2016-04-30 05:35:13
>> #101483
Idk something seems off...maybe those proportions? Either way got to love that sexy tug on the lingerie *giggles and snaps her own panties against her rump*
2016-04-30 16:35:51
>> #101536
Thanks very much for the nice comments folks, I really do appreciate it :D

StepfordCrimson said:
So... Please tell me an actual hypno pic with those girls will happen sometime

Sooner or later, yes indeedy. Ami's my first childhood anime crush and Urd's quickly become one of my favs as well.

If you don't want to wait on my whimsy, I had to stop new requests for awhile because I was letting myself get overwhelmed, but commissions are always tentatively open even though I'm not openly advertising them yet. Feel free to send me a message if you're interested in something like that :-)

112947 said:
I'd love to see more of your characters doing silly or sexy things whilst obviously hypnotized or in the middle of a hypnosis session.

I promise that I will do more actual hypnosis works in the future - (spoilers just to save space) conceptually I'm as bored with the pinup style as anyone and don't know why I keep gravitating to it (combination of just wanting practice simple compositions and deluding myself that I can build a bigger fanbase with wider appeal / hypno lite, I guess *shrugs*)

I don't know if I can oblige with the Stolen Starhearts just yet though (long in uninteresting story inbound): that's a project I've been knocking around for well over a year, and it got way too big story-wise to just knock out over a few weeks. There were also a lot of things keeping me from doing it, most prominently that, even though Misty, May and co. are in their early 20's in the story, DA still won't let you post anything that sexualizes them, and I didn't want to have to cross my fingers every time I posted a questionable page there. So I recently decided that I could solve just about all my problems by cutting out the Pokegirls and all other copyrighted characters and replacing them with my own parody-like OCs - best example I can give is how Venture Brothers parodies superheroes and pop culture. So whenever I get back to that, it won't feature familiar Pokegirls anymore, but it'll still be sexy I promise ^^

Dragon-Cana-Love said:
Kinda find it hard to belive Ami and Urd would want to be hypnotized XD, great pic none the less

You know, I didn't stop to think about it. (spoilers again to save space) This is the first piece I've done yet that was conceptualized and completed in under a day (about as close to speed painting as my slow ass can get), so I just kinda went with the first thing that popped into my head. I've got something in mind down the road where they with both end up enjoying hypnosis despite their initial reservations, so I might have just been getting ahead of myself. I guess just chalk it up to pure unfiltered wish fulfillment in this case ^^
2016-04-30 13:37:50
>> #101525
The spiral on the cake is a nice touch.
2016-04-30 13:30:45
>> #101524
Kinda find it hard to belive Ami and Urd would want to be hypnotized XD, great pic none the less
2016-04-30 11:50:20
>> #101516
This is awesome even if it does tease a little. Nothing wrong with that, but I'd love to see more of your characters doing silly or sexy things whilst obviously hypnotized or in the middle of a hypnosis session. Please do a 'next page' on this one - it's epic!
2016-04-30 07:53:05
>> #101500
Love me some Ami-chan!
2016-04-30 21:45:38
>> #101558
Imasuky said:
That dress actually interest me more then Erika.

This. I'm all for creative induction methods like this
2016-04-30 20:03:54
>> #101549
living clothes always kick ass.
2016-04-30 19:54:15
>> #101548
Where can I get one? :3
2016-04-30 19:00:23
>> #101544
Zyii said:
So where can I get my hand on one of these dresses? > v >;;

I think it'd be the other way around.
2016-04-30 18:57:08
>> #101543
Hmm....doesn't she seem a little.....dis-dressed!

I'll show myself out.....
2016-04-30 10:26:16
>> #101511
I think I remember seeing this as a kid!
2016-04-30 05:46:26
>> #101485
Wow actual pendant hypnosis in show yay : )
2016-04-30 04:50:34
>> #101474
^ Here a list of sites where you can watch this episode :)
2016-04-30 03:16:07
>> #101457
soapyfoten said:
Only if you're counting to include all the undubbed episodes. This episode was the fourth of six to be left out of the DiC English dub since it had no relation to the main storyline. It is included in the Viz dub.

I don't care about the DiC dub anymore. But that answers my question, so thanks. c:
2016-04-30 02:53:36
>> #101454
Mindwipe said:
Is this really from episode 20? Of season 1?

Only if you're counting to include all the undubbed episodes. This episode was the fourth of six to be left out of the DiC English dub since it had no relation to the main storyline. It is included in the Viz dub.
2016-04-30 13:23:21
>> #101523
Bibla499 said:
Oh god please do Starfire next.

A lets have her be giving a boobjob, so she can be a bouncy bountiful boob bunny.
2016-04-30 02:03:28
>> #101445
ghost13 said:
I really don't know what went through my head when I came up with this idea...

Seriously, that's some superior scribing skill. I always appreciate alluring alliteration.
2016-04-30 01:58:17
>> #101444
Oh god please do Starfire next.
2016-04-30 01:37:07
>> #101443
Who cares?! Just put more of what went thru your head thru your head! :D
Super work on her face. That by itself caused me to favorite it!
2016-04-30 00:56:37
>> #101433
"Now slave, remind me, what does Bunny Raven love?"

"Bunny Raven loves buttjobs with her bountiful bunny butt, master. Can Bunny Raven give a buttjob with her bountiful bunny butt, master?"

"Of course, and how does that make Bunny Raven feel?"

"Bunny Raven bounces with bliss filled bounciness knowing her bountiful bunny butt will be blessed with the chance to give master a breathtaking buttjob."

"Glad to hear it, my beautiful bunny slave. Afterwards, why don't we go see your old pal Starfire and show her what it feels like to be a bliss filled beautiful bouncy bunny slave?"

"Bunny Raven thinks that would be beyond brilliant idea, master."

"I thought you'd say that."

I really don't know what went through my head when I came up with this idea...
2016-05-01 03:00:32
>> #101614
Always love the faces on these, even if I don't like certain themes. :)
2016-04-30 01:18:36
>> #101441
Is the guy.. also pregnant?!
2016-04-29 23:59:34
>> #101425
This actually looks like....quite a fun state to be in @w@
2016-04-29 22:39:02
>> #101420
All credit for the idea goes to Sleepymaid :3
2016-06-29 16:26:30
>> #111840
112947 said:
Popcorn is low calorie. Excellent choice. Diet coke is also a favourite of mine.

But diet soda has a chemical in it that causes depression and it's not really diet at all. It has worse effects on your body than regular soda.

Oh shit.... Sorry about that lil rant there.
2016-05-02 06:05:55
>> #101838
Taryh said:
The guy is outright attempting to make a business by charging people money to act as a middleman between people and artists taking commissions. He's trying to pretty it up by saying that "you pay for the idea [he] comes up with" as well, which is just laughable. Why would anyone pay money to speak to any easily reachable artist, with a hurdle complicating communications, to commission an idea which the buyer didn't even come up with?

To be fair, I think he's mostly given up on that poorly thought out idea. The only weird thing now has to do with how he thinks credit is assigned. Lots of commissioners will give the artist a script and lots of other details. But this is the only guy I've seen who thinks that makes him a co-creator.
2016-05-02 05:06:00
>> #101821
plsignore said:
I'm gonna give him benefit of the doubt and say it's more unfamiliarity with how things work than anything intentional

The guy is outright attempting to make a business by charging people money to act as a middleman between people and artists taking commissions. He's trying to pretty it up by saying that "you pay for the idea [he] comes up with" as well, which is just laughable. Why would anyone pay money to speak to any easily reachable artist, with a hurdle complicating communications, to commission an idea which the buyer didn't even come up with?
2016-05-01 06:16:18
>> #101646
Taryh said:
Yeah, I have no idea what this 112947 guy is trying to pull, but it stinks of conning and money grubbing like a dairy farm stinks of cowshit.

The leaps of logic in the comments of the one image deleted from this site were a comedic majesty to behold.

I'm gonna give him benefit of the doubt and say it's more unfamiliarity with how things work than anything intentional
2016-05-01 05:17:35
>> #101634
Yeah, I have no idea what this 112947 guy is trying to pull, but it stinks of conning and money grubbing like a dairy farm stinks of cowshit.

The leaps of logic in the comments of the one image deleted from this site were a comedic majesty to behold.
2016-04-30 07:10:07
>> #101496
Myuk said:
how did you learn to draw bodies vahn?
love the pic btw :3

i buy books on how to draw manga during my first years of learning XD
no kidding i actually bought them :p

just find those kind of tutorials on the web, there are tons!
2016-04-29 23:43:47
>> #101423
how did you learn to draw bodies vahn?
love the pic btw :3
2016-04-29 19:35:51
>> #101413
ZeldaIsHot said:

glad you like it!
2016-04-29 19:17:59
>> #101411
tips for those who are confused : read from right to left
my weekly manga program for my patreon :

6th page!

i bet some of you think this is discontinued :p

nah i was just busy
... and also i redraw the first panel 10 times... its frustrating when you can't fix what you've drawn so you decide to redraw all of it, lol
i can't draw a specific part of the body without drawing the whole body .-.
2016-04-30 12:47:27
>> #101521
sumdudehere said:
So we have here Barbara Gordon formally as Batgirl as the new Joker with her Harley Quinn formally detective Yin and inspired by Solddate, formally Zatanna, now as ZeeZee!! Pretty happy with this commission! Hoping someone tries to give this a story someday!

Very nice, I particularly like the use of Lin. ^^

However, I feel I need to make it clear that I didn't design Zee-Zee, she was redesigned by the original writer of Harley's Heroine Heist, <<|LesLes>>. I'm responsible for most of the other designs (with the exception of Power Slut, who was LesLes again), ironically, my proudest one is <<|Barbie Gorgeous>>.

Pinkanator said:
I'm not the only one who finds this completly terrifying, right?

I believe that's part of the appeal of Joker/Harley corruptions. ^^'
2016-04-29 15:43:02
>> #101391
I'm not the only one who finds this completly terrifying, right?
2016-04-29 14:55:10
>> #101390
So we have here Barbara Gordon formally as Batgirl as the new Joker with her Harley Quinn formally detective Yin and inspired by Solddate, formally Zatanna, now as ZeeZee!! Pretty happy with this commission! Hoping someone tries to give this a story someday!
Date Apr 29, 2016User greasyiRating SafeScore 16(vote up)
2019-01-29 00:09:57
>> #301466
2016-04-29 10:32:00
>> #101382
Kansattica said:
Hypnotized by a book? Nerd.

<<|ft>> <<|fy>>
2016-04-29 10:17:21
>> #101381
Hypnotized by a book? Nerd.

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