2016-04-12 09:26:22
>> #98701
Vanndril said:
Regarding the flagging: the eyes are actually not flat color, though it's a wee bit hard to see the contrast between the two colors used.

yuiADDpower, I recommend you learn to use the smudge tool in your image editing software (if it has one), as I mentioned in the comments for Post #35600. For this image, you could use the smudge tool to clean up those visible brush strokes throughout the eyes.

The brush strokes are barely visible at 100% zoom, though, so it's not too big a deal. Still, cleaning up empty eyes with the smudge tool is a good habit to get into.

I'll try thanks I'm still trying to get it just right but thanks for the help :)
2016-04-12 05:54:34
>> #98670
Regarding the flagging: the eyes are actually not flat color, though it's a wee bit hard to see the contrast between the two colors used.

yuiADDpower, I recommend you learn to use the smudge tool in your image editing software (if it has one), as I mentioned in the comments for Post #35600. For this image, you could use the smudge tool to clean up those visible brush strokes throughout the eyes.

The brush strokes are barely visible at 100% zoom, though, so it's not too big a deal. Still, cleaning up empty eyes with the smudge tool is a good habit to get into.
2016-04-12 00:33:21
>> #98615
I thought she had little hearts in her eyes, but larger version show that it's just brush traces.
2016-04-11 23:52:23
>> #98613
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Don't know where that's from...

It's from Star vs. The Forces of Evil
2016-04-11 23:12:58
>> #98606

Don't know where that's from...
2020-05-23 06:18:50
>> #370676
Monad said:
My favourite girl from Fates. This is awesome.

Would someone be willing to add a story to this pic?

I could if you want me to, unless someone already did
2016-04-12 07:42:06
>> #98690
We've got trouble.
2016-04-11 10:39:39
>> #98535
composer said:
There needs to be a tag to separate this Felicia and the Darkstalkers one.

I'm new and I don't know how to separate the tags or make new ones
2016-04-11 10:38:57
>> #98534
There needs to be a tag to separate this Felicia and the Darkstalkers one.
2016-04-11 09:53:41
>> #98531
My favourite girl from Fates. This is awesome.

Would someone be willing to add a story to this pic?
2016-04-11 09:46:23
>> #98530
Myuk said:
btw, i haven't forgotten about your request. i'm just having trouble keeping up with other things.

That do not worry, take your time! :)
2016-04-11 09:05:06
>> #98529
The "Nightmare" is here :v
2016-04-11 09:04:51
>> #98528
btw, i haven't forgotten about your request. i'm just having trouble keeping up with other things.
2016-04-12 00:59:04
>> #98617
This is really good. Her expression is just beautiful. Congrats
2016-04-11 07:41:29
>> #98519
2nd post ~ took long enough
2016-04-14 09:11:20
>> #99056
Riakadaa said:
How about a Zeppelin, customised to store and launch aircraft?

We're gonna need a bigger boop.
2016-04-12 20:12:01
>> #98751
Riakadaa said:
How about a Zeppelin, customised to store and launch aircraft?

Oh, the goomanity.
2016-04-12 13:54:12
>> #98724
Kansattica said:
They can be mostly whatever you want.

How about a Zeppelin, customised to store and launch aircraft?
2016-04-11 19:46:43
>> #98587
hypnofan147 said:
seems like a fun slime can she possess some one too?

To a degree. But her mind works differently than a human mind, so it's hard for her to control a flesh and blood body in the same way that a human would. It'd be jerky and uncoordinated.
2016-04-11 18:32:22
>> #98582
ffvi1994 said:
i feel things about this, good things

As do I, slime girls only yield good times.
2016-04-20 04:35:22
>> #99891
Now that the new Jungle Book film came out, there is probably going to be another KaaPlosion.
And I'm perfectly happy about that. I trust in this.
2016-04-11 04:19:22
>> #98508
This is by far my favorite thing that I've seen here all april.
2016-04-11 05:20:14
>> #98516
So cute! and yay underboob *giggles*
2016-04-11 05:00:12
>> #98511
JamesF said:

<<|Tsk! Tsk!>>
2016-04-11 04:41:54
>> #98510
2016-04-11 03:52:10
>> #98501
KrackoDude said:
You did an amazing job on her. Thank you so much! She's super cute!!

No problem Buddy!
2016-04-11 03:50:41
>> #98500
You did an amazing job on her. Thank you so much! She's super cute!!
2016-06-04 05:22:19
>> #107537
Absolutely beautiful. This is pure joy.
2016-04-16 02:59:11
>> #99257
gif bigger than some video files.
saved it anyways.
2016-04-11 15:03:58
>> #98559
This is too awesome! Ah if only her eyes actually closed...... ^_^
*hint hint*
2016-04-11 03:41:59
>> #98496
plsignore said:
What you might do instead is make a smaller (like, 4 MB or less) gif or still image, then post a link in the comments to a fullsize webm or video you've uploaded elsewhere.

That's a great idea! Thank you so much!

2016-04-11 03:34:03
>> #98493
KrackoDude said:
Thank you! I'm glad you like it.

I'll make sure to upload smaller gifs next time. I have a feeling utility is better than aesthetic presentation in this kind of situation.

What you might do instead is make a smaller (like, 4 MB or less) gif or still image, then post a link in the comments to a fullsize webm or video you've uploaded elsewhere.
2016-04-12 03:43:37
>> #98645
Nazwa said:
I listed only positive options.

That is a VERY positive option.
2016-04-11 23:30:54
>> #98608
Shinitra said:

Option F - Use drug on self. Allow Joyce to break. All is well. She looks like she's having fun anyway.

I listed only positive options.
2016-04-11 21:43:43
>> #98593
She's at foot level, just kick her in the head.

[Honestly, I think either way she's outta luck. Taking out Nebura is definitely necessary because that possession power is too dangerous, but since she can turn into smoke and all, hitting/restraining her is kind of an issue. And I feel like Sasha must be pretty formidable too even though we've only seen her directing things right now, so trying to use her as a hostage is no good either >>; tl;dr if Sasha spirited me away I'd probably just give up and try to enjoy it.]
2016-04-11 21:10:48
>> #98589

Nazwa said:
Honestly. Situation - interesting. However...

option a: use drug on bunny, free Joyce
option b: use drug on joyce
option c: take bunny out of it without drug, free Joyce. How hard would it be to fake orders?
option d: take care of villains, get Febe to help with freeing Joyce
option e: take care of villains, get Inma to help with freeing Joyce...

Option F - Use drug on self. Allow Joyce to break. All is well. She looks like she's having fun anyway.
2016-04-11 14:24:33
>> #98555
Honestly. Situation - interesting. However...

option a: use drug on bunny, free Joyce
option b: use drug on joyce
option c: take bunny out of it without drug, free Joyce. How hard would it be to fake orders?
option d: take care of villains, get Febe to help with freeing Joyce
option e: take care of villains, get Inma to help with freeing Joyce...
2017-02-20 05:56:01
>> #157350
Anon_3.141 said:
I meant for it to be truely backwards, (both the words themselves, and their ordering). And now that I'm looking at my 6 month old comment, I'm noticing that the exclamation point is on the wrong end for true backwardsness, and that the wrong letter is capitalized. I should've capitalized the z in annataz instead of the "first" f in ffo, and put the exclamation point in front of said f.

When it comes to Zatanna, authors change how her spells work all the time. Sometimes its completely backwards like "yob ylrig a si annataZ!" other times they're like they are in this pic..and sometimes the capitolization and punctuation is still in the correct places with just the words or sentence backwards.
2017-02-10 23:55:59
>> #155520
Duskydusk said:
Actually Zatanna's spells do work like that, it's not a direct mirroring, each word is reversed as she goes. If she'd done it like that it wouldn't have worked

I meant for it to be truely backwards, (both the words themselves, and their ordering). And now that I'm looking at my 6 month old comment, I'm noticing that the exclamation point is on the wrong end for true backwardsness, and that the wrong letter is capitalized. I should've capitalized the z in annataz instead of the "first" f in ffo, and put the exclamation point in front of said f.
2017-02-10 16:25:53
>> #155458
Anon_3.141 said:
It should have said:
Ffo gnikrej pots t'nac dna yob ylrig a si annataz!

Actually Zatanna's spells do work like that, it's not a direct mirroring, each word is reversed as she goes. If she'd done it like that it wouldn't have worked
2016-08-21 12:12:46
>> #120719
anazron said:
It really fucked with me that the words were backwards but the order of them weren't.

It should have said:
Ffo gnikrej pots t'nac dna yob ylrig a si annataz!
2016-04-11 10:52:19
>> #98537
I guess I had no issue because I've practiced reading backwards for fun.

For anyone who's having to hard of a time reading that it says

"Zatanna is a girly boy and can't stop jerking off."

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