>> #103081
someguy231 said:
How dare you not add the ears. Spider food you are!!!!

Might have to fix that
2016-05-09 22:52:34
>> #103066
crazycowproductions said:
Indeed Drow are fun shame didn't add ears

How dare you not add the ears. Spider food you are!!!!
2016-05-09 19:02:59
>> #103041
Why is it so often that mantras arent tagged?I like mantras dammit!
2016-05-09 07:01:19
>> #102970
Tons of fun to be had with a Therapist *giggles*
2016-05-14 17:44:57
>> #103889
greasyi said:
Hypnolion, are these both manipped by you?

This one yes, which other one do you mean ?
2016-05-11 07:30:48
>> #103311
Hypnolion, are these both manipped by you?
2016-05-09 06:59:47
>> #102968
Good to see her back : )
2016-05-09 02:04:59
>> #102916
Body of a goddess, mind of putty
2016-07-04 03:18:56
>> #112627
AuburnHamster said:
pinkie out, the way a sophsticated slut drinks her cum~

2016-05-26 17:04:05
>> #106139
for when even the mightiest dom falls for cock
2016-05-09 06:57:34
>> #102965
Wow this is just...too perfect *gets into that exact same position practicing in the air*
2016-05-09 05:37:27
>> #102948
When in doubt, pinkie out.
2016-05-09 03:09:06
>> #102925
AuburnHamster said:
pinkie out, the way a sophsticated slut drinks her cum~

<<|Words to live by.>>
2016-05-09 07:35:19
>> #102976
Saber is love
2016-05-09 06:56:35
>> #102964
Sexy and badass! Give me *hands out*
2016-05-09 05:46:44
>> #102953
Shmecha said:
I don't want to look at this because I respect Saber, but damn, she's rather attractive. Her proportions seem a bit off, though, and did she have kids before someone took this picture? She seems awfully motherly.

Mogudan. He only has one body, "fat tats and fat ass Rei," he just changes the hair.
2016-05-09 05:36:01
>> #102947
I don't want to look at this because I respect Saber, but damn, she's rather attractive. Her proportions seem a bit off, though, and did she have kids before someone took this picture? She seems awfully motherly.
2016-05-09 05:27:38
>> #102946
oh look, it's Rei in a blonde wig
2016-05-17 06:32:02
>> #104444
Vanndril said:
Yuuume. <3

I know. I love her too.
2016-05-17 06:09:43
>> #104442
Yuuume. <3
2016-05-09 21:28:33
>> #103054

Spellbound said:
I'm having trouble figuring out how they're supposed to be posed. Was one of them running when she crashed into the other and performed some mid-collision hypnosis?

Yume's laying on the ground. You can look at the shadows, no shadows in the air =P
2016-05-09 21:25:44
>> #103053
I'm having trouble figuring out how they're supposed to be posed. Was one of them running when she crashed into the other and performed some mid-collision hypnosis?
2016-05-08 23:19:03
>> #102902
a commission for cradily!
yume from grimgar and midori from shirobako! :D

2016-05-11 15:49:12
>> #103368
Yakai said:
is that so ...

It's more squat (Just Google Image Search 'Tokin Hat' for good references. The sides are fine but point it too tall. Cut it down by half and it might work.

I think a good Rule of Thumb might be that the peak is about half again the side of the walls.
2016-05-09 17:34:21
>> #103035
Vanndril said:
There has been a lot of uploads by you, recently, Yakai. :D

Puts me in a good mood. :3

I've been in a good mood as well recently so i felt like drawing more here :3
Zelinko said:
Right with the number of sides but the tokin is just now TOO TALL!

is that so ...

HypnoMangaEditor said:
You even did hide 8 of the 12 pictures from index - so that makes me happy as well. :P

Though the bulk posting guidelines say 2-3 pictures, and with these being so identically, 2 would have been enough in my opinion. But at least you did hide most of them from index.

Oh it's that so ? sorry i did read it (1year ago) but forgotten it :/ i just remember that i should have to hide the other version x)
2016-05-09 12:23:58
>> #103008
You even did hide 8 of the 12 pictures from index - so that makes me happy as well. :P

Though the bulk posting guidelines say 2-3 pictures, and with these being so identically, 2 would have been enough in my opinion. But at least you did hide most of them from index.
2016-05-09 11:05:54
>> #102997
Right with the number of sides but the tokin is just now TOO TALL!
2016-05-09 06:16:59
>> #102960
There has been a lot of uploads by you, recently, Yakai. :D

Puts me in a good mood. :3
2016-05-09 05:42:05
>> #102950
ZyxS said:
Listen I'm not a girl, and I've never seen a vagina up close before, but I'm fairly certain that.... Is not what one looks like.

Vaginas are very geometric. In fact, Euler proved that you could construct one with nothing but a compass and a straightedge in 1769. It's why he was never married.
2016-05-09 03:43:29
>> #102936
Listen I'm not a girl, and I've never seen a vagina up close before, but I'm fairly certain that.... Is not what one looks like.
2016-05-08 23:49:26
>> #102905
lol, what a classic ending
2016-05-08 21:47:37
>> #102898
you gonna learn today boi.
2016-05-09 03:40:47
>> #102934
Lol.......gah. I couldnt help picture you doing the same pose while saying that.
2016-05-08 21:41:00
>> #102894
Great outfit and pose *poses and drools*

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