2016-04-15 03:56:25
>> #99128
dark_phoenix said:
I think they are dragons, but I can't remember. I know that one of her other characters is a dragon, but I'm not sure about these two (or the other one I posted). Since I'm not sure, I left the species tag out.

I would fix the tags if I knew how but there they are.
2016-04-14 12:25:30
>> #99066
I think they are dragons, but I can't remember. I know that one of her other characters is a dragon, but I'm not sure about these two (or the other one I posted). Since I'm not sure, I left the species tag out.
2016-04-15 10:57:17
>> #99191
Yes, Moar Updates!
2016-04-14 11:10:06
>> #99064
Yeah, finally getting time to work on some art for the game update, for my Nisekoi parody game this month (hopefully this weekend!). This update is gonna add two older women, and with them some ramped up difficulty (a common complaint was that the game was too easy). Here's one of them, Hana Kirisaki, Chitoge's mother.
2016-04-16 14:58:15
>> #99334
Actually the eyes being part of the background seems to subtlety imply a deeper disconnection between body and mind.Very nice.
2016-04-16 13:30:02
>> #99331
hypnofan147 said:
this is a good gif well done man

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

Link said:
also, Crotch rub

Thank you for adding that tag! Much appreciated!
2016-04-15 00:13:13
>> #99090
also, Crotch rub
2016-04-14 10:05:45
>> #99059
this is a good gif well done man
2016-04-14 06:48:26
>> #99041
So I was teaching a few friends how to use Kaa eyes in MMD and I decided to repurpose the eye animation that I used for instruction for this gif.....I didn't even bother to rig the eyes to her head so that's why she doesn't move a lot in this gif. I'm still really happy with how it turned out.

Shaaaanteeeee >/////////<

I bet them tentacles are having a lot of fun in there. O/////O

540 x 960 resolution in the source file.

2016-04-25 13:39:50
>> #100842
Cradily said:
The first time Awake-san wins! =O I'm not sure why, but I find myself rooting for her to win

Everyone loves an underdog.
2016-04-20 05:21:07
>> #99893
Please do a version without the girl playing the Hong and messing everything up
2016-04-16 00:28:57
>> #99239
...Did she actually strike that gong, or just scream "Gong!" very loudly?

'cause that would have been hilarious, I think... ^^
2016-04-15 09:26:48
>> #99179
AHAHAHA. So trolly.

This is, truly a person who has earned hypno-fire works getting thrown at them.
Mister Vi
2016-04-15 06:26:38
>> #99164
Changer said:
The only reasonable response is to start putting triggers into people to make their minds shatter and fall into a deep trance whenever they hear the sound of a gong. ;)

exactly be all like "the sound of the gong clears your mind, the piercing ring it leaves behind keeps any new thoughts from forming" Mwahaha I have foiled awake-san's plans!
2016-04-14 05:10:11
>> #99014
Spirals said:
Does his dick have an underbelly? >.>

Ribbed for her pleasure.
2016-04-14 04:06:28
>> #99007
Does his dick have an underbelly? >.>
2016-05-07 06:44:29
>> #102659
People are less suspicious of a married man, it makes it much easier to collect more for your mind-controlled harem.
2016-04-17 21:26:49
>> #99544
Either you bind the girl with hypnosis, or bind her with marriage, but why cumulating like that?
2016-04-14 05:47:07
>> #99020
Baka21 said:
You are supposed to tag yourself as the manipper when you manip

2016-04-14 02:39:54
>> #98998
You can tag yourself as the manipper
2016-04-14 02:31:30
>> #98997
Back again. Working on eyes and glow effects. Also practicing to be a world renowned author and sell millions of books and be rich.
2016-04-14 04:58:02
>> #99011
Love it, but the progression feels off. I know from the other one she's supposed to be asleep at the end, but the frame chosen looks a bit more like resistance. I'd flip the last two frames, especially in the textless version.
2016-04-14 02:08:09
>> #98996
Textless version of my previous pic
2016-04-14 01:58:59
>> #98994
A little weird, but the series is well drawn and there's a strong enough connection to mind shenanigans.

2016-04-14 00:58:21
>> #98988
I think this trick require the victim to be asleep at the time of execution :p
2016-12-01 23:55:50
>> #141282
I like how her drool defies gravity
2016-04-16 10:22:17
>> #99315
ghost13 said:
It's the main character's nick/name.

It's his real first name.
2016-04-15 02:27:15
>> #99111
builder396 said:
Id just like to know what "Hachiman" is supposed to mean.

It's the main character's nick/name.
2016-04-15 01:42:39
>> #99107
Id just like to know what "Hachiman" is supposed to mean.
2016-04-13 22:54:28
>> #98978
A small piece from one of the more memorable anime series that I've watched (Yukino from oregairu).

My first caption, so I would appreciate critique.
The whole red line thing was a kind of last minute idea, I feel like it's sort of cheesy and could have executed it better.

Help with tags would be appreciated, I'm not too up to speed on how the booru system works.

Also I was wondering, since this is the first SNAFU post, what the title tag should be, considering the variety of names this show has.

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