2016-04-11 10:50:10
>> #98536
i like how she's still trying to fight it even though if the hypnosis dosnt work at this point the coils will <3
2016-04-09 04:16:46
>> #98140
2016-04-08 08:33:59
>> #97977
It's finished! It came out nice. ^^
2016-04-08 07:49:50
>> #97971
Snootboop said:
My favourite part of coils is always the neck one. squeezesqueeze


I wish more snake/coil artists emphasized the gulp-squeeze.... Yes I have VERY specific tastes.
2016-04-08 04:36:36
>> #97946
oh my god this looks good

you're really improving PenKen
2016-07-04 23:18:44
>> #112753
Gale should totally possess Ara. Her body looks like fun!
2016-04-08 20:21:40
>> #98050
Anno1404 said:
We need more Gale! :o
Maybe with Crystal or Hypnotan?

hypnofan147 said:

i would enjoy seeing that is there any way we can Pyro?

We may or may not have something in the works.
2016-04-08 09:23:15
>> #97985
Anno1404 said:
We need more Gale! :o
Maybe with Crystal or Hypnotan?

i would enjoy seeing that is there any way we can Pyro?
2016-04-08 05:46:56
>> #97958
We need more Gale! :o
Maybe with Crystal or Hypnotan?
2016-04-08 03:49:31
>> #97931
ChefPyro said:
Gale has some fun with Ara. Just gals being pals, nothing to see here.

Part of an art trade with everybody's favourite daemon.

You did a damn fine job, love it <3
2016-04-09 00:11:32
>> #98098
2016-04-08 17:15:32
>> #98026
Mindwipe said:
We need more pics of Crystal wearing the kitty lingerie set.

I second this.
This Picture is so cute I really like it a lot.
2016-04-08 08:33:36
>> #97976
2016-04-08 03:54:50
>> #97933
Cute :3 I see you are improving, good job Juuzou! :)
2016-04-08 03:40:17
>> #97928
I am really happy with this concept, yeah.
2016-04-08 08:13:23
>> #97972
Amentibus said:
I think you should. Also, did you make this? You should tag the artist too.

I mainly didn't include the artist because he doesn't usually draw hypno art. If you need me to add him anyway, I'll be glad to do it.

As for the Hypnoman tag, I'll go ahead and do that.
2016-04-08 03:56:49
>> #97936
Silver said:
I've been getting a lot of mileage out of my OC Hypnoman..... Should I make a tag for him?

I think you should. Also, did you make this? You should tag the artist too.
2016-04-07 23:32:09
>> #97887
I've been getting a lot of mileage out of my OC Hypnoman..... Should I make a tag for him?
2016-06-30 15:25:51
>> #112064
ghost13 said:
Two things about this comic:

1) does Edge have a thing for Meganeko or hypnotic glasses, because I just noticed his slaves are all glasses wearers.

2) Well at least Edge is nice enough to thank his slaves for obeying him and gives them breaks.

1) Yes. Very yes

2) I try ^^
2016-06-29 11:59:59
>> #111827
Two things about this comic:

1) does Edge have a thing for Meganeko or hypnotic glasses, because I just noticed his slaves are all glasses wearers.

2) Well at least Edge is nice enough to thank his slaves for obeying him and gives them breaks.
2016-04-08 11:29:50
>> #97995
TheSpoon said:
As someone who frequently loses their stylus because it's a replacement unfit for the DSi's stylus slot, I can relate

I'm actually pretty good with my DS stylus. It's my wacom pen/stylus thing that vanishes the moment I put it down

And my glasses go missing because well. When I out them down I can't see well enough to find them!

Sir_Lurksalaot said:
It's all fun and games until someone loses their eyesight.

The eyesight was with you along. Just on top of your head
2016-04-08 03:54:59
>> #97934
It's all fun and games until someone loses their eyesight.
2016-04-08 00:34:25
>> #97893
As someone who frequently loses their stylus because it's a replacement unfit for the DSi's stylus slot, I can relate
2016-04-08 09:28:17
>> #97987
2016-04-07 22:39:19
>> #97880
Niiice. Love this sequence, and that face <3
2016-04-07 22:13:23
>> #97878
2016-04-07 21:45:25
>> #97873
Yo, that last panel though. Holy shit.
2016-04-11 17:45:12
>> #98575
Dantus said:
Too busy shitposting, obviously ;P.

(Also trying to flood the hub with Undertale related comments to nudge Psi into drawing Undertale art. Hope is the last thing that dies they say).

... e.e But then I wouldn't be able to see my own picture. It would be blacklisted!
One thing is practical with undertale fanarts tho: ... they can't be worse than the original e0e
2016-04-11 17:43:51
>> #98573
Evilunicorn said:
And now even zko has succumbed to futa art.
No... NOOOOOOO :'(

Sorry, I'll take the blame for that...
2016-04-11 17:26:36
>> #98570
Dantus said:
Too busy shitposting, obviously ;P.

(Also trying to flood the hub with Undertale related comments to nudge Psi into drawing Undertale art. Hope is the last thing that dies they say).

Hmm. My memories of Psi are correct, this is the part where I get out a small vial and an eye-dropper so that I collect your tears...
2016-04-11 17:09:08
>> #98569
And now even zko has succumbed to futa art.
No... NOOOOOOO :'(
2016-04-10 12:55:47
>> #98370
krystal has always been such a good and obedient girl :)
2016-04-08 08:28:38
>> #97973
Oh my god it's KATIEEE~ (and crystal)!

Myuk said:
I'm so bad at drawing feet :(:(

It's a sign you should draw more feet =P
2016-04-08 05:39:34
>> #97954
Zko said:
YOU MADE THIS WAY TOO FAST FOR ME, and it looks amazing I love everything about it.

Zko: Can you make this pic for me?
Myuk: Here. Done!
Zko: HOW U DO DAT? D:}

but yeah brilliant pic ;P
2016-04-08 03:58:35
>> #97937
Baka21 said:

Read this as #SaveRoxasRightNut and wondered for a good 5 minutes why Kingdom Hearts was being talked about. Then I read up.

Superb pic btw, you're really fast at drawing especially for the quality that comes out.
2016-04-08 01:46:39
>> #97910
wow you draw very fast, I thought you two made the deal about the art trade yesterday and then BOOM this. Myuk, your way too much (in the good sense).
2016-04-07 19:55:18
>> #97859
ZeldaIsHot said:
Can I have it when you cut it off?

jkjk lol
2016-04-08 19:24:13
>> #98048
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
Do the Korra universe contains hypnosis or some sensual related stuff ?

You'd be hard pressed to find even the slightest hint of fetish innuendo, and the show takes great pains to not sexualize its lead character either.

Don't let that dissuade you from watching it though - it's a great show despite its flaws and quickly became one of my all-time favorites shortly after watching it, largely because Korra herself is such a terrific character. Your only real question is whether or not to watch Avatar TLA first. It's perfectly feasible to watch LoK first and not be too much in the dark (I did), but you will end up spoiling a few Avatar plot points.
2016-04-08 18:14:23
>> #98040
zach007 said:
*insert SA2 dialogue here*
2016-04-08 03:17:26
>> #97925
HypnoQueen said:
Is this the water bending and blood bending on show here? :p

Evil tentacles and waterbending, it looks like.
2016-04-08 03:14:53
>> #97923
Is this the water bending and blood bending on show here? :p
2016-04-08 00:33:53
>> #97892
What I wanted to see was Korra become a dark Avatar
2016-04-11 00:22:38
>> #98465
2016-04-10 03:50:39
>> #98315
But it's totally happening though. A lone cheese bug flies towards the castle in the season premier, and the bug guys do appear in quite a few pieces of non-show stories. Like the one where Lyra is Will Smith.
2016-04-10 00:52:45
>> #98286
Pinkanator said:
I'm too busy getting hyped for the return of changelings AKA: Cue the flood of more Chryssi.

Please no. I don't need more angry looking Princess Celestia disappointed at Twilight Sparkle for something she knew was the truth.

Nobody deceives my solar Princess! Not even me!

I nearly wanted to kill Chrysalis the moment I saw what her plan really was and how she did it, when I looked back to Princess Celestia's angry-faced disappointment in Twilight Sparkle when they ALL were being deceived!

Especially since for all we know, Chrysalis is the only changeling that can mind-control other ponies when she steals enough love from a pony while disguised as who they love! I too, hate that part!

Because once your under Chrysalis' mind-control, it doesn't matter to you WHO they are to you or anyone else in the end!
2016-04-08 18:08:47
>> #98036
ffvi1994 said:

plot for eqg 5 confirmed. get hyped for the cross dimensional war.

I'm too busy getting hyped for the return of changelings AKA: Cue the flood of more Chryssi.
Mister Vi
2016-04-08 09:20:38
>> #97984

waverun said:
As much as I like the fact of having Twilight Sparkle, you know, the one from EQUESTRIA, believe the human world to be better than equestria and stay in it with human Rarity for her entire life; I have a good feeling that either Equestria Twilight's PONY Friends, and/or even Princess Celestia, will get worried about her and look for her here. And maybe Princess Celestia will hypnotize human Rarity into not only returning Twilight Sparkle to normal completely, but having Twilight return Sunset Shimmer to normal, and then serving Princess Celestia.

plot for eqg 5 confirmed. get hyped for the cross dimensional war.

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