Date Apr 28, 2016User MyukRating QuestionableScore 26(vote up)
2016-04-28 10:12:10
>> #101249
Yeah, take that, Inma!
2016-04-28 02:58:25
>> #101193
I'm assuming the tentacles all disappear or something at this point. Hopefully she wakes up before Inma does in any event; gonna be awkward if she doesn't.

...oh, she was already falling in the first panel, wasn't she?
2016-04-28 02:04:05
>> #101184
Whisper said:
Passedbout joyce is cute joyce~

Cute is her hat.
2016-04-28 01:43:58
>> #101182
Passedbout joyce is cute joyce~
2018-12-21 23:56:43
>> #295516
Beautiful, now there's a bride for the pokemon world if I ever saw one, forget May and Misty I'm getting me a female Gardevoir
2016-08-10 06:11:04
>> #119046
The best psychic type in my opinion is Gardevoir, so seeing this kinda makes me wanna play more Pokemon
2016-05-07 01:50:42
>> #102625
TheYoshiTerminator said:
Am I missing something? It says Manip but I don't see any Text/Story.......

The original had red/orange eyes. This has been edited (manipped) to be purple glowing hypno-eyes.

Text manips have "text" as a separate tag, for obvious reasons.
2016-05-07 01:47:45
>> #102624
Am I missing something? It says Manip but I don't see any Text/Story.......
2016-05-03 07:51:40
>> #102027
Beautifully done, just magnificent.

I wonder if she's under control, or if she's the one doing the hypnotizing. Just love psychic types who get taken over. <3
2016-04-28 15:51:20
>> #101266
Basically Penny is the RWBY equivalent of Legion, too unique to just copy.
2016-04-28 11:56:36
>> #101255
hypnoslave1095 said:
people crying over Penny seem to be forgetting she's an AI in a robot body... you can literally cut her into pieces and then you can just upload her into a new and improved body. I highly doubt she's gone for good

Even so... damn you Cinder!

She's actually a lot more than an AI. She literally has a Soul. We don't know how much of her is AI and how much of her is Soul.
2016-04-28 10:10:04
>> #101248
people crying over Penny seem to be forgetting she's an AI in a robot body... you can literally cut her into pieces and then you can just upload her into a new and improved body. I highly doubt she's gone for good

Even so... damn you Cinder!
2016-04-28 06:39:10
>> #101232
OmegaLurker said:
We only have so many gingers

Nora is the only ginger we need!
2016-04-28 06:12:49
>> #101231
someguy231 said:
And no love for Torchwick.

We only have so many gingers
2016-04-30 01:09:01
>> #101436
Okay, very much enjoying. Clearly I'm falling behind my game and need to pump out more brain drain stuff myself. ;p
2016-04-28 17:01:36
>> #101271
very VERY nice :) especially intrigued by the last bit of text in your comment >;)

hmm, maybe, in case we see more of her, as she becomes even dumber, not that she will talk as solomon grundy and forget the very fundament of grammar and language, but perhaps is she becomes dumber and forgets words, as we all do occasionally, her lack of analytical power will do that she is worse at remembering(taking longer time, coming to the wrong conclusions, not necessarily more impatient tho), and is very impressionable to solutions, aka, using similar words (weather by how it sound, or something that sorta means it, or something she just assosiates with it/has seen in the context). maybe even be a lil bit lazy/no pride in it, and use alot contraction like "yall" or "tho", "ya" and "i aren't", subtle mistakes or laziness in grammar and word use :P
also, i can imagine "stalling words", like "ehm", "hmm" "ugh" "..." or "like" is gonna be quite frequent, as she won't be as good at making a sentence at the fly, or answering basic questions on the spot :P

in that way, sounding like a forgetful and confused naive/enthusiastic lil bimbo, using words in the wrong context and being completely oblivious to it :P and believing people when they tell her otherwise/what to do instead :P
2016-04-28 05:05:17
>> #101220
Really really enjoying this so much going on *drools*
2016-04-27 22:45:41
>> #101166
The following video was produced and sent to the home of one [subject redacted] and her spouse [subject redacted] following the successful treatment of [subject reacted], now known only as Trish. Within is the culmination of Trish’s long journey and transformation into the young lady we’ve all come to know over these past few months. Unfortunately, the treatments she underwent have played havoc with her memory and attention span, prompting the release of this video to provide a better context following distribution of Trish’s journal entries. We at Chimera Tech hope that all our employees will be able to see the value of our ground-breaking efforts to providing all with the help they need to become a better version of themselves.

Please note that Clause 23-B of your Chimera Tech contract is still in effect. Let’s not have a repeat of Diana’s misguided but well-meaning attempt to disperse company property to news media across the country.

For those curious, DiDi has made great progress in her own treatments and should be returning to the workforce within a month or two.

Video Begins

“Hey Mommy!” Those are the first words out of the squirrel’s mouth. Bright, cheerful, energetic. “I hope this gets to you.” She rocks on high-heeled platform latex boots, the arch so sharp it’s forced an ass augmented and changed to constantly jutt outwards. Fishnet stockings, fingerless fishnet gloves, jean shorts that are all but a thong in their coverage, and the smallest bikini top possible are all that conceal the excessively generous bounty of female rodent flesh from view. Hair has grown wild and been done up into pigtails, with a good amount hanging in front that thins into a single curled lock. Fingers are interlocked as the eponymous squirrel tail flits restlessly from side to side. Makeup has been calculated to present a single and clear message which is as loud as the bright colors which adorn the once drag high school senior.

“I don’t really care if it does though.” Despite the bright tone and bubbly personality, it’s not hard to detect a flippant disregard for the intended viewer. “You and Dad were terrible parents and I hope to never see either one of you again.” Fingers intertwine before Trish’s body, pressing together tits so large they’re each the size of the squirrel’s head, while the scenery comes into focus as she steps away from the camera. She looks over her shoulder at the expensive but tasteful decor of someone’s bedroom. Wood paneling, wood floors, rugs and thick blankets are cast in a light by the gentle rays of sunlight streaming through windows just out of sight. “My Tutor-Mommy showed me more love, more care, and more affection in these last three months than either of you have in the last three years.” Trish looks back and has an expression which looks positively predatory.

“Plus, the both of you looked.” She giggles brightly. “I can see it. The way you stared when you thought I wasn’t looking. The way you blushed and stuttered when I would flirt. I bet you spent many lonely nights playing with yourselves while, like, lusting after your troublemaking daughter.” It should be noted that Trish’s mother and father have successfully filed for divorce three months following the delivery of this video. “I hope both of you realize I went down in a blaze of glory at the school. You’ve only heard a fraction of what’s been going on. About how I went from a straight A student to expulsion for more than a dozen good reasons.You wouldn’t believe how much fun it is to fuck up royally despite your best efforts.” Both hands go behind Trish’s back at this point as she turns and walks to the right, the camera panning to follow her. A new figure is present. “Or maybe you do. Vette’s was there when I flashed the football team during the big game. She was so worried about her big sis that she followed me to one of my Tutoring sessions” The squirrel is younger and trimmer, but the family resemblance is clear, as is the erotic choice of clothing. Tight shorts for bike riding seem to have been all but painted on to her hips and ass, while a low-cut crop-top with sleeves going down to the young rodent’s wrists show off quite the generous amount of underboob, the sporty outfit has been completed with a pair of brightly colored schoolgirl sneakers and loose knee-high white socks. Despite the relative petiteness of the younger sibling, she is still quite the knockout. For comparison, photos have been provided on the company's website. “Let’s just say she liked what she saw and joined in.” A less than sisterly kiss is shared between the two, leaving flushed expressions on the both of them, a string of saliva catches the light before breaking.. “While you might not have treated Vette like you did me, you made her feel like the second-best sibling and never let her forget that..” Trish’s hands cup and play with Vette’s tits, the younger squirrel’s face colored by a blush. Several moans sound off before the squirrels separate once more.

“I wanted to make this clear to both of you. You *are* terrible parents. And neither of us are going to put up with you anymore.” Despite all these seemingly vindictive lines, Trish never loses that perky and upbeat flavor to her voice. “Sorry Mommy, this is like, goodbye! Tutor-Mommy is taking me in.” She brings up a finger and wags it at the camera with each word of the next sentence. “Don’t bother looking.” That fingertip is licked and run down her belly as Vette walks offscreen. “I’ll be cunt-deep in cock by the time you see this video.” Trish’s head turns to follow her sister and a look of recognition passes over the squirrel’s face before she bounds off to the side. The camera is turned to show both squirrels giving enthusiastic kisses to a large and powerful vixen, who stands head and shoulders above both of the squirrels. Their bespoke suit is quickly stripped away by both sisters to reveal the figure is a hermaphrodite. One who’s been generously blessed even by the typical standards of the gender. When Trish looks back, her bikini top has been tented obviously and her face has grown flush as a dark red hand mauls her bulging asscheek with a roughness that the former genius turned bimbo relishes.

“Don’t worry. I promise to tutor my sister. Gotta, like, pay it forward.” Following this, we are treated to Trish’s graduation ceremony. Oral, vaginal, anal. All these and more occur with the fox wrecking the poor gal. Vette is off to the side of the plush bed while this occurs. Leaning on the edge as an older, but shockingly attractive, lagomorphic doe uses a phallic toy on the younger squirrel’s backside. It is clear that Trish has been well-trained if comments about this being her first time with the fox are to be believed. And given Vette’s enthusiastic relishing of both the toy, plus the sight of her sister being buggered silly by a seven-foot tall fox-herm, it is clear that she will not be denied the belly-swelling loads which leave Trish a mindless glassy-eyed shell of her former self.

One with a permanent smile etched on her face.

Video Ends

Please note that the fox-herm in question is our very own President and CEO of Chimera Tech, Mrs Jennifer Tanya Aniston. Following the legal lawsuit to obtain custody of both Trish and Vette from their parents we have been graced with two new employees. Trish has become a valued member of the company’s Morale Boosters alongside Mrs Aniston's wife Tanya, which given our larger than average number of herm employees has been of tremendous help in managing their noteworthy libidos, while Vette has joined our graduate program. She has shown a remarkable mind for biochemical engineering and has won great acclaim on her college’s tennis team, and we look forward to her contributions to our company in the future.

Update: The former mother and father of Trish and Vette attempted to access secure facilities on the third week of November thanks to Diana’s help. Both managed to penetrate deep into our facility and have witnessed several experiments which are considered highly classified and potentially damaging to our company’s public image.

Per the recent laws which grant sufficiently large business entities, popularly termed Mega-Corps, the authority to deal with those who commit federal crimes on company property in accordance with company bylaws as if they were employees of said Megacorp we at Chimera Tech have decided to use these two as enforced participants to one of these experiments.

For more information regarding the reconditioning and mind wiping of Diana’s fellow criminal conspirators, please speak to Archives and Records for the latest examples of our newest volunteers in Chemical Rehabilitation for the Criminally Deviant.
2016-04-27 22:54:00
>> #101167
At first i was expecting her to appear...[[]]
2016-04-27 22:01:59
>> #101158
Hamakaze is good one. Also got my Kirishima tea party figure today ^.^
2016-05-10 08:54:01
>> #103144
crazycowproductions said:
Both sound awesome to me then :3

So, you wanna join. If so, I'll let the GM know and I'll give you his email address. We also play on Roll20.
2016-05-09 03:05:04
>> #102924
someguy231 said:
Well, I'm in at least two games that started from the Hub. The one with this chick is a set of One Shots in Pathfinder, and I'm in a long running 3.5e game where I play a winged Dragonborn Fighter/Warblade. If you're ever interested in joining these, then I'll let the DM know, but if you're gonna run your own game, then let me know. I'd like to roll dice with you man.

Both sound awesome to me then :3
2016-05-07 06:11:01
>> #102654
crazycowproductions said:
I'm quite good with shenanigans. Might run a game on here during the summer since I'll have that off at least :-)

Well, I'm in at least two games that started from the Hub. The one with this chick is a set of One Shots in Pathfinder, and I'm in a long running 3.5e game where I play a winged Dragonborn Fighter/Warblade. If you're ever interested in joining these, then I'll let the DM know, but if you're gonna run your own game, then let me know. I'd like to roll dice with you man.
2016-05-05 22:17:26
>> #102441
someguy231 said:
OH HEY! You're here. Yeah, that stinks. I would really like to play a pathfinder game with you with the shenanigans you described before.

I'm quite good with shenanigans. Might run a game on here during the summer since I'll have that off at least :-)
2016-05-04 23:33:13
>> #102267
crazycowproductions said:
Would so join or run such a game if I had the time. Working 12 hours a day really sucks a great deal of the time.

OH HEY! You're here. Yeah, that stinks. I would really like to play a pathfinder game with you with the shenanigans you described before.
2016-04-29 12:55:20
>> #101388
Adagio is lucky she caught those two so completely. She's left herself un-shielded as well.
2016-04-28 07:37:41
>> #101237
112947 said:
Where is the MC?

Seriously? I will pretend you didn't say that
2016-04-28 01:31:22
>> #101181
Hypno Hammer said:
so who's the one more person? Sunset? Twilight?

Well, considering the previous hypno escapade, I'm hoping for it to be me. Or you. Or Barry. Or Smitty Werbenjagermanjenson. Viewer sub, ya dig?
2016-04-28 01:26:33
>> #101180
so who's the one more person? Sunset? Twilight?
2016-04-27 22:12:54
>> #101161
Where is the MC?
Fuck, I'm literally just ZeldaIsHot now.

But really though, I totally hope the ending goes the same way as the previous arc. Cause that'd be swell.
2016-04-28 12:08:07
>> #101256
Kansattica said:
My eyes feel heeeaeaeaeay

I say heay. What's going on?

Jokes aside, this is pretty hot.

i'm pretty jealous i hadn't thought to make that joke...
2016-04-28 08:28:18
>> #101241
My eyes feel heeeaeaeaeay

I say heay. What's going on?

Jokes aside, this is pretty hot.
2016-04-28 04:54:22
>> #101211
Love the designs on these two : )
2016-04-27 22:24:40
>> #101165
To be fair, I'm less worried about the spelling error, and more the SOULESS SHADOW DEMONS IN THE AUDIENCE.

Also, she needs a cheeseburger or something. Looks like she'll snap in a breeze. Like Mr. Burns.
2016-04-27 22:21:17
>> #101164
112947 said:
I censored it with clothes.

<<|*Grabs popcorn*>>
2016-04-28 20:28:21
>> #101281
Mhm, MC'd Weiss in an Iceflower ship? Yes please...
2016-04-28 05:56:03
>> #101229
Seems to be more like some kind of passive effect she doesn't actually control.
2016-04-27 19:21:27
>> #101148
There will be more, just have exams to deal with first.
2016-04-27 18:59:50
>> #101143
Hoping to see more or this, loving the pool so far :3
2016-04-27 17:40:12
>> #101139
How did Ruby hypnotise Weiss? Was it those gorgeously adorable silver eyes again? Or maybe her cute, friendly attitude? Either way, Ruby seems to be really good at controlling people.
2018-04-02 22:31:34
>> #244091
This image
-One or more catsuits/spandex suits
-Deals with a fetish like hypnosis
Totally Spies
-One or more catsuits/spandex suits
-Deals with fetishes like hypnosis
2016-04-27 17:12:52
>> #101134
Sirloin said:
Dream's really been rocking that cape lately.

From what I understand, it might be a long term thing~ Oh, and that pony is my new character, Shade Shine, who is gonna be appearing in a good bit of art with Dream.
2016-04-27 16:20:00
>> #101126
Dream's really been rocking that cape lately.

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