2016-05-27 05:09:27
>> #106242
megahellreaper said:
Those eyes turn me on :3

2016-05-27 04:51:15
>> #106239
Those eyes turn me on :3
2016-04-29 21:37:32
>> #101415
Not complaning, but if it was Nep-nep instead of Vert I would loved this picture a lot more

but I still love it :3
2016-04-29 08:58:21
>> #101369
Delicious Iris Heart~
2016-04-29 08:50:05
>> #101368
Whenever im older im gonna look back at these parts of my life and ask what the fuck was i doing back then
2017-07-02 00:51:47
>> #185282
Really good art. Really good art.
2017-07-02 00:20:25
>> #185280
Gods why are all the pictures this person does so good
2016-04-30 13:19:30
>> #101522
pokemongirl said:
I need to be in that room : ) And who's she? She seems cute : )

Her name is Uraraka from My Hero Academia. She's practically the main characters love interest (makes him blush, blushes when talking to him, gets clingy and jealous when he praises another girl) and her superpower is cancelling gravity on objects and/or people, but if she does it for stuff over a certain weight, she starts puking.
2016-04-30 08:38:46
>> #101504
zach007 said:
How's your sex life, huh?

You must be fun at parties
2016-04-30 06:07:45
>> #101490
Now that's a proper Hypno-room. Love that it's spirals extend to the floor as well as the walls. I imagine the ceiling would be similarly covered. That's the way to do it! :)
2016-04-30 06:17:03
>> #101492
Lovely work!
2016-04-30 05:32:29
>> #101480
Super lovely Zorro : )
2016-04-29 21:56:31
>> #101417
I know this shouldn't bug me as much as it does but... I'm reasonably certain bra-straps don't work that way. o.O
2016-04-29 10:06:10
>> #101377
Actually this reminds me of those really old Rosvo pokemon comics
2016-04-29 07:03:00
>> #101363
ecchime said:
It should be Erika instead <3

But her tiddies ain't as big
2016-04-29 09:28:44
>> #101373
Man that whole sequence looked really nice. Where can I find a Joyce?
2016-04-29 06:41:43
>> #101358
Wait, you wanted to punish me for raping you?
Opposite effect achieved...
2016-04-29 05:12:52
>> #101338
"Oh, wow"
My feelings exactly
Nice effect on the tentacles there~
2016-05-05 07:20:51
>> #102345
EdgeOfTheMoon said:

So legit. It's gone from a background joke to having the next strip being about it actually^^

I discovered all eight of these this morning. You have a great sense of humour! Looking forward to the next one :)
2016-05-04 21:33:17
>> #102251
Snootboop said:
Myuk goes through a lot of index cards....
And totally innocent non-hypno concert? Sounds legit.


So legit. It's gone from a background joke to having the next strip being about it actually^^
2016-05-04 17:21:57
>> #102236
Myuk goes through a lot of index cards....
And totally innocent non-hypno concert? Sounds legit.
2016-04-30 12:09:43
>> #101520
Cradily said:
395 images. The QCC must've had a heck of a time with judging them all =P

Also, I see me! Too bad Cradily can't learn Crunch.

Sure you can. I believe in you

Keeper_of_pots said:
Aww, poor Tan! I feel bad for her having to get a wrist cramp like that for nuthing... Really awesome comic, Edgey!

I actually felt really bad drawing sad Tan ;-;. Took that as a sign I had the expression down!

pokemongirl said:
Yes I have some concepts DHB and CrazyCow have kindly both done for me. I suppose note me if you wana talk more so I can send you stuff : )

Sure! Just DM them over to me
2016-04-30 08:39:10
>> #101505
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Maybe. Do you have an OC I could draw?

Yes I have some concepts DHB and CrazyCow have kindly both done for me. I suppose note me if you wana talk more so I can send you stuff : )
2016-04-30 00:57:48
>> #101434
Mmmmh, I like!
2016-04-29 01:36:35
>> #101311
^ When I'm a bimbo *giggles*
2016-04-30 04:18:48
>> #101470
+1 for torpedo tits
2016-04-29 09:24:04
>> #101372
Yeah, just need to work on the legs and the boobs a bit. Other than that it is good.
2016-04-29 03:06:44
>> #101331
the boobs look hilarious too
2016-04-28 23:25:46
>> #101302
Yup. Body looks really good! And the expression is amazing ^^
2016-04-28 23:19:51
>> #101301
D'aww thanks Myuk! She looks really dazed hehe
2018-03-20 21:28:04
>> #241122
That bottom half though...
2017-01-16 06:10:14
>> #150733
Ysco said:
That and even if she did admit she loved him she would probably not want to cheat to do it.

And then this died.
2016-04-30 14:31:49
>> #101528
That and even if she did admit she loved him she would probably not want to cheat to do it.
2016-04-30 00:44:08
>> #101431
HiddenAgenda said:
Well if we use Nora logic (oh dear...) she and Ren freely spend time together. This is her forcing her way into what she thinks is a fun exclusive club.

... A fun exclusive club where everybody is Ruby's slave? Yeah, I guess that is something Nora would do... Also, now that I think about it, her hypnotizing Ren would require her admitting she wants him as more than a friend.
2016-04-29 12:52:49
>> #101387
ghost13 said:
My question is, if she could do this why hasn't she used it on Ren?

Well if we use Nora logic (oh dear...) she and Ren freely spend time together. This is her forcing her way into what she thinks is a fun exclusive club.
2018-03-20 23:03:14
>> #241144
same here.
2016-05-26 08:17:31
>> #106101
I want this to happen to me!
2016-04-28 15:53:04
>> #101267
muffinmuffler said:
Literally me. Every single time...


you poor soul *huggles in comfort*
2016-04-28 14:42:34
>> #101264
Literally me. Every single time...

2016-04-30 09:05:06
>> #101507
Haha no need to apologize, you asked for feedback so I just wrote down what I thought =P
2016-04-30 07:08:05
>> #101495

Cradily said:
FEEDBACK?! Okay, but I'm biased (to anime figures) and not an artist so it's going to be vague as shit =x

In general -
- Your bodies to me look sort of.. chunky? I think it has to do with how it's drawn (like the thigh is usually a connected elongated oval, but even fat thighs are more thick at the top and less at the bottom) and the way it's shaded.

- I really like how your tails actually look like tails though! Most tails I see in manga or other pictures just looks like what amounts to a magical cord growing out of someone's butt that can be bent however the hell they want and not like a tail at all.

For the image -
- If the hypnotic mp3 is an accident, I feel it would be better if she was wearing clothes. I don't think your characters usually wear clothes, but it would give it a more 'doing something else then BAM hypno' feel, while naked is more of a 'expecting it' look.

- The pose(/tail =D) conveys her mood very well. Her right arm looks a bit too squished into her body/uncomfortable though.

- For the hypno, I feel it would be more ...suitable? if the color of the musical notes and the color of the spirals in her eyes match, so it's more evident that the hypno is being caused directly by the music. It's pretty obvious either way, but I like my matching colors.

I see what you're saying but at the same time I like my girls to have a lil squish to them <3

I try to make the tail have form and function so I appreciate you noticing my efforts.

My characters do usually wear clothes, but this was actually an alteration from her dancing to hypno, it was more or less a lil way to try to give you guys something considering I had headphones on her. But I tried to convey it in a good way... I just wanted her naked for fun.

The Eyes are her eyecolour, I have a mental note that eyes if not altered by something visual... are just tranced out version of their own eyes... like if I were doing a Kaa eyes thing where the view had something altering her... I'd have it so that it would "reflect" where as this she's just tranced out to music. But that's my rules and I guess it doesn't convey well enough. Apologies.

frank said:
Fucking awesome dude, I love how "gone" your characters are with the drooling, blowed out faces and the soaking wet masturbation. "I have no mind and that makes me horny"is pretty much the best hypno.

Like how you draw your bodies, perfect size.

This and Kas with that drink are two of my favourite images from you, need more empty minded drooling!

Would be cool to see an alternate with her in clothes though.

Hehehe I love it too, thanks!

Appreciated, I like how the bodies are too... I want to hug em.

Really? The drink image is a fav? Huh... I'll have to just do more dumb drunken on hypno faces in the future haha.

Alt clothes would be nice but honestly.... why would you obscure a view like this?
2016-04-30 04:16:51
>> #101469
Would be cool to see an alternate with her in clothes though.
2016-04-30 04:15:24
>> #101468
Fucking awesome dude, I love how "gone" your characters are with the drooling, blowed out faces and the soaking wet masturbation. "I have no mind and that makes me horny"is pretty much the best hypno.

Like how you draw your bodies, perfect size.

This and Kas with that drink are two of my favourite images from you, need more empty minded drooling!
2016-04-29 23:19:46
>> #101421
SeaithDaizon said:
Can I have a lil feedback on this pic from some people?

I am curious to hear some of your thoughts on the pic. Meaning like do you like the pose, does the hypno convey well?

FEEDBACK?! Okay, but I'm biased (to anime figures) and not an artist so it's going to be vague as shit =x

In general -
- Your bodies to me look sort of.. chunky? I think it has to do with how it's drawn (like the thigh is usually a connected elongated oval, but even fat thighs are more thick at the top and less at the bottom) and the way it's shaded.

- I really like how your tails actually look like tails though! Most tails I see in manga or other pictures just looks like what amounts to a magical cord growing out of someone's butt that can be bent however the hell they want and not like a tail at all.

For the image -
- If the hypnotic mp3 is an accident, I feel it would be better if she was wearing clothes. I don't think your characters usually wear clothes, but it would give it a more 'doing something else then BAM hypno' feel, while naked is more of a 'expecting it' look.

- The pose(/tail =D) conveys her mood very well. Her right arm looks a bit too squished into her body/uncomfortable though.

- For the hypno, I feel it would be more ...suitable? if the color of the musical notes and the color of the spirals in her eyes match, so it's more evident that the hypno is being caused directly by the music. It's pretty obvious either way, but I like my matching colors.

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