2016-10-10 15:24:38
>> #131019
SupremacySun said:
You'd think a setting with mind-control and catgirls would be all the rage. There's some kind of inverse relationship going on or something.

It might be because the Tempering is treated so somberly in the game itself that it takes the sexy out. There are plenty of missions and sidequests that touch on how terrible it is to have your loved ones enthralled so completely and to have to put them out of their unknowing misery.

Hell, some cases are worst. One of Ifrit's thralls was overexposed and went crazy because of it. Leviathan intentionally overexposed some pirates for their faliure to mutate them into abominations.
2016-05-19 21:42:55
>> #104854
infinitegil said:
In the game their are beings calls Primals. They are sorta like gods, that exist, or can exist if enough creatures/people believe in them enough.
If the Primal is brought to being, any creature/person that is exposed to this Primal become tempered, drowned, tainted, and so forth. At this point the creature/person is completely under control of the Primal and they will do whatever the Primal asks of them. There's even one mission where you attempt to free a group of females who become Ifrit's midwives, and are unable to do so! So far in game there is no cure, only an ability called the Echo which allow certain people to resist this mind control/brainwashing. Those who become mind controlled by a Primal are done so permanently.

You'd think a setting with mind-control and catgirls would be all the rage. There's some kind of inverse relationship going on or something.
2016-05-07 03:31:36
>> #102636
EoD said:
Primals have the power to warp the minds of any sentient being to do nothing but worship and praise them. The more people that worship a Primal, the more powerful it becomes.

Awesome *giggles*
2016-05-06 18:26:17
>> #102585
Always happy to see more ffxiv girls, though I'm hoping/praying to one day see some lalafell on the hub

Sure you'd have to tag them loli, but technically they're fully grown adults >.>
2016-05-06 09:41:36
>> #102545
[quote]EoD said:
One of them is a dragon.

Well, fuck me, I didn't know that. Gotta go commit sudoku now.
2020-10-17 00:20:36
>> #390271
The girs getting fucked (from left to right) are: The popular girl, The female lead, The sporty tomboy
2016-05-06 12:17:26
>> #102563
Hypno Hammer said:
Um... Still a little lost. Then again, while i know a few romcoms, i mostly watch action and adventure

You should watch it, it's a great show.
2016-05-06 12:17:24
>> #102562
Hypno Hammer said:
Um... Still a little lost. Then again, while i know a few romcoms, i mostly watch action and adventure

You should watch it, it's a great show.
2016-05-06 06:38:14
>> #102525
Sign me up for this class *drools*
2016-05-06 05:03:13
>> #102503
Codknight said:
No, that's their teacher who if I remember correctly had man troubles. Shes a she.

Um... Still a little lost. Then again, while i know a few romcoms, i mostly watch action and adventure
2016-05-06 06:31:10
>> #102520
Black--Wave said:
That's one way to store them for winter. =)

2016-05-05 21:45:59
>> #102433
That's one way to store them for winter. =)
2016-05-05 21:28:55
>> #102431
all those penises, yet still only one brain to eat.
2016-05-06 14:09:52
>> #102573
112947 said:
My wife was once assaulted by a troupe of mime artists.

They performed unspeakable acts on her.

Y'know, I really don't like you.

But that was a fucking A-grade pun.
2016-05-06 14:05:00
>> #102572
solddate said:
Hmm, reversed sign language? Writing the spell backwards with her wand like a sparkler? Or maybe just mouthing the spell silently?

That was my thinking when I mentioned Jessica Mime. ^^ However, it's Sumdude's idea so it's his call.

Already got a story with Jessica Mime! Though looking for another retelling at some point! Not the greatest at story! >_>
2016-05-06 12:04:29
>> #102560
My wife was once assaulted by a troupe of mime artists.

They performed unspeakable acts on her.
2016-05-06 11:41:08
>> #102557
In totally spies there was a villain that turned one of the spies to a mime
2016-05-06 02:42:07
>> #102474
Dragon-Cana-Love said:
How will Zatanna cast her spells XD

RedCollarBlackCollar said:
She probably still can, just nobody will ever be able to hear her say em tho, idk... [shrug] e___e

Hmm, reversed sign language? Writing the spell backwards with her wand like a sparkler? Or maybe just mouthing the spell silently?

StepfordCrimson said:
I'd like to think that the method of this transformation was the mime who did this swirled their finger around like a spiral and in Zatanna and Batgirl's minds, they ended up seeing a black and white spiral in front of them x3

That was my thinking when I mentioned Jessica Mime. ^^ However, it's Sumdude's idea so it's his call.
2016-05-05 21:18:07
>> #102428
I honestly just love the expressions that they're making right now!!!!!
2016-05-05 20:14:08
>> #102425
More mithra <3
2016-09-24 18:41:04
>> #127346
2016-09-24 15:00:19
>> #127320
zach007 said:
This site needs more Youmu

You can never have enough Youmu.
2016-05-21 20:12:32
>> #105228
Zelinko said:
Fun fact this artist is doing a full length doujin based on Youmu and this scenario

hope you would be willing to share a link to a translated version of said doujin when it's done, please >.>
2016-05-06 14:58:43
>> #102579
Fun fact this artist is doing a full length doujin based on Youmu and this scenario
2016-05-06 06:43:44
>> #102527
That shirt can't handle anymore pressure!
2016-05-07 03:32:47
>> #102638
Mezzberry said:

Thank you baby, the best is yet to come in that department ^^

Yay can't wait *drools*
2016-05-06 17:20:54
>> #102583
Skotavus said:
Haunter is my fave ghost type (from the original) and best costume for hypnotized pokegirls ^^

bullet said:
Haunter is also my fav Gen1 pokemon!

I was surprised at first how many people love Haunter, including the requester. Must be that tongue ;-)

Ami-Mercury said:
Elesa (original short hair design) would make a great Emolga! And Maylene as a Lucario has potentail. Female Gallade Zoey? I would love to see a whole team!

You got one girl right ;-) The requester made some interesting choices for outfits. I think you'll be surprised, hopefully pleasantly so.

bellchan said:
That is an impressive outfit design. I am pretty darn impressed.

Thank you very much :D I'll admit I do take a bit of pride in my costume design and it feels good knowing that interest pays off.

Kansattica said:
she can't say "my eyes are up here" if you'd rather look at her breasts. Win-win!

I guess technically she could say that; it would just come out BeeyoWee-kkuh ^^

112947 said:
More please more.

Despite my original priorities I'm now fast-tracking page 02. Should hopefully be done in a few days :-)

pokemongirl said:
Very awesome and lovely *giggles* Got to love those costumes : )

Thank you baby, the best is yet to come in that department ^^
2016-05-06 06:28:32
>> #102519
Very awesome and lovely *giggles* Got to love those costumes : )
2016-05-06 05:38:35
>> #102513
2016-05-06 02:43:27
>> #102475
Ok, well this rocks.

More please more.
2016-05-05 13:08:53
>> #102393
HypnoFlandre said:
Oh my god. I'm so happy to see more Higurashi on here.

Yes, there should be more~
2016-05-05 12:28:26
>> #102388
Be sure to full view.

I know this was probably one of my least liked sketches, but I wanted to finish it to fix the no Sice art here issue. XD

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