2016-04-10 18:41:56
>> #98390
Nice! Only tip I could give is maybe blur the eye "shines" a bit. They look a bit solid and jaggy

Looking good though. Keep it up!
2016-04-10 18:02:50
>> #98388
Just a quick manip for practising spiral eyes, I'm trying to make them look smoother and more natural.
2016-04-12 21:41:34
>> #98765
Mezzberry said:
This is probably the thing that irks me the most about doing hypno art, to be quite honest: the fact that this fantasy expectation of hypno eye effects is more often than not in direct contradiction to real hypnotic eyes (i.e. dilated pupils and watery / glossy eyes).

Yeah... Pop culture is what pop culture is, though. You can safely blame anime for the way people expect hypnosis/MC empty eyes to look. And mostly western cartoons for colorful spirals. XD

The problem with real empty eyes is that it's barely distinguishable from a normal look in most drawn media. I think that's why people were drawn to the obvious symbolism of MC introduced by anime empty eyes, and other incredibly obvious signs like spirals, heart eyes, glowing eyes, whitewashed eyes, etc.
2016-04-12 06:28:06
>> #98681
Mindwipe said:
Not arguing against the pic, because I think it should stay, but her eyes aren't empty. There's still normal light reflected in them. I wish it was easier to see the swirl in her eyes that you mentioned. I can kinda see it now, but I didn't notice until you mentioned it.

This is probably the thing that irks me the most about doing hypno art, to be quite honest: the fact that this fantasy expectation of hypno eye effects is more often than not in direct contradiction to real hypnotic eyes (i.e. dilated pupils and watery / glossy eyes).
2016-04-12 06:16:53
>> #98679
Mezzberry said:
She has empty eyes.

Well, actually... Mindwipe said it all. Empty eyes, at least as pop culture symbolism of MC, are when the eyes don't reflect white light, resulting in a gradient of eye color that's uninterrupted by those little white-light reflective spots.

Mezzberry said:
They even have little tiny one-turn swirls in them.

I sort of saw those, but wasn't sure if that was just part of the eye design or a spiral. Knowing it's a one-turn spiral does help.

Mezzberry said:
The lightning in the background is also supposed to be a direct result of the brain-scrambling magical lightning wielded by Davey's new OC (that's his lightning-heart symbol around her neck and on her venus mound), but of course that's not obvious in the picture.

Nice to have a little background on that, nonetheless. Gives context. :D

Mezzberry said:
[...] you might notice that the color of her eyes isn't found anywhere else on her body, her outfit, or pretty much anywhere else in the pic save the pink lightning in the background.

Which, considering what you explained about the lightning, would imply MC. Which means I didn't imagine the slight glow to the eyes I thought I might have been seeing, which I went looking for after I saw the tag. Which would be a symbol of MC.

Alright. All in all, with the context we now have, I'd say we're good to go. I'll remove the flag.

Mezzberry said:
For once I didn't post one of my works poster-sized because - here's the kicker - it never felt like people noticed the tiny details I worked into my pieces, so I stopped putting so much effort into them.

That's rather ironic, huh? :P Those tiny details are exactly the kinds of things I tend to end up looking at to determine whether an image is visibly MC or not, if the MC is not immediately apparent.

Anyway, glad we could work this out and keep the image. I love harem dancer outfits, and this image has an epic one. :3
2016-04-12 06:02:59
>> #98674
Mezzberry said:
She has empty eyes. They even have little tiny one-turn swirls in them. For once I didn't post one of my works poster-sized because - here's the kicker - it never felt like people noticed the tiny details I worked into my pieces, so I stopped putting so much effort into them. The lightning in the background is also supposed to be a direct result of the brain-scrambling magical lightning wielded by Davey's new OC (that's his lightning-heart symbol around her neck and on her venus mound), but of course that's not obvious in the picture.

Not arguing against the pic, because I think it should stay, but her eyes aren't empty. There's still normal light reflected in them. I wish it was easier to see the swirl in her eyes that you mentioned. I can kinda see it now, but I didn't notice until you mentioned it.
2016-04-12 05:58:01
>> #98671
She has empty eyes. They even have little tiny one-turn swirls in them. For once I didn't post one of my works poster-sized because - here's the kicker - it never felt like people noticed the tiny details I worked into my pieces, so I stopped putting so much effort into them. The lightning in the background is also supposed to be a direct result of the brain-scrambling magical lightning wielded by Davey's new OC (that's his lightning-heart symbol around her neck and on her venus mound), but of course that's not obvious in the picture.

And if you're thinking to yourself 'well I don't know what her regular eyes look like,' you might notice that the color of her eyes isn't found anywhere else on her body, her outfit, or pretty much anywhere else in the pic save the pink lightning in the background.
2016-04-12 13:26:37
>> #98723
D.Ripley said:
Oh really? I thought I read over all the rules before posting, but I don't remember reading that. Can you tell me how I get permission? If necessary, I have no problem removing the tag — I don't want to rock the boat here.

I'm not on the Forums that often but I think there's a forum. If not try contacting them directly. Vanndril is the one in charge as of this moment.
2016-04-11 14:55:50
>> #98557
EoD said:
Hate to break it to the both of ya, but you need a mod or admin's permission to create new tags that aren't lifted from another booru.

Oh really? I thought I read over all the rules before posting, but I don't remember reading that. Can you tell me how I get permission? If necessary, I have no problem removing the tag — I don't want to rock the boat here.
2016-04-11 12:09:55
>> #98545
BlazeBitz said:
I think I like this new "induced homosexuality" tag...

D.Ripley said:
Thank you! I hope more contributors catch on to it :)

Hate to break it to the both of ya, but you need a mod or admin's permission to create new tags that aren't lifted from another booru.
2016-04-10 22:00:10
>> #98434
Zko said:
Image source?

I have no idea :) I found the image on the @AceYuriNSFWBot twitter account.

BlazeBitz said:
I think I like this new "induced homosexuality" tag...

Thank you! I hope more contributors catch on to it :)
2016-04-10 20:23:44
>> #98411
I think I like this new "induced homosexuality" tag...
2017-06-29 04:56:42
>> #184891
And the bunny girl returns
2016-04-10 19:09:46
>> #98392
Myuk said:
i have no clue why


2016-04-10 15:31:41
>> #98380
rocketracer294 said:
Myuk, why do you keep miss-tagging as The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy?

i have no clue why
2016-04-10 10:32:34
>> #98366
Myuk, why do you keep miss-tagging as The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy?
2016-04-10 08:55:38
>> #98360
...this is good.
Date Apr 9, 2016User 112947Rating QuestionableScore 35(vote up)
2016-04-10 08:41:36
>> #98357
Yay for more She-ra!!
Date Apr 9, 2016User 112947Rating QuestionableScore 29(vote up)
2016-04-10 08:56:07
>> #98361
2016-04-10 08:22:33
>> #98356
Nice post, looking forward to more.
2016-04-10 09:32:30
>> #98364
pokemongirl said:
Loving this character though is she a NPC for events or as an actual villager?

Actual villiager, very rare
2016-04-10 07:46:16
>> #98353
For some reason, this looks cute to me. Could be the zombie walking.

Yeah, it's the zombie walking.
2016-04-10 07:24:21
>> #98352
Loving this character though is she a NPC for events or as an actual villager?
2016-04-10 07:21:43
>> #98349
Myuk said:
wooooooooow, this looks pretty nice ^^
Thanks, Zatara!

T wT

thanks to you for your part
2016-04-10 07:19:30
>> #98348
my half of the art trade with myuk
I hope you enjoy it..
2016-04-10 07:17:56
>> #98347
wooooooooow, this looks pretty nice ^^
Thanks, Zatara!
2019-05-14 09:15:47
>> #318415
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Dunno if theyre even still active here.

Oh... well, I just thought it'd be polite to ask permission first. If they aren't, they aren't. But either way, I'll still give credit to them as the OCs' creator.
2019-05-13 11:15:22
>> #318277
nasteegryphon said:
These characters are so cute! Would you mind if I did fanart of them at all?

Dunno if theyre even still active here.
2019-05-13 11:01:44
>> #318274
These characters are so cute! Would you mind if I did fanart of them at all?
2016-04-10 17:12:36
>> #98386
anon9 said:
Purse made of nagaskin though.

Naga skin? That stuff is kinda expensive, so the girl would have to be rich to walk around with one. Also, pretty stupid, considering that would probably anger all the nagas and scaled monstergirls that encountered her. X3
2016-04-10 07:21:50
>> #98350
sergit said:
Little by little, the human girl begins to feel drawn towards those glowing, green eyes. Thinking begins to get harder than ever. Her expression softens, as her mouth becomes a carefree smile and her eyes are filled with green light. A blush appears on her face.

The Naga tests the girl's consciousness, asking her questions and teasing her. The girl can no longer resist her advances. The Naga happily laughs and coils around her prey's body.


Suddenly, PLOT TWIST! The Naga was after the human girl's purse all along! She grabs the purse with her tail, and the girl doesn't even notice, becauseshe's too busy being hypnotized.

After a while, the Naga uncoils herself form the girl and lets her go...


She eats her. The girl goes down into the sneaky predator's throat. She never saw it coming. Now, the Naga returns to her cave with a full belly AND a new purse! :D

Purse made of nagaskin though.
2016-04-10 06:27:54
>> #98338
Once she gets the girl's attention, the Naga asks the girl to look at her eyes. The girl, unaware of the Naga's plan, does as she's asked.

The girl doesn't seem to be affected by the eyes, but it's alright. The Naga knows that the trick works better the closer she is to her prey. She drags her long body closer to the girl, who stares at her slightly suspicious, wondering what the Naga wants from her.

The Naga stares back at her, and with soft words, she convinces the girl to keep looking at her.

The green eyes of the Naga release a pale, green glow that seems to grow brighter the longer the girl stares at them.

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