2016-04-24 08:52:34
>> #100598
First of all, good job on trying to get better! :)

Just like RedCollarBlackCollar said, it would be easier to give opinions with a cleaner drawing. If you don't want the hair to cover the body and preserve the same pose, you can give it some movement, it can make a nice effect.

Now, I think her arm is a little too short, or maybe I'm not seeing it well. You can look for some guides about dynamism too.
2016-04-24 08:06:59
>> #100591
Would probably be best to try and ink or use photoshop to try and make the lines much more pronounced. Also would highly recommend finding a scanner or use a good camera + lighting to make the pic less blurry.

Otherwise, my issue with the subject is how her hair covers most of her body and prevents us from seeing her outfit. Perhaps it was intentional, but I find it to be a bit of a shame.

You don't have to fix the drawing/subject itself, but I would ask that you make those lines more pronounced and eventually reupload it for a second attempt.
2016-04-24 07:26:35
>> #100588
Sorry for bad quality!

I'm trying to step it up in my drawings!

I would be glad if you guys give me opinions about what i could have done better it would help! ^^
2016-04-24 12:53:54
>> #100631
I do like how the snake tail curls around her nipples to preserve her modesty.
2016-04-24 10:25:30
>> #100607
Yeah, what is this, consensual kaa? Who'dathunkit.
2016-04-24 06:38:11
>> #100583
Not hypnotizing her 0/10
2021-12-02 21:45:40
>> #447813
That’s hot. She’s a sexy little cactus
2016-04-24 06:22:34
>> #100579
Wish I had this in my notebook *giggles*
2018-01-28 22:23:30
>> #230763
Dialog2 said:
Hi I'm Chris Hansen, please have a "seat"

Takes the chair*
2018-01-28 22:16:11
>> #230759
Love the spirals in this one. They make everything better!
2017-05-28 00:03:57
>> #178116
So tired...can't see straight.
Oh a chair perfect....*sits and penis hose up her butt.* uh wait this chai is....
2016-04-24 18:21:35
>> #100662
pokemongirl said:
What a lovely chair *giggles*

Hi I'm Chris Hansen, please have a "seat"
2016-04-24 06:19:12
>> #100577
What a lovely chair *giggles*
Date Apr 24, 2016User MephaustisRating SafeScore 6(vote up)
2016-04-24 23:21:09
>> #100698
Yeah, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about because he's quoting episode 1, only, which is where the screen cap is from.

However, there's a reason I only posted it just now and not then (because yes just off episode 1 there is no mind control). Watch episode 3, the girl mentions all the electronics in their ship stopped working and then the crew subsequently disobeying her orders simultaneously. Pretty heavy inference of mind control.
2016-04-24 16:57:42
>> #100651
Cradily said:
Haha, point noted =P I'll still try the first episode because I tend to do that with almost every anime that comes out, but I won't have any high hopes for the quality of the show or hypnosis/mc.

I am the same. I watch the first episode of every anime in a new season (though I am a bit behind because of Dark Souls 3). So far the season is PRETTY good - 8/12 anime I have watched I will watch more episodes of - this one - not a chance in hell.

pokemongirl said:
Oh what is this show about?

Girls only High School on a military cruiser. Each class takes on one ship, with the ranks being determined when you enter that class. And from what I have seen, there is either only one teacher on the ship or no adults at all.

Mindwipe said:
Where do you get that that's what's happening?

I know right? I am not flagging it because of no hypno .. yet. I don't know how people could see it that way ...

Keyzo98 said:

2016-04-24 13:27:55
>> #100634
2016-04-24 06:39:23
>> #100584
volco said:
I am loving this hypnotized/brainwashed to be in a military uniform/evil outfit.

Where do you get that that's what's happening?
2016-04-24 06:37:17
>> #100582
I am loving this hypnotized/brainwashed to be in a military uniform/evil outfit.
2016-04-24 11:15:12
>> #100618
Cradily said:
Damn, Joyce (I think?) looks too cute in this xD I need to learn all the girl's names and reread the entire thing sometime.

The Conjuror is Joyce. The succubus is Inma.
But don't worry, your statement is valid for both girls.
2016-04-24 05:20:55
>> #100564
Damn, Joyce (I think?) looks too cute in this xD I need to learn all the girl's names and reread the entire thing sometime.
2016-04-24 05:06:45
>> #100560
ZyxS said:
That depends heavily on your definition of "goofed"

Well, SHE thinks she goofed.
2016-04-24 03:53:09
>> #100552
Halarith said:
You dun goofed, Inma.

That depends heavily on your definition of "goofed"
2016-04-24 03:04:37
>> #100543
You dun goofed, Inma.
2016-04-24 08:27:37
>> #100597
Because one of the OCs is [[genderswap|almost always male]]. You may have been thinking of [[transgender]].
2016-04-24 02:58:27
>> #100542
i dont see how this is genderswap? good picture though.
2016-05-02 22:03:33
>> #101950
Bloodly said:
You should'nt: Smilex(Joker's brew that causes this effect) is a 100% death sentence to the afflicted. They're dead characters walking.

I feel like I'm the only one who remembers these things.

You're not, but you've also got to remember that the severity, or nature, of the effects change often, plus this clearly isn't a simple Smilex inhale/injection.
2016-05-02 19:33:57
>> #101925
Anaximanes said:
I love such things! Though, I prefer watching it actually happen. The gradual transformation into clown insanity. Still this is awesome, thank you for sharing!

You should'nt: Smilex(Joker's brew that causes this effect) is a 100% death sentence to the afflicted. They're dead characters walking.

I feel like I'm the only one who remembers these things.
2016-05-02 18:26:50
>> #101917
sumdudehere said:
Oh interesting! Do you know where the story by LesLes is by chance?

It's on the same round robin story site that he began <<|Harley's Heroine Heist>> on, it's called

The story thread based on the Mez set is called 'Incredibles Invasion'. Here's a link to the most <<|recent chapter>>, click on the tick box labelled 'Display past chapters' near the top right. I supposed to be writing a chapter myself but damn am I slow...
2016-04-29 03:46:11
>> #101335
solddate said:
Well, I've ideas for days on everything, but it's all about what you can afford when you don't have the talent to do it yourself.

In the pipeline, I've a few pics with an artist who takes their time, but I believe the end result will be worth it. But for more immediate plans, I'm hoping to involve a new artist for a pic of Sugah Canary and a new design for the Harley pics. And then there's all the running sets with Seb, but I haven't spoken to him about anything new yet.

As such, the Incredibles set will be continued, but honestly I wanna commission a prequel group of pics based on a story by LesLes (ironically the original writer of the Harley story) which gave Mez a very fun backstory.

Oh interesting! Do you know where the story by LesLes is by chance?
2016-04-27 23:01:15
>> #101168
sumdudehere said:
Sounds fun!! What else do you have coming down the line? I liked your stuff with the incredibles :D

Well, I've ideas for days on everything, but it's all about what you can afford when you don't have the talent to do it yourself.

In the pipeline, I've a few pics with an artist who takes their time, but I believe the end result will be worth it. But for more immediate plans, I'm hoping to involve a new artist for a pic of Sugah Canary and a new design for the Harley pics. And then there's all the running sets with Seb, but I haven't spoken to him about anything new yet.

As such, the Incredibles set will be continued, but honestly I wanna commission a prequel group of pics based on a story by LesLes (ironically the original writer of the Harley story) which gave Mez a very fun backstory.
Date Apr 23, 2016User ChangerRating QuestionableScore 17(vote up)
2016-04-24 02:42:07
>> #100538
*giggles* love the idea of a Dragon Ball, ball gag. Need that especially with Chi-chi *giggles*
2016-04-24 01:37:22
>> #100531
I'm very new to this and would greatly appreciate any help with tagging.

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