2019-03-12 10:41:01
>> #308633
Disney you done fucked it up. These versions of Elsa especially look way better than the actual ones in the movie
2017-12-08 17:08:09
>> #217975
99% sure he copied and flipped the bodies BUT Anna and Elsa are now hypnotized so who cares?
2016-04-29 16:33:31
>> #101397
Princesses turned naked slaves. Nice.
2016-04-15 00:56:16
>> #99099
Holy crap it's like every image HME comments on becomes a warzone or something
2016-04-14 08:46:49
>> #99054
I want one.
2019-01-29 00:51:45
>> #301472

link no longer works ie there new link?
2016-04-11 00:52:16
>> #98475
Yo that was amazing art keep going and don't stap this art work
2016-04-11 00:13:57
>> #98459
I've had these past two futa pics and the Fly Me to the Moon comic for awhile since someone posted to 4chan. Now someone is really leaking a lot of stuff onto 8ch. Though idk Jimryu is the artist that has to most art posted here and is great advertisement for him. Plus idk how Jimryu handles the selling anymore thought he just moved away from selling to everyone and just people who are close to him. We should wait to see how things play out but considering they are out now and we have a ton of his old pay comics on here idk what's the problem since now everyone will have them now anyway. Though best approach is to just to wait and see.
2016-04-10 23:28:29
>> #98441
I didnt think Jimryu did dickgirls as that was never his thing (I know as I've tried to ask for Ashley Ketchum in the past but he does not even go for the Gender Bender stuff bar the odd Ranko.) but I guess if it pays...
2016-04-10 22:07:13
>> #98435
bellchan said:
Ah yes. The old "draw one model and copy paste stretch/skew it to look like another figure" technique. I will freely admit a lot of my dislike of Jimryu is pure envy that he is able to make so damn much money from doing so very little work. It feels like a kick in the teeth every time I see stuff like this.

Honestly, this. He's basically the Tim Buckley of hypnoporn.
2016-04-11 22:57:41
>> #98603
Ogodei-Khan said:
Want to say this is heart eyes AND empty eyes, despite the two usually being mutually exclusive.

Empty eyes is just lacking the shine/reflection, isn't it? I've been tagging mine with both since forever ._.
2016-04-10 20:08:35
>> #98407
Want to say this is heart eyes AND empty eyes, despite the two usually being mutually exclusive.
2020-10-11 19:07:21
>> #389670
again FUTA ruins a good picture MEH
2017-01-06 23:43:17
>> #148704
StepfordCrimson said:
Wow Sabrina, there's dick moves, and then there's DICK moves.

When this is over, i'd be surprised if their dicks move
2016-04-11 08:55:03
>> #98526
2016-04-11 04:02:44
>> #98504
pokemongirl said:
I have to fav cause dawn but idk those cocks look off to me *shrugs*

Dawn dose look preety good in this i gotta agree
2016-04-11 02:11:10
>> #98483
Is Sabrina a futa too though?
2016-04-20 12:32:28
>> #99953
Dantus said:
Well, it's not like private Jimryu stuff hasn't been uploaded here in the past and most of those comics can no longer be bought (with Jim only selling tiny numbers like a limit of 50 per pack) and if he so wishes Jim can send the Mods a message to put the stuff he doesn't want here on the DNP list.

He hasn't ever vetoed anything on here so I doubt it troubles him much. People already bought his time exclusive comic packs back when he was selling them.

Can you post it?
2016-04-13 02:16:43
>> #98815
And it never got posted the whole comic
2016-04-11 03:58:36
>> #98503
Disastermaster55 said:
Jim seems pretty chill with people posting his art. I just wish people would put it up more often.

>747 pics

Also, from the thumbnail, I at first read "Fly me" as "Hymen".
2016-04-11 03:56:08
>> #98502
Hypno Hammer said:
might not be a good idea. I mean, unless you want all the jimryu stuff on here taken off

Jim seems pretty chill with people posting his art. I just wish people would put it up more often.
2016-04-11 00:41:11
>> #98470
he switched the 'i' and 'y' in Cynthia's name, 0/10 would not 'bate. (jk ^^)
2020-04-30 17:44:28
>> #366886
2016-08-31 14:09:41
>> #122892
Mmmm... delicious youngcub Korra...
2016-04-11 08:35:04
>> #98523
So freaking good
2016-04-11 04:16:09
>> #98507

Thanks for the treasure! :v
2016-04-11 03:48:32
>> #98498
Disastermaster55 said:
This is the best leak since the fappening.

2016-04-11 14:23:20
>> #98554
DouDile said:
I do not like much to criticize but can not keep what I have to say, I understand that image editors cost them a long time to make an image with hypnosis.
Even if it is an animation will take a long time, but in my opinion ... I think this image does not need to be edited, in my personal the image is perfect without being edited, excuse me but I think I overdid a bit on the effect eye in my opinion.
Do not put this comment to generate a fight with you or with anyone else, I will not be the best editing images and adding effects on the eyes, but I recognize the efforts of manippers. ;^)

I can understand you don't want to start a fight. I myself feel the same way in life. Which is why I'm only going to say that I originally wanted it to be like how it is in THIS image and nothing more.

The geass sigils look alot more well done in that post, which is why I wanted to remake this one.
2016-04-11 03:26:12
>> #98491
I do not like much to criticize but can not keep what I have to say, I understand that image editors cost them a long time to make an image with hypnosis.
Even if it is an animation will take a long time, but in my opinion ... I think this image does not need to be edited, in my personal the image is perfect without being edited, excuse me but I think I overdid a bit on the effect eye in my opinion.
Do not put this comment to generate a fight with you or with anyone else, I will not be the best editing images and adding effects on the eyes, but I recognize the efforts of manippers. ;^)
2016-04-10 21:18:19
>> #98425
waverun said:
If you look closely you'll see that the geass sigils in Lelouch's eyes are aligned with his pupils, and are much more bright. And the dark edges around the geass sigil in his left eye are gone.

Now I cannot unsee it *faves the updated version* ^^
2016-04-10 20:02:42
>> #98404
Morgoth said:
Still nice, but where is the difference to ?

If you look closely you'll see that the geass sigils in Lelouch's eyes are aligned with his pupils, and are much more bright. And the dark edges around the geass sigil in his left eye are gone.
2016-04-10 19:54:25
>> #98401
Still nice, but where is the difference to ?
2016-04-10 18:41:56
>> #98390
Nice! Only tip I could give is maybe blur the eye "shines" a bit. They look a bit solid and jaggy

Looking good though. Keep it up!
2016-04-10 18:02:50
>> #98388
Just a quick manip for practising spiral eyes, I'm trying to make them look smoother and more natural.
2016-04-12 21:41:34
>> #98765
Mezzberry said:
This is probably the thing that irks me the most about doing hypno art, to be quite honest: the fact that this fantasy expectation of hypno eye effects is more often than not in direct contradiction to real hypnotic eyes (i.e. dilated pupils and watery / glossy eyes).

Yeah... Pop culture is what pop culture is, though. You can safely blame anime for the way people expect hypnosis/MC empty eyes to look. And mostly western cartoons for colorful spirals. XD

The problem with real empty eyes is that it's barely distinguishable from a normal look in most drawn media. I think that's why people were drawn to the obvious symbolism of MC introduced by anime empty eyes, and other incredibly obvious signs like spirals, heart eyes, glowing eyes, whitewashed eyes, etc.
2016-04-12 06:28:06
>> #98681
Mindwipe said:
Not arguing against the pic, because I think it should stay, but her eyes aren't empty. There's still normal light reflected in them. I wish it was easier to see the swirl in her eyes that you mentioned. I can kinda see it now, but I didn't notice until you mentioned it.

This is probably the thing that irks me the most about doing hypno art, to be quite honest: the fact that this fantasy expectation of hypno eye effects is more often than not in direct contradiction to real hypnotic eyes (i.e. dilated pupils and watery / glossy eyes).
2016-04-12 06:16:53
>> #98679
Mezzberry said:
She has empty eyes.

Well, actually... Mindwipe said it all. Empty eyes, at least as pop culture symbolism of MC, are when the eyes don't reflect white light, resulting in a gradient of eye color that's uninterrupted by those little white-light reflective spots.

Mezzberry said:
They even have little tiny one-turn swirls in them.

I sort of saw those, but wasn't sure if that was just part of the eye design or a spiral. Knowing it's a one-turn spiral does help.

Mezzberry said:
The lightning in the background is also supposed to be a direct result of the brain-scrambling magical lightning wielded by Davey's new OC (that's his lightning-heart symbol around her neck and on her venus mound), but of course that's not obvious in the picture.

Nice to have a little background on that, nonetheless. Gives context. :D

Mezzberry said:
[...] you might notice that the color of her eyes isn't found anywhere else on her body, her outfit, or pretty much anywhere else in the pic save the pink lightning in the background.

Which, considering what you explained about the lightning, would imply MC. Which means I didn't imagine the slight glow to the eyes I thought I might have been seeing, which I went looking for after I saw the tag. Which would be a symbol of MC.

Alright. All in all, with the context we now have, I'd say we're good to go. I'll remove the flag.

Mezzberry said:
For once I didn't post one of my works poster-sized because - here's the kicker - it never felt like people noticed the tiny details I worked into my pieces, so I stopped putting so much effort into them.

That's rather ironic, huh? :P Those tiny details are exactly the kinds of things I tend to end up looking at to determine whether an image is visibly MC or not, if the MC is not immediately apparent.

Anyway, glad we could work this out and keep the image. I love harem dancer outfits, and this image has an epic one. :3
2016-04-12 06:02:59
>> #98674
Mezzberry said:
She has empty eyes. They even have little tiny one-turn swirls in them. For once I didn't post one of my works poster-sized because - here's the kicker - it never felt like people noticed the tiny details I worked into my pieces, so I stopped putting so much effort into them. The lightning in the background is also supposed to be a direct result of the brain-scrambling magical lightning wielded by Davey's new OC (that's his lightning-heart symbol around her neck and on her venus mound), but of course that's not obvious in the picture.

Not arguing against the pic, because I think it should stay, but her eyes aren't empty. There's still normal light reflected in them. I wish it was easier to see the swirl in her eyes that you mentioned. I can kinda see it now, but I didn't notice until you mentioned it.
2016-04-12 05:58:01
>> #98671
She has empty eyes. They even have little tiny one-turn swirls in them. For once I didn't post one of my works poster-sized because - here's the kicker - it never felt like people noticed the tiny details I worked into my pieces, so I stopped putting so much effort into them. The lightning in the background is also supposed to be a direct result of the brain-scrambling magical lightning wielded by Davey's new OC (that's his lightning-heart symbol around her neck and on her venus mound), but of course that's not obvious in the picture.

And if you're thinking to yourself 'well I don't know what her regular eyes look like,' you might notice that the color of her eyes isn't found anywhere else on her body, her outfit, or pretty much anywhere else in the pic save the pink lightning in the background.
2016-04-12 13:26:37
>> #98723
D.Ripley said:
Oh really? I thought I read over all the rules before posting, but I don't remember reading that. Can you tell me how I get permission? If necessary, I have no problem removing the tag — I don't want to rock the boat here.

I'm not on the Forums that often but I think there's a forum. If not try contacting them directly. Vanndril is the one in charge as of this moment.
2016-04-11 14:55:50
>> #98557
EoD said:
Hate to break it to the both of ya, but you need a mod or admin's permission to create new tags that aren't lifted from another booru.

Oh really? I thought I read over all the rules before posting, but I don't remember reading that. Can you tell me how I get permission? If necessary, I have no problem removing the tag — I don't want to rock the boat here.
2016-04-11 12:09:55
>> #98545
BlazeBitz said:
I think I like this new "induced homosexuality" tag...

D.Ripley said:
Thank you! I hope more contributors catch on to it :)

Hate to break it to the both of ya, but you need a mod or admin's permission to create new tags that aren't lifted from another booru.
2016-04-10 22:00:10
>> #98434
Zko said:
Image source?

I have no idea :) I found the image on the @AceYuriNSFWBot twitter account.

BlazeBitz said:
I think I like this new "induced homosexuality" tag...

Thank you! I hope more contributors catch on to it :)
2016-04-10 20:23:44
>> #98411
I think I like this new "induced homosexuality" tag...

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