2016-04-26 06:55:28
>> #100925
we need more lena and other ff 3 to 6 on here
2016-04-24 19:38:26
>> #100672
ecchime said:
yes, but with no captions, blank eyes nor hypnotic jewelry... this one is way better!

Very much so!
2016-04-24 06:20:27
>> #100578
Oh wow the words and that face so amazing *giggles*
2016-04-24 06:02:59
>> #100575
This is real good ;)
2016-04-24 03:41:53
>> #100549
2016-04-24 02:23:08
>> #100535
shslhypnoguy said:
Good art but uh, chest looks sorta.. Like a deflating balloon.

But do they float?
2016-04-24 00:53:58
>> #100527
Good art but uh, chest looks sorta.. Like a deflating balloon.
Mister Vi
2016-04-24 00:27:18
>> #100526
clicky-top pens are the best hypno pens don't be fooled by the easily breakable twistybottom hypno pens.
2016-04-23 23:35:35
>> #100516
Anno1404 said: begins......the neverending art of Cosmo >:D

<<|Seems that way.>>
2016-04-23 22:47:18
>> #100508 begins......the neverending art of Cosmo >:D
2016-04-24 04:26:14
>> #100555
This would be perfect if everything wasn't so huge.
2016-04-23 22:38:17
>> #100507
Rutilus said:
Is it cool if I post an alternate color version? I really can't decide between the two.

2016-04-23 21:19:56
>> #100485
Is it cool if I post an alternate color version? I really can't decide between the two.
2016-04-23 20:52:53
>> #100480
That background...
2018-10-16 21:17:49
>> #285098
Ami-Mercury said:
When it comes to the classic anime, their power was heavily nerfed. In the original manga, when Mako and the others were brainwashed to fight Usagi, they were able to slightly hurt her (and then get 1-shot by her), and since only about 2 chapters later, Usagi proved universe-level durability and power, they each had to be multi-galaxy to be able to so much as to harm her. There is also the detail that their Eternal forms are stated to be as strong as Super Sailor Moon, who survived Saturn's Death Ribbon Revolation, which ripped apart the Taou Nebula. Plus it's a lot like how Cell was such a struggle to defeat in DBZ, the character is strong, but the opponent is just stronger. It's kind of hard to explain. Best way to put it is that the manga version is alot more powerful (though the manga is WAYYYY less well written)

The Sailor Moon manga is drivel frankly. Usagi was a glorified self insert character for Naoko, hence why she is so luducrously overpowered. The other Inners were little more then glorified extras whoose only purpose was to make other chatacters look better. As for that particular arc, it was by far the worst written. So bad I could'nt even finish it.

2016-06-06 02:41:36
>> #107937
Slixer said:
So why does she never do anything like the rest? Well I mean okay there was one episode where she killed the villain of the week but over all the running theme was. Get ass handed to them, wait till a rose distracted the villain- Wait for moon to Stock footage.

When it comes to the classic anime, their power was heavily nerfed. In the original manga, when Mako and the others were brainwashed to fight Usagi, they were able to slightly hurt her (and then get 1-shot by her), and since only about 2 chapters later, Usagi proved universe-level durability and power, they each had to be multi-galaxy to be able to so much as to harm her. There is also the detail that their Eternal forms are stated to be as strong as Super Sailor Moon, who survived Saturn's Death Ribbon Revolation, which ripped apart the Taou Nebula. Plus it's a lot like how Cell was such a struggle to defeat in DBZ, the character is strong, but the opponent is just stronger. It's kind of hard to explain. Best way to put it is that the manga version is alot more powerful (though the manga is WAYYYY less well written)
2016-06-06 02:34:18
>> #107930
Ami-Mercury said:
"Videl and Sailor Jupiter are at similar levels"

When did Videl become multi-galaxy level? Really I want to know.

As yes....Jupiter actually is very OP, just like the other senshi

So why does she never do anything like the rest? Well I mean okay there was one episode where she killed the villain of the week but over all the running theme was. Get ass handed to them, wait till a rose distracted the villain- Wait for moon to Stock footage.
2016-06-06 02:12:38
>> #107919
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
I don't know Rachel Moore at all so I can't really tell, but Videl is an awesome choice.
Actually, I think she is perfect for this situation, since she is both a student and crime fighter, it will be an ... interesting investigation for her.
Also, the matchup Jupiter vs Videl looks promising, since both are fighter at similar levels (strong without being overpowered), can't wait to see Videl facing Jupiter's new abilities.

I like this idea of Videl trying to stop the hypnotism at first. Since she is someone courageous, it will be fun to break her while she tries to fight.
Personally I don't have a particular preference about how Videl will be turned, but the simple fact this strong girl is going to be hypnotized is already so hot, that's the only thing that really matters to me for now : D .

That's a fantastic set, all images!

Thank you very much! Please forgive the late reply. ^^
2016-05-21 02:43:47
>> #105102
What's going on with rachel's hair?
2016-04-24 05:49:19
>> #100573
Will we get this for every girl now?

for science?
Mister Vi
2016-04-23 23:46:05
>> #100518
Kansattica said:
Spike, where did you even get a make-Rarity-take-off-her-shirt button.

human twilight made it :^)

for science.
2016-04-23 22:04:07
>> #100500
Spike, where did you even get a make-Rarity-take-off-her-shirt button.
Mister Vi
2016-04-23 17:54:28
>> #100459
my question is... is this ponyworld spike... or humanworld spike. Because if it's humanworld spike then dayyymm he's got game.
2016-04-23 17:13:52
>> #100457
Spike, you sly old dog.
2020-11-23 15:59:55
>> #395716
To this day this is by far one of the hottest things ever on the hub
2016-04-26 01:53:25
>> #100899
*slow applause* I don't even have words that come close. Just superb, man.
2016-04-26 00:28:13
>> #100894
TrueEthos said:
Just wonderful! I've been dying to see the next installment of the series and damn it all if you didn't deliver. You're writing style is absolutely fantastic and the art is just as wonderful! Thank you so much for continuing your series!!!

Your'e welcome! I appreciate the compliment!^^
2016-04-25 18:06:48
>> #100857
Just wonderful! I've been dying to see the next installment of the series and damn it all if you didn't deliver. You're writing style is absolutely fantastic and the art is just as wonderful! Thank you so much for continuing your series!!!
2016-04-25 16:46:03
>> #100851
lasci_me said:
This is an amazing piece. Very nicely done

Thank you! ^-^
2020-04-15 13:24:59
>> #364604
Those feet must be very hypnotic yet good to lick and smell
2016-04-23 15:03:20
>> #100441
Why is this so hot?
2016-04-27 05:59:32
>> #101060
rocketracer294 said:
Trchnically she is still a sub to whoever made her a vampire. Still, I prefer sub erika more.

unless the vamp that turned her is dead. in that case knowing erika she'll slip up sooner or later and be under someones thrall once again... presumably a corrupt priest or vampire hunter of some sort.
2016-04-25 08:39:07
>> #100809
Dom Erika is best Erika.
2016-04-24 11:23:48
>> #100620
Trchnically she is still a sub to whoever made her a vampire. Still, I prefer sub erika more.
2016-04-24 10:21:04
>> #100605
I thought she had a pencil mustache at first but on closer inspection that's just her upper lip.
2016-04-24 08:11:37
>> #100592
So assertive!~ <3
2016-04-24 16:11:09
>> #100646
scp-682 said:
Again, cant seem to find alexa red videos on your site, love the gifs though

I'm most of the way through editing her now. I tend to create gifs the moment I see a good bit, as opposed to noting it down and coming back later. (Which would probably make more sense...)

Here's a sneaky unlisted peeky of the foot massage section:
2016-04-24 15:58:24
>> #100644
Lex said:
Anyone home? Hello?

Nope, she's gone.

Again, cant seem to find alexa red videos on your site, love the gifs though
2016-04-24 10:29:32
>> #100608
2016-04-24 08:12:16
>> #100593
I like my women like I like my Bethesda open-world games: wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle.

2016-04-23 23:40:39
>> #100517
Bibla499 said:
I like my women like I like my coffee... steaming hot and filled with rum.


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