2016-04-06 08:30:44
>> #97641
greasyi said:
I hate when my birthday dessert is expensive.

2016-04-06 08:26:40
>> #97637
I hate when my birthday desert is expensive.
2016-04-05 16:35:50
>> #97539
Part 1/4

Trisha was a model student. Perfect in every way that mattered to her parents. She never got in trouble, never went out past curfew, and was already being scouted by colleges across the country despite just entering her senior year at Oakwood High School. Teachers loved her and the faculty gave her more leeway and attention than almost anyone else present, especially because of the eventual prestige she would bring them. Never was there a more perfect example of the golden goose when it came to academia.

And the young squirrel was absolutely miserable. Her eighteenth birthday party was a expensive desert at dinner before going upstairs to finish her coursework. She had no real friends and had never been on a date. Every second she wasn't at home was spent keeping up the impossible standards she'd been set to. Yet she still felt like her parents expected more. Teachers wouldn't settle for anything less than absolute excellence from the lofty reputation she'd accumulated.

The truth was that Trisha was just too passive and willing to listen to others. She was smart to be sure, but she could never stand up for herself. Part of her was aware that might prove detrimental to life outside the strictly rigid confines of the public school system.

It was far sooner than she expected when that routine and schedule was shattered into pieces. When a part of her past hopped up to her and gave her an energetic greeting. "What?" Trisha said with a dull, monotone voice she adopted these days. And which, shockingly, got her a bubbly giggle from the chocolate colored doe in front of her.

"You've changed Trish," said the lagomorph dressed like a street walker.

The squirrel's mind was as quick on the uptake as ever, but she was still slack-jawed to realize who this was. "Cindy?" A waggled finger, which made other parts waggle and wiggle in turn, came as the bunny clicked her tongue three times. "Nuh uh. It's Candi." A bright warm smile came. "With an I." Trisha was trying to reconcile the difference between her old friend and this...this...well, she didn't want to say what Cind...err, Candi with an I, looked like right now.

True to her new name, the doe stuck to Trisha the rest of that day and was babbling almost non-stop about every little thing that drifted across her mind. Most of which consisted of fashion tips, wild parties she'd been to, and a dozen other subjects Trisha could do little more than nod along to. Any attempt by the squirrel to talk about deeper subject matter just left Candi with a confused look and a few 'uh huh's which made her let the bunny go back to her comfort zone.

There were a few things which had stuck out for Trisha. Apparently her mother had remarried, her father had taken her out of school for a year, and now she was back to finish up her courses. With considerably more 'like' and 'ya know' and 'oh mai gawd' to fill out the few nuggets of information Trisha had managed to glean from the endless torrent of ideas which flitted out of Candi's pouty lipstick-colored mouth like bubbles.

Despite all that...well, this was longest anyone her own age had spent with her for quite some time. And Candi was genuinely pleasant to be with. She was so happy and eager and energetic. Although she made eyes at every 'cute boy', and more than a few gals, they came across. The few times Candi had asked Trisha if she thought the same about such objects of affection had left the squirrel unable to do much more than deny or politely request that she not suggest a 'grabbing a few' with increasing awkwardness.

For all the awkwardness Candi's looks and mannerisms and desires had brought, Trisha was sad when she school ended. Because her parents would ask her what she did that day. And she'd tell them. Then they'd reprimand her for getting involved with someone like Cindy after getting one look at the rabbit. Last time they'd been happy to see her last "distraction" vanish and leave Trisha without a friend to her name. Such a sour mood was sweetened when Candi grabbed Trisha's hands and began dragging her off in one direction. "Where are we going?" said the squirrel. "To my house!" beamed the bunny as she wiggled her hips down the sidewalk, a pair of pants practically painted on ensuring a steady stream of incidents from those distracted by such a sight.

"But I have to go home," said Trisha, in spite of herself. "It won't take long," replied the bunny. "I have afterschool activities like the debate team and the school council to attend," said Trisha, again cursing herself for putting up so little fight. "Boring~!" sung the lagomorph as she continued to all but kidnap the squirrel. "This will be way more fun Trish." And that was that. Not that Trisha didn't try her best. But whatever clever arguments flew right over Candi's empty head or were deflected through the willful nature of simple people everywhere.

Trisha wasn't doing what she was supposed to. She wasn't following the schedule of her life. No telling how much trouble she'd be in when her parents found out nor the loss of reputation for missing out two vital, or at least that's how Trisha's mother and father would see it, club activities.

For the first time, Trisha was smiling and felt alive.

2016-04-27 15:24:05
>> #101122
I'm getting SCP vibes from this
2016-04-18 02:25:38
>> #99589
The pictures for this series are great, but damn if the story doesn't make my skin crawl.
2016-04-08 19:09:10
>> #98045
Anon123456 said:
here's hoping it's just her neo cortex(analytical/rational/logical center) that decreases, and that things like creativity and language center don't change apart from her new personality making them be used "differently" :P (aka, hoping she doesn't talk like solomon grundy when her intellect diminishes)

Whaaaat? Who would ever do that? >.>;
2016-04-08 18:42:38
>> #98043
here's hoping it's just her neo cortex(analytical/rational/logical center) that decreases, and that things like creativity and language center don't change apart from her new personality making them be used "differently" :P (aka, hoping she doesn't talk like solomon grundy when her intellect diminishes)
2016-04-07 20:51:01
>> #97864
awesomemanftw said:
the series isn't over yet

Orly! Looking forward to the rest. Not sure it'll be my cup of tea by the end but it's interesting so far. :)

Shame she lost the glasses. Though that one stocking falling down is adorable. ^-^
2016-04-05 23:38:57
>> #97574
It's a bad idea to translate artist names. I found the artist's tag on Danbooru and changed it to that.
2016-04-05 16:54:49
>> #97542
Well, the guideline says to limit yourself to ~2 or 3 pictures. If there's a distinct difference, e.g. a whole manga is being posted, I would say 3 is the way to go, but having multiple nearly identical pictures, I'd say 1-2 is sufficient. That's just my opinion though and I won't be argueing about one picture with you - after all, it is a guideline, so I'll leave it at that.

And yes, I consider everything above 3 pictures in a row by the same person to be bulk posting - at least in most cases. We don't really have a hard limitation, but please understand that some artists take time in the 2 digit hour range to create an image, while someone is just reposting stuff from another page with no effort. It's nice to have these on the board as well, but we don't want them to take away too much panels on the first couple of pages.

That and blacklists. People get a little edgy when there's bulk posting of certain stuff that results in them only seeing 3-5 pictures on the first 3 pages of the board. :)
2016-04-05 16:03:23
>> #97537
HypnoMangaEditor said:
There's little need to have 4 pages that almost look the same all shown up on the index. Two pictures are enough, while the other 2 are being hidden. Please look at our Bulk Posting guidelines:

You consider 4 images to be bulk posting? I can agree that there is little need to have them all up but just hiding one should suffice, I'm going to show the other one.
2016-04-05 14:29:59
>> #97531
There's little need to have 4 pages that almost look the same all shown up on the index. Two pictures are enough, while the other 2 are being hidden. Please look at our Bulk Posting guidelines:
2016-04-05 21:53:54
>> #97564
Bloodly said:
She's not Confused, not Charmed, and the main characters are immune to Invite.

So what happened?

It's Hypno-magic :'v
2016-04-05 20:16:07
>> #97556
She's not Confused, not Charmed, and the main characters are immune to Invite.

So what happened?
2016-04-05 09:44:47
>> #97516
Wow...she is so hard to draw for me :'v
2016-04-26 17:18:19
>> #100955
Triple: did anyone else see the voltorb on the visor
2016-04-05 23:29:50
>> #97572
What a lovely table : )
2016-04-05 08:57:15
>> #97509
Her art is much better than I remember.
2016-04-05 08:16:42
>> #97508
ecchime said:
nightmare_fuel tag

I forget it xD.
2016-04-05 08:14:32
>> #97507
nightmare_fuel tag
2016-04-05 08:02:41
>> #97506
Yay! She looks so sexy! :v
2016-04-19 03:55:18
>> #99776
Whisper said:
Lol hypno blowjob
That is cheating >~<

If hypno blowjobs are wrong, I don't wanna be right.
2016-04-05 21:20:41
>> #97561
Lol hypno blowjob
That is cheating >~<
2016-04-05 20:59:03
>> #97560
ChefPyro said:
you had one job, ana

Really though, between that one job, and a blow job, the answer is clear.
2016-04-05 18:38:17
>> #97547
ChefPyro said:
you had one job, ana

2016-04-05 17:25:49
>> #97545
2016-05-31 19:18:56
>> #106982
ArloLab said:
He's a Great Dane, and they're hairless. I'm guessing that's his skin color.

Is that why they look sliver.
2016-05-31 19:18:54
>> #106981
ArloLab said:
He's a Great Dane, and they're hairless. I'm guessing that's his skin color.

Is that why they look sliver.
2016-04-07 05:39:38
>> #97769
Remember to get your pets spayed and neutered.
2016-04-06 08:58:23
>> #97653
Over the last few hours I keep coming back to this picture with more and more fascination something's wrong but I can't figure out what. I'll just keep staring.
2016-04-06 03:28:12
>> #97607
Wait a second I see it now the swinging balls and hypnotic asshole. No wonder the ghost clown was so overwhelmed. I almost think I'm falling too.
2016-04-05 03:20:38
>> #97477
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice~ :D
2016-04-05 02:53:50
>> #97473

That's a great rendition of Liz! Good work~
2016-04-05 02:39:16
>> #97470
ChefPyro said:
exclusive anime tiddy

"tiddy"? Never heard that before lol
2016-04-05 02:26:15
>> #97468
Myuk said:
....As you can see I don't use tumblr at all since I spelled it "tumbler"

I got my start on Tumblr. Deme and I actually post more there than here, because only the hypno-related stuff gets to end up here.
2016-04-05 02:24:43
>> #97467
Myuk said:
I have a tumbler account, but I don't post anything there. The only reason I have it is because plsignore told me I should so I can upload non-hypno related stuff like character designs, but as you can see, I'm doing fine here. Everything I upload is solely on this site.

exclusive anime tiddy
2016-04-05 02:43:19
>> #97472
Fingers crossed that Hypnobazaar's Vexina is next on your list.
2016-04-05 01:36:34
>> #97456
Oh my god Myuk you're so good at drawing man, I wish I could be half as good as you!

I know you probably wont, but I would love to see my character Melody drawed like this, she is supposed to like getting hyonotized X3
2016-04-05 01:18:06
>> #97452
oh mah gawd. This is cute as fuck |D
2016-04-05 01:12:53
>> #97451
PenKen said:

I agree with these points
2016-04-05 01:08:02
>> #97450

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