2016-07-21 11:38:53
>> #115544
I think the phrase is epilogue, and this makes a great epilogue.
2016-05-03 23:40:51
>> #102111
soapyfoten said:
well looks like somebody didn't watch "equestria girls: the friendship games"

Well, I didn't know about it until a few days ago that there WAS one. I just thought midnight sparkle was a corrupted personification of Twilight Sparkle herself. Well, either way, this isn't midnight sparkle Rarity's hypnotizing anyway, so my thought-of course of action they'll take to save Twilight will still most likely work.
2016-04-18 00:33:36
>> #99567
waverun said:
There is no existent human counterpart duplicate for Twilight Sparkle in the Human World of the MLP universe/dimension.

well looks like somebody didn't watch "equestria girls: the friendship games"
2016-04-17 10:10:38
>> #99472
waverun said:
"There is no place like home"

I have a feeling those words of Human Rarity's are going to come back to bite her in the ass, or more specifically, the brain.
Reason being? There is no existent human counterpart duplicate for Twilight Sparkle in the Human World of the MLP universe/dimension.

So, that means that EG (Equestria Girls) Human Twilight and FIM (Friendship Is Magic) Pony Twilight are the exact same person.
Meaning that Twilight Sparkle, in all, has only one REAL home: Equestria.

The exact same place that all of her REAL Pony friends from Equestria (Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and AppleJack, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and even her older brother, Shining Armor, AND Spike, her dragon assistant) exist in, who truly care about her as much as she cares about them, and thus, will get worried at her lack of returning to Equestria.

They'll, in soon-due time, take slightly drastic measures, Princess Celestia knowing about the dimension traveling mirror (or at least the human world traveling mirror), being the one to take into consideration or thought, or theory, that she used it to go to the human world, as She knows that Twilight has used it.

She tells Twilight's Equestria friends that Twilight could most likely be in the human world still, and as a result, be stuck there, even AFTER she was to return to Equestria, when she finally was ABLE to return.

She gathers the most trustworthy and efficient of Twilight Sparkle's Equestria friends and relatives (Shining Armor being the older brother, and Spike, seeming as an adopted son-like figure) to go to the human world with her.

They enter into the human world, after they've made sure to be smart enough to use powerful enough magic for prevention of any transformation that takes place upon entry, since I KNOW Princess Celestia is smart, AND careful .

Search for Twilight Sparkle.

Find her sooner or later.

Notice that Twilight Sparkle is acting strange.

Notice Twilight's strange behavior, along with the visual cue (one of many visual cues for the condition Twilight is currently in) of empty eye irises, with pupils having turned purple, and no glare circles, and come to the ultimate conclusion that Twilight has been put under a hypnotized trance.

Break her out of that trance, being careful to use the proper magic so that her memory of what happened during trance is restored.

Allow Twilight to explain everything that happened.

Find EG Human Rarity after everything has been explained.

Carefully yet effectively stop her plan of world-domination, implied by EG Human Rarity herself in post #9 with the 3-word sentence she said "Everyone adores me."

Use magic to return EVERYONE she's hypnotized back to normal.

Destroy the tool(s) she used to put everyone under her power, AND the machine or thing that EG Human Rarity used to create it.

Maybe if it's extremely necessary, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and/or Princess Cadance being the ones to hypnotize EG Human Rarity via Equestrian Alicorn magic, and have the permanent command implanted into her brain to completely forget her plans of hypnosis-caused world domination, have no desire to do anything evil, and instead commit her life to helping others through absolute generosity and selflessness, both in any trance anyone puts her in, and in her normal, un-tranced state.

Return to Equestria, bringing Twilight Sparkle with them.

Giving Twilight Sparkle the magic enchantment of the mind to be completely unable to be hypnotized in any way for evil uses or intentions or misuse of body, mind, heart, and soul, without the misuse being consensual on Twilight's side while she was in her normal state before the induction, the evil commands being completely disobey-able entirely, regardless of being in trance; and allowing her to realize and feel something is wrong if any evil commands are suddenly given or any commands of misuse of body, mind, heart, and soul, have been given, if the new misuse whatever it may be, was something she did not agree to give consent for in her normal state, and resist the hypnotic influence of evil or against-consent misusing commands while in-trance if the hypnosis is too strong for her enchantment to prevent it form putting her under. With BOTH evil commands, and any types of misusing commands being completely resistible, questionable to Twilight, and disobey-able for her if the hypnosis was forced, against her consent, or without her knowledge of it in any way..

Badda Bing
Badda Boom

Happy ending achieved.

I would gladly give ANYONE who reads this comment from start to finish, that is if I could.

2016-04-17 03:39:43
>> #99422
Pinkanator said:
Yeah, I don't get what that means. Sorry if I'm missing something, and just stupid.

It's okay. I meant that for anyone willing to put up with my long comments enough to read that whole thing, I'd give them a reward in the form of a cookie if I was magically able to.

Heh! It's just like I teleport a cookie in front of them on their desk, or somehow do some portal-style magic and stick my hand into my computer screen only for it to come out of their monitors with an Oreo cookie in hand. Either way, they both end up with a reward for their patience, tolerance, and hard verbal or in-thought reading work.
2016-08-16 09:05:06
>> #119800
Pieman754 said:
Would've loved seeing her hypnotized

Me too.
2016-04-24 22:55:12
>> #100695
... This was possible?
2016-04-22 16:54:29
>> #100272
oo_sebastian_oo said:
Dayum this is my 400th pic uploaded here :O :O :O

Wow, thanks for all the great work Sebastian =)
2016-04-19 07:39:22
>> #99797
I sure hope this storyline continues.
2016-04-17 08:18:22
>> #99462
Given how Cleo went out...appropriate?
2016-10-26 14:23:36
>> #134274
There are requirements to access ex-hentai. If you are not logged in on, it creates cookies which will prevent you from joining exhentai.

1. Delete all e-hentai and exhentai cookies (there are a lot of them)
2. Go to and log in or create an account
3. You should be able to access exhentai now, if not, you need to first take part in posting a little bit on the official e-hentai forums (i think they added that requirement later), then clean the cookies again, and go back to, log in again and then try again for exhentai

It's a bit of a hassle, which they do want to have because that site contains loli and guro content which you can't access on e-hentai. In most cases however, galleries are available on both sites, and you can just swap the "ex" of the exhentai link with "g.e-" which would result in - maybe that way you can look at the gallery.

2016-10-26 11:58:57
>> #134261
Is the source site down or something? All I'm getting is a picture of a sad panda next to a flower for even its homepage.
2016-04-17 02:02:00
>> #99407
Mezzberry said:
I like to think what Daniel whispered into Eli's ear after his slap-happy induction into the church was 'I'm going to beat your punk ass to death with a bowling pin one of these days.'

Oh, definitely. Right after he talks with him, Eli has that "Oh shit, I'm fucked" look on his face.
2016-04-16 23:50:27
>> #99383
Contorted said:
I wonder if anyone on the net has actually watched this movie.

I like to think what Daniel whispered into Eli's ear after his slap-happy induction into the church was 'I'm going to beat your punk ass to death with a bowling pin one of these days.'
2016-04-16 23:38:57
>> #99382
Spirals said:
Does she <<|drink your milkshake?>>

I wonder if anyone on the net has actually watched this movie.
2021-10-05 19:32:53
>> #440330
Hazy said:
I hope this hasn't been discontinued

Well, not only does it look like it has been discontinued, the artist [メグる] ("Meguru") seems to have abandoned everything altogether. The source's pixiv member is gone. Looks like at some point they also had a Twitter @Meguru_san but that's gone too. Sadly I can't even find any other work. Only <<|this illustration>> which looks related but is never posted along with this story, which doesn't even have a cover or anything.
Googling in japanese mostly throws another unrelated artist that likes to do Touhou stuff.

btw the collection is mostly captioned [メグる] 先輩の衝動 [進行中]
2021-05-17 01:24:58
>> #420124
crazyman said:

The link doesn't even work.
2019-02-01 03:40:29
>> #302085
So is this how it ends? Kinda sad arriving late at the party and seeing something so great only to find out it's cancelled and the creator disappeared from the internet.
2016-08-08 10:50:06
>> #118749
I hope this hasn't been discontinued
2016-07-12 17:46:30
>> #114117
trembler95 said:
I checked the source and it said the id was either deleted or didn't exist.

So there may be no next part :(

2016-05-24 07:42:45
>> #105700
Kansattica said:
Whatever you do, don't think of their nostrils as a mustache.

2016-04-17 02:49:07
>> #99414
I want more of this c:
2016-04-16 21:16:31
>> #99356
Kansattica said:
Whatever you do, don't think of their nostrils as a mustache.

I compensate by imagining it as part of Rouge's rustler shtick with Applejack's hat.
2016-04-16 20:07:16
>> #99349
Flutterbat should fight her.
2016-04-16 09:10:57
>> #99307
Kansattica said:
Whatever you do, don't think of their nostrils as a mustache.

To late
2021-08-26 04:56:14
>> #434841
boring he not naked
2018-09-03 06:51:39
>> #278964
He put up a good long resistance, but Kaa finally got him again.
2016-04-16 08:11:58
>> #99295
And there's the other one. Good night all!
2016-12-15 06:24:44
>> #144208

Thank you. *button-mashing ensues*
2016-12-13 04:53:09
>> #143700
supersmasher2020 said:
2016-11-28 05:57:12
>> #140559
langtang said:
and all we'll have are shitty minaps!

2016-09-27 07:22:39
>> #127893
Mindwipe said:
One day we'll chase away every artist willing to draw stuff for us. We lost voiceinsight recently too, apparently.

and all we'll have are shitty minaps!
2016-09-04 07:07:53
>> #123623
One day we'll chase away every artist willing to draw stuff for us. We lost voiceinsight recently too, apparently.
2018-03-11 03:56:16
>> #238967
decided to add a character tag cause I'mma add more of this particular Elite. And he's the male dom here.
2017-03-09 22:29:33
>> #160521
2016-04-16 08:31:35
>> #99299
Loving this! Making elites look sexy and hot while keeping (most of) their image.

Keep it up!!
2016-04-16 08:20:03
>> #99297
someguy231 said:
Had this commissioned a long while back when I was a Halo fanboy.

I'm pretty sure this isn't everyone's cup of tea.

And you would be correct sir.
All I can think when I look at this is "what the fuck am I looking at?"
2016-04-16 06:29:41
>> #99286
Had this commissioned a long while back when I was a Halo fanboy.

I'm pretty sure this isn't everyone's cup of tea.
2016-08-20 23:56:27
>> #120606
DrgnmastrAlex said:
*raises his hand*

2016-04-16 11:08:44
>> #99319
*raisins hand* :)
2016-04-16 10:17:33
>> #99313
Whisper said:
*raises hand*

2016-04-16 08:44:33
>> #99302
Also I was right, it was Kara's arm.
2016-04-16 08:43:15
>> #99300
So does anyone else get the feeling that whatever she said to the bunny will be relevant later? Seemed more in-depth than a simple "sleep and forget" command.
2017-06-29 18:35:31
>> #184975
Oh no
A Greninja Attack
2016-04-16 09:09:50
>> #99306
eaglet said:
This looks really good :D

If you're taking suggestions, how about Izayoi from BlazBlue:,_Character_Select_Artwork).png coiled by some tentacles and hypnotized by an eye in a bikini?

Sure thing man, but the eye, is it embedded in the bikini or did you mean shes wearing the bikini and the eye is a part of the tentacles? Also do you want kaa thick tentacles or rope ones like in this image?
2016-04-16 08:44:15
>> #99301
dkraider said:
uh, here is my next drawing. Uh, didn't mean to have that arm up there completely showing it was meant to be partially off screen... um anyway yea. second post. yippee. feel free to criticize or comment. not like i could stop you. I would like to thank everyone though that left a positive comment on my last pic so uh thanks. Also if anyone would like me to draw a specific character to help keep me going just comment who and how that wauly i dont stop drawing. btw this is an OC.

This looks really good :D

If you're taking suggestions, how about Izayoi from BlazBlue:,_Character_Select_Artwork).png coiled by some tentacles and hypnotized by an eye in a bikini?
2016-04-16 04:32:36
>> #99272
uh, here is my next drawing. Uh, didn't mean to have that arm up there completely showing it was meant to be partially off screen... um anyway yea. second post. yippee. feel free to criticize or comment. not like i could stop you. I would like to thank everyone though that left a positive comment on my last pic so uh thanks. Also if anyone would like me to draw a specific character to help keep me going just comment who and how that wauly i dont stop drawing. btw this is an OC.

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